Close to Home: A Bear and Mandy Logan Mystery (Bear & Mandy Logan Book 1)

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Close to Home: A Bear and Mandy Logan Mystery (Bear & Mandy Logan Book 1) Page 22

by L. T. Ryan

  Bear couldn’t help himself. Before the officer shut the door on Olsen, Bear called out to him. “Karma, right?”


  Marcus and Mandy sat in their usual spot in the corner of the crowded cafeteria. It felt strange without Laura Lynn, but Mandy was glad to have Marcus by her side, even if it was only for the morning.

  “I can’t believe you’re leaving.” Marcus pushed a pile of mashed potatoes around his plate. He’d been doing it for the last ten minutes. They had to be cold by now. “Couldn’t even stay the whole day?”

  “We have to get on the road. My dad wanted to leave earlier. I convinced him to let me say goodbye first.”

  Marcus wouldn’t meet her gaze. “Do you even know where you’re going? Will I ever see you again?”

  “I know we’re heading South, but that’s all I know.” As sad as she was to leave her new friends behind, Mandy was ready to start over. She’d learned a lot from Marcus and Laura Lynn, but something felt tainted about this town now. There was no way they’d be able to lead a normal life here. “I don’t know if we’ll ever see each other again, but you have my email.” She smiled. It felt sad, even to her. “And my phone number. We can keep talking. You’ll have to keep me up to date on how things go around here.”

  “Yeah, all right.”

  Mandy opened her mouth to tell Marcus he’d probably forget about her in a couple of months. She was surprised by an apple that went whizzing by her head. It hit the back wall and exploded. The whole cafeteria went quiet.

  To no one’s surprise, Pete stood up and stalked toward the table. Mandy hadn’t seen him all day. Marcus said he’d spent the morning in the principal’s office. Unfortunately, there wasn’t much they could do to him, considering he was the councilman’s son. That was another reason Mandy was excited to leave. They might’ve shaken things up with HealTek, but some things would never change. If Councilman Richter didn’t end up going down with the rest of them, he’d use the power vacuum to his own ends.

  And if he ended up going down? Well, Mandy was pretty sure Pete would be even more insufferable than he already was whatever happened to his dad. Sometimes bad genes just can’t be overcome.

  She rolled her eyes and went back to her lunch. “What do you want, Pete?”

  “Heard you were running away with your tail between your legs like the bitch you are.”

  “There’s a difference between choosing to leave and running away. Just because you’re scared of your father doesn’t mean I am.”

  Pete’s face darkened. “You’re going to regret everything you did to us.”

  “No, I’m not.” Mandy climbed on top of the table. Anyone who hadn’t already been paying attention to their confrontation was now completely tuned in. Even the teacher meant to monitor them for the lunch period didn’t bother to intervene.

  Mandy stood. “Hey, everyone. Listen up.”

  Marcus hissed from below her. “What are you doing?”

  “If you don’t already know who I am, my name is Mandy Logan. My dad is the one who took down HealTek and saved the people of this town, including my friend Laura Lynn Weinberger. And Sheriff McKinnon. But he didn’t do it alone. He did it because he had friends who wanted the same thing he did. People brave enough to stand up to bullies.”

  Mandy glanced down at Pete, who was looking around the room, trying to figure out where she was going with this. “One of those bullies is Mr. Richter, Pete’s dad. He’s a real piece of work. If you don’t know him, I’m sure you’ve heard rumors. For Pete’s sake, I won’t repeat them here.” She looked out at the crowd and saw a few grins. “Remember, he only has power because you gave it to him. That’s how town councils work. And Pete only has power in the school hallways because you let him take it from you. He’s just as scared as we are. Maybe even more, since he has to go home to his father.”

  There were a couple of chuckles and a few murmurs.

  “But Pete can’t be a bully if there’s no one to push around. And if he can’t be a bully, he’s just like the rest of us. Maybe once that happens, he’ll figure out it’s better to have genuine friends than a group of people to bully into doing his dirty work. It didn’t work out for HealTek in the long-run.” She looked down at him. “And it’s not going to work out for you.”

