The Outback Governess

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The Outback Governess Page 3

by Sarah Williams

  Paige wondered if she would be able to impact Scotty's learning in the same way Penny had enhanced little Angela's. He was a sweet, cautious child, bubbling with potential. She needed to help him harness it and focus on one task at a time.

  All the children were eager to learn but bored easily. With two years of sporadic learning and lots of interesting distractions happening around them she could hardly blame them for preferring station work over history lessons.

  After changing back into her shorts and a T-shirt she returned to the main house for lunch. With more time on her hands, Ruth had stocked up the pantry with biscuits, cakes, quiches and scrolls. Today a bacon and egg pie was cooling on the dining table. The aroma of pastry and herbs tantalized Paige's tastebuds as she sat down.

  The children were soon at her side, eagerly discussing the story she had read them that morning. Logan walked in and seemed to stiffen when he saw her.

  Beside the pie, Ruth placed a bowl full of salad. Grated carrot, tomatoes and cucumber made it a rainbow display.

  "Yum." Scotty looked hungrily at the salad. Paige helped him scoop out a large serving, with extra cucumbers.

  "Since when does he eat vegetables?" Logan asked.

  Proudly, Paige ruffled Scotty's hair as he shovelled lettuce into his mouth. "We fixed up the veggie patch and planted seedlings. Scotty loved getting his hands dirty."

  "There were worms!" His face lit up. "Lots of worms."

  Logan raised his dark eyebrows. "I never would have thought of that."

  Paige smiled at Logan and there was a moment of shared pride and respect. He really was very attractive. Now that she could see him clearly, without the shading of his hat, she noted the pale grey of his eyes below thick, dark brows. There were laugh lines at the sides of his eyes and she suddenly longed to see him smile.

  Ruth cut into the pie and dished out large slices. "What's the plan for this afternoon then?"

  Paige looked around the table. "I think we should do some art."

  She was rewarded by whoops of excitement. These were country kids who enjoyed working with their hands in the dirt, mud or paint. Today it might even be a combination of all three.

  By the end of the day, Paige was exhausted. After saying goodnight to the children, she passed the dining room where Logan sat, slowly turning the pages of an Outback magazine. His thick brown forearms bulged with sinewy strength below his rolled-up sleeves. Despite the aching of her body she determined to get to know this man better.

  "Tea?" she asked.

  He looked up at her, his steel-grey eyes making her heart jump a beat. "Thanks."

  A few minutes later, Paige put the two cups on the table and sat heavily in a chair. Logan closed the magazine and pushed it aside. The front cover, Paige noticed, was a picture of an older woman in a Drizabone jacket. She was the embodiment of resilience with work-roughened hands and skin that had seen too much sun and dusty heat. Her shoulders were squared by years of hard work. These were the unsung, unglamorous heroines of the bush. Their lives full of struggle and difficulties. For years they had supported their weary men, raised and taught their children and worked their fingers to the bone outdoors and in. Paige drew strength and encouragement from these hardy bush women.

  "Mum said you're from Victoria." His gravelly tone broke into her thoughts.

  "Yes, Ballarat."

  "So why such a big change?" He leaned toward her.

  She paused for a beat wondering if he was genuinely interested. "I lived and worked in the same job for a long time and needed a change. Plus, the winters are just so cold in Victoria. It snows in Ballarat."

  "Really?" His thick eyebrows were raised. "Just wait until you swelter through one of our summers. You might think you've come too far north."

  She bit her lip. "Have you always lived in Queensland?"

  "No. I worked in Western Australia for a while at a mine there. The Northern Territory too."

  "Two states I’ve never been to." She sipped at her tea. "Australia is such a huge country with so many interesting places and people."

  "Have you spent much time on farms or stations?"

  "Not really. My cousins have a farm near Daylesford so I go there sometimes. My Nona has a veggie garden and pots full of herbs. She also has chickens and a rooster. When I was a little girl I loved collecting the eggs and cuddling the little chicks."

  Her face warmed as she realised she must sound very naive. Over the brief time she had been living on the station, she had become increasingly aware of her inexperience in all facets of property life, and she decided to use every opportunity to gather information so she would better fit in.

  "What kind of cattle do you have?"

  "Brahman. You can tell because they have big floppy ears and a big hump on their back." He explained that the 10,000-acre station was divided into thirty-five paddocks of varying sizes and the country was mostly Mitchell grass. "At least it is when it's not in drought."

  They sat in contented silence for a few minutes, drinking their tea and listening to the unusual silence of the house.

  "Did you always want to be a teacher?" He eyed her curiously.

  She nodded in reply. "I love teaching kids, especially at the primary level. I had some amazing teachers at the little country school I attended and I always wanted to be just like them."

  "Why did you go into special needs?"

  She told him about her friend Penny and their experience with Angela. She couldn't help but smile as she thought of all the children she had helped. "They're a pleasure to teach because you can really make a difference. Like with Scotty. He's already come a long way so it's not that he couldn't do it, he just needed a bit of help to get there."

