Flicker and Flame: Magic Bound Book One

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Flicker and Flame: Magic Bound Book One Page 24

by Willow Hayes

  I take a deep breath and throw the fire like I would a ball. My first attempt misses, but I hit on the second try. I work my way down the line, having found that adjusting for the new height and angle was not that tough.

  When I finish I turn to Callum. What I see confuses and concerns me. The guys are lined up and apparently bound, which makes no sense because they would never let themselves be bound like this. I then catch sight of Callum, and my heart stops. He has an arrow nocked and aimed at the guys. “By Hades Callum! What are you doing?” I shout and move to go to the guys, but he turns the arrow on me. I stop dead in my tracks, the fear and confusion warring with my anger.

  “It is time you had some motivation for your wall of fire. I will loose this arrow, and if you do not stop it with your fire it will strike one of your Chosen. I will keep shooting until you protect your men.” Callum’s voice is cold and distant, and I feel as though I’m stuck in a bad dream. Where is the man who passionately told me of the things he wanted to do to me? My eyes bounce back and forth between Callum and the guys who are struggling against the ropes that bind them.

  He turns his arrow back to the guys, and my heart starts beating like crazy. I try to reason with Callum, “This is not a good idea. It’s crazy! I’m not ready for something like this! Please don’t do this!”

  “I am going to let go in five seconds. It is your choice whether one of them is struck.” He starts counting down, and I try to call upon my magic to weave the wall, but it’s not extending to them. Callum says, “One!” And his arrow flies.

  I cry out in frustration, and suddenly my magic surges out in whoosh to create a huge wall of flames, protecting my Chosen. The arrow burns to ash upon contact. I’m shaking with adrenaline as I call my magic back to me. The wall disappears, and suddenly Callum is in front of me.

  I start hitting him and punctuate each word with a hit, “What. The. Actual. Fuck. Callum? You scared me to death! You would shoot one of your brothers?”

  Callum finally grabs my hands to still them. “I knew you could do it. You were the only one who did not believe that you could. You are so much more powerful than you can even imagine, and we have only just scratched the surface. Your Chosen were not in any danger, Ómorfos. If you could not create the wall they would have been able to stop the arrow.”

  He leans in and kisses my forehead, drawing me close. His tenderness rocks me almost as much as seeing the arrow fly. “When we spoke before your magic was unbound the driving force behind that was that you never wanted to feel powerless again, to help yourself or those you love. I knew you would fight because you will not allow what is yours to be hurt again. Please forgive me for the deception, but I needed you to see that you are powerful. You just have to believe it.”

  He hugs me tighter for another moment and steps back to look in my eyes. It’s hard to stay mad at him with what he said, and I find myself leaning forward to kiss him. Not the quick kiss I’d given him after my magic was unbound, but one that speaks of the changes between him and I. He wraps one arm around my back and the other to cradle my head. I wrap my arms up around his neck and into his long silky strands.

  The kiss morphs from tender to passionate in an instant. The need stirred while preparing dinner flares white hot. He flicks the seam of my lips, and I open for him. He tastes spicy and sweet, of cloves and apples. His tongue explores my mouth with an urgency I have never felt from him, and I return his passion with my own. The hand around my back presses me closer, and the evidence of his arousal sits against my belly.

  At last I must pull back for breath and am filled with uncertainty of what I will find when I look in his eyes. Will it be the mask he wears, or the passionate lover I glimpsed in the kitchen, or the tender man who just held me in his arms. What I see in eyes is a promise. A promise to finish this later. I smile and step back, certain I’m flushed and not caring one bit.

  “Well that was sexy.” Luka leans against the platform, his arms crossed in front of him, with a huge grin on his face.

  “Apparently you like to watch, huh Romeo?” I throw back at him.

  His grin grows impossibly wider. “When I’m watching you, fuck yeah.”

  “Well I’m glad one of you is not egregiously injured, and apparently my magic is quite protective of you assholes,” I throw out there with a shrug as if to say that it didn’t matter to me one way or the other.

