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Planet Sweshan

Page 6

by Olivia Black

  Chapter Eight

  Grant opened his eyes and smiled. He stared up through the skylight, watching as the light from the suns above filtered down, casting brilliant rays of sunlight through the water. Even though everything was still so new, Grant knew he would never tire of the view. Lifting his arms up over his head, Grant stretched out his back and moaned.

  He threw back the sheet and climbed out of bed. Grant hummed quietly to himself as he strolled toward the bathroom. He pulled off the soft pair of loose-fitting pants and kicked them aside. Grant turned on the shower and stepped beneath the heavy spray. He went through the motions, washing and rinsing. When he was done, he shut the water off and grabbed a towel. Grant dried off before walking back into the bedroom.

  Grant stopped beside the bed and stared down at a pair of reddish-orange shorts and a facemask. He glanced toward the closed door and then back down at the bed. Ael must’ve come into the room while he was showering. He didn’t think twice. Grant pulled on the shorts, adjusting the material so that they sat low on his hips and grabbed the mask from the bed. Grant hit the button on the wall, and the door slid open. He strolled down the hallway, into the living area, and his eyes landed on Ael.

  “Are you ready to go swimming?” he asked.

  “Yes.” Grant nodded rapidly, “Absolutely.”

  A little thrill of excitement ran through his system. Since their trip to the market yesterday, Ael had changed. He was nicer and considerate. He seemed to enjoy Grant’s company. And Grant really liked spending time with Ael.

  “Let’s go.” He tilted his head toward the door.

  Grant practically skipped as he followed Ael out the front door. They took the elevator down to the ground floor.

  Instead of heading toward one of the walkways, Ael led Grant to the far wall. That was when he noticed a line of glass doors with person-sized cylinders. Ael opened one of the capsules and stepped inside. Grant paused for a moment. He was excited, but also a little scared. Taking a deep breath, Grant reluctantly followed the male inside.

  A look of concern flashed across Ael’s face. “Are you okay?”

  Grant nodded. He couldn’t respond, too afraid that his voice might start shaking as badly as his hands. Grant lifted the mask and placed it against his face. The edges connected to his skin, and in an instant, it created a tight suction.

  “Is there anything dangerous out there? Are there any creatures that eat humans?” Grant asked.

  Ael chuckled lightly. “I won’t let you out of my sight.”

  “You didn’t really answer my question,” Grant grumbled.

  “You’ll be fine.”

  Grant took a deep breath, pulling the air through his nose and blowing out of his mouth.

  “Are you ready?” Ael asked him.

  He gave a jerky nod in response, and the male flipped a switch. The glass cylinder flooded. Water poured in from multiple openings, filling it up. The water moved upward, covering his shins, knees, thighs, and waist. It rose at a steady pace. Grant started feeling a little claustrophobic. He reached out and grabbed ahold of Ael’s hand, needing the support. The male gave his fingers a gentle squeeze.

  Something suddenly occurred to Grant, and he asked, “Are we going to be able to talk?”

  Ael nodded. “Don’t worry. Everything is going to be okay.”

  He held his breath as the water closed over his head. Grant told himself to breathe, but for some reason, he couldn’t force himself to act. When his lungs started to burn, Grant knew he needed to suck in oxygen. He started to panic. He clawed at Ael’s arms, scratching the male, as terror consumed him.

  “Grant.” Ael spoke firmly, getting his attention. “You’re okay.” He grabbed hold of Grant’s biceps with his large hands and gave him a gentle shake. “Breathe, Grant.”

  He looked up, staring into Ael’s yellow eyes. And suddenly Grant gasped, sucking in a sharp breath. It took him a moment, but Grant quickly realized that he could breathe. He was okay. The Sweshian mask was doing its job, transforming water into oxygen. The cylinder door opened, and suddenly, Grant was in the Sweshan Ocean. The water was warm against his skin. And the landscape seemed brighter and clearer. It was absolutely incredible.

  Ael started swimming, and Grant followed him. He moved his arms and legs, desperately trying to move. But each stroke was more difficult than the last. The water was dense, thicker than the water found on Earth. Grant was breathing heavily after only a few minutes.

  “It’s really hard to swim,” he told Ael.

