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The Outback Governess

Page 9

by Sarah Williams

  "Who wants pancakes?" Hugh put a plate piled high with fluffy pancakes on the table and the kids rushed noisily to the table, presents forgotten.

  "Later," Paige said as she past him on the way to the table.

  As she helped cut up food and pour on syrup she wondered if he was going to apologise for the dance. Maybe he was going to fire her. Well, she was going to quit anyway so what did it matter?

  After the pancakes were devoured they all sat around opening presents. Jess was mysteriously absent and Paige wondered if she was still sleeping. No one asked and she didn't want to be the one to bring it up. A spark of hope ignited inside her.

  Brooke was thrilled with her boxes of Barbie dolls and dress up clothes. Scotty got a pile of books and Layla got paints and brushes which she couldn't wait to start using.

  The adults received presents too and, although she wasn't expecting anything, Paige was presented with a box. When she opened it, she found a hand painted mug with the words World's Best Govie on it.

  Tears stung her eyes as she hugged each of the children.

  Once the presents were over and the cleaning up finished, Paige put her boots back on and rushed through the rain to her donga. She hadn't been there more than a few minutes when there was a knock on the screen door.


  She turned to see Logan dripping wet on her small porch.

  Her breath caught. "What are you doing here? Get out of the rain." She opened the door for him and they stood together in the door way.

  "I need to talk to you." His eyes were wide and vulnerable.

  "You don't need to sack me," she said. "I've already decided not to come back."

  "What? No, we need you." His voice trembled.

  "But, Jess?"

  "Jess and I are finished. I don't even know why we were ever together." He scratched his head. "I can't be with her when I'm in love with someone else."

  She looked deeply into his eyes, hazy with desire and as he looked back at her she leaned against him slipping her arms around his neck, her heart thudding against his chest. Their kiss was full of all the love and desire they held for the other.

  Whistles and laughter had them breaking away and turning to the house. The window was wide and they saw Ruth, Hugh and all the kids smiling widely at them, cheering them on.

  "About bloody time.," Hugh called.

  Paige looked back at Logan. "I love you too."

  "Will you stay with us?" he asked, "As more than a govie?"

  Paige wanted to pinch herself. Was this really happening? Was it possible to be this happy?

  She kissed him again, and again, and again.


  A year later

  * * *

  The homestead still smelled of fresh paint and was decorated with tinsel and lights. A green and red wreath that Layla had made hung on the front door, welcoming family and guests.

  The wet season had come early this year but clear, warm weather was forecast for Christmas Day.

  Paige looked out the bedroom window at the new buildings that had been erected next to her school house. Her family and close friends from Victoria were staying in there, having come up for the big day.

  "You look amazing," her father said and she turned to see him dab at his eyes.

  "Thank you." She hugged him, careful not to smudge her makeup. "It means so much to us that you're here.

  "I wouldn't miss this for the world."

  She looked around the bedroom she shared with Logan. She turned back to the mirror and smiled. The long white dress had been her mother’s and had been altered only slightly to fit her. The delicate veil had been her Nona's brought with her from Italy. It was her something old and borrowed.

  So much had changed this past year. Hugh's health had stabilised and he had semi-retired, allowing the new station manager and Logan to do all the heavy lifting and hard work these days.

  Logan still worked at the mines on a week on, week off roster. He loved his job and wasn't ready to give up the money and job security for a life on the station. The wage he bought home still paid most of the bills and Paige knew he loved working on the big machinery. He had given up going to the pub. When he wasn't on Skype with his family, he spent his down time playing footy with his mates or working out in the gym.

  As for herself she was still teaching the kids in the school room. Despite the change in situation their education was still a huge priority and she wouldn't allow anything to get in the way of that.

  "It's time," her father said and offered his arm.

  Layla and Brooke walked ahead, both stunning in their cream-coloured dresses, each holding a bouquet of yellow daisies. Paige smiled at Scotty in his special suit holding the ring pillow carefully in his hands.

  Walking through the house and out into the newly-planted garden, Paige smiled at her cousins, aunts and uncles.

  As she passed Helen they shared a knowing look. Her friend was still at the Henderson's station and was in the process of applying for permanent residency. She had found her home here in the outback too.

  Other families and friends they had met through distance education also sat in the guest's seats. Each term they had attended a mini-school camp in Longreach where they ran activities and classes. Paige had made more friends and met other resilient outback mums and governesses.

  Her Nona, Mother and brother, Antonio stood in the front row watching the procession. Both women wore wide smiles and had tear-filled eyes. Antonio grinned and winked at her.

  She breathed in the fresh country air before turning her gaze to her fiancé.

  Logan stood waiting for her, freshly shaved and gazing adoringly at her. Her father handed her over with a kiss for her, and a handshake for Logan.

  Logan took her hands in his and leaned in to whisper in her ear. "You'll always have a home here with us. You're not a govie anymore."

  She smiled, blissfully in love. With him, with the children and the station. She may have come for a job, but here, with them, she had found her true home.

