Searching for Love (The Bradens & Montgomerys (Pleasant Hill - Oak Falls) Book 6)

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Searching for Love (The Bradens & Montgomerys (Pleasant Hill - Oak Falls) Book 6) Page 25

by Melissa Foster

  “Beyond perfect. What should we do with the coins? I feel like you need a vault.”

  “I have one, actually. I’m renting one, along with a secure warehouse, on Silver Island.”

  “That’s not going to help while you’re here. Does Beau have a safe at the inn? I suddenly feel paranoid that someone might steal them. Is that normal? Did you feel that way when you and Luis found all that treasure? Nobody knows about this but your family, right? Gosh, what is wrong with me?”

  God, I love you. He laughed at her rambling and leaned in for a kiss. “Beau has a safe, and yes, it’s totally normal. As for what’s wrong with you, not a damn thing, other than I think you’ve caught the treasure-hunting bug.”

  A spark of heat rose in her eyes and she said, “I blame your one-eyed snake.”

  CARLY WAS STILL on cloud nine as they made their way up the mountain after cleaning the lab. But she was also in a quandary. Ever since she’d confessed her love for Zev to Birdie, she hadn’t been able to tamp down those feelings. She’d almost blurted out I love you when Zev had said that letting her extract the coins would make it even more memorable, and again when she’d pulled out the first coin. She’d literally had to clench her teeth to keep from saying it when he’d said they made a great team. She knew she needed to figure out how to start a conversation about their future, but they’d had such an incredible day, she didn’t want to take anything away from it.

  She gazed out the window pondering those thoughts as they approached—and passed—the road to the inn. Was he just as lost in the excitement as she was? “You must be on cloud nine, too. You passed the road to the inn.”

  “Did I?” He shrugged. “It’s a nice night for a drive. Let’s go a little farther.”

  “What about Bandit? He’s been inside a long time.”

  He glanced at her with a coy smile and said, “I closed the bedroom door. If he steals anything, it’s not going to be our stuff.”

  “I meant that he might have to go out.”

  “We won’t be long,” he said casually.

  He turned onto a narrow, winding road and continued up the mountain. Two turns later they came to a clearing, and up ahead was a landing strip and a small airplane.

  “What are we doing here?” Carly asked.

  Zev cut the engine, winked, and hopped out of the truck without answering. As he walked around the truck, he waved in the direction of the plane. She followed his gaze to a man she hadn’t noticed standing beside it.

  She opened her door and took his hand as she hopped out. “Is that Jack? Didn’t you guys meet earlier?”

  “That is Jack Remington, Treat’s sister Savannah’s husband.” He put his arms around her and said, “We’re taking a little trip to Silver Island, and tomorrow we’re going out on my boat for a dive at the site of the wreckage.”

  Her jaw dropped as she tried to process what he’d said. “I…We’re going…” came out as a stunned, breathless whisper, and the emotions she’d been tamping down bubbled to the surface. She squealed and leapt into his arms. “Zevy! Silver Island? Your boat? The Pride? I don’t have clothes, or a bathing suit, but I don’t care! This is the most romantic, amazing thing anyone has ever done for me!” As she gushed with excitement, reality hit her, and she reluctantly took a step back, her heart shattering. “It sounds brilliant. Perfect, actually. Crazy, but so very us. But I can’t just leave, Zev. I have a business to run. It’s not like I can just call in sick and expect Birdie to figure things out. And what about the Chickendales and Band—”

  He silenced her with a firm press of his lips and drew her into his arms. “I would never expect you to leave your business unattended. I talked with Birdie and Quinn when we were at the bar. They’re covering the shop, and Cutter’s at the inn right now. He’s staying there, caring for the animals.”

  “They are? He is?” she asked, tearing up, unable to believe what he’d done.

  “Yes, and you know that heavy stuff in Birdie’s trunk and the inventory she was doing at Karma’s boutique? She was actually doing a favor for me. She was buying you clothes and a bathing suit, and she was pretty damn excited. She said something about it being even better than your hair-down days, whatever that means, which she said you’d had plenty of since we reconnected.”

