Healing Divides (Smokey Mountain Series Book 2)

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Healing Divides (Smokey Mountain Series Book 2) Page 9

by Stella Moore

  Heavy silence fell in the room. “What are you saying?” Michael eventually asked.

  “I let him spank me!” Penny blurted out, tears slipping down her cheeks. “I let him, and he took advantage of me, and now everyone is going to know.” Eric pulled her in close as she wept.

  For a long while, her sobs were the only sound in the room.

  “What do you need us to do?” Beverly asked, her voice returning to its normal tone. Melissa was pleased to hear the strength behind the words.

  “The DA is working on getting the evidence in question thrown out. If he's unsuccessful, the next best course of action may be a media blackout. Right now, it's a small time domestic violence case that is only getting buzz locally because of your family's influence in the community, so it shouldn't be much of an issue.”

  “I'll call the DA Monday morning and get the ball rolling on that,” Michael promised with a nod. “Don't worry pumpkin, we'll take care of it,” he told his daughter comfortingly, pulling her up into his embrace. Melissa felt the ache deep in her chest watching the small family's display of absolute and unconditional love.

  Chapter 23

  The day of the trial, Melissa met an exhausted looking Penny by the door to the courtroom. “How are you holding up?” she asked.

  “I've been better. I hardly slept last night. I'm so tired, and I'm just ready to get this over with. And—never mind.” Penny turned to study the door to the courtroom, almost as if she were willing it open.

  Melissa felt the inner struggle between being a therapist and being a friend. “Let's go for a walk.” She looped her arm through Penny's and tugged her down the hall.

  “Now, what's going on?” she asked once they were out of earshot of everyone else. “It's something more than just the trial.”

  “It's just, I feel like Eric's been walking on eggshells around me for the past few weeks. He's hardly spanked me at all, even just for play. And this morning we got into a huge fight, but he's acting like nothing ever happened. I want my life back.” She sniffled and wiped at the tears spilling out of the corners of her eyes.

  “I'm sorry. You're both under a tremendous amount of stress, and I'm sure he's just trying to avoid upsetting you more than necessary.”

  Penny groaned. “I know. And I appreciate his thoughtfulness. But I wish he'd take care of me after he busted my ass.”

  “I know the feeling,” Melissa said with a laugh. “Have you talked to him about it?”

  “Not really. And I know I should, but it's just hard, you know?”

  “I do. But I also know it's essential. So tonight, apologize for being a bitch and tell him that you need your sense of normalcy back.”

  Penny's lips lifted up into a reluctant smile. “Did you just call me a bitch, Dr. French?”

  Melissa grinned in return. “Well you're not my patient any longer, so yeah, I did.” A commotion down the hall drew their attention. “Looks like they're letting us is in. We should go.”

  The trial started and the lawyers each made their opening arguments. The judge had already ruled that the tapes from Penny's apartment could not be used as evidence, as they had been obtained illegally. The fact that the defendant had placed the recording devices would be allowed, but any mention of the activity on the tapes would not. Unfortunately, while it weakened the defense’s case, it didn't prevent them from arguing that Franklin had done nothing to Penny that she hadn't wanted. It was a small comfort to everyone involved that Penny's father had managed to arrange the media blackout.

  The prosecution’s case focused mainly on the stalking and the kidnapping. Melissa had cleared her schedule as much as possible in order to be present during the trial. As a result, she was able to see Jack's testimony.

  When he took the stand, Melissa reached for Penny’s hand and the two sat, gripping each other tightly as the questioning began. He stated his name and credentials for the jury, and then DA Jennings got down to business.

  “When did you first meet Ms. Frost?”

  “December twenty fourth of last year.” His voice was firm and even, but it carried throughout the courtroom. Melissa watched the jurors, pleased to see their body language indicated they were eager to hear his testimony.

  “Tell us about that, Detective.”