  Paige realised Logan was staring at her and heat rose on her skin. She looked away.

  "Sorry. It's just, you're so passionate about it. For most people work just pays the bills and passes time. But what you do really makes a difference."

  Paige looked up at him from lowered lashes. "Thanks."

  Outside, the dogs set up a cacophony of barking in the yard. Logan stood and went to the open window and admonished the noisy animals.

  Paige glanced at her watch. It was later than she thought. "I should go. Your children are early risers."

  They both reached for her empty cup at the same time and their fingers grazed. He pulled his hand back as though her touch had caused an electric shock.

  "Sorry. I'll take care of these." His voice was low and quiet.

  Paige nodded back. "I'll see you in the morning."

  She turned and walked quietly back to her quarters.

  With the image of Logan uppermost in her mind she drifted off to sleep at last.

  Chapter Four

  The next day flew by for Paige. The children concentrated better in the morning, so after the first on-air session, where the older children participated in in a webinar style lesson, they continued with academic lessons and saved the hands-on activities like art, craft, music and sport for the afternoons. Once a fortnight, School of the Air held an assembly and there were various visiting guests who would speak at these, just as they would at a regular school.

  Brooke would happily colour away while Layla worked independently on the computer, headphones on and eyes glued to the screen. She was behind for her age but catching up at a steady rate. Paige was downloading and personalising their lessons and this was helping to hold their attention.

  Paige sat next to Scotty and they diligently went over his handwriting together. It had already become tidier since she had arrived.

  On Friday afternoons, School of the Air hosted online teacher sessions for the tutors to discuss the next week's program, ask any questions and discuss any problems they were having. Specialist teachers would often be invited to talk and Paige had been asked to share her experiences with special needs children.

  Paige had made good friends with the other governesses and mothers who also home-schooled. They all shared this unique teaching exper
ience and bonded in a way she never had with other mainstream teachers.

  She had started up an easy friendship with a govie from a neighbouring station, Helen was from England and had been at her posting since the Easter break.

  After today's teacher meeting, Helen had offered to drive Paige into town for a pub dinner to celebrate the end of another week. It would be her first time out in Hughenden and she was keen for a change of scenery and to see some new faces.

  Paige dressed in a knee-length, floral summer dress with short sleeves and a brown belt around her waist. She had missed wearing dresses and make up. Jeans and shorts were more appropriate out here.

  "Wow. You look beautiful." Brooke jumped up from the couch when she spotted Paige and gently stroked her dress. Everyone else looked up from their relaxed positions watching the news.

  She felt rather than saw Logan's examining stare. Biting her lip, she snuck him a gaze.

  "Is it too much?"

  "Too late now." Hugh said, looking out the window. "Your ride's here."

  Sure enough an old sedan rattled over the cattle grid in front of the house and the horn honked.

  "I better go. Good night."

  "Have a great time." Hugh smiled at her.

  "Call me if you need a lift home." Logan said softly.

  She smiled back at him. "Thanks."

  She jogged to the car and hugged her friend. Finally meeting in person.

  "You're taller than I expected." Helen's accent was starkly different from the Aussie drawl Paige was used to and it reminded her that there was a big wide world out there. It was easy to forget everything beyond the station.

  The long drive to town seemed to go by quickly as they chatted like old friends and not two people who had only just met face-to-face for the first time.

  The pub was brimming with locals and tourists when they arrived. They found a table and ordered the pubs famous chicken Parmigiana.

  The meals did not disappoint. They arrived after a short wait, with a large serving of chips and salad.

  "So, what's Logan like? Is he seeing anyone?" Helen leaned in close to her friend.

  Paige swallowed her last mouthful of crumbed chicken. "He's nice and I have no idea. I think he's still recovering from his wife's death."

  "I hear he's really good looking. Is he muscly? I mean he must be working in the mine, right?"

  Reminded of his thick, bronzed arms, Paige reached for her beer. The bitter liquid burned her throat as she finished it off.

  "Can we buy you ladies the next round?"

  Two smooth-faced men, both in western shirts and jeans were standing close. Beer reeked from every pore of their body. They looked young, too young for Helen or herself.

  Helen waved them off. "Sorry boys, I'm driving and we have to get up early with the children."

  "You look too young to have kids." The other man-boy slurred. "How many do you have?"

  It was Paige's turn to shock them. "I have three and she has two."

  The men looked at each other and shook their heads. As they turned and walked away one of them said, "They looked young to me."

  Paige and Helen burst into a fit of giggles and watched them try their luck at another table.

  "Come on, Mama," Paige drawled in her best southern accent. "Let's go home."

  They had only gotten a few kilometres when there was a loud thump and the car jolted violently. "Shit," Helen muttered as she pulled off the road and turned her hazard lights on.

  The girls climbed out of the car and followed the smell of burnt rubber. The front right tyre had completely blown out.

  Paige didn't know much about the mechanics of cars. In Victoria she would have called roadside assistance. "What do we do?"

  Helen bit her lip. "Change it, I guess."

  "I hope you've got a spare."

