Flicker and Flame: Magic Bound Book One

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Flicker and Flame: Magic Bound Book One Page 16

by Willow Hayes

  Luka pushes for a third movie, and Teo decides to head to bed, but I wait to see what Nakoa is going to do. He decides to stay, so Luka puts the movie in. I decide to slide down the couch to lay across the space Teo vacated. When I put my head down I realize I haven’t moved far enough because my head is now resting on Nakoa’s firm thigh. I go to move, but his hand on my shoulder stills my action. I close my eyes and fight the groan that wants to escape because this is both exquisite and excruciating. I open my eyes and attempt to focus on the movie while Nakoa starts to play with my hair once again. Laying there, in the dark, surrounded by Nakoa’s scent, while he plays with my hair I drift to sleep.


  When I sit down next to Kenna to watch the movie I don’t know if it was a stupid move, or a really stupid move, but her neroli scent called to me, and I needed to be near her. I’m her protector, and sex complicates things, but I’m just so damn drawn to this woman. She is like gravity. When she leans her head against the back of the couch I can’t help reaching out to touch one of her soft curls. When I see the goosebumps spread I know my touch is affecting her, and now I don’t want to stop.

  When I scent her arousal I pause, and my eyes flick to Luka who I find watching us with a huge grin. I raise an eyebrow in response, and he shakes his head, still smiling and turns back to the movie. I go back to twisting a curl around my finger. Touching her hair makes me think of wrapping it around my hand when I fuck her. I shove the thought aside, knowing it can never happen, but when she lays her head down on my thigh I’m a goner.

  She shifts to move away, but I stop her, good intentions be damned. When will I get to touch her like this again? She’s the princess, and I’m her guard. I lead this group of men, and they depend on me to keep my head in the game to keep her safe. I desperately want her, but I can’t have her, so I’ll continue to torture myself with the soft feel of her hair.

  When she falls asleep I watch her and ignore the movie all together. Her long eyelashes sweep across her cheekbones and her cute upturned nose has a smattering of freckles I never noticed before. Her hand moves under her cheek and rests on my thigh, and a bolt of need shoots through me.

  After more knowing grins and his own raised brow Luka leaves after the movie is over. I’m a selfish bastard, and I want to hold her, so I carefully move until I’m laying behind her. I wrap my arm around her and bury my face in her neck, breathing her in. Gods, why does this feel so right? She fits perfectly. Like she was made to be held by me. I’m just going to give myself this one moment with her then I’ll take her to her bed. This was my last thought before drifting off to sleep holding this beautiful, fiery woman.



  After our first session of calling Fire I figured out very quickly that Callum is a taskmaster. Patient, but always pushing me to do more or try again. When I started calling him Chief he clenched his jaw but said nothing. Now I try to call him Chief as frequently as possible because I’m me, and I love to ruffle feathers. And let’s be real, Callum could stand to have his feathers ruffled a bit. After making some progress in my ability to call Fire to my hand Callum is changing directions today to focus on a skill Akira said I was likely to develop, reading someone’s essence.

  We are sitting with our legs crossed facing each other on the training platform outside. His face serene and hands resting calmly on his knees he asks, “Have you ever felt like you could read someone before?”

  “I’m not sure. I don’t think so, but I don’t know that I would be able to tell the difference between reading them and reading their body language.” I shrug as my hands are busy tracing the patterns of my leggings, or tightening my pony tail. There is a reason I go to the gym all the time. I have way to much energy to sit still. Callum is the picture of calm, and I feel like a twitchy mess.

