The Crucial Shift (The Ariane Trilogy Book 3)

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The Crucial Shift (The Ariane Trilogy Book 3) Page 6

by Michelle Dare

  “Good,” Aries says. “Let’s get home and start moving people.”


  By the time all is said and done, I think we’ve gained more people than we moved out of the mansion. All of the humans have been moved out of the Avynwood and Quivakond Packs to Ford’s home in Oregon. Whoever was left in the Quivakond Pack that could shift was brought here. Luckily, there are still quite a few extra bedrooms.

  We also moved Brayden and Paige. Their homes will be watched over, but it’s specifically them I’m worried about since they’ve been targets before. I’m not taking any chances.

  The Quivakond said goodbye to their pack members. Sadness was written all over their faces when they came here. But there was also determination. Travis may have gotten the upper hand and surprised Merrick and his pack, but he didn’t break their drive. They are more determined than previously to beat him.

  We finally crawled into bed around daybreak and slept a solid six hours. There’s no telling when this will start, but every premonition I’ve had places it in the clearing on Avynwood territory. Carter and Cash have wolves in rotating shifts watching the property. There are more on than usual, and each shift is only eight hours. Normally, they run on twelve-hour rotations, but Cash wanted them well-rested, so they scaled back the hours. Although, I’m not sure how well some of them are sleeping with their mates gone. The human mates are across the country. The separation has to be torturous.

  Rion rolls over and wraps his arms around me from behind. I’m already awake. I slept for a good chunk, but once my eyes opened and my mind began running through all that could happen, there was zero chance of me going back to sleep.

  “Good morning, my female,” he hums as he places kisses along my neck. I melt into him. Every time his skin touches mine, that electricity is there, but so much more. It’s been amplified now that we’re mated.

  His hands rove over me as I respond to every brush of his fingers. We could get up and meet with the pack, but who knows what this day will bring, and for the moment, it’s quiet, and I’m going to enjoy the time I have with my mate.

  My mate. I’m not sure how long it’s going to take for me to get used to thinking that. I don’t consider him my husband. We didn’t have a traditional wedding, and this life I’m living is far from conventional. Mate, I like. He’s mine, no one else’s. For life.

  Every caress of his wakes another part of me, and soon my body is humming with raw energy. Rion is able to take me places I’ve never been before. Heights I didn’t realize were possible. And he does so with such love. It’s as if he were made specifically for me. Maybe he was. I’m not sure how else to explain the mate bond. Without it, we wouldn’t be together. That and Lealla. She was instrumental in our pairing. Something I’ll always be grateful for.

  A knock on our door has me stirring in the comfort of Rion’s embrace. If it were up to me, I’d stay wrapped up here all day. That’s not our reality, though.

  Quickly, we dress and Rion opens the door. Dante is on the other side. His black hair is straight to his shoulders as usual. The scruff on his face tells me he hasn’t shaved and the bags under his amber eyes are proof he hasn’t slept.

  “What happened?” Rion asks.

  “Nothing.” A yawn escapes Dante. “The fae are here. The ones Merrick asked to join us.”

  “How many?”

  “Fifteen, I believe. I didn’t do a head count, but that’s my best guess.” He yawns again.

  “You need sleep.”

  “I can’t with Mira gone.” He rubs the center of his chest—the place where his mate resides in his heart. “I feel so off without her here. I tried sleeping but had a nightmare that Travis found them.”

  Rion squeezes Dante’s shoulder. “They’re safe. We sent four wolves with them to watch over the house, plus Kiara is there. You’re not going to do us any good if you don’t get some rest.”

  “You’re right. I’ll try again.” Dante drags his feet down the hallway and out of sight.

  “I hope he sleeps. He looks rough,” I observe.

  “Agreed.” Rion turns to face me. “Want to meet some fae?”

  “Yes!” I clap. I’m beyond excited. It’s all I can do not to jump up and down. I’ve never seen one of the fae before. I’ll take this excitement any day over the dread and doom hanging over us.

