Lethal in Lavender

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Lethal in Lavender Page 2

by Sarah Hualde

  "Yes, thanks for the reminder," Sam's mother was less than impressed with his knowledge of hormonal changes and their impact on boy sweat.

  "Ever's already got his stink."

  "And with that," Thaddeus announced, "The Miller family takes its leave." He swatted Sam's cap brim with the blush of a proud glow on his cheeks. "Go get your sister. Mom will buzz about the room if we don't leave soon."

  Kat heaved a deep centering sigh and shook frustration from her shoulders. Thad squeezed her hand in his and let it drop back to her side.

  The Millers left in a frenzied rush. Kat shoved each family member out the door and into her van. She wanted to shower and change and ensure her family did the same before leaving for her dinner.

  "Tell me all about your day, Ever," Flora patted her son on the back and readied herself for his tale. Ever tiptoed into puberty but he wasn't yet to the guttural response stage. His stories often took longer than the experiences they detailed.

  Kevin rested a soft hand on his wife's rumbling belly and settled in for the story. "Are you sure you need to go out tonight?" He asked before Ever stole the show.

  Flora traced the veins in the back of Kevin's hand with her index finger. "No, I don't have to go. However, I'd like to go out, once more, before this one pops." She pointed to her stomach. Kevin took her hand in his and lifted it to his mouth, kissed it and set it back on Flora's belly.

  "You're right."

  "I've got an hour before Lydia picks me up. Can you fit your story into that time?" Flora focused her energy on her only son.

  Ever's eyes glittered with Flora's attention. He told of their morning meal, breakfast burritos from the diner, and their lunchtime feast, foot long sandwiches. Ever talked of Mrs. Berna's two quads and how he and Sam shared one for the day. He described the booths he helped build and the vendors who dropped by to decorate them. He continued on, explaining where each vendor would set up and gave a vivid description over the hours of the ice cream stand, the churro maker, and the cotton candy machine.

  "Then the work began," He accented his tale with a deep intake of air and giant whoosh of drama. His sisters sat at his feet, listening to him explain the day. "Mrs. Berna had us pulling weeds from the north fields. It's hallow."

  "Fallow," Kevin corrected.

  "Yeah, that. It means land that's left alone for a season. Like naptime for the soil. Anyway, it's grown all crazy and wild. These weeds are hidden between the clovers, and her goats got into them. They made them sick, and she had us hunt for them in the hot sun. We aren't allowed to touch them. Not even smell it. She only had us place flag markers near the batches of the stuff." Ever snuffled and wiped a hand over his face. It was his way of signifying the story was halfway to its conclusion.

  "So, we did. We hunted all over that field. It's a big plot. You know the one." Ever nodded toward Eloise. She nodded back. "Eden, you'd like the weed. Its leaves are dark and spiky, but its flower is pretty. If it weren't so dangerous, I'd make you a wreath of the stuff. You could wear it to church."

  The little girl giggled and touched the crown of her head. She pictured the beautiful flowers draped throughout her curly hair. "Which goat did it make sick," the animal lover asked.

  "Peabody. The doctor fed him this nasty stuff and watched him all day. He's locked in his own pen but should be okay soon." Ever tossed his arms across his chest proud of his story.

  "Mrs. Berna had us set up a fence around the field, and then we taped it off. That's why we ran a little late." Kevin summed up the tale to his wife, but the children weren't around to listen. They'd started their own game and ran from the room.

  "Well, that's good." Flora's phone alarm barked. "Whoops, I've got 15 minutes until Lydia's here." Kevin helped his wife up from the couch and followed her about as she freshened up.


  "So, what's got Kat so excited?" Lydia asked Flora after shutting the driver's side door.

  "She wouldn't say." Flora eyed Lydia's garb and then her own. "I thought she said to dress casually."

  "It's only jeans and a blouse. It's nothing fancy."

  "Yes, but those boots aren't everyday, relaxed boots." Flora pointed to Lydia's favorite footwear, her tall gray leather boots. Their heels weren't stiletto height, but they were far from flat.

  "Listen, I refuse to do any more running tonight. The race is the first thing tomorrow. I do not think my body can take a second run today." Lydia snapped at her friend. "Sorry. I figure the boots give me an out if Kat asks me to jog the track with her."