  “The two are similar yes. Non-magical beings can learn to read body language well, which gives you a great deal of information about a person.” Great, so he’s totally reading my twitchy mess right now and thinking gods knows what. “Sensing a person’s essence is similar to those who can see auras, but instead of an aura identifying the energy of a being, reading the essence of someone is to read the person’s soul and emotions. A person can have a good soul but can also be angry or sad. Emotions and souls have distinct colors, and I will do my best to help you learn what each one means.” This makes some sense. I’ve never seen an aura, but I have heard of them before. “Few develop this skill, only those descended from the gods have the potential, fewer still manifest it in a meaningful way. While passive, this skill will be helpful in reading others in various situations. The ability to read will lend itself to negotiations and determining if someone means you harm, or is being dishonest. Each of those actions are often accompanied by distinct emotions, and you will learn which.” That’s a handy trick. I could have used it on a boyfriend or two.

  In all the weeks we have been working together I still have a hard time focusing around Callum. He is achingly beautiful and while he can be a formal taskmaster, especially during training, it works for him. I find myself studying him while he talks and notice that his midnight blue eyes have a ring of a lighter blue, as though they are the dark just before the dawn.

  He continues, and I struggle to shake off my thoughts, “You will start by trying to see the colors before we go into meaning. I want you to close your eyes and call your magic though it is not necessary to weave a spell. Simply ask your magic to help you see, and we will start there.”

  I close my eyes and envision my magic. I reach out and run my fingers through the threads and feel the pulse of Fire and Earth in my veins. Ok magic, let’s do our thing. Please help me see. My magic wraps around my fingers and gives me a nudge. I open my eyes to ask Callum what to do next but gasp instead. “You are surrounded by blue mixed with violet. I think that means passion and loyalty. Does that make any sense, or am I way off base?”

  “You are roughly right about the colors and what they mean. You will learn what they mean to you with practice. By reading the colors and interacting with the person you will begin to interpret what they mean more accurately.”

  Apparently I’ve found something I can actually do well with my magic still bound. We go through colors and what they often mean. He explains that a range of emotions may be attested to a single color, but the more I practice the more accurate I’ll become. He tells me to practice by reading the guys. Goody, more homework. I feel like I’m back in university, except university is boot camp, and the gender ratio is skewed way more in my favor.



  Kenna has been making steady progress in training. Although, if you ask her she would tell you she’s still terrible at pretty much everything. Spitfire is a perfectionist, which means I get a ridiculous amount of pleasure from giving her shit about pretty much anything. Not to mention the way she always rises to the challenge is still one of the sexiest things about her.

  Anytime she walks in the door she utterly steals my breath, and today is no different. She is wearing her standard attire of black leggings with some pink swirly pattern and pink sports bra. She must have thirty different sets because I don’t think I’ve ever seen her wear the same one twice. And yes, I have been paying attention. She’s fucking hot in skintight pants with her toned stomach on display. The fantasies I’ve had that only involve her stomach are ridiculous. I shoot her a cocky grin as she walks across the gym. “Ready to have your ass handed to you, Spitfire?”

  “Dream on, Pretty Boy!” Her shit talking skills rival my own, and I love that she continues to dish it out, even knowing that she’s going down.

  “I do dream. Of you.” I shoot her a wink, and she rolls her eyes at me. She doesn’t know how true that statement is though. “We’re going to start a new skill today. When facing an opponent who is bigger and stronger than you it’s difficult to find the advantage. As you know.” Her brows raise in agreement as she scoffs. “One of the ways to ta
ke the advantage from your opponent is to get behind them and wrap your arm around their neck. It’s difficult to dislodge anyone, no matter their size, from that position.” I don’t think I’ve seen her use this move in any of her sparring matches, but I double check with her to be sure, “Have you used this strategy?”

  “Nope,” her lips popping on the word, drawing my attention to her lush lips.

  “Alight, we are going to start with the basics.” I move to stand behind her and catch her intoxicating scent as I do. I do my best to ignore it and start to explain, “From a standing position the goal is to wrap your arm around the neck, like this,” I demonstrate. “Once you have your arm wrapped around you will use the other to hold the first in place.” I demonstrate and watch her blue eyes in the mirror. “Once your arms are in place you can use your legs to kick or knee them.” I chuckle to myself at the picture in my head of Kenna’s legs dangling. “Or you can use your other hand to inflict damage on their face.”

