Strike the First Blow

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Strike the First Blow Page 23

by Tai Baiyang

  ‘Even though there was a deliberate reason behind this, but I also did this to save you. That’s why I stood up against these muscular beasts.

  But now, I can’t believe you’re abandoning your comrade to escape. That is too cruel. How can I let you go?’

  The golden python gradually used its strength while the hissing sound from its mouth was getting clearer and clearer. It warned the mutated wolfdog that if it did not let go, then it was going to take action. However, this made the mutated wolfdog even angrier as it growled loudly at the golden python.

  It could not believe its eye as that big damn dog still had not let go of its tails. Moreover, it felt that the pressure on its body was getting heavier and heavier too, as the mutated wolfdog slowly lost its control.

  The eyes of the golden python gradually turned colder. It knew the actual strength of the mutated wolfdog, so it was not afraid of it. Therefore, it did not make any more noises and was gathering something instead.


  Taken by surprise, the golden python shot two streaks of light blue liquid from its poisonous fangs. It spurted towards the head of the mutated wolfdog with no means of mercy.

  The mutated wolfdog did not expect that this golden python would take action toward its comrade. Fortunately, using its natural keen senses, it saw that the golden python’s mouth suddenly raised to aim at its head. It felt something was wrong and summoned the earth-element to use on its body instantly. Its body was pressed abruptly to the ground at a rapid speed. As a result, it dodged the two rays of venom by a hair’s breadth.

  The moment the mutated wolfdog laid on the ground and wanted to ask the golden python if it wanted to have a battle, a shrill and intense howl sounded behind the wolfdog abruptly.

  Looking at the golden python that was stunned, the mutated wolfdog turned around and was instantly dumbfounded too.

  It turned out that the white fox that the Obsidian Beetle met earlier was going to sneak an attack on the mutated wolfdog when it was quarreling with the golden python. Just now, the mutated wolfdog blocked its vision, so it did not saw the attack of the golden python.

  As a result, these venoms had spattered on its eye, which was the most vulnerable part of the white fox. In an instant, that area was decayed. Blood flowed straight down from the wound, making its face even scarier.

  The speed of decaying increased faster when the blood flowed out. Meanwhile, the white fox was rolling on the ground in pain and sharp squeaks from its mouth gradually traveled through the entire street. It was even louder than the group of chimpanzees' call for help.

  The mutated animal herd at the plaza, which was still anxious initially, quiet down the moment they heard the cries.

  Suddenly, the crowded mutated animals opened a pathway for a creature to walk out from the center of the plaza.

  It was an old white fox!

  Its figure was a little similar to the white fox who was in pain. It was old yet, none of the mutated animals dared to look straight into its eye. Although it had an elegant pace, its eyes were filled with a murderous look.

  This time, they had caused a huge trouble!

  Chapter 174: Wanted

  In the meantime, the mutated wolfdog was still in the dark as it continued to stare at the white fox squirming on the ground blankly. It was wondering if it should stay or escape first.

  For some reason, the chimpanzees that were daunted by the mutated wolfdog’s bluff a moment ago, were running to their direction in a frenzied manner now. Watching this scene, the mutated wolfdog quickly retreated in fear.

  Meanwhile, the golden python had quietly left the place already. A portion of the chimpanzees stayed around the white fox while the remaining dozens of chimpanzees were chasing madly at the mutated wolfdog and the golden python, regardless if the mutated wolfdog was truly powerful.

  Because, that was the great leader's beloved grandchild!

  These chimpanzees knew that they were doom at this moment. Before the arrival of their great leader, if they could kill these two animals on the spot, then there was a possibility that the great leader would not condemn their race. They were afraid of incriminating their kind. Therefore, they summoned their full strength instantly, hoping to catch these two and torn them into pieces right away.

  The mutated wolfdog had confidence in its running speed. In a blink of an eye, it had surpassed the golden python that was gliding on the ground and leaped over its body.

  ‘Oh my, this dog could run surprisingly fast!’

  The moment the golden python was stunned, it also found that the mutated chimpanzees had caught up in an instant, even though they had the same speed earlier.

  A robust hand had firmly grasped its tail, and there was an overwhelming energy smothering it.

  With all its might, the golden python almost struggled itself free from the hand. However, it was paralyzed soon after that.

  Because its body, was already lifted and controlled by a dozen of chimpanzees in midair.

  Looking at the scene, the mutated wolfdog was stunned. During that moment, it was contemplating whether it should leave or rescue the golden python.

  However, in the next second, it dropped the idea that just emerged and immediately fleed the scene.

  Each of those chimpanzees had gripped tightly the part of the golden python that they were responsible. Meanwhile, the strongest chimpanzee was in charge of the golden python's head. Right now, the golden python couldn't open its lower jaw and use its greatest weapon, the venom, as it was incapable of using its strength anymore.

  As though all of them had received a command, the chimpanzees placed the golden python in front of their chest. And the reason that caused the mutated wolfdog to flee the scene immediately was that all of them opened their enormous mouth at the same time and used their large fangs to tear off the flesh of the golden python while it was still alive.

