The Wizard's Journal: Blood Moon - Book 1

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The Wizard's Journal: Blood Moon - Book 1 Page 5

by T. J. Hunter

  Chapter 5

  Honestly, if anyone had magical powers, they’d hit all the casinos and drain them dry at the poker tables. Okay, I probably wouldn’t, but it’s a tempting thought and made me smile as I envisioned myself rolling in plies of money. I picked up the amulet from the nightstand and stared at it. If this amulet is authentic and as old as my dream pal Kyiel says, I’ll be a wealthy man if no one claims it. I’ve seen many fakes in my time and this thing looked brand new and real.

  After a good stretch, I got out of bed and took my backpack, artifact, and amulet with me to the bathroom. Arms reach, I reminded myself, then hung the amulet on the bathroom door hook and placed the artifact inside my backpack on the floor. I was in my shower for only a couple of minutes when I heard what sounded like my hotel room door closing. I turned off the water to hear better, but it was quiet.

  “Hello, is anyone there?”

  There was no response. I looked out from behind the shower curtain and saw the amulet glowing on the door hook. I rubbed my eyes, thinking I was seeing things, and when I looked again, the amulet had stopped glowing. I wrapped a towel around my waist and opened the bathroom door and saw my bed mattress overturned, draws pulled out, and other things tossed around.

  How could anyone get in with the door latched from inside, and what were they looking for? Enough, I’m getting the heck out of this place.

  I got dressed, gathered my things, and exited the room to checkout. About twenty feet down the hallway, I suddenly felt nauseous, so I went back to my room, kneeled on the bathroom floor with my face hugging the toilet ready to … wait … the nausea stopped. I splashed some water on my face and then noticed the amulet’s reflection in the mirror – it was glowing brightly, but dimmed when I turned to look at it. I had accidentally left the amulet behind when I bolted out of the room.

  It did glow. I wasn’t seeing things and am not going crazy.

  I placed the amulet in my pant pocket and again left the room, hopefully for the last time. I didn’t mention the condition of the room when checking out because of my complaint last night. If they didn’t already think I was crazy last night, they certainly would now if I told them someone broke into my room again while the door was securely locked. Hopefully, I would not get billed for anything since the room was only messy and not damaged.

  “Thank you for your stay with us at the Sierra Mr. Willington. Your limo is waiting out front sir,” the clerk said.

  I nodded and returned her smile thinking to myself this place would never see me again. I’m not superstitious, but things were a bit too spooky for me at the Sierra.

  “What happened in Las Vegas, better very well stay in Las Vegas,” I muttered, then exited the hotel where a long stretch limo was waiting.

  Alright, things are looking up.

  As I approached the limo, I heard a voice call out from several cabs behind.

  “Mr. Willington, over here sir.”

  I should have known the sweet ride wasn’t for me – too good to be true.

  The driver of the cab was an attractive young lady, shoulder length chestnut colored hair, average height of about 5’ 7”, and wearing black dress pants and navy blue jacket. As I got closer, I saw she had the same brilliant blue eyes as my dream pal Kyiel.

  On second thought, the cab is not such a bad idea because the limo driver looked like he overdosed on steroids and belonged to the Russian mob. In any case, having a pretty driver with a great smile would do just fine.

  “How are you today sir?” the driver asked.

  “I’m okay I guess, thanks.”

  I sat down in the back and she closed the door. When I looked out of the window I noticed someone wearing a hooded robe, like one of those monks wear in medieval movies. The robe was a dark grayish color and covered the face, hands, and feet of whoever was wearing it. The monkish character was just standing there staring at the cab and no one seemed to notice. Maybe he’s an entertainer for one of the shows.

  “Just a few moments longer sir, the traffic lane is moving along now.”

  “Excuse me driver. Is that person standing next to the front entrance actually a monk or part of a show?”

  “Who are you referring to sir?

  “That guy over there,” I said, pointing to the entrance, and when I turned back to look, the monk was gone. “Never mind, whoever it was, he or she must have went inside the hotel.”

  “How long will it take to get to the airport?

  “About 30 minutes. Don’t worry sir, I promise you will get to your destination on time.”

  I could only see desert in any direction after riding in the cab for 10-minutes and began to think I’d be late for boarding my plane.

  “Are you sure this is the way to the airport?”

  The driver looked at me from the rear view mirror and then took a sharp turn onto a dusty dirt road causing me to bang my head against the window.