  She laughed, tears slipping down her cheeks as Birdie’s voice whispered through her mind. You’re allowed to be terrified. But you have to trust me. He will not hurt you again. “She knew all along,” she said more to herself than to him. Her head was spinning at all he’d done, and her heart could barely keep up it was so full.

  “You know I was never good at slowing down or taking time to plan. I’m more of a get up and go guy. But not this time, Carls. This time I tried to think of everything so you wouldn’t be stressed. I packed your toiletries from the inn, and all the things Birdie bought are waiting for us in the plane. There’s one hitch, and I can’t figure out a way around it. You know we can’t fly for twenty-four hours after we dive, which means we can only do one dive, and it has to be very early. We won’t be able to fly back until Saturday morning, and you won’t get to work until midafternoon. Birdie said she could handle it and take care of preparing for the baby shower, but I know you like doing that. And you probably have other things to do. So if you would rather not go, that’s okay.”

  The man who didn’t plan had thought of everything. “Are you kidding? Not go? I trust Birdie, and I don’t care if it’s only one dive. That’s one dive and a trip to Silver Island I never thought we’d get,” she said, as fresh tears fell.

  “I was hoping you’d say that. I talked to Cowboy and Dare, who said if the girls run into any trouble, they’d help them out. You have really good friends, Carly. I couldn’t have done this without them.”

  “I can’t believe you did all of this for me.”

  “For you and for us.” He touched his forehead to hers, wrapping his arms tighter around her like the sweetest, most perfect ribbon, and said, “I love you so damn much, Carls. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.” He gazed into her teary eyes, and a world of emotion stared back at her as he said, “I know you don’t need private planes or extravagant trips, but we have three nights until I leave, and I want to give you a chance to experience everything you’ve dreamed of and everything I do. I don’t want any Carly-free zones in my life.”

  She had a fleeting thought about how they would make things work and protecting her heart, but there was no protecting it from itself. Their love had survived all these years like artifacts in the sea, cocooned away in heartache and unresolved questions. Time, touch, and truth had scraped away those hurtful layers, giving them a second chance. She didn’t know exactly what their second chance would look like beyond that moment, and it might take a while to figure out the logistics. But she didn’t care if it took years, because when she gazed into his loving eyes, she wanted to hang on to their love with both hands and never let it go.

  “I love you, too, Zevy. I was afraid to say it, but I’ve never stopped loving you.”

  And I know I never will.

  Chapter Eighteen

  THE GENTLE ROCKING of the boat and Zev’s warm body were almost enough to keep Carly in bed, but the thought of what he had planned for them and the urge to look at the pictures of them plastering the wall by his desk one more time were too strong. She slipped silently out from his arms and padded naked across the cabin to the window. She peered out at the dusky predawn sky and the inky water, unable to believe she was really on Zev’s boat, docked at a marina on Silver Island. She glanced at him, sleeping soundly on his back, one arm arced above his head, the other on his abs, a small smile on his lips. The sheet was bunched around his waist, one leg straight, the other knee bent. Love billowed inside her. He must have said he loved her a hundred times on the long plane ride to the island, and she was right there with him, setting free the words that she’d held captive for what she knew would seem like not much time at all to anyone else. They’d only see the
few days she and Zev had spent together. But love like theirs didn’t fade away. It grew roots, spreading deeper, farther, and faster than anyone could imagine.

  She went to his desk, admiring their remember-when pictures hanging beside it. There were a few of Luis and Zev, and he was right. Luis looked like an aging pirate with wild hair and the same shimmer of life Zev had. There were so many photos of her and Zev, they overlapped, their edges frayed, creases streaking a few. She couldn’t believe he’d had them hanging there for all this time. When she’d asked him about them last night, he’d said, I told you that you were always with me. There were pictures of them as kids decked out in hiking gear with backpacks on their shoulders. One had been taken in sixth grade, another in tenth, and another in college. There were silly pictures of Carly making faces and blowing kisses and one of her standing on his parents’ lawn in a black bikini, water from a sprinkler raining down on her. Her wet hair hung in her face, her cheeks pink with sunburn. She had one hand perched on her jutted-out hip, a scowl masking her unstoppable smile. There were pictures of them in dive gear sitting on the side of his uncle Ace’s boat in Peaceful Harbor, Maryland. She had fond memories of those visits.