  "If you hate running so much, why did you sign up for a 5K?" It was an innocent question, but it caught Lydia in the throat whenever asked.

  Her shoulders slumped. "I don't like to work out. With Joan home, we worked out for P.E. but nothing intense or major. We played in the backyard. Badminton. Volleyball. Even Handball on the garage door. Sometimes we'd play one of those dancing video games. We kept active, but I wouldn't classify it as real exercise. We had fun together. With her gone, I've let that whole part of life slide."

  "So, why the sudden urge to pick it back up?"

  "I'm tired of being the old one."

  Flora repositioned her seatbelt and placed a small pillow between the strap and her baby bump. She noticed Lydia's gym bag in the back seat. "So, what's that then?"

  Lydia's left eyebrow rose, "Well, Kat can be… bossy. I don't want to run, but I don't want to argue even more." Flora snickered to herself and gazed out the window as the women drove to the Hive Bed and Breakfast.

  Chapter two

  The pathway from the parking area to the Hive’s new building glistened with hundreds of solar lights. Kat waited near the Spa entrance. Her hand shot up, her energy bursting in anticipation. She tucked her arms behind her back, striving for nonchalance and failing.

  “I guess we’re not walking fast enough.” Flora giggled.

  Lydia didn’t answer. She checked her watch slash fitness tracker. 5:20. Why was Kat beside herself? We’re not late. I got Flora here early. She held her thoughts in and continued her natural stride next to Flora. The paving stone path was gorgeous but not prenatally sound. Flora’s waddle worried Lydia. She didn’t want to leave her unattended and have her stumble onto the grass.

  "Ivy is wigging out! She won't leave her alone. You've got to come to calm her down." Kat met them with only a third of the walk left.

  Panic shoved up Lydia's throat and clogged her ability to ask questions. Flora understood and took the lead. "Is she hurt?"

  “Hurt? No! Why would you think that? She’s just inside. Hurry, you’ll see.”

  Flora grabbed the railing and ascended the porch steps. Lydia swallowed her worry and followed her.

  Three tables held small water fountains at their center. A fireplace graced one corner of the room. It hosted a single crackling log. Sliding glass doors dressed in long flowing curtains created an entire wall of the room. The fabric fluttered on the breeze, dancing in and out of place. Lydia marinated in the ambiance.

  “Gorgeous, isn’t it?” Kat clapped her hands. She led Flora their table and held a chair out for her. A black-haired woman sat at another table. She was pretty but sullen. The woman noticed Lydia's gaze and returned it, unimpressed.

  Lydia ignored the silent slight and draped her purse strap over the back of the chair next to Flora's. Beaming, Ivy circled into the room from the hallway. She was speaking so fast her words morphed into one. Lydia couldn't make it out. She followed Ivy's gaze to her listener. A tender smile rested on the woman's face. Ivy trembled as, Averie, Scout’s ASMR artist, moved Ivy’s place card to the setting beside her own.

  The dark-haired sulker shoved back her seat and hurried to the pair. She spoke quietly to Averie. Averie's smile faded. The pouter gestured to the cards and the chairs. Ivy's smile stuttered. She took her card and walked back to Lydia's table. Averie stayed chatting with woman number two.

  “Can you believe it, Lyds? Averie Stardust is here. Here, in Honey Pot, at the Hive.” Joy
pulsated from Ivy. "Oh, I wish Scout understood how cool this is?” Ivy melted into her chair. Lydia remembered that kind of buzz. She understood the adrenaline surge.

  Once, when she was Ivy's age, she'd charged past a barricade and security guard to meet her favorite singer. She was so sure they were soul mates. However, when face to face with the celebrity, she couldn't form a sensible sentence.

  Kat watched on, glad her gift hit its mark. Flora winked at her.

  “So, who’s the other woman?” Lydia sipped her glass of cucumber water.

  Ivy looked over toward Averie. The internet star hugged the woman of mystery. “Oh, that. That’s her cousin, Maven. She’s her assistant of sorts.”

  “Was there an issue with their seats?” Kat watched over the girls talking.

  “Oh no. Not really. Maven doesn’t think Averie should rearrange the tables for one fan. That’s all. She’s right. Anyway, she’s said she’ll say hi to Scout at the Festival. Won't that be awesome?" Ivy's thumbs went flying. She texted the news to Emily, her best friend.

