Planet Sweshan

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Planet Sweshan Page 4

by Olivia Black

  “If the attention is bothering you, we can go back. Clothing can be delivered along with anything else you might need.”

  Ael couldn’t believe how much he cared about Grant’s feelings. He wanted to deny it. But being in Grant’s presence, even for a short time, was changing him.

  Grant shook his head. “No, it’s fine.”

  “We’re almost there.” Ael gave Grant’s arm a gentle tug as he started walking. “The marketplace and shopping stalls are in the next building.”

  He kept Grant close to his side. When they made it to the market, Grant dragged his feet, shuffling the soles of his Sweshian-issued shoes against the ground as he looked around. Ael led through the market and stopped in the center. Grant let go of his hand and spun in a slow circle, his gaze bouncing off everything.

  “Wow,” he muttered.

  Ael watched as Grant strolled through the market. He stayed back, following a few steps behind, giving Grant some space. The human’s eyes were wide with wonder, and his mouth was slightly open as if he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He seemed overwhelmed but excited. Grant touched the clothes and jewelry, running his fingertips over the different textures.

  He stopped at various booths and spoke to the merchants, proving that he was outgoing and friendly. Grant didn’t seem to have any problems talking or asking questions. He was animated as he spoke, moving his hands rapidly, and laughed often. Ael was intrigued. He couldn’t seem to look away from Grant. He found himself enchanted by the human.

  What was it about this man that made Ael want to try again? Why was he even considering it after all the pain he suffered?

  Ael shook his head, clearing his mind. He didn’t want to overanalyze his feelings at this particular moment. Right now, he needed to get Grant some clothing. Ael didn’t have anything that would fit Grant. And since the human was his prospective mate, it was Ael’s duty and responsibility to supply Grant with anything he might need, want, or desire.

  Most Sweshian males purchased clothing for their prospective mates from the stalls within the lower level of the marketplace since the items were more affordable. But Ael had other plans. He wanted to see Grant wearing tailor-made clothes similar to the jumpsuit that clung tightly to his body.

  “Grant,” Ael called out.

  The human spun around and faced him. “Yeah.”

  “Let’s head over to one of the stores.”

  Specialty stores lined the walls of the building, circling the market. There were also several retailers on the other levels of the building.

  “Deputy Commissioner.” The Sweshian store owner, Joran, greeted him at the door. “It’s good to see you again.”

  “You, too, Joran,” Ael said.

  “What can I do for you today?”

  “I need to purchase a few items for my prospective mate.” Ael turned slightly. He wrapped his right arm around Grant’s waist and pulled the human forward, forcing Grant to stand beside him instead of hiding behind him. “This is Grant.”

  Joran immediately focused on Grant. The male ignored Ael completely while looking Grant over, an appreciative gleam in his eye. Ael balled up his fists. He didn’t really like the way the other male was checking Grant out but allowed it for the time being.

  “He’s beautiful,” Joran commented casually.

  Grant turned his head and stared at Ael. The human looked a bit uncomfortable as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other, but he didn’t respond to the store owner’s compliment.

  “Yes, he is,” Ael easily agreed.

  Grant stopped fidgeting. He stood straight, pushing his shoulders back, and holding his head up high as if he wanted to please Ael.

  “Why don’t you wait in one of the private rooms and I’ll bring you an assortment of clothing for your human to try on.”

  Ael nodded. He took Grant’s hand and led him toward the back of the store where the private rooms were located. Once inside the room, he led Grant to one of the empty chairs and the human took a seat. Ael walked over to a small bar and looked over the food and drinks that were provided for the patrons.

  “Do you want anything?” Ael asked.

  “I’ll have whatever you’re having.”

  Ael filled two glasses with hot tea made from a plant on Sweshian that had relaxing properties. He hoped that the beverage might calm him. Ael handed one of the cups off to Grant before taking a seat. He leaned back into the soft material, making himself comfortable, before taking a sip of his drink.

