Searching for Love (The Bradens & Montgomerys (Pleasant Hill - Oak Falls) Book 6)

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Searching for Love (The Bradens & Montgomerys (Pleasant Hill - Oak Falls) Book 6) Page 20

by Melissa Foster

  “I do have a lot on my mind, but you’re at the top of that list, Carly. That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you and show you. There was a world of time and space between us, but you were always on my mind. We might not have been together when I discovered these concretions, but in my mind, this has always been ours.”

  She was quiet for a moment, looking at him gratefully through the face shield. “You can’t imagine how much that means to me. When I read about your discovery with Luis, I wondered if the notoriety or money had changed you. You’ve changed in some ways, of course. I mean, you’re a grown-up, sexy man,” she said cheekily. “But the person you are inside hasn’t changed at all. You shared this once-in-a-lifetime experience with me. That was a huge risk for you to take. You really are still the same person you used to be.”

  “No, Carly. Don’t fool yourself into thinking that. I’m smarter now. I’m the same guy who believes it’s all about the adventure, but when it comes to you, I’m a much better man.”

  “I know that. I believe that.”

  Thank God. “This is pretty cool, huh?”

  “More than cool. It’s…”


  She sighed, looking a little bashful. “I had forgotten the feeling of wanting to explore and the thrill of discovering the undiscoverable. You know what I mean?”

  “Yeah, I do.”

  “Can you take a picture for me?” she asked. “I want to always remember this moment. Every last detail.”

  “Of course I will.” He pulled out his phone and said, “I need to get a picture to send to my attorney and my dive team, too. Come here. You hold the concretion.” He removed their headgear and face masks and took a picture of Carly holding the concretion and pointing to the element she’d uncovered. Her smile was brighter than the sun. He took a selfie of the two of them with it, and when he took a third, he was kissing Carly’s cheek and Bandit was sniffing the concretion.

  Carly set the concretion on the table, and as Zev took a few close-ups, she said, “How many people are on your dive team?”

  “Just two full time, and two others as needed,” he said as he thumbed out a text. “Ford Kincaid and Randi Remington are my full timers. We’ve worked together for a few years now, and we’ve done some traveling together in the winters. We call ourselves the Fearless Threesome. You’ll like them. Ford is a lot like Graham. He thinks everything through before making a move and he’s got strong opinions. He drives Randi crazy sometimes. But it’s reciprocated. She can be bossy and just as opinionated.” He pocketed his phone. “But we make a great team.”

  “Oh,” she said uneasily.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “Nothing,” she said unconvincingly.

  “Carls, I know that look in your eyes.”

  She winced. “I got a little jealous. I’m sorry. I know what you did before we got together is none of my business.”

  “Jealous of Randi?”

  She nodded, embarrassment rising in her eyes.

  “I’m flattered, but don’t be jealous. She’s a cool chick, a marine archaeologist, and a vital part of my team. But there’s never been anything between us. Besides, I’m pretty sure she and Ford could light the ocean on fire if they ever stopped bickering long enough to notice.”

  Relief eased the tension in her features, but she said, “I will probably hate myself for asking this, but I have to. You said you haven’t clicked with anyone in your travels and you haven’t had a real girlfriend. But clicking and girlfriend or boyfriend can mean different things to different people. Have you traveled with a woman as a…partner?”

  Holding her gaze, he said, “I was honest about never having a meaningful intimate connection with any other woman. If I was hanging out in one place for a few days, I might hook up with someone a time or two, but that was just, you know, hooking up. There was a woman I surfed with one summer, and we road-tripped up the coast, surfed there for a few days with a group of people we met up with. But she wasn’t my adventure partner. She was just some chick out having fun.”

  Carly swallowed hard, and he recognized the hurt in her eyes.

  He took off his gloves and cradled her face in his hands, wanting her full attention. “Listen to me, Carly. If I didn’t make it clear before, let me make it clear now. I tried to forget what I felt for you at first just to save my sanity. But it was impossible, so I stopped trying. But I never tried to replace you. Even at nineteen I knew you were irreplaceable. My heart has always been yours.”

  “Okay,” she said softly.

  “You can ask me anything, Carly, and I’ll always be honest.”