  Dozens of enormous mouth went down at the same time, instantly, the entire body of the golden python loses half of its flesh. Just with a little imagination, you could imagine how bloody the scene was.

  The golden python squirmed madly. However, every inch of its body that could summon strength had been pinned tightly. Coupled with the lack of flesh and blood, the more it struggled, the more powerless it would be. Furthermore, because it was a reptile species, so it did not die at once and was still squirming non-stop.

  The mutated wolfdog would be stupid if it did not fleed away at this moment. As for the idea of saving the golden python, it was not due to its kindness. It was merely afraid that Zhang Mu would blame it for affecting his subsequent plan.

  But with the situation like this, how could it not escape? Running like the wind, it honestly felt as though it was not an earth-type of the mutated animal during that time, but was a wind-type just like the Obsidian Beetle instead. How it wished it could grow another two legs to avoid getting eaten like the golden python now.

  Although it did not seems enough for the chimpanzees to vent their anger, they had stopped eating anymore. Because the real owner of this city and the great leader of these mutated animals, had arrived at the side of its grandchild quietly.

  All of the mutated animals at the scene did not dare to make a sound as they looked at their great leader in silence.

  A pure white glow exuded from the old white fox’s body, and it slowly infused on the wound of the young white fox. Instantly, that young white fox stopped squirming on the ground and the place where the venom had splattered, started to heal.

  If Zhang Mu was at the scene, he would be able to recognize that the white glow from the old white fox was the same as Yuan Rui's power.

  That old white fox, was actually a precious healing-type mutated animal!

  However, even with such powerful healing energy, the eyeballs that were lost could not be recovered anymore.

  Looking at the empty eye socket of its grandson, the eyes of the old white fox turned extremely cold once again. Without any emotion, it looked at thos
e dozens of chimpanzees that were standing at a side.

  Although their body was much bigger and taller than the old white fox, these chimpanzees did not dare to have any rebellious thought. When the white fox glared at them, all of them kneeled instantly and started to imitate the human’s kowtow, knocking their head on the ground.

  Even if they had used too much force and even when the ground had a large pool of blood, none of them dare to slow down the rate of kowtowing.

  One of the chimpanzees who followed beside the old white fox, promptly moved the corpse of the golden python and placed in front it. It quickly back-off as it did not dare to anger their great leader.

  A deep voice emitted out from the old white fox's mouth, and that young white fox replied sharply to it. After that, it followed the scent of the golden python and slowly made its way over. It opened its mouth and bit down.

  Even with the missing eyes, the spotless white fox devoured the golden python on the ground in seconds. Moreover, the long snake skeleton was reduced into ashes by a wind blade from the white fox.

  However, this white fox did not seem to inherit the great leader’s ability and was just an ordinary wind-type mutated animal.

  In the meantime, one of the chimpanzees was pointing to the direction where the mutated wolfdog had escaped, reporting this matter to the great leader.

  So there was another culprit that had escaped?

  With a gleam in its eyes, the white glow on the old white fox's body immediately turned into a pitch-black fog, and it wrapped around the dozens of chimpanzees on the ground.

  When the black fog dissipated, all of the chimpanzees on the ground had lost their vitality. As if their soul was taken away in an instant, they maintained their posture a moment ago. What was left was only an empty shell of their bodies.

  Looking at the old white fox sauntering towards the body of the chimpanzees to devour their beast core, none of the mutated animals had a trace of distrust in their eyes. Meanwhile, the few chimpanzees left were even more terrified of the old white fox.

  The old white fox slowly raised its head and stared at the direction where the mutated wolfdog had escaped. After that, it turned and left straight away, as if it had memorized the scent deeply in its mind.

  Chapter 175: Going To Cry Soon

  At this time, only half of the mutated animals were at the plaza. The Obsidian Beetle did not sense any mutated animal that had the same fluctuation of energy as itself. Therefore, all of them should be first-ranked, unless, there were some of them hiding deliberately.

  The Obsidian Beetle made its move since that was the only chance it had now. It would be in trouble when that old white fox that even the Obsidian Beetle could not determine how powerful it was had appeared again. Just now, when the Obsidian Beetle was hiding in the shadow, it could feel a sense of danger emitting from the old white fox by taking a glance of its back figure. Although the Obsidian Beetle was not afraid, it caused the Obsidian Beetle to feel uneasy.

  Probably it was so powerful that it had threatened the current Obsidian Beetle.

  Even though all the mutated animals here were at the peak of the first rank, but a first-ranked is a first-ranked. Regardless of the fact that they were merely a step away from the second rank, there would still be a massive gap between them.

  Since there were no animals with the same rank, the Obsidian Beetle used its wind-element power unscrupulously and sprinted all the way to a high ground so it could view the entire plaza.

  When some of the mutated animals saw a black figure whisked past them, they merely thought that their eyes had deceived them. With such a vast open space, generally speaking, no creature could escape from their watch.

  However, the Obsidian Beetle had done it. After it used its full power, it integrated with the environment effortlessly.

  This time, would it be able to see what was hiding at the center of the plaza?

