Billionaire's Revenge: A Billionaire Romance (Tempting Billionaires Book 1)

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Billionaire's Revenge: A Billionaire Romance (Tempting Billionaires Book 1) Page 6

by Claire Angel

  “Well you know I went to NYU, but you don’t know why I left California. I guess I’ll start there. Before I do, though, did you run a background check on me before we met for the first time?” I was curious because he knew what I looked like, when my birthday was, and where I studied before I told him.

  “Yes, I did. I also bought SunLit because of you.”

  I was completely flabbergasted by both his honesty and the extent of trouble he was willing to go through for his brother. He sipped his wine as he said, “I knew I wanted you when I saw your ID badge headshot.”

  That was the weirdest and corniest thing that ever came out of his mouth, and I told him that. “Conner, you sound like a teenager. Relax, it was just a headshot.” We both giggled and sipped on our wine.

  “Just like you, I had a high school sweetheart as well. His name was Keith. Keith and I were together for five years, since I was about 14 until my 19th birthday. We were in love just as kids usually are, thinking the world would bend to our unbreakable love.” I saw Conner about to break out into laughter but after he saw how serious I was, he maintained his resolve.

  “I’m sorry, please go on, baby.” It was nice hearing him call me baby for the first time, but I had an important story to tell him, so I pressed on.

  “It began to get abusive, and he began to stalk me. Even after I left him, he would come by my house and watch me late at night. He’d sit outside on the stoop, checking if I was home or if I was out. This one time I was at my friend’s party, and we were having a blast. It was a massive party, but he wasn’t invited. He showed up there yelling and breaking things. I had to calm him down, but after that, I decided I wouldn’t stay in California, that I’d go to New York.”

  “So, you switched coasts because of him.” Conner was serious as well. Not only was he concerned, he was angry as well. I could see his smile turning into an infuriated glare. “You don’t need to worry about that anymore, Erika. Would you like to go to your parents’ first?” I think he wanted to confront Keith. I knew he still stalked me, and I didn’t want to hide anything from Conner.

  “We can go to my house first if it’s convenient, but Keith still stalks me. I don’t want you to confront him, I don’t want anything to happen.” Conner glared at me, almost as if I had questioned his ability to protect me. I could tell he didn’t appreciate it at all.

  “Erika, I meant it when I said you don’t need to worry anymore.” I knew Conner would keep me safe.

  Chapter 19


  I was infuriated to hear about this Keith. I didn’t like that anyone made Erika feel this way, and now I even felt worse about everything that happened between her and Brian. I shouldn’t have behaved the way I did, but I was not going to allow her to feel this way anymore.

  “Katherine, could you please send a message to the cockpit? I’d like to go to San Francisco first.” Katherine was quick to comply and inform the pilots. I supposed they were to fly to my private landing strip in Palo Alto, but I was glad Erika would have the opportunity to show me around her city. There was still an hour left for the flight to start to descend, and Erika looked a bit upset after telling me about Keith.

  I moved closer to Erika and held her in my arms. I raised her chin with my forefingers and looked at her. “It’s okay, Erika. I’ll always be here to listen, whenever you’d like.” She planted her head into my chest, as if she were trying to hide her tears from me. I began to caress her hair.

  “Erika, let’s eat something, please.” I offered her the assortment of fruit Katherine had put before us before leaving us.

  “No, I don’t feel like eating,” she said and slowly fell asleep.

  I couldn’t help but get angrier and angrier at Keith, but also at myself. How could I have hurt her so much when she had already been through so much? I held her as we began to land. Just as we hit the tarmac, Erika’s eyes opened. They were swollen because of her tears.

  “Good morning, babe.” She smiled at me as she cheerfully greeted me.

  “Good morning. We’ve landed. Let’s go.” I unbuckled our seat belts and helped Erika up as we walked toward the exit.

  “Thank you, Katherine.” I held Erika’s hand as we walked out of the plane and toward the awaiting BMW. I hadn’t driven an 8 series before, let alone the convertible.