  “Hey, what are you doing driver?”

  A moment later she stopped the cab suddenly and I lunged forward banging my head again, this time on the on the front seat.

  “Damn it driver. If you do that again, you’ll be taking me to the hospital instead of the airport.”

  Almost as fast as I said this, I realized how stupid it was making threats to a stranger in the middle of a desert. Okay, don’t say anything more to tick off the crazy cabby. I rubbed my head and the driver turned and looked at me.

  “Azul, we knew you returned when you unlocked the Gate of the gods. Kyiel and I have been sent to help you during your recognition.”

  “What did you say? Do you mean the same nonsense in my dream with the magic guy? And how do know about the Gate of the gods?”

  “It wasn’t a dream Azul. Everything you experienced last night was real.”

  “Look lady, the police don’t take kindly to kidnapping. I’m a university professor and have friends who are expecting me.”

  “Are you sure professor? I’m afraid that part of your life is over now and there is no one waiting for you. You must not contact anyone you have known prior to this moment.”

  “The heck you say,” I said and took my phone out of my pocket to call the university.

  The driver turned and faced forward while watching me from the mirror. Seconds later, an automated machine answered my call.

  “Good morning, thank you calling the Harvard Cambridge campus. If you know your party’s extension, please enter it now, or stay on the line for someone to assist you.”

  I keyed in my office extension and was very happy to hear a familiar voice.

  “Hello, this is Jackie Swanson. How may I help you?”

  “Thank goodness. Jackie, it’s great to hear your voice.”

  “Who’s calling please?

  “Jackie, it’s me, Professor Willington,” I said, followed by a long pause. “Jackie, are you there?”

  “Is this some sort of cruel joke? What kind of sick creep would do this?”

  “Do what?”

  “Listen up creep. Professor Willington died this morning on a flight out of Las Vegas and only a sicko would pretend to be him.”

  “What? No, Jackie it’s me. I’m still in Vegas and haven’t even got to the airport yet.”

  “Don’t call back again creep or I’ll contact the police,” she said and hung up the phone.

  I looked up at the cab driver who was still watching me from the rear view mirror. She arched an eyebrow like someone does when saying or thinking that they told you so. I frowned and narrowed my eyes in response.

  “What’s going on here?”

  “Why don’t you check the news Professor?”

  “The news? What for?”

  “Just check it,” she said.

  I accessed the Boston Globe online from my phone and the front page had a picture of me with a headline announcing: ‘Promising young Professor Willington from Harvard dies in plane crash’.”

  My mouth dropped open. “That’s impossible. We just left the hotel not mo
re than 10 minutes ago. My plane hasn’t even begun boarding people yet, not to mention I am right here and very much alive.”

  I looked at my watch which should have shown 7:10 AM or so, but it was 5:10 PM. Ten hours had passed since I left the hotel. That’s just not possible. The driver turned around again and looked at me with a smirk.

  “The funny thing about time is how relevant it is. Isn’t this what your Einstein said? By the way, my name is Alura and I’m here to help you,” she said and then muttered something I couldn’t hear.

  Wind began to swirl around the cab like a tornado. I looked outside and saw blue-white light all around the cab as it lifted off the ground into the air. Seconds later the cab landed back on the ground and the wind and lights disappeared. When I looked out the window, there was no desert. I was now on a mountain plateau covered with snow. The driver exited the cab and opened my door.

  “Come on Azul. All your questions will be answered soon.”

  I must still be dreaming. There’s no other explanation. Yea, this is all part of the same crazy dream and I’m still sleeping in the hotel bed.

  I smiled. “You’re part of my dream, aren’t you?

  Alura didn’t respond, but extended her arm out to suggest that I exit the cab. I stepped out, reluctantly, and followed her to a narrow pathway with walls of granite rising at least fifty feet into the sky. The pathway led to a solid wall of granite about five feet wide and about 100 feet long. Alura looked at me over her shoulder and said, “Follow me”, then she vanished through the wall.

  Okay, now I’m certain this is a dream.

  I heard Alura speak from what sounded like inside the granite wall. “Come on Azul, don’t waste time,” she said, then her hand came out of the wall, grabbed my shirt collar, and yanked me through the wall into a large opening on the other side.

  Dream or not, I was beginning to hyperventilate and felt like everything I ate the last 24 hours was about to exit my body. I looked over my shoulder and the granite wall I was pulled through was still there.

