Death By Fright

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by McCarthy, G. L.

  “True. It would be great if somehow Robert could be convinced that Peter was waiting for him and all he needed to do was leave. But you still have Victoria in the house. Her girlfriend is still alive so where does she go?” Jessie knew Victoria wasn’t the problem but she was still there.

  “Maybe she could go live with Janet. I mean if they could come and go as they please then why not have Victoria move in. In fact she should go now. It may help get Robert to see how he too could move on with his life.” Sam really wished Alex would wake up soon.

  “Well that would certainly make life a lot easier for all involved, but it seems so simple. Could it be that easy? I mean could Alex just walk in tomorrow and tell Robert and Victoria where they should go and it’s all over?” Jessie could only hope so.

  “That would be awesome. But I’m not going to get my hopes up until I hear that he’s really gone for good.” Sam wanted to go back and see if Alex was awake, but first she needed to take her something just in case she was. The poor girl had slept all day and missed several meals. “Thanks Jess, see ya Dawson. I’m going to head back and take Alex some-thing just in case she’s awake.”

  Sam grabbed several pieces of chicken and some garlic bread. It wasn’t much but the odds of Alex being awake were slim. She could sleep for hours if she was tired and she had extra help from the chemical kind.

  As Sam slipped through the door she saw Alex was still asleep but had rolled over on her back once again and was snoring up a storm. It was a sure sign that she was going to be out for quite awhile. Sam put the little snack into the refrigerator and decided to get ready for bed herself. She could run a few scenarios through her mind and hopefully one would stand out. Just maybe Anna and Ramon would be aware of her thoughts too and get a head start on working on moving Robert out.

  Chapter 30

  Sam had been sound asleep when something woke her up and she found Alex gone. She checked the bathroom and then hit the lights and found only her note lying on the table. Not wanting to panic she thought there were only a couple of places she could have gone, so why panic? Just go back to sleep and wait for her to get back, except for one thingher keys to the truck weren’t lying on the dresser where she left them. So she took a drive no big deal, but why no note?Sam dressed like a fireman and headed for the parking lot and prayed her truck was still thereit was. The doors were locked and then she noticed a figure standing near the crafts room it had to be Alex. Sam approached quietly as she wanted to see what the figure was doing before letting them know of her presence. It was Alex and she just stood there with her hand pressed against the locked door, then turned and headed for the parking lot. Sam headed back to cut her off and confront her before she could drive away.

  “Where are you going, Darlin’?” Sam knew something was up.

  “I was going to take a drive.”

  “Alex would never borrow my truck without asking. Who are you?” Sam reached for her keys.

  “Why I don’t know what you mean. Hey, I need those keys.”

  “You’re not Alex and you’re not getting my keys. I’ll ask one more time who are you?” Sam was getting pissed and was about to shake this person out of Alex.

  “None of your damn business, now give me those keys. You can’t help her now I’m in control and I intend to keep her until I’ve finished what I need to do to be free.” Alex eyes were as black as they were that night on Thunder Mountain.

  Sam froze as she saw the look on Alex’s face and it definitely wasn’t her anymore. She handed the keys over and watched as it opened the door, got in, and drove out heading in the direction of the Monroe house. Sam took off running in the direction of the office and knew where the hide-a-key was to gain access to the office as she needed to get the key to the van and catch up to whoever had Alex and her truck. Sam really hoped Anna and Ramon were aware of what was going on so they could help her when she did find Alex again. She scribbled a note to Jessie telling her that she had taken the van and would explain everything later and then remembered her cell phone was in the casita. Sam ran back at top speed and then headed for the garage to get the van and try and catch up. One number she was glad she had in her cell phone memory was Sheriff Rod’s. After Alex found the bodies up at Thunder Mountain there seemed to be a lot of follow up questions after she had returned home. Sam always felt it was just Rod checking in to see how Alex was doing after he had heard about her run in with Richard Greenway. The phone rang several times before Rod picked up. Sam gave him a few seconds to get his bearings as to who was calling and about what. He lived on the other side of town and it was a good forty-five minute trip to the Monroe house, but he’d be there. Sam requested no sirens as she wasn’t sure what to expect from these spirits when he arrived.

