Sweet Agony

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Sweet Agony Page 13

by Christy Pastore

  I check the timer on the shells and I feel Brant’s arm curl around my waist from behind. “You know that summer, even though you were too young and way off limits, I still wanted to kiss you. I remember wanting to sneak into the empty theater and kiss the hell out of you. Maybe do some other stuff.”

  “Brant,” I hiss and turn to face him. “I wish I would have known that you felt something for me back then.”

  “Sugar,” he whispers and places my hand on his cock. “I definitely feel something for you. And while we can’t go back in time, I can tell you that every time I smelled movie popcorn, ate an Almond Joy or The Bourne Identity was on television—I thought of you.”

  Desperate for him, I pull his lips to mine. He lifts me into his arms and my legs wrap around his trim waist. Brant nips my bottom lip scraping gently, then his mouth seals over mine and we fall into a deep searing kiss.

  The timer on the oven buzzes and Brant laughs against my lips. “I need to check and finish the dessert.”

  My lips quirk into a smile and I let out a slow breath. “Guess we’ll finish this later.”

  He smacks my ass. “Count on it.”

  Back Then

  There are worse things than having to work on your birthday . . . stepping on a spider with bare feet in the bathroom, seeing a hot guy pick his nose and then wipe it on his pants, getting shit on by a bird just as you’re about to enjoy your lunch outside.

  I shudder at those thoughts as I pull into the parking lot at the movie theater for my shift. I’d much rather be at the lake with a good book, soaking up the last moments of summer. But I’ve got to get new running shoes for cross country. And then there’s the matter of my new back to school wardrobe.

  “Happy birthday,” Jillian, my best friend, shouts as I open the door and pass through the lobby. We’ve been besties since first grade.

  “Thank you so much.”

  When I fell down in the middle of the lunch room, Jillian fell too and convinced the entire student body that the middle school cafeteria was haunted. And if you stepped on certain tile a ghost would trip you.

  We’ve been through it all—getting our periods within weeks of one another, crying over bad grades and wondering how to tell our parents that we had to go to summer school.

  I will never use algebra in my adult life. I’m convinced.

  “And since it’s your birthday, I’m going to clean all the theaters today. You don’t even have to help me.”

  “Best gift ever.”

  “I knew you’d appreciate it.”

  She follows me into the employee lounge where I shove my bag into my locker. The theater is small, clean, and comfortable. With ten screens, there’s usually a pretty good crowd on weekends. It’s the only movie theater from here to Elliston. Aside from the old drive-in outside Smyrna Hills.

  “So, Blue Crush came out today. And I’m dying to see it.” Jillian coats her lips with a bubblegum pink color and checks her reflection in the mirror.

  My head rests against the locker. “Ugh, me too. I’d rather be in Hawaii than here right now.”

  “Well, thanks a lot.”

  I laugh. “You know what I mean. At least I’m not working with Billy Kiley today. I can’t listen to him talk about how hot Courtney Leigh is, it makes me want to puke. It’s especially disgusting since Jake’s his best friend.”

  “Yeah, drooling over your best friend’s girlfriend is douchey.” Jillian tugs on my ponytail. “Come on, let’s get to work on the pre-shift checklist and then make the popcorn.”

  We refill the candy, the cups, and the ice bin. The nightshift did a bang-up job of cleaning the counters. Fucking slushie juice is all over the floor under the machine.

  Just what I want to do—mop.

  “I’m going to unlock the doors. First show starts in twenty minutes.”


  Instead of mopping, I grab a fistful of paper towels and wipe up the mess by hand.

  “Hey, Caroline. Happy birthday.” That’s Olivia, my other best friend. She moved to Mayfield in fifth grade.

  “Thanks. What are you doing here?”

  “I was just on my way to work, but I wanted to stop by and see you.”

  Olivia works at the local coffee shop, Beans and Cream. She brings us iced lattes from time to time.

  “Aww, that was nice of you,” I tell her and toss the dirty paper towels in the trash. After I wash my hands, I come around the counter and give her a hug.