  Thank you so much for reading The Outback Governess. I hope you enjoyed this sweet journey to love. For more information about me and my books, including the inspiration behind my stories, how I help other authors, and plenty of other fun stuff visit my website. If you’d like to know when my next release becomes available, plus gain access to exclusive content, news and giveaways, please sign up to my newsletter via my website and social media:

  * * *

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  Keep an eye out for my future story where we will catch up with Paige's brother Antonio…

  Read on for a sneak peak of The Brothers of Brigadier Station

  * * *

  She came to the outback to marry the love of her life. She just didn't expect him to be her fiancé's younger brother.

  When Meghan Flanagan, a vet-nurse from Townsville, moves to Brigadier Station in outback Queensland to marry the man of her dreams, she is shocked to discover that perhaps her fiancé isn’t the man she wants waiting for her at the altar. The man she's destined to marry, just might be his younger brother.

  Cautious of women after a disastrous past relationship, Darcy is happy living on his beloved cattle station, spending his spare time riding horses, going to rodeos and campdrafting. He didn't expect the perfect woman show up on his doorstep. Engaged to his brother.

  With the wedding only hours away, Meghan must make the decision of a lifetime. But, her betrayal could tear the family apart. She knows all too well the pain of losing loved ones and being alone.

  Now that she has the family she so desperately wants; will she risk losing it all?

  Chapter One

  Settle down, boy." Meghan coaxed the huge German Shepherd, using all of her strength to keep the great bea
st on the cold, metal table.

  "Almost done, just a little longer." Jennifer, the veterinarian, called from the end where the dog’s great head lay as his owner watched.

  Having your teeth checked at the dentist was never a pleasant experience, so Meghan couldn’t blame the old dog for being agitated. She held chunks of its sweaty fur in her fists. It stank of dirt and urine. It had probably gotten anxious in the car ride and wet himself. Owners never told them that. It was common to find wet patches on the animals that visited Spotty Dogz Vet Surgery.

  Still, in all her years working as a vet nurse, being wet on wasn't her worst experience. She was often a scratching post for vicious cats and had lost count of the numerous bites from a variety of rodents and birds. Her pain threshold had increased dramatically since she had finished her training. There were other parts of the job that were far worse. Like caring for a cat who was in constant, agonizing pain or having an innocent young puppy die in her arms. Those experiences left a mark that couldn't be seen.

  While healthy, domestic animals were cute and adorable, but it was the larger animals, especially horses, that Meghan wanted to work with.

  "All done." Jennifer stepped back. The dog hurled itself out of Meghan’s grasp and off the table. Claws scrapping on the metal surface.

  Jennifer and the owner tackled the creature out of the room, leaving Meghan alone to clean the instruments and sterilize the table. After washing her hands, she visited her patients. A new litter of short haired, tabby kittens had been brought in after being found abandoned. Meghan had already checked the kittens for fleas and ticks when they had first arrived yesterday, now they were just waiting for microchipping and vaccinations. A brown and grey boy cried mournfully and Meghan couldn't help wishing she could adopt them all. She scooped up the tiny kitten and snuggled it against her chin. Its soft fur tickled her skin and its small heart thumped against her fingertips.

  After a few minutes of loving, she placed the kitten back with his siblings, stroking all six in turn, saying a quiet goodbye and hoping they all found good homes before her next shift.

  She sighed as she glanced at her watch, it was almost the end of her shift. It had been a long day and she was looking forward to spending the night on the couch with her fiancé, Lachie. He had only arrived yesterday from his home in the outback and she had barely seen him yet.

  Her phone buzzed in her back pocket. She pulled it out and answered when her best friend's name appeared.

  "Hey, Jodie," a smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. Jodie could always make her feel better.

  "Are you still at work?"

  "Yeah. Almost over."

  "I just wanted to wish you luck for tomorrow. What time are you leaving?"

  "First thing. Lachie said it takes about seven hours plus breaks."

  "Geez, what a long drive. Did you really have to fall for a guy who lives on a farm in the outback?"

  Meghan laughed. "It's a cattle station, not a farm. It's been in the family for generations so he didn't get much of a choice where it was."

  Jodie was quiet, but Meghan knew her friend well enough to know when she was rolling her eyes.

  "Well, good luck meeting his family. Use these two weeks to make sure moving out there is what you really want."

  "I will." Meghan's eyes prickled with threatening tears. "I’m going to miss you. We’ve been friends for what… twenty years? We’ve never been apart this long."

  "It’s going to be harder if you move out there permanently."

  After the wedding, Meghan would call the station home. Leaving her best friend wouldn't be the only thing she would miss about Townsville. The beach, the food, the music. But the country promised excitement; a new start, a new identity, the family she longed for. She would become Mrs. Lachlan McGuire of Brigadier Station. She bit her lip, containing a grin. His country upbringing had been appealing right from the start. He was outgoing and confident. The fact that he was gorgeous helped too.