  Her gaze moved to a picture of a school trip to a museum they’d taken in seventh grade, the day after he’d asked her to be his girlfriend. They stood side by side, fingertips touching, goofy smiles on their faces. She remembered wanting to tell everyone she was Zev’s girlfriend, and at the same time, feeling embarrassed because none of her friends were boy crazy like she was for him. He had pictures of them kissing, swimming, dancing. Pictures at his mother’s family winery after high school graduation, both of them dressed up. She remembered feeling like they were finally almost free to live out their traveling dreams. Just four more years. They’d been so close to having it all.

  Her favorite picture was taken in ninth grade. They were holding their passports in their teeth and making funny faces. Zev’s hair was long like it was now, with sun-kissed highlights. They’d been preparing for an archaeological club trip to Spain that summer.

  Zev’s arms circled her from behind at the same second she became aware of his body heat on her back. “Morning,” she said.

  “I like waking up to you naked in my cabin.” He kissed her shoulder. “Did you have trouble sleeping?”

  She turned in his arms and said, “I slept great. But I was too excited to go back to sleep. I still can’t believe you have all these pictures hanging up. Didn’t it hinder your sex life?”

  “I told you I didn’t hook up with women on my boat.”

  “I know, but…” She shrugged.

  “No buts. I’ve never lied to you. I’m not about to start. When I bought my own boat and knew the pictures would be safe, I put them up. They’ve been there ever since.” He kissed her again and said, “No Carly-free zones, remember? Come on, I want to show you something.”

  He took her hand and headed out the cabin door. “Wait. I’m naked.”

  “The sun’s not even up yet. No one will see you.”


  He snagged the shirt he’d worn last night from the chair and slipped it over her head, kissed the bridge of her nose, and started to lead her out of the cabin.

  “Zev, you’re naked. Put some shorts on.”

  He looked appalled. “You want me to cover up my first mate?”

  She laughed and tossed him his shorts. He put them on and led her up to the deck. She shivered against the brisk morning air, inhaling the scents of the sea. She hadn’t realized how much she missed the carefree feeling of being on a boat. She followed him into the control room, and there on the wall was their Goonies-style map showing where they believed the Pride had gone down. Beside it was a picture of the two of them hunkered over his parents’ kitchen table with his father. Carly had a pencil in her hand, and she was biting her lower lip as she drew on the map. Zev was watching her with the same look on his face, the same love in his eyes she’d seen so many times over the last several days, she knew it by heart.

  Her pulse quickened, and she turned to look at him. Sure as the sea was deep, that look was staring back at her. “You took our map with you when you left?”

  “I figured it was a fair trade, since I left my heart in your hands.”

  “Zev,” she said softly.

  He took her hand, drawing her into his arms. “You’re my destiny, babe. I love you. Always have, always will.” He kissed her and said, “I want to start a new one-day list with you, Carly, and I want everything on it to become our reality.”

  “I want that, too. But shouldn’t we figure out how we’re going to work as a couple before we jump into making one-day lists? How can we have a real relationship without one of us giving up everything?”

  “I don’t have all the answers. I’ll dive for a while; then I’ll come see you. You’ll do your thing, and when you can take a break, you’ll come see me. We’ve gone years without each other, and our love hasn’t lessened. We can make this work, Carly. We just have to be creative.”

  She swallowed hard, fighting against the planner she’d become.

