The Wizard's Journal: Blood Moon - Book 1

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The Wizard's Journal: Blood Moon - Book 1 Page 12

by T. J. Hunter

  Chapter 12

  Sally was sprawled out on the floor next to the fireplace and she looked fat and happy. Let no one can ever say my dog doesn’t know how to take it easy when she puts her mind to it. I admire that and am somewhat jealous of her relaxing capabilities.

  “Hey Sally, think we should summon Kyiel for a question and answer session?”

  Sally slowly thumped her tail on the floor once without lifting her head. I guess traveling all the way from Boston has finally caught up to the old girl. If it were me, even if I had four legs, I’d be in a comma from exhaustion. I summoned Kyiel using the words, ‘aptier Kyiel’ and he appeared. Sally lifted her head, but didn’t show any concern over someone who just magically appeared out of thin air. Sally is friendly, but her reaction was not what I expected.

  “Good morning Kyiel. This is my dog Sally who will be living here with me.”

  “Greetings creature,” he said and Sally tilted her head and perked her ears up.”

  “Don’t worry Sally. Kyiel never smiles, but you’ll get use to him.”

  “Where do I begin?” I asked.

  “At the …”

  I interrupted Kyiel. “Yea, I know, at the beginning. Yesterday, Alura and I found a lost Zeshtune who calls himself Thyzil.”

  “Yes, I know.”

  “Oh yea, you know what I know. I forgot. Seems like everyone around me already knows what I know these days.”

  Kyiel made no response and maintained his usual emotionless expression. Not that I was expecting a response from my stone faced pal, having now know him for a while, but his prior explanation about his cosmic link to my underdeveloped wizard brain still perplexed me.

  “Okay then, tell me all about Thyzil. Who was … I mean who is he, and why did Alura act the way she did last night when learning his identity?”

  “Thyzil is a Zeshtune warrior unlike all others. He possesses superior battle skills and abilities and is fearless. He also is a champion of light, a good friend, and is engaged to Alura.”

  “He’s engaged to my sister? Wow … that sure explains things. When did that happen?”

  “The day before the battlefield at Zeshtune, he and your sister planned to be joined in marriage at the rising of Zeshtune’s sister planets, which occurred three months later.”

  “So they’ve been engaged for millenniums?”

  “Yes, however, such timeframes were not relevant when living in our original forms on Zeshtune. A millennium is as though living one moment on Earth.”

  “I would guess that since Thyzil was engaged to my sister that I knew him pretty well.”

  “Yes, you and Thyzil are very good friends. He was at your side when you defeated the Darkzon on Zeshtune. He has also been at your side during the many Galactic Alignments since then and is willing to fight to the end on your behalf. Even with your great magic, the Darkzon might not have been defeated if not for the battle skills of Thyzil and others like him.”

  “What happened to him and why does he look so worn out?”

  “Thyzil’s body was destroyed by dark magic as the Darkzon departed Earth after the last Galactic Alignment. A dark evil was released that threatened Alura’s life and Thyzil stood in her place before a fatal blow could befall her. The last thing Thyzil saw before his body died was Alura lying in her own blood. He died not knowing she had survived and this memory has remained with him while his conscience mind slept. Upon awakening from sleep, his body reconstructed while still tormented by this dark memory, which interfered with completing his recognition, thus his mind and body did not properly develop.”

  “How long has Thyzil been back on Earth?”

  “Most likely not longer than a normal human lifespan. Thyzil does not possess the knowledge of who he truly is, and now exists in a fragile state of guilt and pain while he ages as humans do.”

  “Will he be okay? Can he complete recognition now?”

  “No one knows for sure Azul. Ordinary Zeshtunians normally recover and complete recognition, but Thyzil is not ordinary. He has great power, strength, and loves Alura very much. There has never been a Zeshtunian warrior who possessed such a powerful love and not able to sort out their feelings before sleeping. This situation is most unusual.”

  “Thank you Kyiel. I need some more alone time to think about all this,” I said and dismissed him.

  Poor Alura … no wonder she was so upset. What am I going say if the subject comes up?

  I decided to get some fresh air to clear my head. I gave Sally a pat on her head and told her to watch the place while I stepped out to explore the neighborhood. It will take a few days rest to get her strength back, so taking her on a long walk was out of the question. Sally wagged her tail, but stayed put on the floor in silent gratitude for my not suggesting she accompany me.

  I put the credit card Alura left for me in my wallet and looked up at the light pole where the watcher was sitting earlier. It wasn’t there, which made me feel less creepy about the whole bird stalking thing.