  Jillian walks around the counter. “So, what should we do tonight for your big day?”

  “How about we get some ice cream and go out to Mayfield Falls?” Olivia suggests.

  “That sounds fun,” Jillian says. “I was at The Penny Plate last night with Gracie. I overheard Boone, Jet, and some of the other guys talking about a bonfire by Boone’s dad’s pond and maybe playing their guitars.”

  Jillian’s crushing hard on Boone Russell. She’s had a thing for him since freshman year. He caught her eye at the Homecoming talent show. He and Jet Keddie started a band with two other guys from our class. When they walked on stage and Boone started strumming that guitar, she was a goner. Swoon city.

  Olivia pops her gum. “You ever gonna get the courage up to ask him out?”

  Jillian blushes. “Oh no . . . no way. If he says no, I’ll die of embarrassment.”

  The doors to the theater open and in walks Brantley Cardwell. Holy moly. He’s so hot. I’ve been crushing on him all summer. Ever since he strutted into the theater back in May wearing a pair of faded Levi’s and black cowboy boots. His dark hair was long but not too long. It reminds me a little bit of Keanu Reeves in Point Break at the end in the rain with Patrick Swayze.

  “Caroline, don’t look now, but your college boyfriend is coming your way,” Jillian teases.

  I wish he was my boyfriend.

  “Ladies, good morning,” Brant’s sexy southern drawl inches out. “Caroline.”

  My heart beats out of my chest when he says my name. Jillian and Olivia creep away from the snack counter leaving me and Brant alone.

  “Happy birthday,” he says and places a white box from the bakery over in Smyrna Hills in front of me. I look down and see a cupcake with pink icing and a pretty purple flower in the middle. He remembered today was my birthday?

  “Oh, wow . . . it’s a cupcake. Thanks.”

  Good job, Caroline. The man you dream of at night brings you a cupcake and you stammer like an idiot.

  “You’re welcome. I remember you telling me that you liked their chocolate cake.”

  He remembers that too? His blue eyes smolder and my knees go weak.

  “Can I get an Almond Joy and a medium Dr. Pepper?”

  My palms are sweating. “Yup. What are you seeing today?”

  “Blue Crush. I’m a sucker for surf movies.”

  I laugh and fill up a paper cup with the soda. “You just want to see the girls in the bikinis,” I tease him.

  He holds up his hands. “Maybe a little bit. Kate Bosworth learned to surf in three weeks. Can’t wait to see how she does.”

  “I’ve heard fairly good things. I want to go to Hawaii so bad.” I place the lid on his drink and then grab the candy bar from the case. “That’ll be three dollars and one cent.”

  He hands me the cash and when his long fingers connect with my palm, I feel it everywhere. All the way down to my toes.

  “I’ve been to Hawaii. You’d love it, it’s truly paradise,” he says. “Enjoy the cupcake, Caroline.”

  He walks away and I look down at the box. My heart melts at the gesture. Maybe Brant does like me? No, he was just being friendly. Friendly like he’s been all summer.

  Jillian and Olivia rush up to the counter once he enters the theater where Blue Crush is playing.

  “Oh my god,” Olivia squeaks. “He brought you a cupcake. Biceps and a cupcake. Sweet lord, that man is fine.”

  I snicker a laugh and admire my birthday gift. “Someone should put that on a t-shirt, biceps and
cupcakes. Oh, better yet, biceps and birthday cake.”

  Jillian’s hand covers her heart. “That’s the sweetest thing ever. He likes you.”

  “No, he doesn’t. He can have any college girl he wants . . . a woman who has her life together and doesn’t work at a movie theater part-time. He’s got goals and adult stuff happening.”

  Jillian shakes her head. “I think you’re wrong.”

  I turn around and pour the kernels into the popcorn machine. “Guys, I don’t even know where I want to go to college or what I want to major in. Brant’s going off to Columbia for graduate school. He’s busy with the next phase of his life.”

  “So, next time you talk to him tell him how busy you are,” Olivia interjects. “Just because we’re in high school doesn’t mean we’re not doing important adult stuff. I mean, you just turned eighteen, legally you’re an adult now.”