  “Nice subject change there, Spitfire. We will continue this sexy conversation later, but none of us doubted whether you could do it, so we knew there was no danger. We all talked about it with Callum and agreed.” Teo has a sparkle of mischief in his eyes that I don’t know what to do with.

  Callum speaks from beside me, “You do not feel as much fear as you once did, but you still doubt yourself. Trust your magic and trust yourself.”

  Nakoa has been quiet so far, and I’m interested in what he has to say, and when he finally speaks up his voice is full of pride and determination, “Firefly, you truly are amazing. We never doubted you for a second. After seeing you in action tonight and our sessions earlier today I think we’re ready. We leave tomorrow.”



  I’m restless and can’t fucking sleep, despite being ridiculously exhausted from the day’s training. Conceding defeat, I irritably grab the book from my nightstand in hopes of distracting myself from the thoughts churning in my head. However, the book does little to distract as my thoughts continue to drift to Kenna and tomorrow’s trial. I worry about the pressure she puts on herself, as if she feels the outcome of the trial rests solely on her shoulders. There’s no question in my mind as to whether we’ll pass or not, but I know my little spitfire continually doubts herself.

  Lost in my thoughts it takes a moment for the sounds of her thrashing to penetrate. Hearing her movements I hold my breath, waiting for the inevitable scream. When it comes, it is filled with terror. Most nights I wait and hope she’ll come to me, but hearing her terror filled cries tonight, I don’t wait. Instead, I walk the few steps to her door and open it slowly.

  My gaze immediately lands on the tears streaming down her cheeks, and my heart squeezes painfully at the sight. I shift my gaze to find Akito, knowing he’ll already be comforting her the only way he can. From the moment I laid eyes on the kitsune I could sense his intelligence and dedication to Kenna. He is as protective of her as any of her Chosen, and that’s saying something considering I have never seen a group of men as protective of someone as we are of Kenna. I meet his eyes where he is draped over her, and he dips his head in acknowledgement.

  I approach the bed cautiously, looking for signs of any unintentional magic. Finding none, I sit down next to her and brush her hair back from her face. I softly sing a song my mother used to sing to me when I was a child and wait for Kenna to wake.

  As her cries quiet she opens her eyes, and her sapphire gaze finds me. She relaxes slightly before whispering my name and pulling me down to lay next to her on the bed. I don’t ask her about her nightmare because she dreams of the same thing every night. Instead, I pull her over until her head rests on my chest and place a kiss on her head. I wrap an arm around her and brush my fingers over the skin of her back while I tell her a story from my childhood. As she listens her shaking eases, and she’s able to drift off to sleep again. I know she had hoped her nightmares would have gone away with her confession, and gods so did I, but she continues to be tormented by them night after night.

  I study Kenna’s peaceful upturned face as she sleeps, and my thoughts wander to the day I learned she was my mate. I know exactly what it looks like when a wolf finds their mate, and I can’t believe I didn’t recognize the signs. From the moment I laid eyes on her at the club I wanted her more than any other woman, but I chalked it up to coming off a shitty job and needing to blow off steam.

  However, the pull I felt toward her only grew, and the day I realized I had no desire to find someone new to warm my bed should have been the day I realized Kenna was my mate.
Once upon a time I was satisfied being the playboy. I enjoyed the hunt and had no plans to commit to anyone, but Kenna changed everything. When Kenna is near my wolf stops growling at me, and it wasn’t until she was around that I even realized he’d been growling at me for years. Knowing she is mine settles something inside me I never even knew I needed, and with the exquisite thought that the beautiful woman I hold in my arms is well and truly mine, I drift off to sleep at last.

  I wake with an arm draped over Kenna’s stomach, and my nose buried in her hair. I breathe in her scent and relish the feel of her in my arms. As she wakes she shifts slightly, and my hips move of their own accord, and I have to bite back the groan at feeling her against me. Her voice rough from sleep and incredibly sexy she says, “Good morning.”

  Good morning indeed. I would be quite alright if I could wake up like this every morning. “Good morning, Spitfire. How did you sleep?”