  “So I can poke your eyes out today?” Her upbeat voice and big smile make me burst out laughing.

  “Not today, Spitfire.” She shrugs, causing my arm to bounce with the movement. I explain a few ways she can find leverage when standing with an opponent. “However, the most effective way to use this skill, especially for someone who is smaller, is on the mats.” I let go of her neck and drop down to the mats and indicate for her to follow. “If you get pinned with a supe on top,” I roll on top of her, pinning her down. Her sharp intake of breath at the move does nothing to help keep my mind where it should be and not on her lush body pinned below me. I give her a smirk to show her I know how much I affect her. She just doesn’t know how much she affects me, “it’s almost impossible to get out of, but if you can prevent getting pinned by getting them to their back instead your chances of survival go up.”

  I roll off of her and indicate that she is to sit in the v of my legs with a waggle of my eyebrows. She rolls her eyes, but smiles and moves to where I indicated. “Your sweet spot is from a seated or horizontal position and then wrap your arm.” I wrap my arm around her neck again. “I want you to try to break free of this hold.” She valiantly struggles against the hold but is unable to break it.

  “The grip is the easy part though, it’s making sure you don’t get pinned to the mats that’s hard,” I say this with the sexiest voice I can muster while I waggle my eyebrows again and shoot her a wink in the mirror. She laughs out a snort which only makes her laugh harder. “I’m going to show you some ways to prevent yourself from getting pinned, and we’ll work on those, so you can move into the grip.” Rolling around with my little spitfire on the mats sounds like pure torture, but a torture that I will enjoy every second of.


  Show me some moves, he said. Don’t get pinned, he said. Remember the moves, he said. Remembering the moves would be a lot easier if his body wasn’t so damn distracting. It’s one thing to practice sparring with feet and fists, it is another thing altogether to have my body wrapped around his, or to be pinned under him on the mats. Repeatedly.

  I can feel every single hard muscle of his shoulders and back as I press against him. I’m fairly sure he just told me something, but I was distracted by the sudden thought of biting his ear. It’s right there in front of me, and gods he’s left me a wanton mess. Plus, it would be funny to see what he’d do. Why not? I lean forward slightly and bite it. Not hard enough to draw blood but enough to know it wasn’t accidental. He starts at the touch then goes completely still. Oh shit! I pissed him off.

  Before I can open my mouth to apologize I’m flat on my back with Teo settled between my legs. Well fuck. I blink at the sudden change of position then catch sight of his very gold, not hazel, but gold eyes. His nostrils flare, and a low rumble comes from somewhere in his chest. I swear I can see his wolf peeking out when I look in his eyes.

  Neither of us says anything for a few moments, both assessing the other. Finally he speaks, “That wasn’t very nice, Spitfire.” His voice gravelly with desire. The sound making my hips roll. We both groan at the unintentional, but oh, so enjoyable contact. He slowly leans his head down, and for a moment I think he’s going to finally kiss me, but instead he buries his face between my neck and shoulder. He runs his nose from my shoulder to my ear, leaving goosebumps. I’m lost to the sensation until a warm wet tongue darts into my ear. I screech at the feeling as he jumps up from the mats laughing. He strolls out of the gym leaving his contagious laughter in his wake.



  I can’t believe I’ve been with the guys for a few weeks already. I’m busy from breakfast to dinner between magic, research, and combat training. The schedule doesn’t give me much time to think about everything, that is until I lay down at night. I continue to be plagued by nightmares nearly every night and have woken up with stupid fire hands frequently since arriving. It’s incredibly frustrating to feel like I still have no control, even if it only happens after a nightmare.

  Magic training is the by far the coolest between reading people and calling fire to my hand, but the spells take a great deal of effort and leave me feeling mentally spent. Nakoa and Teo are still kicking my ass on the mats, so that’s fun. I’ve managed to land a few hits, but the fights continue to be very one-sided. Luka’s knowledge is unbelievable, and he always makes me laugh. Research with him is an experience.