  “Our water is different than what you’re used to.” Ael’s voice floated through the water. Grant could hear him clear as day. “Grab my shoulders. I’ll swim for us both.”

  Grant took Ael up on his offer. He grabbed ahold of the male’s shoulders, pressing his chest against Ael’s back. The male started to swim, kicking his legs. He moved quickly, his body flying through the water without any difficulty at all. The feel of Ael’s body pressed against his felt so damn good. Grant had to pinch his lips together to prevent a moan from escaping. He tried to ignore his body’s natural reaction to the male and focused on his surroundings.

  It was serene. Everything seemed to move in slow motion. The underwater world of Sweshan was silent and a little eerie. Grant could hear only his own breathing as water transformed into oxygen within his alien breathing apparatus. Grant took slow, deep breaths as he took in all the new sights before him, trying to remember every detail.

  The amount of wildlife under the Sweshian waters was incredible. The alien creatures came in all shapes, sizes, and colors. They lit up, like an underwater rainbow.

  Oddly shaped creatures emerged from the darkness, surrounding them. They were everywhere—above, below and on either side, silhouetted against the backdrop of the ocean. Hundreds and hundreds as far as the eye could see. Ael swam through the water, letting the beasts move around them. The creatures looked ferocious with huge teeth sticking out of their overly large mouths.

  Grant tightened his hold, pressing closer to Ael. The Sweshian male didn’t seem scared, which eased Grant’s fears.

  The ocean floor suddenly dropped down. All at once, the ground beneath them disappeared. Grant let out a surprised gasp. Far below was trench filled with a hidden landscape. Beautiful flowers gently swayed, as if dancing in the current. The lush forest was filled with brightly colored blossoms rising from a bed of tube-like vines. The petals on the flowers were huge, bigger than anything Grant had ever seen before. They drew Grant in, begging to be touched.

  “Wow,” he breathed out.

  “Those are called corydalis flowers. Do you want to get closer?” Ael asked, glancing over his shoulder.

  Grant nodded. “Can I touch them?”

  “Yeah, sure,” Ael said.

  Grant let go of Ael. He swam around, looking at the flowers, before reaching out and touching them.

  Grant brushed his fingertip against the petal. It was softer than he expected. Grant smiled. He touched it again, running the pad of his finger around the edge.

  Grant felt something touch his leg. He glanced over his shoulder and watched the tube-like vine wrap around his ankle. Tentacles lifted from the ocean floor, clasping onto his other ankle and grasping his wrists. The plant held Grant, tightening around him. It tugged his arms and legs wide open, putting him into an X-shape, preventing Grant from moving.

  At first, he was calm, but when he tried to free himself, he started to panic. The plant was strong. It immobilized him, holding Grant prisoner.

  “What the hell? What’s going on?” He twisted, trying to break free. “Ael, help me.”

  Ael chuckled, shaking his head. “I can’t.” He seemed to find a great deal of humor in Grant’s predicament. “The plant won’t stop until you fertilize it.”

  Grant cried out when the leafy tentacles ripped his shorts from his body, shredding the material. The plant manipulated his body, moving him down until he was lying on the ocean floor. Another tube-like branch slithered toward
Grant like a snake. It moved up his leg. The plant found Grant’s dick and swallowed it whole. Like an eager mouth, the alien plant engulfed his shaft and started sucking like a pro. Grant moaned.

  His eyes flew to Ael. Grant swallowed roughly and started to pant. “What’s happening?”

  “Just relax and enjoy it, Grant.”

  “It−it−it…” he stuttered. “A plant is sucking my cock.”

  “It won’t hurt you,” Ael said, his tone casual. “Your semen will trigger the fertilization response, which will allow them to seed the water and reproduce.”

  It sounded scientific. And the casual way Ael spoke about the blowjob shouldn’t have surprised Grant. The Sweshian people, like the Glecerians, were open-minded and hedonistic when it came to sex. Grant was getting a blowjob from a plant while Ael stood beside him, watching. He hated to admit it, but it felt amazing.

  Ael stood above him, his piercing yellow and black eyes flicking possessively over Grant’s naked, splayed-out body. Grant’s gaze moved down Ael’s chest to the male’s stone-hard erection.