  I laugh and close the door to the popcorn machine. “You guys crack me up. I’m telling you there’s no way that guy wants to hang out with a boring high school girl.”

  “But you two have hung out before, right?” Olivia asks.

  I refill the popcorn buckets. “Well, yeah, but that’s just like casual—getting food at The Penny Plate or a cup of coffee.”

  “I don’t think he’d spend time with you unless he likes you,” Jillian states.

  “Seems to me that he’s sweet on you, Caroline,” Olivia says. “Well, I gotta go to work. Lemme know what you decide about tonight. Or better yet, go ask Brant to hang out later.”

  I roll my eyes. “Bye, Liv.”

  The morning crawls along and I’m going crazy thinking about Brant. I stand outside the exit a moment before going in to do a routine check. I go up to the projection booth to see if I can see where he’s sitting.

  I spot him with his feet up on the side in the middle. The theater is practically empty aside from the group of girls in the center.

  The door to the booth opens. Bruce Herron, the owner walks inside.

  “Hi, Caroline,” he says.


  “Something I can help you with?”

  “No, sir. Someone complained about the sound in this theater yesterday. Thought I’d make sure things were all good in here.”

  He sits at the desk and puts on his glasses. “Well, thanks. I appreciate it.”

  I slip out and walk down the stairs. The next movie starts in thirty minutes. I better check on the popcorn and see if Jillian needs help with the ticket sales.

  When I come around the corner, I see Brant standing at the snack counter. “Hi, what can I get ya?”

  “Another Dr. Pepper, please.”

  I smile. “Sure thing. How’s the movie?”

  He shrugs. “It’s actually better than I thought it would be, good characters and it’s setting up to be more than a romance.” I hand him the cup and he smiles. “Any special plans for your birthday?”

  This is my opportunity to ask him to hang out. But my nerves take flight and I chicken out.

  “Oh, well, I’m not sure because, I’ve got a lot going on—school wise with sports and getting ready for my senior year. I’m also thinking about cutting down my hours here to focus on college entrance stuff.”

  Lies. All lies.

  But that doesn’t stop me from continuing to ramble and repeat how busy I am . . . over and over.

  His brows shoot up and those blue eyes of his widen. “Yeah, you’re really busy. Senior year is tough, but you’ll have fun too.”

  “I just need to narrow down my college choices. Maybe I should have done it last year, junior year.”

  He gives me an easy smile. “Guess I better get back to the movie.”

  I watch him walk away and then disappear into the theater. My eyes squeeze shut and I try to muster the courage to march inside and tell him I’m crazy about him.

  That’s the last time I see Brant. I don’t even see him leave the movie theater.

  Blue Crush, his blue eyes, and my pink cupcake.

  At least Anne Marie got her happy ending.


  Caroline and I sit on the balcony while we wait for the cake to finish baking.

  She’s situated between my legs and rests her back against my chest. I inhale and the smell of her shampoo races up my nose. I can’t quite make it out. It reminds me a little of baby shampoo, yet a little more floral. My sheets smell like her perfume and shampoo and I may never wash them again.

  “Why’d you decide to buy a building?”

  I laugh. “I don’t know. I’m always looking for investment opportunities.”

  “Still got that city slicker, finance guy in you, huh?”

  “Gotta be prepared for the future.” My fingers twine with hers.

  “Is that something you think a lot about? The future.”

  “Yeah, I guess that I do.” My eyes rake over her body. From this angle I’m privy to all her lines and curves. Her tan skin glows against the cream-colored fabric of her dress.

  “I bet you loved those interview questions . . . where do you see yourself in five years, ten years.”

  “Oh, I don’t know about that.” I laugh and tip back my drink. “You mind if I smoke?”

  She looks up at me. “Depends on what you’re smoking.”

  “A cigar, sugar. Nothing illegal here.” I pick up a leather case from the table and take out a cigar.

  “My daddy used to smoke cigars. The rich sweet smell always reminds me of him.”

  I light the end of the cigar. “Oh yeah? Tell me about him, but only if you want to.”