  Mrs. Berna entered the room with Thad close behind her. She greeted her small group of guests and introduced them to the guest of Honor. "This is Averie. She's an ASMR artist and yogi. Her videos are famous on the internet. Her fan base is growing every day." Averie glowed a smile at the group. “And this is her assistant, Maven. Maven is also a video artist.” Maven’s grin was huge and fake but passed as friendly.

  “After a light dinner, Averie will lead us in an easy yoga session. I will serve dessert out on the lawn, and then these lovely ladies will treat us all to a private ASMR session." The room clapped and cheered.

  Thaddeus ate his meal next to Kat. Lydia, Flora, and Ivy made up the rest of the table. Other than Thaddeus, all the guests were female. He was ill at ease with all the estrogen flooding the room.

  With dinner done, Berna led the ladies outside as the staff took down the tables and chairs and swept the room. Flora luxuriated in a porch swing, enjoying the breeze sweeping through her hair. Ivy hovered around Averie, who accepted her company with pleasure. Kat visited with Lydia as she trudged back to her car.

  “I told you to dress casual,” Kat poked for the third time as Lydia hefted her gym bag out of the backseat.

  “I know.” Lydia hurried to the spa locker room and changed into flexible clothing. She pulled her hair back into a bun and spritzed herself with lavender mint body spray.

  “Do you mind?” A thick voice slipped from the neighboring stall.

  “Sorry. What?”

  “That spray! I’m allergic.”

  “Oh, sorry.” Lydia tucked her spray into her bag and washed her hands.

  Maven met her at the sink. Her eyes were red-rimmed and swollen. She wiped and wiped at her nose and splashed her face with cold water. Lydia folded a paper towel into thirds and ran it under the faucet. She rang out the excess and handed it to Maven. “Here, maybe this will help.”

  “Thanks.” Maven took the offering and placed it on her forehead. “Getting away from all this nature would work best. It’s beautiful, but it’s not worth having your face close in on itself.”

  “Do you have any antihistamines? Should I see if Berna has some?”

  "Don't bother. Once I have tea, it'll wear off. My prescription just isn't strong enough for the middle of nowhere." Maven grinned. Her nose was a hard contrast against her pale complexion. She held the door open for Lydia, and they joined the other guests.

  Turquoise and tan yoga mats carpeted the hardwood floor. Ivy sat poised on the one in front of Averie. Averie chatted with the crowd. All the women mirrored her seated pose, except Flora.

  Flora propped up her bum with multiple blankets and though she bent her knees her swollen toes barely met. Wedged between her thighs, two body pillows reinforced her belly. She curled around them enjoying the squishy support. Lydia took the mat beside her. Maven stood outside. Her silhouette shadowed the waving draperies.

  Averie settled in for a time of relaxation. Kat's postures were spot on. Her angles bent or bowed at her whim. Flora stretched her neck, hips, and arms but after that spooned her pillows. She emitted the occasional murmur of happy sleep. Ivy, front and center, mimicked every pose, while Lydia struggled to get her limbs to obey her commands.

  The yogi’s guidance was gentle and patient. She shuffled about aiding her students in their movements. With a free manner, she encouraged them to reach further while remaining easy and light in each posture.

  After a few minutes, Lydia enjoyed the routine. She wasn't as graceful or flexible as her friends, but she liked the rhythmic breathing and wavy flow of each stretch. She even found her worn out thighs, knees, and calves welcomed the new arrangements. They soothed and stopped screaming at her for daring to move. Lydia wasn't sure they would ever submit to speed again. Just as long as they propelled her through tomorrow's race, she didn't mind if they never ran again.

  Startling the group, Maven cleared her throat. Loud and aggressive with each accented scratch she stood beside Averie’s mat and continued snuffling and sniffing. Her tea hadn’t done the trick. Averie talked the group back into child’s pose and turned to her companion.

  The two exchanged rapid whispers. Averie patted Maven on the shoulder. Maven gestured in aggravation. Allergies zapped a person’s patience, Lydia knew, but Maven was overdoing it a tad. Soothed, at last, Maven left the hall.

  "Okay, friends," Averie’s voice held no inkling of tension or worry. "When you're able, return to your seated pose. We'll rest there, before enjoying fruit and dessert."