  “Ms. Frost’s partner called us with a concern about a delivery she had received. A dozen red roses. They were concerned the roses had been sent as a kind of threat.”

  Jennings introduced the note that had been sent with the flowers into evidence. “Is this the reason they believed the flowers were a threat?”


  “Please read the note for the court.”

  “It says ‘Don’t keep me waiting’.”

  “When was the next time you met Ms. Frost?”

  “March third of this year.”

  “And the reason?”

  “Ms. Frost arrived home to discover the door to her apartment was open. Inside, she discovered a matchbook on her counter she hadn’t left there.” The object in question was introduced into evidence and Jack confirmed it was the same one.

  “Why would this prompt her to call the police?” Jennings asked.

  “To my understanding, it is from the club where she first met the defendant. She felt it had been left for her as a warning. At the very least, it was evidence he had been in her apartment, without her permission.”

  “And the final time you met Ms. Frost?”

  “The final time was when I assisted in rescuing her from the defendant, who’d kidnapped her and held her prisoner until she escaped.”

  “How was her demeanor at that time?”

  His voice softened. “She was terrified. And that’s a professional observation, counselor,” he added sharply before the defense could object. “She wept and thanked us for saving her, though the truth is she saved herself.”

  Jennings walked him through a few more details, went back over some of the same ground a few times. The jury, from what Melissa could tell, adored Jack’s combination of professional firmness and compassion as he talked about what had happened to Penny.

  Then it was time for the cross examination.

  “Detective Meyers, was Ms. Frost forcibly removed from her home?” Defense attorney Garret Chalmers wasn't the best that money could buy, but he had the confidence of a man who couldn't lose.

  Jack narrowed his eyes in response to the question. “Forcibly, no. But—”

  “That's good enough, detective. She left her apartment of her own free will, as you've just stated. At any point during the call that you received from her, did you hear her tell my client that she didn't want to go with him?”

  “No.” The single syllable reverberated through the room, leaving behind it a deafening silence that the attorney allowed to stretch uncomfortably.

  “No,” he repeated, turning to the jury with feigned confusion. “So, my client could have believed that she was a willing participant, correct?”

  “Objection. Calls for speculation,” Jennings said.

  Chalmers conceded to the objection and moved on. “Detective, didn't Ms. Frost state that she couldn't wait to see the house Mr. Pierce had purchased?”

  “She was playing him to stay safe,” Jack snapped.

  “Yes or no, detective. Were those her words to the defendant?”

  The struggle to control his temper was evident on his face. “Yes.”

  They went back and forth for what seemed like hours, with Chalmers quietly sowing those seeds of doubt. Melissa felt Penny tense beside her, and rubbed her arm encouragingly. Finally, the cross was completed and Jennings stood for a redirect.

  “Detective, didn't Ms. Frost say something else during that call?”

  Jack's smile was smug and grim. “Yeah. When she was in the bathroom where he couldn't hear her, she asked me to help her.” He turned to the jury. “She asked me to help her.”

  “No further questions,” Jennings concluded.

  When Jack was dismissed
from the stand, he strode out of the courtroom without looking at anyone. Melissa slid out of her seat and quietly followed him. She stepped through the doors and found him pacing in the hallway. He stopped when he spotted her, then strode away with a gruff, “Follow me.”

  She hurried after him, her heels clicking against the tile of the hallowed halls. He wound his way through the building until they came to an area that seemed completely deserted. He ducked into an empty, windowless office and she followed him inside. Slamming the door shut behind her, he grabbed her and yanked her to him, taking her mouth with his. She surrendered to him immediately, helpless to do anything but offer herself to him. Then, as suddenly as he'd pounced, he pulled away.

  “Take your panties off, but nothing else,” he said, his voice gravelly with what she assumed was a mixture of anger and need.

  “I'm sorry?” She deliberately used what he'd termed her “snooty” voice to provoke him.