  She rolls in my arms until she’s facing me and offers a beautiful smile before she says, “I slept great, thanks. You?”

  “I got to hold the most beautiful woman in my arms all night, so I slept great.” She smiles at my words but rolls her eyes. I smile and kiss the tip of her nose, finding myself caught in her sapphire gaze.

  My eyes flick down to her lush mouth. I’m dying to kiss her again, but I don’t want to push things. My internal argument is made up for me however, when she moves her mouth up to meet mine. Her full lips are soft, and when I flick my tongue across the seam she opens for me. She tastes of oranges and chocolate and all Kenna. Her tongue dances with mine, and as I dive in deeper she moans into the kiss.

  I pull her under me, and settle myself between her hips. She wraps her legs around my waist, and I am lost to her. She spears her hands through my hair and pulls slightly. The sensation sends a bolt of need through me, and my already rising cock is now rock hard. I rock my hips slightly against her heat and shiver when her hips arch up in response. I greedily swallow her moan.

  I break away from the kiss and start kissing along her jaw and neck. My wolf growls with the need to claim our mate with a bite, but now’s not the time. I nip her ear and am rewarded with a gasp. Her hips thrust against me again, and her legs tighten, drawing me closer. Delicate hands skate across my skin, stirring fire in my veins. This woman creates a reaction in me like none other.

  I start kissing down her body, making eye contact to make sure she wants this. There is so much passion and need in her eyes that it takes my breath away. I scoot her tank top up until I have access to her full perfect breasts. I capture one nipple with my mouth and pinch and roll the other between my fingers. Her back bows off the bed, her responsiveness intoxicating. I switch to her other breast, pulling and tugging on the other and drink in her moans and little sounds she makes.

  I trail my hand down her firm stomach until I reach the band of her lacy underwear. Again I make eye contact to make sure this is what she wants. She responds by rolling her hips. “Please,” her whispered plea nearly has me claiming her right then and there, but I push the feeling back to focus on pleasing my mate.

  I slip my hand under the lace and groan. “You’re so wet.”

  I brush my knuckle up her folds and relish in the knowledge that she’s wet for me. I find her bundle of nerves and swirl the pad of my thumb over it. Her back arches once more, and she grips the blankets.

  “Fuck, Teo,” her voice breathy as she almost whispers the words. Hearing my name on her lips is so fucking sexy, and I want to hear her say it again and again. I insert a finger and find that soft spot. I set a leisurely pace while I kiss and nip my way back up to her luscious mouth. I claim her mouth once more as I add another finger and swallow her moan.

  When her body starts to shake I know she’s close. I flick her clit one last time, and she falls off the cliff. As her body clenches around my fingers I have no problem imagining what she will feel like when I claim her as mine. This time when my name leaves her lips, she shouts it out. I grin wickedly with the knowledge that every other guy in the house knows exactly what we just did, and they are going to be so fucking jealous.

  She has this floaty, happy smile on her face, and I feel like the cat who ate the canary. I want to put that look on her face as often as I possibly can. I pull my hand out and immediately suck her juices off my fingers. I groan because she tastes like candy, and her eyes dilate as she watches me enjoy her taste. She pulls me down to kiss her, and I give in to her demand for just a moment before I pull back and grin. Just as I open my mouth to speak Akito pops up out of nowhere and licks Kenna’s face.

  Keanna flushes beet red before she says, “You little shit! Enjoy the show did you?” I swear he tries to look innocent, but Kenna’s having none of it. I’m attempting to hold back my laugh because I don’t think she would appreciate it at the moment. “Your innocent look doesn’t work on me!” She huffs. Her blush has spread to her ears before Akito licks her again. She shakes her finger at him, and I can just see the mischief in his eyes. Whenever he does shift, he and I will get along just fine. With his attempted look of innocence I can’t hold back my laughter anymore, and Kenna turns her glare to me, “Not you too!” Which just makes me laugh harder. As I continue to laugh, I see the corners of her lips twitch until she’s laughing too.

