Death By Fright

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Death By Fright Page 14

by McCarthy, G. L.

  “This is Alex. How can I help you?” She looked at Sam, who was trying to suppress a smile, and realized how lame that sounded.

  “Good morning. Alex is it? Yes, this is Mrs. Rachel Finnegan. I believe you called me in regards to wanting some information about my late husband, Peter, and his business partner, Robert Monroe.”

  “Yes, Mrs. Finnegan, I did. I was hoping to be able to ask you some questions and wondered if you had some time to see me?” Alex didn’t want to sound pushy and this woman didn’t sound like she was warm and fuzzy so she wanted her to think she had plenty of time to talk to her when she was ready to talk.

  “I believe that can be arranged. I would like to meet you in person. I prefer to speak face to face than over the phone. Are you free later this afternoon? Say three o’clock.”

  “Three o’clock would be fine. Let me have your address and I’ll see you then.” Alex was wondering, as she copied down the address, why a woman who wanted to meet in person was so willing to give out her home address so easily, but she wasn’t going to question it. Then Alex realized by the suite number, that possibly she was being given an address to an assisted living residence and Mrs. Rachel Finnegan would have plenty of people around should she need them.

  Alex handed the phone back to Sam and plopped back in her now cold spot in the bed. She had hours before she needed to be anywhere and wasn’t that hungry so the thought of breakfast being served soon wasn’t enough of an incentive to get her out of bed.

  “Coffee, madam or more sleep? Sam was smiling as she looked down on Alex who had her eyes closed, but wasn’t asleep yet.

  Opening only one eye Alex looked at Sam and thought for a moment. “How about another thirty minutes of cuddling and then coffee?”

  “That sounds like a good plan.” Sam leaned down and kissed her.

  “Oh, that was an added benefit to my plan I hadn’t thought about. We could just neck for the allotted time and then get coffee?” Alex rolled over on her side so she could look into Sam’s eyes when she took the spot next to her.

  As Sam smiled she knew it was going to be more than a thirty minute delay before they had their coffee, but it was a delay she would take any day of the week.

  The necking took closer to an hour, but neither was in a hurry to get up out of their warm bed. Sam jumped into her pants, boots and grabbed her jacket to retrieve the much needed elixir that would bring Alex into the world of the conscious.

  Upon her return Alex was up and dressed. The thought of lying around until it was time to go see Rachel Finnegan wasn’t sitting well with Alex. She wanted to do something to fill the time, only because of the anxious feeling that was over-coming her present state of mind. Looking like she was ready to burst into tears, Sam wondered what was wrong.

  “What’s wrong? Did something happen while I was gone? Sam had never seen Alex in such a state before, except maybe a little before her meltdown about the kiss.

  “Sam, I feel like I’m about to jump out of my skin. I’ve never had an anxiety attack before, but I think I’m having one now.” Alex was having trouble catching her breath and felt like she was drowning.

  “That does it.” Sam picked up the phone and rang the office.

  “Jess, I need to take Alex to the hospital. Where is it?” Sam had never needed a doctor, but she needed one now.

  “Why, what’s wrong?” Jess was always grateful when one of the regular guests was also a doctor who didn’t mind making a casita visit.

  “It’s Alex. She’s having an anxiety attack and I want her on some type of tranquilizer before she has a breakdown.” Sam didn’t care if that sounded controlling or not.

  “Let me get Dr. Smith. We’ll be over in a few minutes. Try and get her to concentrate on her breathing.” Jessie hung up and dialed the doctor’s casita.

  “Alex, Jess says to concentrate on your breathing. She’s bringing a doctor.” Sam didn’t know what else to say, but Alex was listening to her.

  Alex took a deep breath and let it out slowly as she put her arms around Sam and tried to focus on her heart beat and the time in between breaths. It seemed a lot longer than five minutes before Jessie and Donald D. Smith, M.D., entered the casita. Alex was feeling a little better and not so panicked, but Dr. Smith insisted on giving her an exam, just short of having her strip down to her birthday suit. Her blood pressure was very high for someone of her age and when Sam filled him in on what she’d been up to since they arrived he wasn’t surprised. The good doctor was in his seventies and had seen a lot of strange things in his life so none of what Sam told him was a surprise.

