Fowl Play

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by Holly Ardent

  Fowl Play

  (Older Woman/Younger Man Cheating Wife)

  (Main Street MILFs #4)

  Holly Ardent

  Text copyright © 2016, Holly Ardent

  All Rights Reserved

  Find Holly's other stories on her Amazon Author Page:

  Holly Ardent's Amazon Author Page

  Steve looked at the motorcycle he'd been restoring.

  I think it's good to go, just needs a test run. I can't believe I had to register the damned thing before I even had it running, but at least now I can just hop on and try it out. I hope I got it right. According to the shop instructor it should run just fine now.

  He straddled the bike and took its weight off the kick stand. He kicked the starter down and the bike spluttered for a moment before going silent. A second kick yielded the same results, but on the third kick the engine roared to life. He twisted the throttle and the engine revved, its roar growing louder.

  Now I can start getting somewhere, he thought. If I use my bike to and from school I can save a few hours a day and maybe grab some part time work. I think I'll check out that Quick Work app Mike sent me. He said it worked great for short time temp work and that should fit my schedule a lot better than a regular job.

  * * *

  After a week, Steve had a good idea of just how much time he was saving. He'd guessed it would be about four hours a day, but it was actually a little less. What it meant was that now his weekends were available for whatever he wanted to do. He used to spend them catching up on school work and working on his motorcycle. Now he got his school work done during the week and he only needed to work on the motorcycle if there was something wrong or he was trying to tweak its performance.

  Okay, he thought, time to earn some money.

  He pulled out his smart phone and opened the app that Mike had encouraged him to download before. It opened with a tap and the part of the display listing his area filled in automatically.

  '17 listings close to your area.

  31 listings within twenty-five miles.

  Check listings?'

  Beneath that were three boxes. One was labeled 'close listings', the second read 'all listings', the third read 'close app'.

  He tapped the 'close listings' box and a series of one line entries filled the screen. The first thing he noticed was that several of them were marked by a red 'filled' icon. He scanned the ones without it.

  I can't do any of those. I need something for weekends or evenings. Those are all day time slots.

  A tap of the back arrow brought him back a screen. This time he chose the 'all listings' button. The list included the ones he'd just skimmed through, but below that were the other fourteen. Only two of those were marked as filled so he skimmed the others.

  Hey, I bet I can do that one. Basic carpentry skills? Those I have.

  He tapped the listing and it expanded.

  So the lady, her name is Katherine it looks like, wants someone to build a chicken coop from a blueprint. I thought you could get those cheap at the stores. Maybe it's something fancy? I might be able to do it, she did list just basic carpentry skills, not anything more complicated. I'll contact her, it won't hurt to give it a shot.

  He tapped the 'contact lister' button and, in the box that opened, gave a brief rundown of his qualifications for the position as well as mentioning that he had transportation. He'd had his motorcycle operational for such a short time that mentioning it still gave him a warm glow. He finished filling in the box and tapped send.

  It wasn't long before his phone chimed to let him know he had an email.


  I received your application for the temporary carpentry position. You said that you had experience with carpentry and were good with your hands. Would you please expand on that some?


  Oh, I guess she wants something more than a 'Yes, I have those skills' reply.


  I have carpentry experience from assisting in deck building. The building was done from a schematic so working from your blueprint won't be an issue.

  As for being good with my hands, I am currently studying to be a mechanic. My transportation is a motorcycle that I restored into good running order myself. I tend to pick up manual skills quickly and improve on them from there.



  They exchanged several emails before Katherine finally told him he could have the job. Steve arranged for himself to start on the following Saturday and got directions to her location.

  Wow, that's right on the edge of that twenty-five miles. Still, it's work and it will pay. The bike won't take much gas making that run either, so it's almost all profit. Now all I have to do is tell mom that I won't be home this weekend.

  He shuddered at the concept. His mother had been overly protective of him since his dad died in car accident a couple of years earlier.

  It was only two months after he and I finished building the deck too. He never really got to enjoy it, Steve thought sadly.

  “Mom?” he called.

  “I'm up here Steve. What do you need?”

  He went upstairs and found his mother in her bedroom.

  “Mom, I'm not going to be home most of this weekend. I thought I should tell you.”

  “What? Where are you going?”

  “I've got some work mom. You know I can't hold down a regular job because of everything else I have to do. But I found some temp work. Hopefully this won't be the only work I get either. I'm going to keep looking for things I can do on the weekends. I know we can use the money.”

  “Steve,” his mom said. “You don't need to do that. We're getting by okay.”

  “I know mom. You're doing great. But you shouldn't have to support me.”

  “I already feel bad enough that you talked me into using the insurance payout to pay off the house instead of paying for you to go to a four year college. The least I can do is support you while you learn a trade.”

  “Mom, I know you and dad wanted me to go to college, but I'll be much happier as a mechanic who knows that his mom's house is paid off than I would have been with a college degree that loaded both of us down with a bunch of debt.”