  He smiles. “Let’s go.”

  Downstairs we find Aries, Carter, Cash, and Sevan. In between them are what has to be a group of the most beautiful people I’ve ever seen. They’re as tall as the shifter men in the pack, but there’s this ethereal glow to them, and they have pointed ears. The women have long hair, which flows down their backs to just above their butts. The men have short hair in varying styles from neatly combed to spiked on top. They all have gorgeous, flawless skin.

  One of the men turns in our direction as we enter the room. A broad smile forms on his face. He breaks free from the group and walks toward us. With each step, it’s as if he’s walking on a cloud. He’s graceful and beautiful, but under a mess of blond hair and silver eyes is a layer of deadliness. The kind you won’t see coming unless you’re paying close attention.

  “You must be Ariane,” he greets, bowing at the waist. “Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Kylest, the ringleader of this group of misfits.” He sweeps his arm out to the fae behind him.

  “It’s nice to meet you. You must be friends of Merrick’s. This is my mate, Orion,” I say, gesturing to Rion beside me, who is now a solid wall of muscle from being so tense.

  “Easy, young wolf,” Kylest soothes, though his eyes hold a twinkle of delight. “I’m not here to harm your mate. Only to assist in your endeavors.”

  “You’ll have to excuse my wariness,” Rion states. “Some of the fae I’ve dealt with weren’t serious and were always out to have a good time, whether that be at the expense of others or themselves.”

  “Not all fae are the same, as I’m sure not all shifters are. Yes, plenty of us are full of mischief, and we all like to have fun, but that’s not our current mission. We are here to add to your army, not play tricks on everyone around us.”

  “I don’t know about an army,” I scoff. “But we have some wolves, vampires, and me.” I smile wide.

  “And you’re no ordinary human,” Kylest observes.

  “You’re a quick one.”

  He laughs loudly, drawing the attention of the others in the group. “Oh, I’m going to like you.”

  “I hope so, because as handsome as you are, you better be a great fighter. Travis and his pack can’t win this.”

  “No worries. I don’t plan on going home clean.” It’s there in his eyes, the maliciousness. He’s not all beauty. He’s as vicious as they come.

  The others make their way over and introduce themselves to Rion and me. One by one, they bow and state their name. No one shakes hands, which I find odd, but whatever.

  “We have many powers,” Kylest says in my mind.

  I quirk an eyebrow. “Among those, telepathy,” I observe.

  “Yes, and one of them is the ability to send our emotions through touch. For instance...” He steps forward, holding his hand out.

  “Don’t make me regret this.” He better not do something crazy.

  He smiles, taking my hand in his. The second our skin touches, raw lust washes over me. My body tingles as a shiver works up my spine. As soon as it appears, it’s gone along with his hand, causing reality to slam back into me. Is that how he feels at the moment? About me?

  “It is.”

  “Whoa,” I send him as my cheeks redden.

  Rion growls behind me. He had to have felt what I did. So much for first impressions.

  Kylest decides to speak the next part out loud. “Now you understand why we prefer not to shake hands. We can control it, but sometimes it slips through without us meaning to do it.”

  “I wouldn’t mind you slipping some of that radiant skin thing you have going on over to me. I’d never have to wear makeup again.”

  He laughs. “I’m so glad we came.”

  “How did you get here? Did Ford and Solomon teleport you?”

  “Not at all. We travel via portals. Those of us who are skilled can open them anywhere.”

  I wonder where they can go. Maybe it’s like teleporting, but I can’t do that unless I have a destination in mind. Oh, I wonder what their realm is like. Are the fae all this tall, or are they different sizes? What about the food there? Is it like how I’ve read? I have so many questions.

  Kylest smiles. “After the war is over, we can talk. I’ll share with you about my people.”

  “I like you more and more every second, Kylest. Except for that lust thing. Don’t do that again. And try and turn that off. It’s not going to happen.”

  He laughs in response.

  Aries goes around the mansion collecting every member of the pack except for Dante. I urged him to let him sleep. He agreed Dante needed to be in top shape when this war goes down.