  “The mind is very complex to say the least. We can think we are in control of how we feel and what bothers us, but the brain can have other ideas as to what affects its state. Alex, I’m going to give you a tranquilizer. I only have a few with me, but I’ll call in a prescription that can be picked up in town. I want you to take them, Doctors orders. I insist on one hundred percent patient compliance and expect you to take them as I’ve prescribed.” Dr. Smith was looking at Alex over his bifocals waiting for her acknowledgement.

  “Yes, Doctor. I don’t think these two will allow any less.” Alex knew that if Sam didn’t make her take them, Jessie would do it herself like pilling a cat.

  “I want you to take two now and spend the rest of the day resting. No more ghost chasing until you’re feeling one hundred percent and that means these two get a vote in it also. Is that clear young lady?” Dr. Smith was stern but caring with Alex.

  “But I need to meet someone this afternoon.” Alex didn’t want to miss this chance to meet with Mrs. Finnegan.

  “Does it involve ghost chasing?” Dr. Smith knew this one was going to push herself, just like she’d done so far.

  “A little.” Alex knew she wasn’t going to get around this issue.

  “Then that would be an emphatic NO. Young lady,your body is trying to tell you something listen to it.” Dr. Smith put his instruments back in his bag and gave Alex a wink.

  “All right, I’ll be good. I promise.” Alex looked at Sam and hoped she could read her mind and would volunteer to meet with Mrs. Finnegan.

  Jessie walked Dr. Smith out and said she’d be back to verify that Alex had taken her medicine. Sam closed the door behind them and turned to face the wrath she was sure to get from Alex for ruining her plans to meet Mrs. Finnegan.

  “Samantha Pierce, I can’t begin to tell you how mad I am at you for calling a doctor, and how much I love you for caring enough to endure my ire because you felt I needed medical help.” Alex couldn’t be mad as she would have done the same if the roles were reversed.

  “Then I won’t be sleeping in the barn with Smokey and Bruce?” Sam had dodged a bullet this time.

  “Yes, but you know what this means. You’ll have to meet with Mrs. Finnegan for me. You know what questions to ask, just like we discussed. Please say you’ll go.” Alex hoped she was right about Sam going for her with no argument.

  “I figured as much when you gave me that look after agreeing to be good. I guess it’s only fair since I was the one who brought the doctor on board. Only she’s heard your voice. Do you think she’ll buy me as you?” Sam knew they sounded nothing alike.

  “You’ll just have to tell her you’re my assistant and that I took ill. Which is the truth, except for you’re not my assistant. But telling her you’re my spouse may send her into her own anxiety attack.” Alex was beginning to feel a lot calmer as the pills took effect.

  “Okay, I can do that. But right now you get back to bed. Its rest, rest and more rest for you young lady.” Sam was trying to sound like Dr. Smith.

  “Young lady! My great aunt Agatha’s ass. I’m not a young lady. But it sounds good and I’ll accept the compliment from you and Dr. Smith. He is so cute; he reminded me of Frederick and my grandfather with those bifocals. I couldn’t argue with him.” Alex got undressed and climbed back under the sheets.

  “Now I’m going to go get you some breakfast – no ar
guing with me either. You need to keep up your strength and hopefully you can go play with Mr. Monroe tomorrow if you’re good.” Sam wondered just how strong those tranquil-izers were as Alex’s eyes were closing more and more.

  “I hope I’m still awake by the time you get back. But wake me up if I doze off, okay?” Alex was talking but her eyes were now closed.

  “No promises.” Sam walked out and met Jessie coming back from Dr. Smith’s casita.

  “How is she?” Jessie needed to get back to the office, but wanted an update first.

  “She’s already starting to doze off. But I’m starving and I’ll bring her back something. I figure if I give her an hour or two she may wake up with an appetite, if she wakes up. Thanks Jess, you’re the best.” Sam gave her cousin a big hug and was grateful she was so level headed in emergencies.