  “Can that be enough until we see what other challenges we’re facing?” he asked. “You know how diving is. I’m dependent on the weather and on what I find when I’m down there. I’m sure I can take a few days every couple of weeks to head to Colorado. I know it’s not ideal. I’d rather you were by my side every day. But I know how much your friends and your business mean to you. I won’t make you choose between me and any of that. And as much as I’d like to say I could go to Colorado and stay there—”

  “Don’t even say it. You’d be like a caged animal, and I’d never forgive myself for that. I’d never let you give up everything, either.”

  “We won’t have to. The future is in our hands. It’ll be up to us to make time to be together. We’ll just have to plan a little.”

  In the past, their plans were whims and ideas of things they wanted to do. Even the trip they’d so-called planned to Silver Island in college hadn’t included anything more specific than renting a cottage and a boat and searching for the Pride. And yet meticulously planning her life had been a critical part of what had pulled her through her heartache. Could she live without solid plans? She wasn’t foolish enough to ask for more, when he was already giving all he had and respecting her need to remain in Colorado.

  “By plan I assume you mean make a call a few days before and say, Hey, I’m coming into town?” she teased, loving that he was really trying and thinking things through as best he could, given their situation.

  His face went serious, and he said, “Shit. Yes, probably.” He sighed and pushed a hand through his hair, turning away. “That’s not enough for you, is it?” He looked at her and said, “You’re a planner now. I’ll plan. Dates, times, everything.”

  She loved him even more for offering to do the impossible.

  When he opened his mouth to speak, she silenced him with a press of her lips.

  “It’s enough for now, Zev. I want us, so I’ll learn to color outside the lines again. You don’t have to do all the work in this relationship. We’re a team, remember? Besides, what’s the worst that can happen?” She walked backward toward the door, crooking her finger.

  He followed her out of the control room, past the equipment room, which was filled with tanks, wet suits, and other supplies, to the dive deck.

  “That I’ll end up naked on a boat with the man of my dreams?” She walked to the edge of the deck and said, “Or that I’ll forget my careful ways and dare you to join me in something ridiculously irresponsible, like this—” She whipped off her shirt and jumped in the water.

  When she broke the surface, Zev was flying through the air naked as a jaybird. He plunged into the water a few feet away. He popped up beside her and pulled her into his arms, kissing her hard.

  “God, I love you,” he said, their legs bumping as they kicked to keep afloat. Their laughter filled the air between steamy kisses.

  “It’s freezing!” she said through chattering teeth.

  “I’ll keep you warm.” He grabbed her butt.

  “You bring out the naughty girl in me, Mr. Braden.”

  “If you’re looking for an apology, you’re not going to get one.”

  “I was going to say thank you. I’ve missed her.” She wrapped her legs around his waist, making him do all the kicking, which he did without hesitation.

  “Oh, babe. I’ve missed all of you, but you need to know that I love you when you’re careful.” Kiss, kiss. “I love you when you’re wild.” Kiss, kiss. “Most of all, I love you when you’re naked in my arms.”

  “Braden! That you?” a raspy voice called out.

  Carly scrambled around Zev, hiding behind his back and peering over his shoulder at the man standing on the dock. He looked like a younger, sun-kissed Jeff Bridges with gray-brown hair that brushed the collar of his Hawaiian-print shirt, which was opened three buttons deep.

  “Who is that?” Carly asked urgently. “You said no one would see me!”

  “Roddy Remington—Randi’s father. He owns the marina.” Zev waved and said, “How’s it going, Roddy?”

  “Fair to middling, you know,” Roddy said, casually slipping a hand into the pocket of his worn jeans, like he had all day to stand there.

  Carly clung to Zev’s shoulders, shivering.

  “Randi said you were coming in for the day,” Roddy shouted. “But I didn’t expect you quite so early. Who’s your friend?”

  “This is Carly,” Zev hollered. “My girlfriend.”

  Small talk? Really? Although she loved hearing Zev call her his girlfriend.

  “Well, now, I guess there’s a first for everything.” Roddy laughed heartily and waved, calling out, “Hello there, darlin’. I’m Roddy, master of this marina and friend to all.”

  I’d like you to be a little less of a friend right now. Carly lifted one hand, wiggling her fingers in a tentative wave. “Hi.”


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