  “Relax, you’re among friends,” she said and walked up stairs leading to another wall.

  This wall one was much bigger and had two gigantic columns holding up a monolith slab. After climbing fifty or more stairs, Alura stopped and I noticed she also had a glowing amulet, but hers was on a ring instead of a necklace.

  Alura grinned at me and said, “Entrunezum Keob,” and the wall got fuzzy and then vanished revealing a large chamber. She then walked through the opening, and this time I followed her without being asked – but I did close my eyes.

  The chamber was circular, about 50 feet across, and the ceiling was at least several hundred feet high. At the center of the ceiling was a bright light that created a spotlight effect on the floor of the chamber. Sitting at a half circle shaped stone table were four men and three women. There were also three empty seats to the left and two to the right of the last seated figures. All of them had white hair at or below shoulder length, some pulled back in pony tails, others falling straight down. The men also had white beards of varied lengths and they all had the same brilliant blue eyes as Alura and Kyiel. The man sitting at the center smiled and greeted me.

  “Welcome Azul. We have been waiting for your return,” the man said, then he looked at my crazy cabby. “Kysna almat Alura.”

  “Grasna Micha” Alura said, then she bowed and moved off to the side into shadows as Micha spoke again.

  “The amulet you have in the small pouch of your garment must be kept with you always.”

  “Small pouch … oh, you mean my pocket,” I said, trying to appear confident and unafraid. “Can someone please tell me what’s really going on?”

  Micha pointed to a similar amulet he was wearing around his neck and I noticed everyone sitting with him also had an amulet.

  “Put your amulet on now Azul,” Micha said. “Do not be afraid. You are among friends here.”

  I took the amulet from my pocket and placed it around my neck expecting a shock or something worse, but nothing happened. Okay, I’m still alive.

  “You must unlock the amulet by speaking the words used when it was first made,” Micha said.

  “What words might those be?”

  “Only you know the words Azul. You made the amulet long ago and only you can unlock its power.”

  “Sorry, but I don’t know what you’re talking about. I think this is all some of a big mistake. I’m not Azul.”

  Micha joined hands with his companions and they closed their eyes. I began hearing their voices in my head chanting something, but I could not understand the words. My amulet began to glow blue-white and everything in the room darkened.

  I felt as if I was alone and became very relaxed, then heard a new voice begin to take over the chanting. It was faint at first, but as it got louder I began to hear some of the words … icea … isha, no it was ichsna. I began to slowly distinguish other words flashing in my mind, and after a number of mispronunciations, I involuntarily shouted aloud, “Icksna, polaratoo, amulatay.”

  The room lit up again and the seven figures were smiling as blue-white streams of light encompassed me. At first, the light traveled across my chest to my arms, then to my legs, neck, face, and head. I closed my eyes again as chills covered me from head to toe. In my mind I saw the same old man’s face from my vision of the battle on Zeshtune with Kyiel. He appeared to be looking at me and spoke.

  “Azul, do not be afraid. We are the same you and I, and now exist on the Earth plane once again. There is much to do and no time to doubt who you are or why you’re here. Listen to the elders of the Zeshtune Council. Your sister Alura will help you, as will your friend Kyiel. Don’t despair and remain strong for the task at hand. Time is short Azul, and the enemy is coming.”

  The image disappeared, and when I opened my eyes, no one was sitting at the stone table. Alura came out of the shadows and stood in front of me.

  “You’re my sister?”

  Alura smiled and tears filled her eyes. “Dear brother, I waited so long for your return.”

  I smiled and felt a quiet peace come over me while Alura embraced me, squeezing tightly.

  “Welcome back Azul,” she said. “Welcome back to Keob.”

  Alura led me out of the chamber into another room. It looked modern with earth tone colored walls, hardwood flooring, leather furniture, and a large kitchen.

  “This is our home at Keob. It is also our safe place, especially while you continue recognition.”

  “Not bad, not bad at all. Sure beats my place back in Boston by a long shot,” I said and Alura laughed.

  There was a hot dinner prepared in various sized dishes neatly arranged on the kitchen table. I took a deep breath to take in the sweet aroma.

  “Something smells really good,” I said, still not sure I wasn’t dreaming, but slowly coming around in understanding all this was real.

  “Sarila’s assistant made us dinner. She is somewhat of a culinary master, which comes in quite handy around here.”