  Things were quite busy for a weekend morning. People were carrying shopping bags, eating lunch at sidewalk cafes, and cabbies drove too fast while constantly honking their horns at anything with two feet. Best of all, there was warm sunshine and a perfect blue sky.

  I saw an old shoppe about a block from my apartment. It looked out of place among skyscrapers and cement architecture. I crossed the street to get a closer look, barely missing being run over by a couple of crazed cabbies. One cabby even made a point to call me a jerk and raised his middle finger to emphasize his sincerity.

  I smiled and waved. “Have a wonderful day. Try not to run over anyone … jerk.”

  The shoppe had real charm and displayed a hunter green colored wood sign hanging above the front door. Gold lettering with the words Magical Herbs and colored stars surrounding a blue moon adorned the top and sides. The window display had various colored glass jars in different sizes and shapes filled with herbs. Several books titled up from small pedestals showing exquisite leather binding and artwork.

  A bell rang from above the door when I opened it. It was one of those small old fashion metal bells with a spring mechanism that rings when the door pushes it. Nice authentic touch. Incense laced the shoppe’s air, but it was a pleasant scent, not like the strong smells in candle shops at malls. Several round tables arranged in the center of the floor displayed products and bookcases at the back lined up like a library. Both sides of the room displayed more jars, cans, books, and jewelry. A long enclosed glass counter was neatly placed along one wall and it reminded me of an old fashion candy store. Underneath the counter were all types of herbs neatly labeled and added more scents to the room. On top was an antique cash register with numeric key levers to record sales.

  A few customers were casually eyeing items on the round tables and another was completing a purchase. An attractive girl wearing a peasant style outfit with a white bun hat tied in a bow under her chin added to the authentic atmosphere. She had long wavy red hair pulled back into a pony tail and possessed a perfect smile and had gleaming emerald eyes.

  “Come back again soon ma’am,” the girl said, handing her customer a bag and sales brochure, then she greeted me. “Hello sir, may I help you?”

  “Well, this is my first time here. My name is Daniel,” I said and extended my hand to shake.

  “Hi, I’m Melony,” she said and shook my hand, her face beaming with a big smile.

  “I have never been in a place like this before Melony. Perhaps you could suggest a gift, but I only have a credit card,” I said, looking at the antique register which predated anything electronic.

  Melony took an electronic card reader from under the register and said, “Technology is a friend to us city merchants,” then laughed. “Perhaps your friend would enjoy some organic herbs to make tea. Everything you see here is all natural. There are no pesticides or anything bad.”

  “I’ll buy of whatever you suggest.”

  Melony placed a colorful bag on the co
unter and said, “I think your friend will love this one. It’s my favorite tea.”

  I handed Melony my credit card and she ran it through the electronic reader. A few seconds later told me that I had an open account with no restrictions.

  “Really? An account, and with no restrictions?”

  “Yes, it was set up a few weeks ago by someone named Alura. She has your name listed on the account also, so you don’t even need to use your credit card. All your purchases get billed to a bank clearing house for payment.”

  Melony reached behind the counter and pulled out a shoe box sized package neatly wrapped with colored ribbons.

  “This package is for you Daniel, and it’s already paid for.”

  I moved my eyebrows up in surprise, took the box, and shook it. Melony was amused by my behavior and giggled.

  “I guess you have a secret admirer.”

  “Looks like,” I said. “Well, thank you Melony, and it was a pleasure to meet you.”

  “The pleasure’s all mine Daniel. Please come back again soon.”

  After leaving the shoppe, I stood on the sidewalk inspecting the box more closely and shook it again while listening if a ticking noise could be heard. I guess I’ve been a little paranoid lately, especially with wolfs trying to eat me. Not likely someone would put a bomb in a box of herbs, but then again, I never thought I’d ever fight lycanthropes in an Iraq desert. I shook the box again, just to be sure.

  My attention shifted to a light pole where I heard a caw. Sitting on the pole was that creepy crow tilting in its head and starring at me. It reminded me of one of Edgar Allen Poe’s stories, but I could not recall which one. No matter, spooky is spooky, whether in a book or on top of a light pole. I thought for a moment to zap the bird with a bolt of lightening, and might have done it too if there weren’t so many people around.

  I wonder if there is a city ordinance prohibiting stoning crows that loiter around on city property, which would be less attention grabbling by a passersby than bolts of lightening. Nah, perish the thought. Maybe it’s not a watcher and just a lost bird … yea, right.

  What was also strange is that no one seemed to notice the bird or a six foot 190 pound man looking up at a light pole from the middle of a sidewalk. I guess New Yorkers are use to seeing weird things. This sight was probably mild to nothing on the meter of strange things in Manhattan. Anyway, Alura did say watchers were harmless despite looking like some sort of hell pet.