  “We went through this already Steven. We both know how we feel about it.”

  “Well, this way I can help out with the finances, or at least not have to ask you for money when I need it.”

  “I suppose it's a good thing, but...”

  She shook her head slowly.

  “It's not what your father and I had planned for you.”

  “That's okay mom, I've always liked working with my hands and I'm enjoying what I learn. Heck, I might even end up with a career I like. There aren't many people that can say that any more.”

  She sighed.

  “Okay Steve. It isn't like you need my permission anyhow. You're an adult now.”

  “Yes, but I thought I should tell you anyway. I know how you like us to do stuff together on the weekends sometimes.”

  He stopped for a second before continuing tentatively.

  “Maybe you should go visit some of your friends. You haven't seen most of them in way too long. You really ought to get out more. Going to work doesn't really count.”

  She opened her mouth as though she were about to snap at him, then closed it slowly.

  “Maybe you're right. It's been so long that I'm not sure they'll still be my friends.”

  “Any of them that aren't never were in the first place. Sometimes people need time.”

  “I don't know how you managed to grow up the way you did Steven, but I'm incredibly proud of you.”

  She hugged him before he left to get his school work done.

  * * *

  Saturday morning, bright and
early, he was on his motorcycle and headed out of town.

  I told her I'd be there at eight-thirty. Even if she did say there was no rush, I'd rather get an early start on this. It's probably going to take both today and part of tomorrow.

  Steve relaxed as he opened up the throttle on his motorcycle.

  Good, I hadn't taken her on the highway yet. She's still running smooth, even opened up a lot more than I've had her.

  A glance at his speedometer told him he was doing eighty miles per hour. He came off the throttle a bit and settled for sixty MPH so he wouldn't be going fast enough over the speed limit to get pulled over.

  Thirty minutes after he left home he was checking the house numbers on a side road.

  This is the right road, I'm sure of it. She said about a quarter mile after it changed to a dirt road.

  Moments later he came to a turn in the road. On the far side of the turn the pavement stopped, but the road continued as packed dirt. He spotted the number he was looking for on a mailbox shortly after that.

  He parked his motorcycle at the end of the driveway closest to the house, next to a sporty little compact car. When he stood he found that his legs were tingling from the ride. The motorcycle roared and vibrated a bit at anything over fifty miles per hour. It wasn't a problem with the bike, it was just an inherent property of lots of motorcycles.

  They say the chicks dig that vibration, he thought. Maybe I can find a girlfriend and see if that's true now that I have transportation and can make some money.

  He shook his legs out, trying to get rid of the tingle, then headed up the walk towards the front door of the house.

  A minute after he rang the bell, the inside door opened. Looking at him through a screen and a pane of glass was a woman. She was short, blonde, and the first thing that caught his attention were her rather large breasts. He tore his eyes away from them after a split-second, then forced himself to look at her face and make eye contact.

  “Hi, I'm Steve. Are you Katherine?”

  “Oh, hey Steve. Sorry, I lost track of time.”

  She opened the door and gestured him inside.

  She's younger than I thought she'd be, maybe her late twenties or early thirties?

  “Is is Steve or Steven? I know you used Steven on your emails.”

  “Steve, please. Yeah, I just thought it being a job application and all I should use my full name.”

  She smiled and the smile lines around her eyes forced him to add a decade to his estimate of her age.

  “Good. Call me Kathy. I had the same thought. I always use my full name when I'm doing anything even vaguely official.”

  “Alright Kathy, I can do that.”

  “I'm not quite ready for you yet. Would you like some coffee while you wait?”

  “Sure. With cream, but no sugar please.”

  She smiled again and stepped out of the room. It was less than a minute later when she returned with a steaming cup of coffee.

  “Have a seat,” she said gesturing towards the couch. “Relax a bit and drink your coffee. It should only be fifteen or twenty minutes before I'm ready.”

  “Thank you,” Steve said, finally remembering his manners.

  She set his coffee on the table so he sat down on the couch next to it. When she disappeared out of the room again he looked around, examining his surroundings.

  One of the walls sported a bunch of framed pictures. From where he sat, he could see that Kathy was in at least half of them. Sometimes alone, sometimes with other people. There was a man who showed up in the pictures frequently as well as two children, one boy and one girl.

  From top to bottom he could see the children getting older in the photos. The last one of the kids was a shot with both of them in cap and gown, obviously graduating. He assumed that was college since earlier in the series there was another of them both in cap and gown where they looked younger.

  He settled back on the couch, warming his hands on the coffee cup. The furnishings of the room weren't fancy, but looked comfortable and well-used. The fireplace had a few smoke stains on the ceiling right in front of the door so he was sure that it was functional.

  Looks like a great place to cuddle up on a cold winter night, he thought. Roaring, crackling flames with a cup of coffee or hot chocolate. I can see that.