  “You can ask me anything, too.”

  “I didn’t hold back this afternoon, did I?”

  “No,” she said with a smile. “And I loved that.”

  “If we each try to figure out what the other did for every minute we were apart, we’d lose our minds. You’re mine now, and that’s what I’m focusing on. But you know me. When we’re at the bar tonight, if I have a question about any of the guys, I’ll ask. Speaking of which, what time do you want to meet your friends?” He glanced at the clock. It was seven, and they still needed to clean up the lab, take Bandit back to the inn, and get themselves cleaned up.

  “Oh my gosh, I forgot. I really want to keep working, but I also want you to meet everyone.” She glanced at the concretion, clearly torn. “I want to get that artifact out so bad, or at least get closer to figuring out exactly what it is. We only have until Sunday. That’s not that much time for this type of work. Can we come back tomorrow? Do you have time? Is that okay? Wait…I’m totally inviting myself to do more work on this. I’m sorry. Was this a one-time thing?” she asked apologetically. “If so, that’s okay. I had such an amazing time. I can’t thank you enough for reminding me how much I love this type of work. And doing it with you…”

  She was talking so fast, he had to laugh. “This wasn’t a one-time thing. We can meet any time you want. What time do you get off work tomorrow?”

  “Four. But Quinn only works at the bank until noon tomorrow. She’s supposed to come in later in the afternoon, but I’ll ask her to come in early. There is no way I’m passing up my chance to work on this with you. Can I meet you here around noon?”

  “Is that your sneaky way of hinting for a nooner?” He stepped closer, enjoying the flush on her cheeks. “If so, we should probably meet at the inn. I don’t want to give Noah a show.”

  “For a guy I had to push into giving up his virginity, you sure think about sex a lot.”

  “I think a lot about sex with you. But hey, I can stop.”

  He turned to walk away, and she grabbed the sleeve of his lab coat, tugging him back to her with a fierce and somehow also playful expression.

  “Don’t stop, Zevy. Don’t ever stop.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  “ONE LAST HANDFUL,” Carly said as she buried her arm in the half-empty box of Cap’n Crunch they’d brought to eat on the way to the bar.

  They’d been so sidetracked getting dirty in the shower, they’d ended up running too late to eat anything real before leaving to meet her friends at the bar. Carly shoved a handful of cereal into her mouth as Zev climbed out of the truck, taking in the parking lot full of motorcycles and pickup trucks. The building looked like a rustic version of Cracker Barrel, with a long front porch and enormous windows. A neon ROADHOUSE sign glowed bright orange above the front doors. Several tough-looking bearded and tattooed guys sporting black leather vests with Dark Knights motorcycle club patches were talking by the front door. Zev couldn’t imagine Carly going near a biker hangout, and as he helped her from the truck, he wondered if he was being pranked.

  “This is going to be so fun,” she said, straightening her cleavage-baring top.

  As she ran her hand over the hip of her flouncy miniskirt, looking too damn sexy for a dive like this, Zev looked at the guys by the door. One of them had his eyes locked on Carly. Zev rolled his shoulders back and stepped into his line
of vision, staring him down as he put an arm around Carly.

  “Is this some kind of joke?” he asked.

  She made a face. “A joke? No. Why?”

  “I can’t see you in a biker bar.”

  “Neither could I until I met the Whiskeys. Come on,” she said, heading for the entrance. “You’ll love them.”

  He wasn’t so sure.

  The men turned as they approached, and several pairs of scrutinizing eyes hit Zev at once. This should be fun. He tightened his hold on Carly, lifting his chin in greeting. “How’s it going?”

  The men all answered at once with a round of goods, fines, and not bads.

  “Hi,” Carly said cheerily, earning much more enthusiastic greetings from the men.

  The big, bearded guy who had been eyeing her stepped forward. He was a good two or three inches taller than Zev and probably thirty pounds heavier. What is it with the men out here? Do they eat cows for lunch and work out for fun? His brown hair was short, his beard thick. Tattoos snaked down his arms, and several piercings decorated his ears, septum, and nostril. He locked his eyes on Carly and said, “How about some sugar, princess?”

  Zev stepped between them, readying to fuck him up, and said, “Her sugar is spoken for.”