  “Mmm,” Grant moaned softly, sipping the beverage.

  Ael’s cock took notice of the sweet sound. His shaft hardened instantly, pressing against the front of his trousers. Ael shifted in his seat, trying to hide his erection from Grant.

  “This is really good.”

  Ael cleared his throat. “I’m glad you like it.”

  He downed the contents of his glass. It burned the hell out of his mouth, but he didn’t care. Ael was just hoping the tea would do its job so that he’d be able to relax. The longer he was in Grant’s presence, the more Ael was tempted. He wanted the human.

  “I have a few things for your prospective mate to try on,” Joran said as he strolled into the room, pushing a cart filled with clothes.

  “Thank you,” Ael said.

  Joran winked at him. “Take your time.”

  When they were alone once more, Grant rose from his chair. He returned his glass to the bar and walked over to the cart. Grant looked through the pile of clothing. He picked up one brightly colored shirt after the other, holding the material up against his chest.

  “Do you want me to try these on?”

  Ael nodded. “You’ll need a few shirts and a couple pairs of trousers.”

  Ael didn’t want to go overboard. Their time together was limited. And when Grant left his home, the young man would need to leave everything behind. The next Sweshian male to get Grant would be responsible for taking care of all of Grant’s needs.

  Without a word, Grant started to remove the jumpsuit. He peeled the form-fitting material off his body, revealing tanned skin and lean muscle. Ael turned his head, trying to give Grant some privacy, but his eyes refused to cooperate. Ael stared at Grant, watching the human remove the Sweshian jumpsuit. Ael pinched his lips together and moaned internally. Clothed, Grant was a vision. Naked, the young man was perfection.

  Ael licked his lips, his eyes roaming over the most beautiful naked form he’d ever seen. Gods above. He wanted to drop to his knees and crawl to Grant. He wanted to take the human’s cock into his mouth and worship the man’s body with his lips.

  Grant turned, presenting his ass to Ael. The human bent forward as he moved his hips, pulling on the trousers. The meaty flesh bounced erotically, putting all sorts of ideas into Ael’s mind. Ael lifted his hands and covered his face. He groaned internally as he shook his head. Ael tried desperately to hold on to his self-control, but it was a losing battle, especially with Grant’s naked body in front of him. The human was far too tempting.

  “What do you think?” Grant asked.

  Ael dropped his hands and stared at Grant in awe. Joran knew what clothing items to pick out for the man. The store owner had a keen eye for fashion. The shirt and trousers were cut perfectly. The sleek material clung to Grant’s body, leaving little to the imagination.

  “Do you like it?” He ran his hands down his chest and thighs.

  Ael tried to speak, to find the right words to express how beautiful Grant looked, but his brain seemed to be frozen. After several moments, he managed a jerky nod.

  “Should I try something else on for you?”

  Grant grabbed the hem of the shirt and pulled it up, showing off his flat stomach. With each move he made, his muscles flexed, showing off a perfectly cut six-pack.

  Ael couldn’t take any more. His dick was hard, pressing against the front of his trousers. Ael rose to his feet and quickly adjusted his erection. He fixed his satchel so that it was covering his crotch. Ael didn’t want Gran
t to know how turned on he was.

  Turning his back toward Grant, he said, “Why don’t you pick out a few things and I’ll meet you out front.”

  “Okay,” he said. “I’ll…uh…just put the jumpsuit back on.”

  Ael left Grant inside the private room and strode toward the front of the store. He needed some distance, just a couple of minutes to gather his thoughts and get his libido under control. Ael was beginning to think that he wouldn’t be able to make it through the next week without touching Grant. He wasn’t strong.

  When Joran saw him approaching, a look of surprise crossed the male’s face. Ael knew what the other male was thinking. The back rooms were used for more than just trying on clothing. He probably assumed that Ael would be fucking Grant against every flat surface for the next several hours. And truthfully, he wished he were.