  I’m getting ready for bed when I hear my phone buzz on the side table. I slide under the covers next to Akito who is already dozing and pick up my phone. I smile when I see Rya’s name.

  Rya: How are things in training land, Sparkles?

  Me: Good, slow, but good.

  Rya: You mean things aren’t moving at ‘Kenna’ speed?

  Me: Laugh it up, Sunshine! I’m making progress, but everything leaves me so drained

  Rya: I can only imagine! How is your sexy brood of men?

  Me: Still sexy and wreaking havoc on my lady parts

  Rya: Mmmm I bet they are!

  Me: I wish they were wreaking havoc in a good way, but alas, we have thus far maintained our celibate existence. How are things at the nursery?

  Rya: Great! I hired someone who I think will be a great fit!

  Me: That’s awesome! Congrats!

  Rya: Thanks! We need a girls night stat!

  Me: Double stat! Ha!

  I square up against Nakoa who is staunchly saying, “No!” verbally and physically with his ridiculously muscled arms crossed over his chest and feet planted wide. If I were to take a guess, this intimidating pose probably works well for him when trying to get his way, but not this time.

  “I’m going. I need to see Rya before I go crazy surrounded by all this testosterone!” I gesture wildly around the room to the three men watching this exchange as if it were a tennis match. Teo and Luka look on with giant grins, and Callum sits watching with his normal intensity. “I haven’t seen her in weeks! I have worked my ass off, and it’s just a restaurant. I have not gone this long without seeing my best friend. Ever. We’ve not heard anything more from the mysterious letter writer, and I need girl time.”

  Nakoa’s face continues to look as though he is chewing on words he’s trying to keep from saying. “Why not have Rya come here?” he asks, trying to bargain with me.

  “Because testosterone.” His eyes narrow, and I can see him trying to work out a reply, but that is all he’s getting from me on the matter, so before he can formulate a response I say, “I’m going, with or without your permission!” I wait a beat before I whirl away and hear a mumbled acquiescence as I walk towards my room. Victory!

  Nakoa drives the SUV we’ve all piled into and doesn’t say much. I can see the tension all over him, but I don’t know if it’s because he’s pissed at me, or because we are going out in public for the first time since the letter was delivered and my identity discovered. Probably both.

  As I step out of the SUV the guys surround me like paparazzi around a popstar. “Um, guys, I’m not exactly going
to be able to keep a low profile if four sinfully hot men follow me around.” I fluff my long curls that hang loose around my face and adjust my black pencil skirt and white sleeveless blouse, that both go great with my red stilettos, if I do say so myself. When they don’t move an inch I say, “You said you didn’t want me to stand out. This is not incognito, in case you didn’t know. Which seems odd considering you own a security company and all.”

  The guys stop, and Nakoa turns to me with muscles coiled ready to spring. “Fine, but we won’t be far.” They spread out a bit, and I feel like I can breathe again.

  “I had no doubt, Boss Man,” I snark at him while patting his tense shoulder.

  When I walk in the door I see Rya at a table waving me over. She snickers when she spies the wall of muscle behind me. I roll my eyes at her and sit down. She speaks first and asks, “How are you?” Like we don’t text every day or anything.

  I shake my head. “Nope, you get to go first because I seriously need a huge dose of normal right now.”

  She laughs and concedes saying, “Things are steady at the nursery. I’ve been looking at last year’s numbers, and we are actually up quite a bit. Oh, and the newbie is working out great.” Her grin is huge, and I am so stinking excited for her. Her chocolate brown eyes take on a dreamy expression I only see when she’s watching sappy romance shows. “I have a date on Friday!” We do the girly shit and squeal. She sobers slightly and says, “It’s a bit lonely without you and Akito there with me, but I know you’re where you need to be.”


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