  "Call me. I want updates. And photos. Find out about the other brothers. If either are single and hot, I want to know." Jodie was always keeping an eye out for her next boyfriend.

  "I will. Love you."

  "Love you too. Safe trip."

  Meghan slipped her phone back in her trousers and glanced at her watch again. After her rounds, it would be time to say goodbye and her two-week holiday would start. She would finally meet Lachie's Mum and brother and see where he lived and had grown up. They would also be announcing their engagement.

  At twenty-nine, Meghan Flanagan was about to have everything she had ever wanted. She was in love and moving to the country to start a new life. A better life. She had never been happier.

  The television was blaring when Meghan got home. The air smelled musty when she stepped into the kitchen. She placed the bags on the kitchen counter and opened a window, allowing a cool breeze to waft in. She peeked into her small living room. Lachlan McGuire was sprawled on the couch, beer in hand, watching the North Queensland Cowboys defend their title. He was relaxed and happy. She knew he liked spending time in her modest little house. Away from the station, he could ignore the paperwork and bills that were no doubt overloading his email account; he worked hard, so Meghan couldn't blame him wanting to take a break.

  "What's the score?"

  He looked up and grinned the grin that made her insides quiver. "Cowboys are up by twelve."

  Cowboys games always reminded her of when she had met Lachie eight months earlier. Jodie had dragged her to a home game. By sheer good fortune, they had been seated next to each other. Lachie had quickly won her over with his good looks and charm. She had been surprised by the attention. Gorgeous guys didn't waste their time on plain girls like her. She wondered if he was being nice to her to get to Jodie. The tall, blonde beauty was often the centre of attention. But when the game was over, he asked for Meghan's number and within a week they were an item. Whenever she asked him why he had chosen her, he always replied: ‘You're a girl I can take home to Mum.’

  "Is that Thai food I smell?" He climbed off the couch and followed his nose to the kitchen.

  "I got that Pad Thai you like." She watched as he opened containers appreciatively and started serving it up onto two plates.

  Meghan moved into the sitting room, kicked off her shoes and curled up on the couch before turning the TV volume down with the remote.

  "Did you do anything exciting today?" She called out as she waited for Lachie.

  "Nah, just hung out here. Watched some TV." He carried the plates back to the living room to join her on the couch, balancing his plate on his knees.

  "How was work?"

  She shrugged. "I always liked my job, but now it's gotten so repetitive. I’m ready for a change."

  "I reckon you'll love the country. Lots of wide open spaces and you're a country girl at heart." He winked at her before scooping a generous forkful of food into his mouth.

  She had heard so much about their sprawling cattle property in the outback and his beloved mother.

  "I'm nervous, I've never met a guy's Mum before."

  "Mum's a treat. Don't be scared of her. Did you talk to Jodie today?"

  "She called me at work and assured me it'll be okay."

  "It will and this visit is only for a couple of weeks. After the wedding, we can still come visit once a year or so."

  She looked into his blue eyes and smiled. Her future was so full of hope and possibilities, it was exciting and a little frightening.

  "I love you, Lachie. I can’t wait to start our life together."

  His lips brushed gently over hers causing warmth to pool in her belly.

  She would meet his mother and brother tomorrow and she would finally see the property. Her future home.

  Brigadier Station.

  Chapter Two

  Cracked brown dirt stretched flat in every direction. The occasional ironbark tree provided the only shelter from the harsh elements of the North Queensland outback.

Although Meghan had never been this far from the coast before, she knew in her heart she would love the country and quickly adjust to living on the land. It had been a long drive from Townsville, passing through the small township of Charters Towers then the smaller, communities of Hughenden and Richmond. In these places, she had learnt of the abundant dinosaur fossils which were often found in the hard earth.

  Now on the final stretch of dusty road between Julia Creek and Brigadier Station, she decided the stark, austere scenery was, surprisingly, quite beautiful.

  "Don't worry," Lachie glanced at her as his ute rattled over a cattle-grid. "Brigadier isn’t as bare as these stations. We’ve got plenty of shade and good bores.

  "So, you're doing okay despite the drought?" Meghan had heard plenty of stories about how hard the outback graziers were doing it in this drought. Cattle were starving to death and many owners were killing their own stock rather than see their beasts suffer.

  Lachie had grown up on the cattle station and had inherited it when his father died a few years ago. He had told her what to expect and she was more than up for the challenge.

  "Well, we manage. It's not easy, though. Lots of hard work."

  Meghan admired his profile. His trim and toned body were the result of that hard, physical work. The sleeves of his grey work shirt rolled up above his long, suntanned forearms. Meghan was shorter by a foot, but he towered over most people at his lofty six-foot-four height.

  "What?" He caught her watching him. "You checking me out?"

  She giggled flirtatiously. "So, what if I am?"

  He wiggled his eyebrows at her. "I can always pull the ute over."

  She crinkled her nose and gestured to the tools and machinery parts at her feet and between them.

  "There's not enough room in here to move. Remember the last time we did it in here?"

  His deep chuckle sent a shiver down her spine as it always did.


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