  It worked. He pushed her down over the edge of an old desk. His hand connected with her backside, and she moaned with pleasure. The stinging on one cheek was joined immediately by an identical sensation on the opposite side. He spanked her until her moans became little yelps of pain.

  “Stand up,” he said, releasing her. She obeyed, pushing herself up off the desk. “Panties. Off.”

  She slid her hands under her skirt, hooked her thumbs in the thin scrap of lace, and slowly pulled them down and then off. He held out a hand and she surrendered them, shocked and aroused when he stuffed them into his pants pocket.

  “Skirt up, back over the desk.”

  She tugged the skirt up over hips, then bent over, resting her forearms on the desk. Once again, she felt his hand connect with her bottom, the crack of skin against skin echoing in the tiny room.

  “When I tell you to do something, you do as you're told,” he told her, the low growl of his voice shooting directly to her throbbing clit. He swatted her again and she whimpered as the pain blended with pleasure until she could hardly separate the two.

  “Yes, sir,” she moaned as he spanked her several times in quick succession.

  Then, without warning, he was inside of her. She gripped the edge of the desk as he slammed into her. This wasn't making love, or any other pretty euphemism. It was straight and simple fucking, and it absolutely thrilled her. And when he reached around their bodies and pressed a finger to her, she came instantly, contracting around him as she cried out her release. He followed her seconds later, emptying himself into her.

  “Whoa,” he said, before stepping away from her.

  She couldn't help it. The insanity of what they'd just done swept over her and she dropped her head to the desk and laughed. “That's one way to put it.”

  “There's a bathroom down the hall. I'll be right back.” He chuckled. “Don't move. I mean it.”

  “What? Jack!” But she heard the door click shut and then there was silence. Logic and basic self-preservation said that she should stand up and straighten her clothes, in case someone came in. But the strange compulsion to obey him overrode everything else and she stayed where she was, bent over a strange desk with her skirt around her waist and her ass on display.

  She heard the door open again and panic gripped her for a moment until she heard him say, “Good girl.” Something wet touched the inside of her thigh, making her jerk against the desk.

  “Relax. Just helping you get cleaned up.”

  When he finished, she was allowed to stand and fix her clothes. She held her hand out to him, but he just lifted an eyebrow in response.

  “May I have my underwear, please?”

  “Nope. Maybe I'll give them back when I see you tonight, but definitely not before.” He pulled his phone out and winced. “Shit. I have to get going. I'll walk you back, first.”

  “Why does it seem so empty over here?” she asked, slipping her hand into his as they walked.

  “This is the original courthouse. When they expanded, they moved everyone into the newer part of the building. They always talk about renovating, but it hasn't happened yet.” He stopped before they crossed over into what she now realized was the newer building. “Are you okay? With what just happened?”

  She hadn't thought it was possible to love him more than she already did, but she fell a little deeper just then. “I'm better than good. How are you? It was a little rough up there.”

  “I'm used to it. I'd be lying if I said it doesn't piss me off, but it's part of the process. Better now, though,” he added with a grin.

  “Good.” She leaned into him and he gently laid his lips on hers.

  “See you later, doc.” With that, he strode away and she returned to the courtroom. When she slipped back into her seat, Penny and Elisa both looked over at her with identical questioning expressions. Blushing, she shook her head and stared straight ahead, with a small, satisfied smile.

  Chapter 24

  Four days after the trial began, the defense began its case. On day six, they called their expert witness, Dr. Samuel Whittington. Chalmers walked him through his credentials, including his expertise with power exchange relationships, domestic discipline, and a host of other alternative lifestyles.

  “Dr. Whittington, in your experience, is it common for the submissive partner to fight his or her dominant on occasion?” Chalmers didn't waste any time.

  Jennings objected immediately. “Relevance, Your Honor?”

  Chalmers feigned surprise. “Your Honor, the defendant and the alleged victim were engaged in a relationship where the victim was a willing submissive partner, held accountable for her actions through the use of corporal punishment.”

  “No such relationship has been established.”