  Grant slipped past Ael holding a few articles of clothing over his left forearm. “I’m impressed, Joran,” he said, handing the clothes off to the store owner. “You have a great eye. From just one look, you knew my size.”

  Joran glanced toward Ael and said, “I’ll charge your account and have these delivered to your home this afternoon.”

  Ael didn’t get a chance to respond. Grant turned toward him. He leaned up and placed a kiss on Ael’s cheek. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Ael watched as Grant spun around and headed toward the exit of the store. Ael lifted his hand and touched his cheek. The place where Grant’s lips touched still tingled.

  Ael sighed. “I’m in trouble.”

  Chapter Six

  Grant waited for Ael outside of the store. He needed a minute alone after practically throwing himself at the male. Grant wasn’t sure what had come over him when they were inside the dressing room. He saw the way Ael was staring at him. The male practically devoured Grant with his eyes, a look of need marking his face. Taking advantage of the situation and hoping that Ael might make a move, Grant put on a little show. If Ael’s huge erection was any indication of his attraction, the male was definitely interested. That much was obvious.

  The rejection shouldn’t have been a surprise. Ael made his intentions clear from the start. He wasn’t interested in having another human in his life or in his bed. Grant had to admit that he was a little disappointed, especially since he was really attracted to the male. He had two options. Grant could either accept the fact that Ael was only going to be his friend or he could try to gain the male’s interest by flirting.

  When Ael joined him a few moments later, Grant automatically took the male’s hand, lacing their fingers together. The decision was made. Grant wasn’t going to settle. He didn’t want to walk away at the end of the week without feeling Ael’s lips against his own. Even though Ael had been hurt in the past, Grant knew that this male could be his mate. It was more than a physical attraction. For the first time in his life, Grant was drawn to another being. It felt like fate or destiny.

  “Do you want to walk around for a little while?”

  Grant glanced up at the male and smiled. “Yeah.”

  “This is the central market.”

  Side by side they strolled through the market. Grant glanced around, taking in the sights before him. Sweshian males lingered near the stalls, purchasing different kinds of goods and wares. The market filled the lower level of the building with rows of stalls.

  Ael pulled Grant toward a moving conveyor belt. He stepped on and held on to the railing with his free hand as the floor beneath his feet moved at a sharp, upward angle.

  “Where are we going?”

  Ael chuckled. “You’ll see.”

  Once they stepped off the conveyor belt, Grant glanced around and realized that the entire building was filled with shops. The layout of the shopping center fascinated Grant. He couldn’t believe how many stores there were inside this one building. They didn’t have anything like this on Earth. Ael showed him around, giving him a full tour. The upper levels were filled with boutiques that offered clothing and furniture, specialty stores with various treats, jewelers that crafted wearable pieces of art by hand, and dozens of eateries. There were even a few nighttime entertainment venues and clubs.

  By the end of the tour through the twenty-three-level building, Grant was exhausted.

  “Are you hungry?”

  Grant shrugged. “I could eat.”

  “There’s a café here that serves Earth food.”

  Grant grinned. “Really?”

  “It’s popular among the humans.”

  Grant had to admit that he was really looking forward to eating at the restaurant. The breakfast he’d shared with Ael had been a little too oily for his tastes. It would take some time for his taste buds to adapt to the new flavors and textures.

  Ael led Grant through a small café. They sat at a table in the back of the restaurant. Sheer material covered the windows, blocking out most of the natural light from the suns above Sweshan. Flickering candlelight gave the atmosphere a romantic vibe. And the instrumental music in the background helped to drown out the conversations from the other patrons at nearby tables.

  A human, appearing to be in his early thirties, strode through the small restaurant. He was wearing a pair of loose-fitting pants, an overly large tunic, and sandals. He seemed relaxed as he stopped at a few tables, talking to the other patrons.