  Outside, in large open space behind the mansion, the shifters, fae, and vampires gather. We’re still missing shifters from Lealla’s other packs: foxes, bears, and cats, but Aries said they would be arriving tonight. Some have to fly in since there aren’t enough vampires to teleport everyone. Plus, we don’t want to wear those of us who can teleport down.

  There are people on planes who are sitting next to shifters and don’t even know it. It makes me wonder how many times I’ve been out and about and crossed paths with a paranormal, not having a clue what they were.

  “I’m going to take all of you around the property,” Aries states. “It’s vast and there is a lot of land to cover. My pack will be stopping to show you various security measures we’ve taken along the way. We don’t want you crossing any of these. However, we can easily get rid of some of our opponents using them. If you become severely injured and need to shift, try to walk as far away from the battle as you can. Those who can teleport are going to try and keep an eye out for anyone injured. We want you to be able to shift safely. If they can move you to a safe location, they will. The rest of you can heal easily and don’t have to worry about finding a safe place. If you see one of our shifters go into an area to try and hide, please watch over them until they emerge healthy.” One of the exceptions to me leaving Rion’s side during battle is to teleport people to safety to heal.

  “What about her?” one of the fae women asks with disdain in her voice, pointing to me.

  “Ari can take care of herself,” Aries replies.

  I step toward her, not liking her tone one bit. “I’m not a human, if that’s what you’re thinking. I have the strength of a vampire and the power to heal as one. There’s no reason to worry about me.” I pause for a second as what she’s thinking floats to me. “And you might want to keep your thoughts in check. If I hear you speak badly about any of my friends, I won’t hesitate to take you out. I might be small, but I’m fast and strong. Go on and test me if you like.” I can’t believe this woman. She was thinking how the fae are far superior to the rest of us, and how I’m insignificant and will hold everyone back. She needs to realize who she’s dealing with.

  “Is that a challenge?” she asks, brushing her auburn hair from her shoulder. Her pink lips press together as she assesses me from head to toe.

  “Bring it on.”

  Rion steps between us. “Absolutely not. You’re not going to fight. Ari,” he starts, turning to me. “You have no idea what they can do. They’re ancient magical beings. Their powers are strong and plentiful.”

  “And you have no idea what Ari can do,” Carter says from across the yard.

  That day I spent fighting with him and Cash was amazing. I never got to spar with Rion after, so he didn’t get the full scope of how fast and lithe I’ve become. Fighting this fae could prove to everyone I’m not meek and unable to handle myself. Then again, it could be a huge mistake and she’ll knock me to my butt before I have a chance to show them what I can do.

  “Ariane, be serious,” Rion states. Even he thinks this is a joke.

  “I am. Now move.”


  The woman, whose name I don’t bother asking, steps forward and seductively drags her nail down Rion’s arm. She knows what she’s doing. She has zero interest in him, but she’s doing it to get a rise out of me. He jerks back, pulling away from her touch.

  “Do you know nothing of shifters?” he growls. “Only our mates touch us with interest. No other females.”

  “I know all about wolves. Your mate is no shifter, however.” Oh, this fae is playing with fire.

  She lifts her hand again to touch him, but I move quickly and grip her hand at her wrist before she can put her nails on him again. Bones crunch beneath my fingers as she screams in pain.

  “Never touch my man,” I seethe, releasing her.

  “You—” I don’t let her get the next word out. It rings through my mind. She doesn’t like me one bit. Well, the feeling is mutual.

  My fist connects with her jaw, throwing her backward, breaking those bones as well.

  Solomon steps forward, grinning. “Girl fight. Nice.”

  If it were possible, my eyes would literally roll to the back of my head. “You’re such a pig.”

  Before he can respond, Miss Auburn Hair stands, her bones already healed. “You don’t know who you’re messing with.”

  “And I don’t care. If you ever touch Rion again, I will permanently sever your arm from your body. Good luck growing that back.”