  But, Erika asked if she could drive, so of course I complied. As she got into the driver’s seat, I asked her to stop over at a hotel before we went to her parents’. I thought it would be best if we got our own place. It felt like it would be awkward if I stayed at her childhood home.

  “Shut up, Con! I’ve already told my parents I’m bringing my boyfriend. They don’t know it’s you, though.” She was smiling because she had cornered me. I couldn’t disappoint her parents the first time we met. What did she even mean by they don’t know it's me? I mean, I’m just her boyfriend now.

  I felt my throat tighten as I realized that it was official now. “Can we at least stop and buy some clothes? I look like a mess. I’d like to be more presentable.” Erika wasn’t having any of it. We were about 15 minutes away from her home, and she thought it would be appropriate to tell me that I could just wear her dad’s clothes.

  I didn’t realize what I had gotten myself into until now. It was funny, to be honest. I just said okay while dropping a message to Lisa to have some clothes sent to Erika’s house. I knew she would sort everything out. In just 15 minutes we reached her house. I didn’t even realize as the time passed; I was too distracted by her hair flowing with the air, majestically. I hopped out of the car and put my blazer back on. I opened Erika’s door and we walked toward her house. She rang the bell and took off my tie and unbuttoned my top two buttons, so that I’d look a little more casual.

  Her mom opened the door. “Good evening, ma’am. I’m Conner Roland.” I reached out to shake her hand, but she smiled at me and just hugged me.

  She whispered through her smile into my ear, “She really likes you; you know that?” Her mom was exactly like her, filled with energy and she mocked my seriousness.

  “Come in, come in, both of you.” I walked in, thanking her mother.

  Erika hugged her as if she’d never let go. They were both overjoyed. “Where’s Dad?”

  I was 29 and completely grown, but as she said ‘dad’ a shiver still went through my spine. I felt like I was a teenager again. When I overheard that he was gone to the store to pick up some groceries for dinner, I let out a sigh that both Erika and her mother thought was hilarious.

  Erika held my hand as she walked me over to the staircase that led up to her room. The house was simple, it was welcoming from the open door to the wide hallway. Upon the walls there were photographs of Erika. The floor was an old-fashioned parquet with a blend of deep homely browns.

  She led me into her childhood room, it was right opposite to her father’s study. “Mom and Dad’s room is downstairs, don’t worry.” Erika ran her fingers across my abdominals down to the base of my cock, gently rubbing me through the fabric of my pants.

  “Erika!” I moaned. I knew she was teasing me.

  She smiled and stopped. She kissed me and showed me her room. I stared at her hips swaying as she led me to her dresser and showed me pictures of her and her family. She was an adorable child, but she grew into a goddess.

  “Erika, I’m home!! Come down and meet your father. Bring your little boy around, too.” Just like that, every sexual desire I had for Erika flew away and I could feel a lump in my throat.

  “You’re Conner Roland, hon. Why are you so worried?” Erika attempted to reassure me as she pulled my blazer off and walked me downstairs. The first thing I saw was a formidable man. Her father was just a couple inches shorter than I was, yet he still dwarfed Erika and his wife. He had a strong muscular build, but he was not lean by any means. I could see his bald head, and I saw him stare at my thick messy hair with jealousy.

  “Hello, sir.” I moved forward to shake his hand, and he clamped onto mine as
if to establish his masculinity. Though I met his handshake with a strong one, he pulled me in and hugged me.

  “He smells rich.” He chuckled as he looked at Erika. Her mother put the television on and there was a re-run of my purchase of SunLit airing coincidently. I felt so embarrassed as both of her parents kept turning their gaze from the television to me.

  “Erika, he’s your boss.” Her dad was direct, and I appreciated that. I wanted to be the one to clear everything out.

  “I own the firm she works for, but I bought it so that I could meet her. I have no interest in bossing Erika around.” I didn’t realize how conceited that sounded.

  Holy F… You’re Conner Roland.” Her dad knew who I was. It took him a moment to realize but just as he did, he looked at Erika and said, “Good job.”