  As he drew closer to their table, Grant realized that the human was pregnant. His protruding belly was camouflaged beneath his overly large clothing. Grant stared at the man’s stomach with a mixture of shock and awe. He knew that the injections he’d received on Glecerus changed his body, making it possible to get pregnant and have children, but actually seeing a man pregnant was a surprise. When the man stopped beside their table, Grant jerked his head up and made eye contact with the other human.

  He grinned at Grant, flashing a brilliant smile and a pair of dimples. “I haven’t seen you before,” he said, studying Grant. “Did you just arrive in Sweshan?”

  Grant shook his head. “I came in with the group last week, but I was just cleared to leave medical yesterday.”

  The young man held out his hand. “Parker Richards.”

  He took Parker’s hand. “Grant Byers.”

  “If you have any questions about Sweshan or the males”—he winked—“feel free to look me up. I’ve lived here for years.”

  “Do you work here?”

  Parker nodded. “I own this place with my mate.”

  “It smells great in here.” Grant smiled. “I’m looking forward to trying the food.”

  “Since this is your first time, I’ll bring out a few of my favorite dishes.”

  “I’m curious.” Grant arched a brow. “How did you get Earth food here on Sweshan?”

  “On one of their trips to Earth, a Glecerian starship was given seedlings. They shared the seedlings with Sweshan. We have a garden with fruits, vegetables, and herbs. And we have chefs that try to replicate several dishes using both Sweshian and Earth ingredients.”

  “Wow.” Grant had to admit he was impressed.

  Parker grinned. He placed a hand on his belly and rubbed his protruding stomach. “I’ll be back in a little while with your food.”

  “Thank you.” When Parker was gone, Grant focused back on Ael and asked, “Have you been here before?”

  “I’ve been here a few times. The food is pretty good. It’s an interesting fusion of Sweshian and Earther cuisine. It seems to help the humans when they feel homesick.”

  Grant nodded in understanding. That made sense. Even a small taste of home was enough to help the ache of missing family and friends back on Earth.

  “Why did the store owner refer to you as deputy commissioner?”

  “It’s my title. I’m a government official. I’m in charge of law enforcement and global security.”

  “Do you like your job?”

  Ael nodded. “Seeing to the safety and well-being of the planet is an important job, and I take it very seriously.”
  “Is there a lot of crime here?”

  Ael smiled as he shook his head. “Our society is well established. We’re an honorable race. The people are logical. And the government cares about its citizens. If issues arise, which they do from time to time, they’re minor and taken care of quickly.”

  “So, this is the mythical land of Utopia?” Grant asked, his tone light and teasing.

  Ael chuckled. “As close as you’ll ever get.”

  “I’m glad I’m here.”

  Ael gave him a questioning look. “Why did you leave Earth?”

  “Volunteering to leave Earth gave my family something they could never achieve on their own. They now live in a housing community. Earth’s government will take care of them, and they will receive food, water, and medicine for the rest of their lives.”

  “I didn’t realize how bad things were for your people.”

  Grant shrugged. It was all he’d known.

  “I used to hear stories about how wonderful Earth used to be before the Great War. At one time, it was probably a wonderful place to live, but now…” He shook his head, grateful to no longer be on Earth. “Coming here was the best decision, not only for my family but for me. I wanted something more for my life.”

  “You’re very courageous.”

  Grant’s brows furrowed. He didn’t feel courageous. If anything, he felt like a coward. At the first opportunity, he’d run away from Earth and his family. He didn’t want to live a lonely existence with overly religious parents. And he wasn’t brave enough to stand up for himself to their overbearing ways.

  He didn’t say that to Ael though. He simply said, “Thanks.”

  Soon, their food arrived. Parker placed three rectangular-shaped plates in the center of the table.

  “Enjoy,” Parker said.

  Grant recognized a few things, but most were Sweshian food items that were new to him. The color of the food was bright and rich. He picked up his utensil and stabbed a piece of peach-colored meat wrapped in pieces of vegetables. He brought it up to his lips and took a bite. A combination of flavors exploded onto his tongue, and Grant moaned, chewing happily.


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