  He licked his lips, desperate for Ael. Grant wanted the male. He wanted Ael to fuck him right here, right now. Grant was on the verge of begging for the male’s thick shaft, but he didn’t want Ael to reject him, not when he was spread-eagle in front of the male.

  Grant groaned. He arched his back, pushing up his hips in blatant invitation. Please touch me. Please come over here and touch me, Ael. It was a silent plea that went unanswered.

  * * * *

  Ael stared down at Grant. His hungry eyes were glued to the human, watching Grant move erotically as the plant pleasured him. Grant pulled against the bindings that held him as he writhed. The human wasn’t trying to break free. He seemed to be really enjoying the attention from the corydalis plant.

  Grant closed his eyes. He tilted his head back and whimpered. Sexy little sounds spilled from his lips as he moved his hips. Ael couldn’t believe how beautiful Grant was in the throes of passion. The human was breathtaking. Ael wanted to reach out and touch him. He wanted to run his hands over Grant’s body. But he forced himself to stay back and watch.

  “Ael!” Grant cried out, staring right at him. Ael moaned in response. Hearing his name on Grant’s lips was enough to make him come in his pants. “Oh God,” he panted. “I’m gonna…”

  Grant shuddered as the vine sucked his shaft vigorously. His legs shook violently, and he climaxed. The orgasm must have been intense since Grant’s eyes rolled back and his body went limp. The tentacles that were wrapped tightly around his limbs loosened, dropping away.

  Ael knelt down and picked Grant up. He pulled the human into his arms and held him against his chest. Grant rose to his feet. Ael cradled the young man against his chest, holding him, while Grant came down from his orgasmic high.

  “Oh, wow,” Grant murmured.

  Ael couldn’t help but smile at Grant’s expression.

  Visiting the corydalis plants was a rite of passage. A tradition. Every human was brought out to the lush garden for the unique experience that could only be had on Sweshan. When he started swimming, Ael wasn’t sure if he wanted to bring Grant here, but he couldn’t seem to help himself. He wanted to watch Grant find release. And now that memory was seared into his mind forever.

  “Do you want to go back?” Ael asked, secretly hoping that Grant would want to stay out in the water.

  Grant shook his head. “I’m not ready to go back. Not yet.”

  “Let’s go.” Ael helped Grant onto his back. The human automatically wrapped his arms around Ael’s neck, holding him in a tight embrace. “There’s a lot more to see.”

  Ael bent his knees and pushed off the ocean floor. He started swimming, kicking his legs. It was really hard to concentrate on their surroundings while Grant’s naked body was plastered to his back. With each stroke, Grant shifted, side to side, rubbing against him. Ael bit off a groan.

  He kept Grant out for a few hours, showing him the area, pointing out plants and animals. When he was done with the tour, Ael swam back to his building. He helped Grant off his back and into the glass cylinder before joining the young man. He closed the door, and they stood there, facing each other. Ael stared into Grant’s brilliant brown eyes, getting lost in their warm depths.

  After a moment, Ael pushed the button, and the water started draining out of the cylinder, emptying back into the ocean.

  He reached out and carefully removed the mask from Grant’s face. The human took a deep breath. He ran his hands through his hair, squeezing out the extra moisture, before placing his hands over his cock, hiding it from view.

  Grant started laughing. “Wow. That was amazing.”

  Ael grinned. “Let me carry you back upstairs.”

  Grant nodded. “Please.” His cheeks turned pink, showing Ael that he was feeling a little shy.

  In one smooth motion, Ael picked Grant up, cradling him in his arms. He did his best to hide Grant’s nudity from the other males as he strode through the building and back home.

  Chapter Nine

  Grant couldn’t wipe the smile off his face. He spent the morning swimming in the Sweshan Ocean with Ael and the afternoon curled up on an overstuffed chair in Ael’s personal library, reading. Even though Ael had been called away for some sort of work emergency, it was a perfect day in Grant’s opinion.

  He still couldn’t believe that an alien plant had given him a blowjob, but he wasn’t complaining. It was erotic. And the look on Ael’s face was unforgettable. The male had been turned on as he watched Grant twist and turn, pulling at the vines as he came.