  Chalmers turned back to his table and selected a pile of papers which he then handed over to Jennings. “These are text messages and emails between Mr. Pierce and Ms. Frost which detail the nature of their relationship.” He took the papers back from Jennings and then handed them to the judge. “We'd like to have these messages introduced as Exhibit M, Your Honor.”

  After some back and forth, the messages were allowed. Melissa heard Penny's groan and wrapped a supportive arm around her shoulder.

  The testimony was brutal. Chalmers walked Dr. Whittington through the messages, pointing out when Penny had agreed to or even requested discipline for her actions. By the time they finished, the jury was looking doubtful, and Melissa caught several of them shooting disgusted looks in Penny's direction. After nearly an hour, Jennings was finally allowed his cross examination.

  “Dr. Whittington, what are the tenets of a BDSM scene?” he asked.

  “All interactions must be considered safe, sane and consensual,” the doctor replied with an indulgent smile.

  “And would you consider a dominant threatening a submissive with the injury or even death of a loved one in order to gain her compliance to fall within those guidelines?”

  The doctor straightened his tie and cleared his throat. “Well, of course not.”

  “Thank you,” Jennings continued, before the man could elaborate. “What about planting recording devices in the submissive’s home without his or her knowledge or permission?”

  “I suppose that would fall outside the guidelines as well.” Dr. Whittington sent Chalmers an aggravated look. It was obvious that he hadn't been as thoroughly briefed on the situation as he should have been. Jennings walked the doctor through several additional points of the case. Melissa nearly cheered when the cross was completed. Jennings had completely demolished the testimony the doctor had originally given.

  When they were dismissed for the day, Melissa turned to Penny. “How are you?”

  Penny closed her eyes and shook her head. “I feel sick. I know it went well, but having those personal details paraded in front of the jurors?” When she opened her eyes, tears glimmered on her lashes. “Did you see the way they looked at me? Like I'm the monster here.”

  “There are always going to be people who don't understand the lives we live. A
ll that matters is that you have a man at home who adores you, friends and family who love you, and a life you truly enjoy. The only opinion that matters in that box is guilty or innocent.”

  “I know. It was just harder than I'd expected.” She rested her head on Melissa's shoulder.

  “Mel's right,” Elisa said, giving Penny’s arm a squeeze. “If those people have a problem with you getting your ass whipped on occasion, screw them.”

  A shadow fell over them and Melissa looked up, surprised to see Michael Frost standing behind them. Although his usual polite mask was in place, she could tell it took considerable effort for him to maintain.

  “Hello, Mr. Frost.”

  Elisa colored and squeaked out a “Hey, Mr. Michael.”

  Penny jumped up from the bench and spun to face her father. “Daddy. I asked you not to come today. Is Mom here?” She glanced around the room nervously.

  “No, she stayed home. I couldn't. I needed to know what they were saying about my baby girl.” His voice caught at the end of his sentence, and it broke Melissa's heart.

  “Did you hear everything?” Penny asked, her voice barely a whisper.

  He nodded. “I won't ask if it's true. I just wanted to tell you I love you. No matter what happens, you're my little girl and nothing can ever change the way I feel about you. I, ah, thought you might need to hear that right now.”

  A single tear silently slipped down Penny's cheek. “I did. Thank you, daddy. See you this weekend?”

  “Of course. Your brother and the girls are coming over for dinner, as well.”

  Penny and her father hugged and then he left the courtroom.

  “Well, that was awkward,” Elisa said dryly when he disappeared.

  Penny snorted out a laugh. “That's an understatement. This whole day has just been completely fucked up. Who wants to go out and get really drunk?”

  Elisa bounced in her seat. “I'm in! Mel?”

  Melissa shook her head. “Dinner plans with Jack. I finally convinced him to try that Indian place Eric recommended.”

  “Lame,” Elisa declared, making them all laugh. They said their goodbyes and Melissa left to drive to the restaurant.


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