  “Says who?” the guy countered, looming over him. More guys wearing the leather vests with Dark Knights patches stepped beside him, arms crossed, steely scowls offering fair warnings.

  Unaffected by the show of force, Zev said, “Your worst nightmare,” and stepped closer with his own warning. “You show my lady respect. Got it?”

  “Oh my gosh, you two, stop!” Carly put a hand on each of their chests and pushed them back, earning chuckles from the other guys. “What is it with men and pissing contests? Zev, this is my friend Dare Whiskey. Dare is one of Birdie’s brothers. Dare, this is my…” She looked perplexed for a second, then quickly said, “My Zev. Zev Braden. He’s in town for the week.”

  My Zev? He guessed that was a hell of a lot better than friend. He extended his hand and said, “You talk to all your female friends that way?”

  “Only the ones I give a shit about.” Dare shook his hand. “You’re a Braden? You related to Hal and Rex? They own a ranch in Weston.”

  “Yeah, I am. Hal is my father’s cousin.”

  Dare gave him another serious once-over and said, “They’re good people.”

  “So am I.” Zev returned the scrutinizing glance. “You’re a Whiskey? Any relation to the Whiskeys in Peaceful Harbor, Maryland?”

  “Cousins,” Dare answered gruffly.

  Zev nodded curtly, and with a smirk, he said, “They’re good people.”

  “Are you two done sizing each other up yet?” Carly asked. “Think you can play nice tonight?”

  Zev draped his arm around her and said, “I’m not looking for trouble, babe, but if your friends bring it, I’ll give it right back.”

  A slow smile crept across Dare’s face, and he nodded. “See you inside, Braden.”

  “Looking forward to it, Whiskey. You can buy me a beer.”

  As they stepped into the loud and fairly crowded bar, Zev did a visual sweep of the room, taking note of the large number of black vests sporting Dark Knights patches. A few dozen tables separated them from the bar across the back wall, behind which two female bartenders—a blonde and a brunette—were serving drinks. A crowd of people to their right cheered on a young guy riding a mechanical bull. To their left were pool tables and a dance floor, where couples were dancing to music that sounded like a cross between country and pop.

  Zev led Carly away from the door and into his arms. “Your Zev…?”

  “I was put on the spot. I didn’t know what to say, but I wanted him to know I was with you.”

  “Babe, you claim me any way you want.” He kissed her jaw and said, “Your Zev.” He brushed his lips beside her ear and whispered, “Your sex slave,” earning a press of her body against his. He kissed her cheek and said, “Your boyfriend.” Holding her gaze, he said, “Any way you cut it, I’m still yours.”

  “Hm. I kind of like sex slave.”

  “Carly! Zev!” Birdie waved from a stool at the far end of the bar, where she sat beside a brunette wearing glasses who was chatting with Cutter.

  “There’s Birdie,” Carly said, and they made their way toward the bar. “Sorry about Dare.”

  “Is he always like that?”

  “No. I don’t know what that was about.”

  “If the Whiskeys are anything like my family, he was just watching out for you.” He had a feeling there would be a lot of that going on tonight. The guy standing beside Cutter turned as they approached. Cowboy.

  Birdie slipped off her chair, wearing another interesting outfit—high-waisted polka-dot shorts with a matching crop top and cowgirl boots. She threw her arms around Carly. “I’m so glad you made it!” She greeted Zev with the same enthusiastic embrace. “Remember me? I’m Birdie.” Before he could answer, she pulled the other brunette off her stool and said, “And this is Quinn. She works with me and Carly and she’s been dying to meet you.”

  He recognized Quinn, wearing the same tight skirt and cleavage-baring blouse she’d had on earlier in the day when he’d gone to see Carly at work. “Hi, Quinn. I think I passed you leaving the chocolate shop when I was going in to see Carly.”

  “That was me,” Quinn said. “You two are all anyone in here is talking about. It’s like someone put out a notice that Carly was bringing a date tonight.”

  “What? Why?” Carly asked.

  Birdie swatted the air and said, “Don’t worry about it. Let’s have fun.”

  “Hey, darlin’,” Cowboy said, embracing Carly. “This guy treating you right?”