  “All part of the services we provide here at the ranch. I need to get back to the office, but let me know when you need to leave and I’ll check in on her.” Jessie knew if Alex had to be somewhere she’d talked Sam into taking her place.

  “So you have no doubt that I’m meeting someone for Alex. Was it that obvious that I’d be going in her place?” Sam didn’t want Jessie thinking she didn’t have a say in the matter.

  “You two are a team. So if first string can’t play then we send in the second string. I also think you need to work on saying no to her once in a while. Although I agree this time, so be careful and remember to call.” Jessie would love it if this whole ghost business would end now, but knew it wasn’t going to.

  Chapter 27

  Sam took her time eating breakfast and mulled over what she would do with her day until it was time to leave for her meeting with Mrs. Finnegan. She wanted to use Jessie’s computer to get directions and maybe if the office was slow, and no one needed to use it, do a little research of her own. She waved at Pablo, who had stuck his head out of the kitchen, that everything was fine. She didn’t feel the need to worry him when there really wasn’t anything anyone could do, except for maybe Anna and Ramon. Sam needed to have faith that they were doing their part. But this drama had to play out so a solution could be found and calm could be restored to Javier and Juana’s life. Anna and Ramon had been there for Alex in the past when she needed them, and they would be there again. As she finished her breakfast she needed to get something together to take to Alex, as the staff was starting to clean up the dining hall. The usual eggs, sausage and potatoes would have to do as the choice entrees were already gone. A cup of coffee that would need to be reheated as well as what was on the plate completed the meal. Sam placed the plate on one cup of coffee and a small plate with toast on her cup of coffee. Now to get back to the casita without dropping anything was the plan. As she backed out of the dining room doors it appeared she would have an uneventful trip until she reached the casita. Then she would need to put one of the cups down and hope that the plate didn’t slide off so she could have a free hand to open the door. She executed the move with no problem and quietly opened the door to find Alex in the same position as when she left. Although the fact that she was lying flat on her back was causing her to snore rather loudly and proved she was out. Usually she woke herself up and would roll over, but not this time. Sam put her breakfast in the little refrigerator as well as the two cups of coffee, having forgotten that Alex never drank the first one and gently turned her on her side. Alex didn’t stir at all, but did stop snoring. Sam was impressed by the power this tranquilizer had and wondered just how long Alex would be out. It was obvious she would be out for a couple of hours, so she would leave a note and then be back to check on her before she needed to leave.

  Sam found Jessie in the office and was given total access to the computer and internet as the morning rush had passed. Printing a map from the address given by Rachel Finnegan it estimated a forty-five minute drive. Wanting plenty of time, Sam would give herself a good hour before having to be there and another half-hour to change into nicer clothes then what she had on now.

  The internet search provided the usual information regarding Peter Finnegan as well as his obituary. Peter was the oldest son of Irish immigrants that had moved to New Mexico by way of Canada as their point of entry from Ireland. Being the oldest son, Sam wondered if that was enough pressure to keep Peter in the closet. But was that the same excuse for Robert as well. The prodigal son returning from college with honors couldn’t embarrass the family by declaring his undying love for another man. Possibly Peter’s marriage to Rachel had been arranged by his family to protect their standing in the community. Although Sam couldn’t find any information about any other Finnegan, was there a scandal and the marriage had helped cover it up? Was Rachel’s family the one with the power and that was why there was little written other than just your basic biography? Searching further and focusing on Rachel, more information was uncovered as her maiden name had been used as well as her married name in Peter’s obituary.

  Peter “Petey” Finnegan was killed Wednesday night from injuries suffered in an automobile accident while returning home after working late at Monroe Livestock and Supply. Mr. Finnegan was a prominent businessman and pillar of the community, working on many charitable committees with his business partner Robert Monroe. Peter Finnegan is survived by his wife Rachel Fitzhugh Finnegan and two daughters. Services and burial will be at St. John’s Church this Saturday at 3PM.