  Every attendee, other than Flora, followed directions. Averie spotted the sleeping momma and brought another yoga blanket over. She draped it over Flora and winked at Lydia. “I don’t think we’ll disturb her yet.”

  “Good call.” The celebrity’s thoughtfulness amazed Lydia. Sure, Averie's career depended on her staying tranquil and collected, but Lydia had not expected her to be as stalwart in real life. She was encouraging and kindhearted, from what the sheriff's wife could discern. Kat peeked over at their slumbering friend and back at Averie revealing she agreed with Lydia's assessment. Averie was sunshine and sweetness.

  Dessert on the patio was plates of dark chocolate truffles, and juicy strawberries dipped in white chocolate. Kat abstained from treats. She was in training and expected Lydia to be. Lydia loved dark chocolate, and even though she feared the wrath of Kat Miller, she was not passing up truffles.

  Under the guise of watching after Flora, Lydia retreated to the common room. She stuffed an entire treat into her mouth and let it melt slowly over her tongue. She giggled to herself and tried to hide her pleasure. A noise from the back patio startled Lydia. She gasped. Her last truffle flew out of her mouth and landed on Flora’s cheek. Lydia’s eyes bugged.

  Maven returned to the room. She carried two pitchers, a large one filled with cucumber water and a smaller one sloshing with a light tea. Perhaps it was the allergy tea she needed to help stave off her hay fever? She set it on the buffet and stared at Flora. “You will clean her off, won’t you?”

  Lydia reddened. Would clean her up! What kind of friend did Maven think she was? She said nothing, only rose and retrieved a napkin from the buffet. She returned to Flora without a word and wiped away any chocolate evidence.

  Maven watched. Disapproval stamped on her face like a pockmark. She shuddered with disgust. "Tell Averie I brought her tea." It was a command, not a request. Maven left the room as quietly as she'd entered.

  Flora jostled on her mat. Lydia jumped in surprise. This startled Flora who bolted to sitting and screamed back at her. The outside ladies hurried inside, led by Averie, to see what was wrong.

  Flora wiped a drool stream from her cheek, unaware of Lydia’s dark chocolate faux pas. Lydia wasn’t about to tell her, especially with Kat two feet away.

  Averie's beautiful green eyes hunted the corners of the room. She spotted the tea Maven delivered moments before. Pouring her liquid solace into a clear glass Averie soaked
in the scent and shut her eyes. Her lips moved without a sound, and she rolled a violet orb between her palms. Lydia had not noticed Averie pull the sphere from her bag, but she worried over Averie's sudden need to fondle it.

  Lydia watched as Averie savored the first sip of tea and then, once it was no longer hot enough to scar her esophagus, she gulped it down in moments. Averie poured herself another glass and swirled her second helping around in its container. “Ladies, you may help yourselves to more water before we begin. Now is, also, the time for everyone to visit the powder room.”

  Flora lurched, trying to spring for the bathroom. With her center of gravity altered, she needed help to rise from the floor. Lydia and Ivy obliged. "Yum. That tea smells sensational and spicy." Flora waddled over to the half-empty teapot. She lifted the lid and fanned the steam toward her face. "I can't place it."

  Averie smiled for the first time since Flora’s rude awakening. “It’s delicious and so healing. Maven makes it for me. She’s such a help.” Flora grinned and then rushed into the hall, presumably to the bathroom

  Lydia fretted over Averie’s description of her cousin. Maven didn’t seem accommodating let alone helpful. Lydia wondered why she was accompanying Averie on her trip. Maven did not enjoy Honey Pot or the country. What would make a hay fever crazy woman journey out into the middle of farm and pasture land?

  Averie caught Lydia's unspoken question and rested a hand on her shoulder. "Don't judge her. She's shy and isn't feeling herself today." Lydia remained unconvinced. "After our accident, she stopped being her outspoken and bubbly self. She's drawn inward. One day I know she'll snap out of it and be happy Maven, again. Until then, she's still a great encourager and friend." Averie spoke this to herself as she took a seat on her mat. She slurped on her tea and visited with Ivy and Kat as the group awaited Flora's return.

  “Now,” her glass clinked as she set it on the floor beside her mat, “If you would all lie down and get as comfortable as possible, we’ll begin your ASMR experience.”


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