  It was just twenty minutes at top speed before she approached the house. She could see her truck parked in front. The lights were on and the engine still running as the fumes from the exhaust pipe could be seen from the glow of the taillights. Sam pulled over and ran the next hundred feet and turned the engine off. She put the keys in her pocket as no one was going to drive this truck again except her. The front door was wide open and Sam wished she had something other than a flashlight to enter the house with. Sam could hear Alex yelling upstairs and climbed the staircase as quietly as she could as not to alert who was with her. As she approached the door at the end of the hall she could see Alex but not who she was yelling at. The way Alex was carrying herself Sam knew it wasn’t her, but Victoria. She could finally make out what was being said.

  “How could you be so selfish, so hateful? You couldn’t let me be happy, you couldn’t stand to see me with someone else. I thought she’d moved away and found someone else. She’s been here all along. If I would have known I could have been with her all this time and not here feeling sorry for you and feeling guilty for wanting to leave.” The rage coming from Victoria was from all those years wasted. What Sam couldn’t hear was the other side of the argument.

  “You would have had nothing if you hadn’t have married me. You were a salesgirl. I gave you respectability, status and money to buy whatever you wanted. All you had to do was stay with me and be Mrs. Robert Monroe. Was that so horrible of a life that you wanted to run away?”

  “Robert I didn’t love you. I thought I did until I met Janet and then I knew she was the only person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. The only person I wanted to hold, to kiss goodnight and to reassure when things got rough. You never loved me, it was all an act for your friends and family. You hated yourself for loving someone you could never have and you made everyone in your life pay for it. I see now why you drank so much, because you were trying to drown the feelings you had for Peter and in some way causing his death by keeping him late that night to work late.” Alex was now looking up slightly as if Robert were standing right in front of her.

  “I COULDN’T BE WITH HIM. HE WAS A MAN. That’s what my family told me the first time we were caught in my room. I hated them for it and thought after we came back from college they would see that I still felt the same way. But our families conspired to have Peter marry that Fitzhugh woman and ruined everything. No one knows that the night he was killed we were making plans to leave. I had found a buyer for the business and we were going to head for Havana. But he was killed before we could leave and I hated them even more. So yes, I drank more and more to make the pain go away, but it never did. Until you came to work for me and you reminded me so much of Peter. The way you would kid around and how witty you could be when we were alone. It was like Peter had come back as a woman. I was happy again for the first time since he died and when you asked me to stop drinking it was as if Peter was making the request as he hated drunkenness. Then you started to pull away just before the wedding and it felt like it did before. So when you told me you had fallen in love with someone else I couldn’t stand the thought of losing you too. After I killed you I couldn’t believe that I had been responsible for killing the only other person I eve
r loved so I killed myself. I’m so sorry, but I couldn’t have you leaving me to be happy with someone else.”

  “Well hear this! I’m leaving now and I won’t be coming back. You need to leave this house and let these nice people have this house. This house has seen enough hatred and tragedy, it needs to hear laughing children and feel love again. Like it did when you first drew up the plans with Peter’s help. Remember the plans you two made for all the parties you would have and the money you would raise for charity. Remember Robert, you told me those stories. Why can’t you remember them now and leave? Go find Peter like I found Janet. This woman can help you find him like she helped me.” Victoria no sooner said the words than she flew back as if she’d been struck.

  “She can’t help me, no one can help me. I am damned forever, don’t you see?”

  Sam was willing to stand by and listen to this one sided argument until she saw Alex struck and then she rushed in.

  “Alex! You fucking asshole leave her alone.” Sam turned to where she thought Robert would be standing and then she too went flying to the side as she felt a hand strike her left cheek.