  As I got closer to my apartment, I felt my necklace amulet emit a slight vibration and the hairs on my neck stood up. I pulled my amulet out from under my shirt and saw it was glowing. That can’t be good. I stopped about 100 feet from my apartment where a black Mercedes with dark tinted windows was parked. I kept an eye on the sweet ride while approaching my front door and the passenger side window of the car rolled down. A young man leaned forward and called out to me.

  “Mr. Zane. Please, a moment of your time sir,” the man said.

  I walked closer to the car and got a whiff of wolf, and remembered that magical clamor doesn’t work in close proximity to wizards.

  “Mr. Zane, my name is Robert Moon. I represent a client who I believe you recently meant.”

  I grinned. “Oh, let me take a wild guess … Lupzarro?

  Moon smiled and nodded his head.

  “You should advise your client concerning laws about stalking people, especially by the wolfy kind.”

  “Stalking? Hardly Mr. Zane. We are simply having a polite conversation on a public street among many of the fine residents of this great city. There is no reason for any hostility to occur.”

  “So, what does your client want to tell me?”

  “Mr. Lupzarro wishes to express his sincerest apologies for the recent misunderstanding that occurred in Iraq.”

  “Misunderstanding? Oh, you mean when he and his wolf buddies tried to eat me?”

  “Nonsense Mr. Zane. You clearly have misinterpreted my client’s wishes. All he wants is to be left alone and enjoy this great city without being harassed.”

  “Lupzarro is here, in Manhattan? Well that’s the worse news I’ve heard all day.”

  “Come now Mr. Zane. Surely your kind and ours can live in peace. It would be in your best interest to have an understanding with my client. He worries for your safety and that of your sister should things get out of control.”

  “My sister? It’s bad enough that you come to my place of business uninvited, and now you threaten my sister?”

  Moon frowned while his eyes lit up yellow and whoever was driving let out a low growl. Moon looked forward and instructed the driver to be still, like one might do when a dog sees a postman delivering mail. Moon looked back at me and his eyes returned to a grayish color.

  “Think about my client’s proposal Mr. Zane. Everyone would benefit from an understanding that promotes peace among our kinds, however, I must inform my client of your answer before the end of business hours tomorrow, say 5:00 PM.”

  Moon held out a business card for me to take, but I stood back from his car. He grinned, then dropped his card on the sidewalk.

  “Very well Mr. Zane. I’ll wait for your decision. Remember, no later than 5:00 PM tomorrow.”

  Moon sat back in his seat and instructed the driver to leave. I noticed the license plate spelled out LAW-WIN. I half expected BITE-ME, or more appropriately, BITE-U as a vanity plate. I picked up the business card from the sidewalk and it read: Robert Moon, Senior Partner of Moon, Stillman, and Kragen.

  Figures, the freakin wolf being chaffered around in a $100,000 Mercedes is a lawyer.

  I thought Moon’s car would be more appropriate for a vampire because the look of luxury and dark tinted windows just didn’t suit these fur balls. Maybe a Gypsy wagon would provide a more authentic look, given how werewolves are often portrayed in Hollywood movies.

  After the air cleared of wolf stench, I opened my apartment door and saw Sally sitting hunched over looking right past me where Moon was parked, as if planning to attack. I locked the door and a blue-white light glowed along the frames of the door and window rearming my wards.

  “Hey Sally, did you miss me? You didn’t like those nasty wolves, did you?”

  Sally wagged her tail while rubbing her head on my hand. I bent down and gave her my usual hug and she proceeded to slobber all over my face with her usual affection.

  “Don’t worry Sally, the bad guys are gone,” I said, then told her how much better she smelled than those stinky fur balls.

  I settled down on my couch and opened the box from Magical Herbs. It was filled with purple flowers that smelled like marijuana. Not that I use the drug – I don’t – but I occasionally came across a student who reeked of it at the university. Must be wolfsbane. The herb had a much stronger smell and different color than what we used when fighting Lupzarro’s flea bags. Sally sneezed and went to her usual spot next to the fireplace not wanting anything more to do with the herbs.

  “Yea, I know what you mean Sally,” I said and covered the box, then placed it on the floor.

  It was already after 4:00 PM and normally I’d be hungry by now, but felt a short nap was needed first. I stretched out on the couch to relax for a few minutes, but soon fell asleep. Sally woke me with a muffled bark and was wagging her tail at the front door. My watch showed it was 6:50 PM, which meant that I was asleep for almost three hours. I heard the deadbolt on the door turn and saw my wards disarm. Alura walked wearing a big smile and was carrying several large shopping bags.