  “Akito, you and I will get along just fine.” I shoot him a grin, and I swear if a kitsune could smile he’d be grinning right back. I turn my gaze back to Kenna and say, “You, my beautiful mate,” with the word mate she shivers which makes me grin wider, “taste like candy, and I could watch you cum every day and would never tire of it.” She blushes adorably at my words. “And while I would love to see how many times I could make you scream my name, Spitfire, we have to get ready.”

  With those words a seriousness settles over her, and our fun has officially come to an end, for now. “I’ll leave you to get ready.” And because I can’t resist her I lean down and give her one last passion filled kiss. When I pull back she looks dazed, and I grin broadly as I walk out of her room, only to run into Luka. I grin wickedly at him, and he only glares in response before he mumbles, “Lucky fucker.”



  Watching Teo swagger out the door made my grin impossibly wider. Waking up in Teo’s arms has always been a delicious experience, but this morning has ruined all other mornings for me. How could I possibly go back to waking up alone after that? The man seriously has a talented mouth and fingers.

  My gaze leaves the door and lands on Akito who is giving me a look that is a mix of feigned innocence and amusement. I raise my eyebrow and attempt, rather unsuccessfully, to wipe the smile from my face before I say to him, “You sir, are in trouble.” I know I read about kitsunes being able to communicate with words, and I’ve heard small snippets of thoughts from Akito before, but I was not prepared for the words that floated to me from him. I did enjoy the show, thank you.

  My jaw drops, and I stare at him in disbelief. The look on his face transforms into one of satisfaction, as if he wasn’t sure I’d be able to hear him. “By the gods, Akito!” My anger and embarrassment vanish with this new discovery. “Have you always talked to me like this?” I hear his words as clear as if he were speaking aloud. I have, but you are hearing me more clearly.

  Well damn, no wonder I always thought he was intelligent. I’m flabbergasted, and my words come out in a whisper, “Holy fuck.” I can sense his amusement at my response, but my thoughts are spinning with what this means. I jump when the alarm on my phone goes off, indicating that it’s time to get ready. I throw my arms around Akito, “I have to go get ready, but I have a million questions.” I feel his affection for me and hear, Of course you do. Be safe, Kaji. I don’t stop to ask him about the unfamiliar word because I have to get a move on, so I kiss his head and jump out of bed. While walking to the bathroom I feel, more than hear, his love for me.

  We’ve all piled into the SUV, and my nerves have hit me full on. I’ve always hated tests, that part was no joke. I
know I put way too much pressure on myself, which is why I freak out. Rya has informed me of this many times, but the knowledge doesn’t change the fact that I still hate tests.

  When I talked to Rya last night she said her mother was driving her crazy, but she’s enjoying being near the forest again. We talked about the Trial of Three again, and she did what she does best, help me gain perspective. She reminded me of what I have learned, to trust myself and the guys, echoing Callum’s words from our training session.

  The fact that this trial involves four amazing, sexy men that are all depending on me for this to work makes the pressure worse than even my master’s thesis presentation. So when we finally loaded up the SUV and set out I felt relief that we were finally getting this over with.

  My knee has not stopped bouncing since we left the house, but I can’t help it. Teo has reached out a few times to still my leg already, so when he reaches out again I assume that’s what he’s doing, but instead of my leg he grabs my head and slams his lips down on mine. It’s slow and sensual, but he is no less in charge. He tips my head to gain better access, and darts his tongue out to tease me but doesn’t deepen the kiss. I run my fingers up into his hair and grab it in fists making him groan.

  When he finally slides his tongue along mine it’s with the same deliberate slowness and intensity. My moan is lost in his mouth. It’s a slow dance, and I’m swept away until there is only Teo and me. When he pulls back we are both panting, and his eyes are rimmed in gold. I’m reminded of waking up with him this morning and am flooded with heat at the memory. He grins knowingly at me, and I can’t help my answering smile. I come back to myself, and remember that we’re in a car full of my Chosen. I groan slightly, and press my face to his neck, muffling my question, “Teo, why is it that when we kiss we always seem to have an audience?”


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