  As Sam got to her feet she felt a tingling sensation and then the figure of Robert Monroe appeared in front of hear.

  “Oh, dude, you are so going to pay for that!” Sam approached him and Robert suddenly realized she could see him.

  “You can see me. How is that possible?” Robert started to back up as he could see that he was about to have some payback coming his way.

  “I have friends in heavenly places and I’m going to show you what happens to men who hit women.” Sam was the same size as Robert, but instead of a pot belly she was all muscle. As she reached for Robert with her left hand, her right was ready to plant one right on his chin.

  “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Please don’t hit me.” Robert tried to cover his face and it was clear that he was no match for Sam.

  “You need to learn some manners you big bully. You also need to leave this place. It’s not yours anymore – it’s been sold. So get the hell out and stay out.” Sam was pissed and loving the chance to speak to this guy face to face.

  “And just where do you suggest I go? I’m damned for eternity, I’ve not only slept with a man, but committed murder and suicide.” Robert was starting to act more like the bully Sam had heard about.

  “Well, why not try Heaven? If you ask for forgiveness you may get it instead of assuming you’re damned to stay here for eternity.” Sam hated cowards and was beginning to think that this bully was just a coward with size and money.

  “Robert, she’s right. You need to leave now, let the house go.” Victoria was now standing next to Alex’s unconscious body.

  “You bitch! Why did you bring Alex into this knowing that she may get hurt? Are both of you so selfish, so self-absorbed that you think you can do whatever you want, when-ever you want to do it?” Sam was now ready to direct some anger at Victoria.

  “I’m sorry. I thought because she was able to help me find Janet that she could help Robert find his way to Peter. I didn’t think he would hurt her. I guess I really don’t know who he is or what he’s capable of doing.” Victoria was beginning to wonder if this was such a good idea.

  “You’re damn right you don’t know him. He’s screw-ing with peoples lives and he has no right. What do you want Robert? What the hell do you want?” Sam had now turned back to Robert and wanted an answer or she would beat one out of him.

  “What I can never have – peace and to be left alone. Now get out of my house.” Robert found strength in his anger but was no match for Sam and he knew it.

  “If you wish to find peace and forgiveness then you need to come with me and ask for it.” Anna was standing in front of Alex and holding her hand out to Robert.

  “Who the hell are you and how do you know that?” Robert looked very surprised to see another person join in.

  “I have crossed over and know that the one you miss is waiting for you. He has been all this time so you two can truly be together forever. The only person who needs to forgive you is Victoria and then of course you need to forgive yourself. Then you will find peace, but I hope you will change your mind about wanting to be left alone.” Anna looked at Victoria and knew she would, but getting Robert to forgive himself may be a harder sell.

  “Of course I will forgive you, Robert. I should never have led you on and agreed to marry you. I too was being pressured by my family and ask that you forgive me for doing so.” Victoria was leaving the house whether Robert did or not, but hoped this would help get him out.

  “How do I know you aren’t the Devil himself and this is all a trick to get me to go with you to HELL!” Robert was trying to pull away from Sam who was speechless at this point but not about to let him go.

  “You need to have faith, Robby. Petey asks that you have faith, like you did the day you jumped off the garage onto his homemade trampoline. You believed in him then so why not now?” Anna was moving towards Robert and hoped he would take her hand.

  “Oh God!” Robert’s eyes filled with tears as he knew in his heart that she wasn’t the Devil.

  Sam released her grip on Robert as he reached for Anna’s hand and then put his arms around her as he broke down and sobbed on her shoulder. Anna nodded to Sam that it would be fine and she could see to Alex who was still out. Sam felt the tingling sensation diminish and she knew Ramon was gone now and she and Alex were the only ones left in the room. But not before she heard Anna whisper to her that Alex was fine, just sleeping and would be until the morning.