  “Looks like someone had a nice day shopping?” I said.

  “Everyday is a nice day when shopping,” Alura replied with a big smile and a glow about her. “Hey, your eyes are puffy. Were you sleeping? I hope you didn’t waste the entire day lying on the couch.”

  I didn’t want Alura to know the extent of my outside venture was one shop around the corner, so I told a small fib.

  “Of course not, I actually did a lot of things toady.”

  “Really, like what?” sh
e asked and sat next to me on the couch.

  “Well ... a lot of things.”

  Alura smiled and held up her phone showing a message: ‘Package picked up, come again soon, Magical Herbs Shoppe’. She stood up and let out a big laugh while taking things out of her bags.

  “Wonderful, I not only have a creepy bird following me, but apparently my sister as well.”

  “Relax Azul, your phone does the same thing. We both have Sarila designed Smartphones, remember? They have a built in GPS and either of us can see where the other is anytime, and we get each others messages.”

  I pulled my phone out of my pocket, and sure enough, I had the same message from Magical Herbs.

  “Funny, ha-ha,” I said and Alura grinned. “Now that you had your fun, perhaps you can tell me about the law firm of Moon, Stillman, and Kragen?”

  Alura stopped shuffling things in her shopping bags and made a sour face.

  “Lycanthropes, and they own one of the most prestigious law firms in the city.”

  I held Moon’s business card up and Alura said, “Ah, had a visitor did you?”

  “Yup, sure did. Moon wanted to deliver a message of peace from Lupzarro.”

  Alura grinned. “That was to be expected Azul. Moon represents all the lycanthropes in the city and most on the entire eastern seaboard. He can be a dangerous enemy if paid enough, otherwise, he and his partners are content becoming rich by getting criminals acquitted for murder, drugs, prostitution, and all sorts of evil things.”

  “Well, apparently I have until 5:00 PM to tell him if I agree to a truce with Lupzarro, or else.”

  “Or else what?”

  “Wolf boy didn’t say, but he mentioned your name in an implied threat.”

  “Ha, he’s threatened me before. Moon prefers to avoid our kind whenever possible because he knows we can dust him.”

  Alura tapped the top of the box of herbs I placed on the floor and said, “Hence the wolfsbane dear brother,” then informed me that there would be a full moon tomorrow night. “Lupzarro will make his move when the moon is up – that’s when lycanthropes are strongest. He will be more discrete in Manhattan than he was in Iraq, which unfortunately puts us at a disadvantage. A lycanthropes greatest power is remaining allusive and existing only in nightmares of children, so he’ll be able to move around freely and pick where and when he attacks.”

  “Yea, I wish they were only nightmares,” I said.

  Alura laughed. “You ain’t seen nothing yet brother, not even in your dreams. Lupzarro will send a handful of lower level soldier wolfs under the control of one or two shapeshifters. It won’t be here at your apartment – that’s too obvious. Maybe at a mall or office building, but definitely someplace where the police and media can whip up a story about terrorists being responsible. We won’t know where he attacks until it begins, or if Sarila comes up with some intel in advance.”

  “Great ... does that mean my house warming is over?”

  Alura smiled and took my hand. She reminded me that lycanthropes have been among us for nearly as long as man first walked on the Earth.

  “It has always been this way Azul – dark versus light – and we do what we can to keep the world from spinning out of control. Evil acts are going to increase as the Darkzon lords get closer to Earth, as it does at the beginning of every 25,000 year cycle.”

  Alura smiled, then pulled me toward the shopping bags.

  “Come on brother. Take a look at what I bought for you.”

  She shuffled around inside one of the bags and took out a bomber style leather jacket and Indiana Jones type felt hat. Both fit perfectly and were a style I could easily become accustomed to wear. I confess though that I thought the hat was somewhat a cliché, being a former archeologist, and couldn’t say when I last saw anyone wearing one outside a dig site, including. Even so, the hat looked great with the jacket, and I was never one to abide by strict fashion trends.

  “Do you like them?” she asked, watching my expression for a sign of approval.

  I smiled and hugged her. “Yes, I like them a lot. You’re the best. Thank you.”

  “I knew you would, and that’s not all. Tonight we are going to dine on the best home delivered Chinese food in the city,” she said while taking out several containers of spicy treats.

  Alura and I ate our dinner while Sally sat patiently for anything that fell to the floor. Nothing did, so we each took turns sharing pieces of tasty morsels with her, and she expressed her gratitude with a thumping tail.

  The evening passed uneventfully, thank goodness, and we decided to get some rest for the upcoming fight. Tomorrow night would be when Lupzarro makes his move and we had to be at our very best.


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