  She runs for me; however, I don’t move. Let her come. I’m ready.

  A few of the other fae appear to be ready to step in, as does Ford, but I shake my head slightly, keeping them back. If I have any chance of gaining their respect and understanding that I’m not helpless, I need to fight whatever her name is.

  She comes at me with everything she has. By the look of concentration on her face, I know she’s trying to read my mind. Only, I have a wall of steel up, so she isn’t getting in.

  When she’s about to crash into me, I teleport behind her and grab her by the back of the neck, pulling her off her feet, leaving her to flail in the air. She tucks her arms close to her body, trying to spin herself until I let go. Then, by moving her hands, she makes a gesture that reminds me of how someone would describe a rainbow. Next, she flicks her finger like she’s getting rid of a bug. What I don’t expect is to go flying backward. But I don’t hit the ground. No, I’m tumbling through a black abyss. That crazy woman sent me through a portal to nowhere! Son of a…

  With a quick snap of my fingers, I’m back in front of her. Poor Rion is standing off to the side, appearing like he was having a heart attack while I was gone. Ford’s fangs are descended and he has murder in his eyes.

  “You aren’t getting rid of me that easy,” I tell her.

  “I’m only warming up.”

  Having no idea what move she’s going to make next, I go through what I can do and what can be used to fight her. I don’t want to kill her by any means. I might not be able to for all I know. How does someone kill one of the fae? They’re immortal like vampires, but there has to be a way outside of severing their heads. You can kill vampires with a silver stake to the heart. I’m sure fae have a vulnerability as well. One thing is for sure, she’s got a lot more power I haven’t seen yet, and we’re wasting time by fighting each other. I really didn’t think this through.

  I walk to her like I would if I were out for a stroll through the woods with Rion. Not a care in the world. Her eyes narrow.

  When I’m less than a foot away, I stop, smile sweetly, and tap my finger on her left temple before she can stop me. I hit her with three of my memories. The horrible night Cace was killed in front of me. The pain of losing my father. And the bloodbath that was the fight between Travis’ pack and Merrick’s.

  Miss Auburn Hair stumbles back as my memories assail her. She hits the ground hard, clutching at the sides of her head. When she glances up at me, tears are running freely down her face. Sh
e handled that better than Wake did. I guess the fae can handle certain things easier than shifters.

  Kylest steps up beside me. There’s no accusation in his tone. Just mild curiosity. “What did you do?”

  “Gave her the memories of the most painful moments of my life.”

  “You have the ability of transference,” he murmurs.

  “Yup.” I cross my arms as the woman falls apart in front of us. “And I bet she regrets fighting with me now and throwing me into that portal.”

  It takes a few minutes before she moves from her spot on the ground. When she does, she comes to me immediately and hugs me. I’m stiff as a board, unable to move for a moment. “I’m so sorry,” she says solemnly. “Whatever you want, I’ll do. I’ll help in any way I can.”

  I half hug her back. You know the guy kind of hug, where they partly hug and pat each other on the back? I have no feelings for this woman. No friendship. No nothing. At least, not right now. Not after what she tried to do to me. If I hadn’t been able to teleport, who knows how long I would have floated through that nothingness. Plus, I don’t want her sympathy. I want her fighting on our side, not treating me like I’m defenseless.

  Leveling her with my gaze, I say, “We need to kill Travis and anyone else who threatens the lives of those who are against us. If they live, this will never end.”

  She nods. “Count us in.”

  “I thought you already were.”

  “Well, some of us had questions as to whether or not it would be worth our time to fight a war with a pack we don’t know. Especially one that has a young girl in the middle of it, who is hell-bent on fighting. But I get it now. I completely understand your motivation.”

  “I’m glad. He won’t be easy to beat. He’s cunning and likes his pack to do all the work for him.”

  I’m quite curious how he’s going to handle the war. Either he’ll fight or stand back while everyone else battles it. If he were any kind of leader, none of this would be happening. However, Travis wants it all, and it doesn’t matter who he has to step on or kill to get there.


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