  This new name would allow Sam to search for information on the Fitzhugh family and it was apparent that her family definitely had some clout back in those days. Several businesses were linked to her father and up until the late eighties the family still maintained some status in the community. Not stating why the decline, maybe a reversal of fortune, it was apparent that things had changed for the Fitzhugh family as well.

  Sam felt she had enough information so she could tell if Rachel Finnegan was trying to embellish the facts of her family history. It would also be good experience for future interrogation, although Rachel hadn’t committed a crime that anyone was aware of, she could still be hiding something. If Sam won her trust and asked the right questions she may find out more than any other living person about the friendship of Peter and Robert.

  Several hours had passed which surprised Sam as she needed to get back and check to see if by chance Alex was awake yet and hungry for her breakfast. Sam gathered her information, which she had printed out, so Alex could read too and walked back to the casita. Upon entering nothing had changed except the position that Alex was in now. She was sprawled out on her stomach and only halfway covered. Sam figured she must be hot and left her alone as she laid the papers on the night stand. It was another hour until lunch was served and then two hours after that before she needed to leave. Sam decided to spend the time to check on her trailer as the plan was to drive back with Smokey in it. The trip was going to take several days as it was over two thousand miles and she hadn’t really decided if she wanted to make it a three or four day trip. It would save money on hotels if she drove twelve hour days, but seeing a little of the country and not making herself too tired by only driving eight hours a day may work too. Alex was flying back as she was supposed to be back at her desk at Taylorwood and finish out the rest of the school year on Monday the sixth. Since New Years Eve was on a Tuesday and they wanted to have enough time to spend it with Jessie at the ranch, Sam would leave the day before Alex flew out, which was going to be on Friday. This way she could have the weekend to get organized for her first day back teaching.

  The tarp that covered her trailer was still tightly secured and the inside was nice and dry. Pulling out her tire gauge from the little tool box in the front compartment she confirmed that all tires where holding the correct pressure. The sun was brutal on tires and it was the reason Sam had made sure to cover each one completely. All looked good as she wiped her hands off on a rag and heard someone coming up behind her.

  “Hey, stranger. Where have you been hiding?” Andy had decided to see who was messing with Sam’s trailer.

  “Nowhere in particular. I just decided to check out my rig before I head east. Hey, were you serious about wanting to go back out to Monroe’s house with us?” Sam figured now was as good a time as any to tell their plans.

  “Absolutely. I’m down for any plans you have. When are you going so I can bribe one of the guys to cover for me?” Andy had tested the waters about switching days off and all three of the other ranch hands had said they would help him out.

  “We were thinking tomorrow would be the day. Alex is getting plenty of rest so she’ll be ready to try and reason with old man Monroe.” Sam thought that sounded better, and not as crazy as trying to reason with a ghost.

  “Great. What time?” Andy was ready now.

  “I would think afternoon or early evening. I’m not sure when would be the best time.” Sam didn’t think it made a difference but the more rest Alex got the better.

  “Great. I can sleep in so if we have a late night I’ll be wide awake.” Andy was high energy and needed his sleep or he would fade in the home stretch.

  “Sounds like a plan. We’ll meet at our casita and all leave from there. I’ll call you about a half hour before we’re going to head out.” Sam could tell by the sun that she needed to get back to check on Alex and get herself cleaned up to leave. She had missed lunch as she wasn’t that hungry.

  As she walked back her mind wandered back to the first day she met Alex and all that had happened since that day. Who would have ever guessed they would have gone through so much in such a short time? Two attempts on Alex’s life that almost succeeded, so what were the odds that she could escape a third? But who was to say there would be a third? This was a spirit that only wanted to have the living leave him alone. Not worth trying to kill anyone over, right?

  Upon entering Sam found the bed empty and the bathroom door closed. She could see the breakfast plate was empty as well as both of the coffee cups. Then she heard the shower being turned on and knew what Alex was up to. She wanted to go with Sam to the interview. Sam took off her boots and entered the bathroom to finish getting undressed and change Alex’s mind about coming along.


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