  “He was an amazing dad,” she tells me. “He loved farming and watching the rodeo on television. Daddy was a huge Elliston University basketball fan, and I know he’d be really proud of Joseph. Daddy practically taught him how to shoot a basket right out of the womb. I wish he was still here to see him play.”

  My chest tightens. I can’t imagine not having my parents around. The thought of my pop not being around to see milestone moments in my life fills me with sadness.

  “I’m so sorry, Caroline. I don’t remember what happened . . . was he sick?”

  “It’s okay, really. I can talk about my daddy and not lose it. He had heart disease. That spring when he passed away it had been so wet because of all the rain and he couldn’t plant the crops on time. The doctors believe that stress from all that and high blood pressure caused him to have a heart attack. So, be sure to go to the doctor because you can develop heart disease as early as thirty-five.”

  Tilting my head, I blow a puff of smoke. I listen to her talk about her dad and everything that happened when he died. Honestly, I can’t imagine. He didn’t have a will, so they had to make all the decisions.

  “Want a taste?” I ask holding out the cigar.

  “Sure.” She takes it from my hand and puffs lightly on the end.

  I take a drink and then she passes me back the cigar. “So, your reunion is Saturday night. What time should I pick you up?”

  “Brant, seriously.” Caroline wiggles and turns to face me. “You don’t have to go to my high school reunion. It’s probably going to be pretty boring.”

  This woman.

  “First of all, I’m never bored when I’m with you. Secondly, I’m wearing a suit. I never miss an opportunity to suit up.”

  She laughs a booming laugh and it’s the best sound in the whole world.

  Her lips brush mine. “Okay, well, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  “If it’s boring, we’ll just leave.”

  “A man with a plan,” she teases and her fingers rub lazy circles against my forearm.

  I crush the end of the cigar out in the ashtray and pull her up my body. Caroline feels so good and my synapses are fried at the moment. Nothing registers except my need for this woman.

  My lips drift up her neck, then over her cheek and land on her lips. She moans into my mouth.

  Hot damn.

  Her hands push beneath my shirt. I catch her bottom lip between my
teeth then kiss her hard. My fingers splay against her cheek as I deepen our kiss. Her sexy moans and gasps of pleasure make my blood sing.

  She pulls back breathless. “Brant.”

  “Yes,” I drawl out.

  She stares at me for a beat and her arms twine around my neck. She shifts and straddles me. She jerks her hips and my erection throbs against her center, begging for attention.

  Her nails scratch against my scalp when my tongue dives into her mouth. My fingers drift under her dress and my dick strains against my zipper.

  “Ohhhh,” she moans into my mouth when my finger teases her silk covered clit.

  Her teeth nip along my jaw.

  “Fuckin’ hell,” I breathe when her fingers skim across my abs. “I want you.”

  I’ve got her skirt hiked up and I’m two seconds away from pushing my fingers inside her.

  Caroline rears back when the timer for the oven beeps. “That’s not a sign is it?”

  I laugh. “Hell no, we’re gonna have dessert and then we’ll have a second helping in my bed.”

  She leans into me and I’m desperate to feel her again.

  “Go on inside,” I tell her. “I’m right behind you.”

  In other words: I need a minute because I’m hard as fuck.

  Caroline moves and her skirt inches higher up her thighs. Before she’s out of reach, I grasp her wrist tugging her back. Bringing her mouth to mine, I slant my lips over hers and kiss her like it’s the last time.

  But it’s only the beginning.

  I tease her with my tongue, pulling her back onto my lap. My erection will either be happy or unhappy with me. It’s a toss-up.

  Her hands glide into my hair and down my neck. Shocks of desire punch down my spine. My hands slide under her thighs and I’m close to ripping off her panties.

  “Whoa there, cowboy,” she says. “I’m going to go get the cake because I want it badly. Not as bad as I want you, but I need to taste this sweet dessert of yours.”

  I smirk. “I’ll be tasting your sweetness later.”

  She bends down to kiss me. “Oh, I’m counting on it.”


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