  Erika clearly had quite the funny family. Her mom, who was just a few inches shorter than Erika, had the most beautiful maple colored eyes. It was clear that Erika received both her beauty and her energy from her mother. The mood was light and happy, everyone was excited to meet Erika. This was the first time she had visited since she left for college, since Keith.

  The doorbell rung, and it completely cut through the entire atmosphere. I didn’t quite understand why. I thought it might have to do with Keith. Being as polite as I could, I walked over to the door, gesturing that I’d see who it was. Surprisingly enough, Lisa had done her job perfectly, and there was a courier waiting with clothes for Erika and me.

  “Thank you.” I signed for the package and wished the messenger well. Everyone was looking at me surprised as I turned to them and said, “I’m sorry. We didn’t have a chance to pack, and Erika didn’t want to make any stops on our way here.” Erika’s mom and dad both smiled at me, completely astonished at how fast I had everything arranged. “I’m sorry, ma’am, but Erika forgot to mention your names.” I gestured toward her parents as I smiled at them.

  “I’m Stacy, and this is Leonard. Please, don’t call me ma’am. I’m not that old yet. Stacy and Leo are fine.” Just like that, I was on a first name basis with Erika’s parents.

  “Go get cleaned up both of you, dinner is in an hour.” Stacy looked at us with a seal of parental approval as we made our way upstairs. I placed the parcel on Erika’s bed and began to open it. I saw that Lisa had sent formal attire for each of us, as well as a few casual shirts in various sizes and an assortment of trousers and sweatpants. She really did well.

  Chapter 20


  Lisa really sent everything we could possibly need for our trip; she was a fantastic assistant. “Hey, Con, come over here. Let me help you get out of that shirt.”

  Conner smiled at me as he walked toward the door and locked it. He began to undo the remaining buttons on his shirt, and I put my fingers through the space between his belt and pants and pulled him closer to me. I put one hand on his obliques under his shirt, and with the other pulled his waist in closer to me. Conner’s lips met mine in perfect sync, we began to kiss slowly and tenderly. It was as if our lips were undoing all the stress of the past day.

  Conner pulled his shirt off his body, revealing everything I missed out on before because of Brian’s interruption. I took every bit of him in, his chiseled abdominals, his sculpted chest, his broad and strong shoulders, but just the way his back spread wide, made his waist look so tight. I began to undo his belt and unzip his pants. I immediately pulled them off, revealing his massive erection under his briefs. I placed my hand on the length of his cock and gently began to rub it as we kept kissing each other.

  Conner took both my hands and placed them on the sides of his thick neck. I couldn’t even dream of wrapping them around him. He put his hands around my hips and pulled my blouse right off from over my head. I could see as he paused he was impressed by my form. My round breasts were ready for him to reveal as he unclasped my bra and tossed it to the side. He placed both his hands on my nipples and pressed them up as his tongue moved from my mouth onto my nipples. He savored each suck and lick; he could hear me writhing in pleasure as he sucked on my hard nipples. The gentle pink had changed to a slightly darker color under the pressure of his tongue. Each time he released his mouth from me I saw him bite his lips right before he rejoiced. His hands swiftly moved down and he took my panties with his thumbs as well. I stepped out of them as I stood naked in front of him.

  Conner savored every inch of me. His hands went straight to mine and his eyes went straight to my ass as he turned me around and gazed upon me. He raised me up from my waist and laid me down on my bed. He sat me down on the bed and placed his lips on my neck. I felt him licking me in small circles and gently sucking on my neck, not attempting to leave any traces.

  “We’re in a hurry, baby.” I wanted to remind him that we only had about 40 minutes left, but most importantly, I wanted him to stop teasing me and fuck me.

  “I know, my love.” Conner spread both my legs open as the words rolled of his tongue. He laid his tongue right above my clit, he could feel that I was twitching in suspense. His hands held mine at the sides of my hips as he moved his tongue down just an inch onto my pulsing clit.

  My eyes rolled back, and just as he started pulling at my clit with his lips and sucking on me, I let out a loud squeal. “Try and be quiet, Erika. Your parents might hear us.”