  Kathy came back down a few minutes later. She'd changed and was now wearing shorts and a tank top. The combination revealed a lot more of her lightly tanned skin than she'd shown earlier on. It also revealed an impressive cleavage that drew Steve's eyes in before he tore his gaze away and looked at her face again.

  Kathy was wearing a faint smile. She looked neither pleased nor displeased, but maybe slightly happy at being noticed in such a fashion.

  “Here, these are the blueprints. I ordered them online.”

  “I thought you could buy chicken coop kits most places you could buy chickens now,” Steve said.

  Her faint smile disappeared, replace by an equally faint frown.

  “You sound like my husband. You can, but they're cheap things, flimsy.”

  “You need something stronger?” he asked.

  She gestured through the window.

  “You can tell we're right on the edge of suburbia here. At least once a year someone in the neighborhood sights a bear. What do you think a bear would do to one of those flimsy little store-bought coops?”

  “I see,” Steve said. “With one of those the bear could open it and eat the chickens as easily as we would a can of veggies?”

  Kathy's smile flashed back onto her face. It was no longer faint, but almost beaming.

  “Oh good, I wasn't overreacting. My husband said I was. It took long enough for him to agree to get the chickens, I don't want to lose them right away to a hungry bear.”

  “So you bought plans for a stronger coop?” Steve asked.

  She nodded and laid the roll of paper down on the table. She unrolled it and pinned it in place with nearby small objects.

  “See? Reinforced walls and roof, insulated since we do get very cold here in the winter, a built in feeder and waterer, and it's easy to add on nesting boxes if you need more.”

  Steve looked at the blueprints. They were easy enough to read and had the complete list of materials needed to build the coop on one side.

  “You have all this stuff?” he asked, pointing to the list.

  “Yes, it's out back. I got it all delivered this week. I've got a concrete foundation laid for it already too. I won't have the chickens right on the concrete, but that will keep rodents from tunneling in and eating the eggs or killing the chickens.”

  Steve glanced up at her. Kathy's face was flushed with excitement from telling him, or maybe even bragging to him, about how it was all going to work together.

  When he looked up, he thought for a moment that she'd actually been looking at him instead of the plans, and that her face flushed even more when he caught her looking.

  Nah, couldn't be. She was probably just looking at me because she was talking to me.

  “So, should we go out and check to see if all the materials are there?” Steve said.

  “I ordered the entire list, it ought to all be there.”

  “Let's make sure before we get started.”

  * * *

  “I don't understand, I know I had those nuts and bolts in my order, but they aren't showing on my invoice either,” Kathy said a half hour later.

  Steve shrugged.

  “One of my teachers that gives practical advice already told us that if we're receiving orders for a shop we should never sign for it until we check and make sure everything we ordered is there. Fortunately, they're pretty standard. Any hardware store should carry them. Is there one around here anyplace?”

  “There's one about five miles away.”

  “So, we just go and get the parts. No problem. It might delay us by half an hour which still leaves plenty of time to get started today.”

  “It's so irritating though. I know I ordered the
m,” she said.

  “Don't let it get to you. If you let other people's mistakes get you down, you'll spend a lot of time down. If it's something you can take care of yourself without too much effort, just fix it and move on with your day. Would you rather get the parts now and be able to get to work or fume about it for a while and still not be able to get to work until we get the parts?”

  Kathy opened her mouth as though she were going to reply, then snapped it shut. She paused for a moment, eying Steve consideringly.

  “You know, that's the most practical advice I've heard in years. I don't know if I'll be able to follow it all the time, but I think I'm going to try.”

  “So, let's hop in your car and go get the parts.”

  “Umm, actually...”

  She blushed.

  “I've never been on a motorcycle before. Would you consider taking us there with me on the back of your bike? It's only nuts and bolts so I can just put them in my purse.”

  Steve thought for a moment. Kathy was watching him, her face still slightly flushed.

  It's only five miles each way. If she's a bad rider, I can handle that for a little bit and it looks like it will make her day.

  “Sure, why not?”

  “Let me go grab a jacket,” she said, glancing down at her outfit. “Maybe change into long pants as well.”

  He nodded.

  “Good idea. I'll unstrap my second helmet.”

  Kathy was back in five minutes, much sooner than Steve had anticipated. He handed her his spare helmet and showed her how to fasten it. Then gave her a few tips on riding, like lean into the turns instead of against them, where to put her feet, and things like that.

  He turned his motorcycle around and started it up. He felt her straddle the back of his bike and settle onto the seat. Her feet went to the pegs he'd told her about and, a moment later, he felt the press of her large, full breasts against his back as she leaned forward and took a tight grip on him.

  Okay, maybe the problem won't be her being a bad rider, but me being distracted instead, he thought.

  He revved the engine a couple of times, then let out the clutch and started off down the road.


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