  “I bet it does. Did she use magic to make all this?”

  “No, magic was not used.”

  Alura explained how magic must not be used for personal gain. Doing so creates some kind of bad mojo that weakens a wizard’s ability. She told me wizards could do almost anything to help another person, even whip up nutritional meals if needed, but never for personal satisfaction or vanity. The only exception is if a situation presented itself jeopardizing a wizard’s life.

  “So, you’re telling me that I’m a wizard?”

  “Yes, a very powerful one.”

  I grinned. “Like Merlin in the King Arthur story?” I said, thinking she was kidding me.

  Alura laughed. “Yes, but you are a real wizard with extraordinary magical power.”

  I scratched my head. “Are you sure you have the right guy? I can’t even conjure up a microwave pizza.”

  “Oh, you can do a whole lot more than simple things like that.”

  “This is a lo
t to take in Alura. I mean, a few hours ago I was a professor and now you’re telling me I’m an all powerful wizard. It’s the same kind of crazy stuff that Kyiel told me, but up to now, I thought I was dreaming.”

  “It’s all very real Azul. You are my brother and a powerful Zeshtune wizard.”

  “Let me see if I got this magic stuff right. I can’t conjure up a pizza and six-pack while watching a movie, but if I’m about to take my last breath in a hot desert, magically created water is okay?”

  “That’s right, you got it. There are other rules we’ll discuss later, including rule number one.”

  “Rule number one? What might that be?”

  Alura poked her finger in my chest. “A wizard may never ever use magic to harm any human or other living beings. This is rule number one Azul and there are only two exceptions. The first one is that creatures of the dark are not protected by Zeshtune laws because they kill humans and beings of light. Also, if you have no other choice to preserve a human life, magic can be used to take a life, but there must be no alternative.”

  Alura sat down at the table to eat and I joined her. She then began to explain how the sole purpose of a wizard’s magic was to preserve and protect life. Destroying dark creatures are an exception because their sole purpose is to destroy life.

  “In short, killing bad guys saves good guys,” she said.

  “What exactly happens to a wizard if he takes a life that is not dark?”

  “Taking a human life, or any being of light, would cause all other wizards to have visions of the act. Eventfully, they would find and destroy the wizard responsible in order to restore balance in the magic continuum. Only the Zeshtune council would be able to intervene, which is unlikely. So big brother, unless you have no other choice and can prove it was absolutely necessary, never cause harm to any thing good.”

  Alura and I finished our dinner and she excused herself to meet with someone named Sarila, who was the person responsible for all this tasty food.

  “You clean things up brother. Next time will be my turn. Right now I have to catch up on things, but I’ll be back later.”

  I washed the dishes and placed them in a cupboard while trying to recall things about my past. There were fragments of thoughts all jumbled up like when you almost remember a name or place but can’t. After I put the last plate away, I stretched out on the leather couch to relax and recount the events that have turned my life upside down. A few hours ago I was a professor, now I’m supposed to believe that I’m some sort of ancient wizard. It’s hard to explain, but it felt good having a sister and an important purpose in my life. It actually feels very real and no longer like some mind melting hallucination.

  I soon fell into a deep sleep and for the first time in days felt refreshed and energetic when I woke. I was still alone, which provided me a good chance to explore my new home starting with the refrigerator. A big smile covered my face upon seeing turkey, chicken, roast beef, and … I blinked my eyes to be sure I wasn’t dreaming … there were several six packs of my favorite domestic beer. Fantastic, I thought as my eyes widened.

  Even though I had eaten a few hours ago, my stomach was making noise telling me to eat more. I loaded up a plate with various meats and grabbed a can of beer. Ahhh .. life is good.

  On the table in front of me was a note with the name Azul written of the folded half. I unfolded it and saw two words.

  “What the heck does ‘aptier Kyiel’ mean?”

  No sooner than I said those two words, Kyiel appeared sitting on the couch in front of me, which startled me enough to cause minor choking on my food and dropping a beer.

  “Crap … what the heck are you doing here?” I asked him, jumping to my feet and wiping spilled beer off my pants. “Are you going to keep popping in without warning?”

  “You summoned me,” Kyiel replied.

  “I summoned you? How did I do that? You mean speaking those words written on that paper called you here?”

  “Yes, I am compelled to answer your summon.”

  I scratched my head again, which I seemed to be doing a lot today.

  Just when I was thinking things couldn’t get weirder, it does.


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