  Ael walked into the library, and Grant closed the book he was reading. He put it on the table and looked up at the male.

  “Would you like to go out tonight?” Ael asked.

  “Yeah.” Grant stood up, adjusting his loose-fitting pajama pants. “Just let me get changed.”

  “Take your time.”

  Grant strode past him. He went into the guest room and changed his clothes. He went into the bathroom when he was dressed. Grant used a small dollop of gel to slick his hair back away from his face and put on some masculine-scented deodorant that smelled a lot like the fancy soap Ael had purchased for him. When he was ready to go, Grant walked back into the main living area.

  Ael glanced at him. “You’re ready.”

  Grant nodded. He was dressed and ready to go out, but he had no idea what they were doing. “Where are we going?”

  “I thought you might enjoy a night out at one of our clubs. We can go dancing.”

  “Do you dance?” Grant asked, raising a questioning brow.

  Ael smiled. “Yes.”


  “Don’t look so skeptical.”

  Grant shook his head. “I can’t wait to dance with you.”

  “Well, then, let’s go.”

  Grant chuckled. He couldn’t imagine Ael at a dance club, drinking and cutting loose. The male was a little too uptight in Grant’s opinion. He wasn’t complaining. Grant liked that Ael was in control of himself. He was mature. The male didn’t rush into anything without a lot of thought and consideration. And Grant knew that when Ael finally accepted him, it would be with his whole heart. It was just the kind of male Ael was.

  Ael grasped Grant’s hand. They walked out of Ael’s home, down the hallway to the elevator, and took it down to the bottom floor. Ael guided Grant through a few cylinder walkways until they reached their destination.

  Grant could hear the music before they even reached the club. The bass vibrated the ground beneath his feet, sending a pulsing sensation up through his body. A thrill of excitement raced through his veins. When they stepped into the club, Grant’s eyes widened.

  The club was unlike anything Grant could have imagined. The large space was filled with light, fluffy foam. Iridescent bubbles floated through the air like perfect little snowflakes. High-energy electronic dance music blared through the speakers. Multicolored lights flashed and twirled, bouncing around the t
ightly packed dance floor. Half-naked males, Sweshian and human, were scantily dressed. They danced around the room, their bodies writhing together, slick skin and gleaming scales.

  The scene was wild. The beat of the music called to him. Grant started moving, swaying his hips side to side as he bobbed his head. Ael led Grant around the crowd.

  As they walked into the club, the air became thicker. It hung over Grant like a heavy blanket, making it hard to breathe. The scent of testosterone mixed with pheromones filled his head, making Grant’s cock harden within the confines of the tight-fitting pants. Using his free hand, Grant adjusted his erection.

  When they reached the bar, a Sweshian male asked, “Would you like a drink?”

  He placed a tray filled with glass test tubes, each one filled with brightly colored liquid, onto the bar. Grant grabbed a tube with green-colored fluid. He lifted it up to his lips and tilted it back, downing the contents in one gulp. An explosion of sweet-sour flavor burst across his tongue. The beverage was fizzy. It tickled the back of his throat on its way down. Tasty.

  “Whoo!” Grant shuddered. “That was really good.”

  He placed the empty tube back on the tray. Grant grabbed two beakers with yellow liquid and handed one off to Ael. They clinked the bottom of their glasses together before downing the shot. Grant placed the empty glass back on the tray. He grabbed Ael’s hand and pulled the male out onto the dance floor.

  Grant started to dance. He closed his eyes and lifted his arms up above his head, losing himself to the music. Swaying. Twirling. Bouncing around the dance floor. Grant could feel the alcohol working its way through his system. Warmth spreading through his body, making him tingle.

  He opened his eyes and looked at Ael. The male grinned down at him. Feeling courageous, Grant wrapped his arms around Ael’s neck, pulling the male closer. He leaned up and kissed Ael, pressing their lips together. Grant couldn’t help himself. He needed a taste. Ael surprised him. The male wrapped his arms around Grant’s waist, pulling him in close, connecting their bodies. Grant gasped when his body collided with Ael’s and the male took control of the kiss. He pushed his tongue into Grant’s mouth.


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