  At the center, there was something surrounded by a rainbow dome, sealing the presence of the item inside. The Obsidian Beetle had no idea what it was, so it could only memorize the scene in its mind and shared it with Zhang Mu when it returned later. After that, it would accomplish its task.

  However, at this time, a chilly long roar resonated across the entire Jin Zhong city.

  The roar caused a little commotion around the first-ranked mutated animals who were protecting around the rainbow dome. However, it seems that they were under a death order as they remained in their position even though they had heard the long roar.

  It was coming from that old white fox. Not sure if the voice of the spiritual resonance was too easy to understand, but the Obsidian Beetle immediately understood the meaning of this animal language as it had an emotional upheaval.

  “All my animal in Jin Zhong city, if you can find and capture a mutated wolfdog alive, I, your king, will personally reward you!”

  Oh no, that stupid dog is in danger!

  The Obsidian Beetle quickly flew away from that place and went to the spot where they gathered in the beginning to meet the wolfdog.

  All of the mutated animals in the city were shaken up. That was the great leader’s order and the king’s promise. A few moments ago, Jin Zhong city was in peace and order, but now, it had become noisy abruptly.

  Fortunately, the Obsidian Beetle started from a small size. Coupled with the fact that only the two white foxes could smelt its presence, so the Obsidian Beetle only need to be careful not to release its vigor in front of the patrolling first-ranked mutated animals. Just by using its wind-element power would be enough to shuttle back and forth under their watchful eye. Furthermore, they were all focusing on finding an unfamiliar wolfdog, so they did not notice anything at all.

  Majority of the mutated animal did not know the reason why their king had ordered them to capture a mutated wolfdog. But even with their shallow mind, they could feel the chills behind the long roar.

  Linking the shrilling howl from the young white fox, a frightening possibility flashed through their mind.

  It shouldn’t be that this mutated wolfdog, had killed the only descendant of their great leader right?

  Whoa, if it wants to die, don’t drag us into this mud too!

  After the rumors spread, most of the mutated animal reacted in an instant. For the great leader to be this angry, besides the item at the center of the plaza, it must be that beloved grandchild then. They did not even think about the former possibility because a few of the mutated animals that had offended the great leader, was forced into the rainbow dome.

  Right in front of all the mutated animals, those mutated animals who were punished had turned into pus the first second they made contact with the rainbow dome.

  With that scene, all of the mutated animals that were present were afraid of going near that place anymore, besides those who were ordered by the great leader to stay and guard that place.

  That was too terrifying. In comparison, the mutated animal would prefer to be bitten to death by their enemy in a fight rather than that outcome.

  Under such a high-efficiency search, the mutated wolfdog was quickly discovered by them. It was getting surrounded by a group with no mean of escaping now.

  Because there were more and more mutated animals coming over, the mutated wolfdog was scared out of its wits. Before it had the chance to run away, it was blocked by the mutated animals from the periphery of the city.

  Although the mutated animals eyed the mutated wolfdog with full of hostility, they did not attack the mutated wolfdog immediately. The mutated wolfdog also felt strange at this moment. Aren't the mutated animals here to catch it? What are they waiting for now?

  Where is the Obsidian Beetle? What about the other two mutated animals? Why are they not here? They did not abandon me, right?

  The mutated wolfdog suddenly felt that the promised that Zhang Mu gave, was not worthy anymore. Its little life was going to be thrown away now, and that was not what they had agreed on. Currently, it did not dare to attack first si
nce there were about hundreds of first-ranked mutated animal on its surrounding watching like a bloodthirsty tiger. Furthermore, the number kept on increasing as time pass by. It seems that every mutated animal in the city was rushing to this direction to get a share of the king’s reward.

  Right now, the mutated wolfdog was panicking like ants on a hot pan. It did not know what to do next.

  The mutated wolfdog did not want to become like the golden python. Just when it was about to fight, two series of roar rang from the sky.

  It was the Obsidian Beetle!

  All of the mutated animals raised their head to look at the abnormality above their head. When they saw what was happening, they quickly scattered away.

  Two massive wind blades were heading towards them fiercely. Additionally, when the wind blades were getting closer and closer to them, they were picking up energy from the wind and kept on expanding.

  It slammed at the place where the mutated animals were surrounding the mutated wolfdog. However, because the size was too huge, it was moving at a slow speed. Therefore, all the mutated animals managed to dodge away, clearing out the area around the mutated wolfdog.

  That, was the result that the Obsidian Beetle wanted to achieve.

  It became gigantic abruptly and quickly grabbed the mutated wolfdog who was tearing up and flew high up in the sky.

  Right now, the mutated wolfdog was about to cry honestly.

  Brother, you finally came!

  Chapter 176: A Pot of Dirty Water

  The mutated wolfdog was carried higher and higher by the Obsidian Beetle. It just so happened that there were no mutated animals in Jin Zhong city that have the power to fly. The moment the mutated animal gawked at them, the Obsidian Beetle took the chance to speed up and flew away from the place. Therefore, it was too late when part of the mutated animal started to react and threw all kind of power toward the direction where the Obsidian Beetle had escaped.


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