  Carly rolled her eyes. “Yes, Cowboy. Dare just did the whole Neanderthal thing out front. What is up with you guys?”

  As she and Cowboy talked, Cutter shook Zev’s hand and said, “Glad you made it.”

  “Thanks, man.” Zev put a hand on Carly’s back and lowered his voice to say, “Do you still like Sex on the Beach?”

  She turned with daggers in her eyes, cheeks flaming. “Shh. Yes, but someone will hear you.”

  “I heard him!” Birdie chimed in as she climbed onto a stool. “And my answer is most definitely yes!”

  Cowboy glowered at her.

  “I meant the drink,” Zev said to Carly. “That’s what you drank in college.” He leaned closer and lowered his voice. “But it’s good to know you still like doing it on the beach.”

  She half scowled, half smiled.

  “Now who has sex on the brain?” he whispered in her ear.

  “You’d think after our naughty shower I could stop thinking about it,” she said for his ears only. “You’d better just get me a Blue Moon, or else all I’ll think about is the name of the drink.”

  He winked and said, “One Sex on the Beach it is.”

  Carly shook her head, and Quinn pulled her into a conversation with Birdie. Zev leaned on the bar to get the bartender’s attention.

  The tall brunette bartender sauntered over, eyeing Zev curiously. “I haven’t seen you before,” she said, giving off a tough vibe. “You new in town?”

  “Billie,” Cutter interrupted. “This is Zev. He’s with Carly.”

  Billie’s brown eyes looked between Zev and Carly, who was chatting with Quinn and Birdie. Billie nodded and said, “That makes sense. Carly deserves a man as pretty as she is. What are you, some kind of model?”

  “Hardly.” Zev chuckled. “I do a little of this and that, but no modeling.”

  “He’s a big-time treasure hunter,” Cutter clarified.

  Billie scoffed. “People don’t really make a living doing that shit.”

  “You’re probably right. Maybe I’m just a model after all. Can I get a Blue Moon and a Guinness, please?”

  “Coming right up.” Billie went to fill the drinks order.

  “Did I just hear that you’re a model?” Cowboy asked as he sidled up to Zev.
/>   “Underwear model. Calvin Klein mostly, but some Ralph Lauren, Polo, you know, the ones with extra room in the crotch,” Zev said as Billie set the drinks in front of him.

  “Lucky Carly,” Billie said, openly checking out his body as he pulled out his wallet and tossed cash on the bar.

  “I’m the lucky one,” Zev said. He handed Carly her beer as Dare walked into the bar, heading directly for them. “Here you go, babe.”

  “Thanks.” She flashed a hell of a sexy smile at Zev, then a softer one at Dare, and said, “Hi. You finally made it in.”

  “Hey, sugar. You good?” Dare asked.

  “Always,” she said, and turned back to her conversation with the girls.

  Cowboy took a swig of his beer, his steely gaze fixed on Zev as he said, “What makes you think you’re man enough for her?”

  Dare arched a brow, eyeing Zev with amusement in his eyes.

  Carly spun around, glowered at Cowboy. “Did you seriously just ask him if he’s man enough for me?”

  “Damn right I did,” Cowboy said. “Models aren’t known for being rugged, and we need to know he can protect you.”

  Carly looked curiously at Zev. “Models?”

  Zev held her gaze, and a second later he saw the spark of understanding light up her features. That’s right, sweetheart, it’s story time.

  “You’re a model and a treasure hunter?” Quinn asked excitedly. “I bet that’s so fun. No wonder you’re so fit.”

  “I bet he knows tons of hot guys,” Birdie chimed in, earning scowls from her brothers.

  “Modeling is a rough gig,” Zev said, enjoying the smirk on Carly’s beautiful face. “You know, posing for long periods, staying in shape, and all that. But it has its benefits, and yeah, I know most of the A-listers.”

  “He modeled with the Sports Illustrated models in Tanzania last winter, right, Zev?” Carly said, falling right into their old storytelling days.

  “I sure did, and not one of them was as hot as you.” He pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

  “She’s so lucky,” Quinn said.

  Cowboy made a disgruntled noise and said, “I’m still waiting for my answer.”


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