  It took a few minutes to figure out where the spare would be on the little car and open the compartment. Paige's heart sank. It was empty.

  "Damn. I was sure I had one." Helen started pacing.

  Paige thought of Logan. He had said to call if there were any problems, and it was only ten, so he'd still be up. She got out her mobile and exhaled when she saw she had reception.

  "I'll call Logan. He'll come get us."

  Helen nodded her agreement and started packing the car up.

  "Hello?" Logan answered the phone quickly.

  "Hi, it's Paige."

  "Are you alright? Do you need a lift?" His voice was urgent. Was he worried?

  "Yeah, we're fine, thanks. Just stranded without a spare tyre."

  "I had a feeling when I saw that old car. I'll come get you."

  Paige described where they were and apologised for the inconvenience.

  "Stay there. I'm coming now," he said before hanging up.

  Not a single car passed them until Logan pulled up in his Land Cruiser an hour later. Paige shivered as she thought of what might have happened if her mobile hadn't worked. They could have been stranded out here all night.

  "Thanks so much," Helen said as she climbed into the back seat and yawned. "I might just have a nap, if you don't mind. I'm so tired."

  "No worries," Logan replied as they drove away from the broken-down car. Logan had promised to call the tow truck first thing in the morning.

  "How was your night?" He glanced over at Paige.

  "Good. The pub was busy tonight."

  "Payday for the workers. It's the pub’s biggest night."

  Paige smiled and told him about the two drunk boys.

  "That's probably Phil and Gav." He laughed. "They're notorious flirts, especially with new girls."

  "That makes me feel better, then," she teased.

  "It's a long drive." He stretched his fingers on the steering wheel. "Talk to me. Tell me about your family."

  Happy to be asked about a topic close to her heart, Paige launched into a description of her relationship with her father and the other cherished members of her family. When she'd finished, she felt suddenly self-conscious. He was looking at her, head tilted, his face unreadable as always. She realized he hadn't said a word for quite some time.

  "I guess you probably didn't need to know all that," she said apologetically.

  "It's keeping me awake. Keep talking." His voice was husky and held a teasing note that sent her blood pressure rocketing.

  She let her eyes linger on him in the glow of the radio's blue light. Broad shoulders, muscular thighs, and tight jeans that hugged his trim hips completed the sexy picture. His biceps bulged beneath the tight sleeves of his T-shirt. He turned around and looked a bit sheepish when he caught her staring.

  "Sorry." She turned back to the road. "What do you want to know?"

  He looked at her and she was drawn into his gaze. "I want to know everything."

  Chapter Five

  Do your Weet-Bix taste better all mashed up like that?" Paige asked Brooke the next morning. It was Monday and breakfast seemed to be taking even longer than usual. She had noticed that on weekends the kids wasted very little time over breakfast, sometimes skipping it altogether so they could take part in whatever activities were occurring around the property. But on school days, breakfast was always a drawn-out event.

  For Paige, the rest of the weekend had been generally peaceful, leaving her some time alone to recover her energy. She had worked diligently to complete her school preparation for the following week and had called home to catch up on the news. Her brother, Antonio, had been visiting their parents so she talked to him about her life on the station and the animals. He was an engineer and was genuinely interested in what Logan did at the mine.

  "He's a diesel fitter. That's all I know." Paige laughed when he wanted more details. "Why don't I put him on and you can talk to him about it?"

  "I've had enough." Scotty pushed his half-eaten breakfast away and slouched in his chair.

  "You have to eat more than that." Ruth pushed the bowl back at him.

  "I said I'm full." Voice raised, he pu
shed back his chair and stomped off to his room.

  Ruth looked apologetically at Paige. "I'm afraid it's going to be one of those days."

  Paige gathered the bowls and took them to the sink. "Leave it to me. I have an idea."

  It took some coercing to get Scotty out of his room, but the enticement to show her his special sandpit had him leading her to one of the old sheds behind the house.

  The pungent, musty smell assailed her nostrils as they entered the dark shed. The morning light spilling in from the door lit up barrels of various animal feed and bags of mineral supplements. Scotty led the way to a corner where Tonka earthmoving toys were parked in a neat row. He sat down and started moving them back and forward in a straight line, making ‘Brrm! Brrm!’ noises as he went.

  Paige sat next to him. The repetitive actions were a symptom of autism. It would have been this kind of behaviour that Fiona would have noticed. It didn't make him dumb, or not normal, he just saw the world differently to other people and couldn't always understand it.

  "Can I play too?" she asked.

  Scotty nodded but didn't look at her.

  She pushed another toy from its space and noticed a small hole filled with little, soft feathers. The hole was manmade, or boy-made in this instance.

  "Wow, look at this treasure." She moved aside so Scotty could see what she had found.

  "It's mine. Don't move it."

  "Did you find all of these?"

  He nodded. "I have more. Wanna see?"

  She grinned. "Absolutely."

  She followed as he led her around the house, showing her all the secret spots where he kept his treasures. Stones, feathers, leaves and gumnuts were his favourite things to collect.


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