  Conner knew exactly what he was doing. He was playing games with me and the thrill had me dripping wet. Conner stood up as he could feel my juices on his chin and put his hand around the base of his cock. He pulled me closer to him and pressed the head of his throbbing cock into me. I felt myself stretching open, as I tried to take all of him. Conner and I made eye contact once he was fully inside of me.

  He smiled and said, “You doing alright, Erika?” The expression on his face made me want to put his mouth to work, but I couldn’t move, all I could do was savor his throbbing cock inside of me.

  He moved in closer and placed his hands under my ass. He lifted me up so that he could press in deeper. Each thrust led to a loud moan. I could feel how tight I was around Conner, how it made each thrust the best one he ever felt.

  “Are you doing alright, Con?” I smiled at him as I placed my hands around his waist and guiding him in even more. I began to grind into Conner as he thrust into me, and we both let out a loud, “fuck” in complete ecstasy. I pulled him into me and kept him deep inside of me. He knew just having him inside of me as he throbbed inside of me was enough to push me over the edge.

  “I’m going to come, baby.” Conner pulled out immediately and stood me up, my body shaking from the immediate change. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his strong hips as he put himself back inside me. He held me up in his arms as I grinded on him. The pleasure was obvious from the way his eyes were gazing upon me lustfully. I pulled at his lips with mine and slid my tongue into his mouth. He sucked on it as I kept pushing myself into him. I didn’t have to come anymore. The shock itself had me prepared to fuck Conner again, but I didn’t appreciate how he took my orgasm away from me.

  Conner sat me on my dresser as he could see my back and my hips in the reflection of the mirror. I could tell he was looking at himself as the dresser shook because of each of his thrusts. My nails danced over his pecs as he kept fucking me, leaving me moaning nothing but his name in pure frenzy.

  “How long do we have, Erika?” I checked the time and noticed we only had eight minutes left; we had been going at it for the past thirty minutes.

  “I guess we should hurry up then, before dad walks in.” I smiled at Conner with the same mischief as he had smiled at me when we were showering together. Conner stood me up, turned me around and bent me over the dresser. I could see him through his reflection as he bit his lip, ran one hand to his cock and pushed it back into me, and then placed one hand in my hair pulling my head back and the other on my ass as he ferociously thrusted into me.

  I was dripping over him, just watching his reflection. He couldn’t stop looking at me through the mirror. His eyes kept swit
ching their gaze from his cock inside of me as my ass bounced for him, and my lips parted as I moaned his name for him.

  “Conner, keep going.” As if each of my wishes was his demand, he placed both his hands on my bouncing tits and pushed his cock deep inside of me. I felt myself twitching and tightening around his cock as his fingers pulled at my nipples. Just as he was about to pull out, I pushed my ass back into him and we came together. Conner looked down at me as he pulled my hair whilst emptying himself into me. He smiled at me, impressed by my sexual prowess. He pulled out, and we were both astounded by how wet I was. I had seeped into his crotch and all over his cock.

  There was so much sexual tension between Conner and I up until this very moment, it felt like we were finally free. I kissed him and we walked toward the bathroom to get cleaned up and changed.

  Chapter 21


  As we both got cleaned up and got ready to go downstairs to join Stacy and Leo, we couldn’t help but giggle.

  “This was really cute, you know?” I told Erika as she nodded, agreeing with me just how kinky and innocent what we had just done was.

  We literally got a quickie in, in her parents’ house. I couldn’t stop myself from staring at Erika’s perfect figure as she got dressed. She knew I was watching as she slid on her panties and pulled up the magenta sweatpants Lisa had sent. Her figure looked perfect as she turned toward me, her sweatpants hung around her full waistline accentuating each of her curves. She put on one of the shirts Lisa had sent for me, and I realized how Erika loved wearing oversized clothes. She felt comfortable in them.

  “Pass me my pants, babe.” I quickly put on the pants Erika handed me and pulled myself into a shirt that was too snug. I felt like it was too tight, and Erika’s cat calls weren’t helping.


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