  Sheriff Rod arrived at the house to find Sam carrying Alex out through the front door and helped her get to the truck. Opening the passenger side door Sam let Rod hold Alex up as she went around to the drivers side to pull her in and let her sleep a little longer. Sam relayed the whole drama to Rod who wished he’d been there sooner to witness it all. But he knew Sam and Alex were in good hands and that now Javier and Juana could have their house back. But how would they convince them it was safe to return? The word of a friend would have to be enough and time in the house without any further incidents would be the proof.

  Chapter 31

  As Sam drove her sleeping beauty back to the ranch she hoped Alex and Jess would believe her about what just happened. She wondered if she was going to wake up herself and realize it was all a dream and find Alex asleep next to her as if nothing had happened. It was possible except for the fact that the van was at the Monroe house and she would have to have someone go with her to drive it back. The sky was beginning to show signs that the sun wanted to make an appearance and she figured Jess would have found the note by the time she parked her truck and carried Alex into their casita and put her to bed. The best part of all that had happened was that Robert would be gone and she and Alex could spend the rest of this vacation actually resting and spending time together. Although Andy was going to be pissed that he missed it all. Sam had to think about what day it was and realized that they had only been at the ranch for a week with still a week to go. Things were starting to look up and she planned on steering Alex clear of anyone who even mentioned ghosts. But they seemed to find Alex and maybe this was part of the deal of having guardian spirits. You have to help out every once in a while with the ones who have lost their way.

  As Sam coasted into her parking space she tried to be as quiet as possible as she opened her door and then closed it. Alex was still out like Anna said she would be and Sam won-dered if she would have any pain from being knocked out by Robert. Hopefully, Victoria did help in some way by possibly breaking her fall. Sam wondered what her existence would be like now that she was free to leave Robert and that house. She could go hang with Janet now, but just as she thought it Sam had a chill run down her neck. Sam pulled her cell phone out and called Sheriff Rod.

  “Good Morning Rod, long time no speak. Hey I just had a strange feeling about Janet Fitzsimmons. Now that Victoria is free I have the feeling that Janet has passed away to be with her. I know it sounds a
little premature, but could you check on her later just to see if she’s all right. I’d call her but it’s too early and I know she’s been sleeping a lot lately.” Sam knew that it was true but didn’t want Rod to make a special trip. If she was dead a few more hours, it wouldn’t hurt any-thing.

  “Sure. I think you’re right and not premature in your premonition. I was wondering the same thing after what happened. I’ll call you later and let you know. Have a great day and tell Alex and Jess I said Hello.” Rod was already sit-ting outside Janet’s house and was waiting for the Coroner. He had found her in her rocking chair with the sweetest smile on her face. She was with Victoria and would be truly happy now and forever. He would call Sam back later with the news of Janet’s passing.

  Sam gently opened Alex’s door and let her fall over her shoulder. Looking like she was passed out drunk by anyone who saw them she pushed the truck door closed and made her way to their casita. The door wasn’t latched and she found Jessie sitting on the edge of the bed.

  “Don’t you answer your phone anymore?” Jessie helped Sam lay Alex out on the bed as she was so happy to see them she was ready to cry.

  “I didn’t hear it ring. I’m sorry Jess. We were fine really.” Taking her phone out of her pocket it had shut itself off due to a low battery. Sam looked at the tears welling up in Jessie’s eyes and knew that she had been worried sick.

  “I know you had Anna and Ramon with you. I just need to have more faith, but I feel so helpless when I’m not able to help you two.” Jessie needed a hug and got a big one from Sam who was of the same mind.

  “It was amazing, Jess. I believe we helped Robert and Victoria move on. Anna was great although Alex got knocked down while Victoria was in control. I just hope she doesn’t have any ill effects from the experience. Those pills are amazing, but Anna said she’d wake up this morning and be fine. I just need to have faith too.” Sam looked at Alex who was still sound asleep and except for the red mark on her cheek you’d never know she got slapped as hard as she did.


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