  Mandy hadn’t expected anyone to cheer after her speech, and they didn’t, but they started talking amongst themselves, pointing at Pete and shaking their heads. If she accomplished one more thing before she left, she hoped it was to show Pete that there was a better way.

  As she jumped down from the table, Pete took a step forward. “You think you’re so much better than me, don’t you?”

  Mandy shook her head. “No, I don’t. But I do have a better dad, and he taught me to always do the right thing. I wish your dad had taught you that. But guess what? You don’t have to be like him. Maybe he gets out of his mess this time, but one day, he’s going to get caught. Because the good guys always win. And your dad? He’s not one of the good guys.”

  Pete scowled, but Mandy didn’t give him a chance to talk again. She grabbed Marcus’ hand, and they walked through the cafeteria with their heads held high. As soon as they were out in the hallway, they sprinted toward the exit, laughing and whooping the entire way.

  They burst through the doors just in time to see Bear pull up to the curb with his truck filled to the brim with their belongings.

  Mandy turned to Marcus. “I’m sorry I have to go. And I’m sorry you have to deal with Pete.”

  He shrugged. “It sucks, but I’ve survived this long. Who knows, maybe he’ll actually listen to you.”

  “Maybe.” Mandy grinned. She didn’t believe it, but she still liked the idea. “So, this is goodbye.”

  “Yeah.” Marcus scuffed his shoe against the sidewalk. “Goodbye, I guess.”

  Mandy wrapped her arms around him and squeezed. She waited long enough for him to return the gesture before she spun around and hopped into the front seat of the truck. Before she knew it, they were turning onto the highway and heading south.

  Bear looked over at her. “How are you holding up?”

  “I’m good.” She meant it. “How about you?”

  “I’m doing all right.” Bear twisted his face into a smile. “Bittersweet leaving them behind, isn’t it?”

  Mandy thought of Laura Lynn, who she’d said goodbye to the day before, and Sheriff McKinnon, who she’d hugged just that morning. “Yeah. But they’ll be okay without us. Besides, I’m ready for a change.”

  “Me too.” Bear turned back to the road. “Any idea where we should head next?”

  Mandy rolled down the window and let the cool autumn breeze flow through her hair. Then she turned back to Bear with a big grin on her face. “Yeah, I’ve got a few.”

  BEAR & MANDY’S story continues book 2, coming Summer 2022. Click the link below to preorder now:

  Join the LT Ryan reader family & receive a free copy of the Jack Noble story, The Recruit. Click the link below to get started:


  Click on a series name or title for more information

  The Jack Noble Series

  The Recruit (free)

  The First Deception (Prequel 1)

  Noble Beginnings

  A Deadly Distance

  Ripple Effect (Bear Logan)

  Thin Line

  Noble Intentions

  When Dead in Greece

  Noble Retribution

  Noble Betrayal

  Never Go Home

  Beyond Betrayal (Clarissa Abbot)

  Noble Judgment

  Never Cry Mercy


  End Game

  Noble Ultimatum

  Noble Legend (2022)

  Bear Logan Series

  Ripple Effect


  Take Down

  Deep State

  Rachel Hatch Series



  Fever Burn

  Smoke Signal





  Tsunami (2022)

  Mitch Tanner Series

  The Depth of Darkness

  Into The Darkness

  Deliver Us From Darkness

  Book 4 (2022)

  Cassie Quinn Series

  Path of Bones

  Whisper of Bones

  Symphony of Bones

  Etched in Shadow

  Concealed in Shadow (2022)

  Blake Brier Series






  Book 6 (2022)

  Affliction Z Series

  Affliction Z: Patient Zero

  Affliction Z: Abandoned Hope

  Affliction Z: Descended in Blood

  Affliction Z : Fractured Part 1

  Affliction Z: Fractured Part 2 (Fall 2021)


  L.T. Ryan is a USA Today and international bestselling author. The new age of publishing offered L.T. the opportunity to blend his passions for creating, marketing, and technology to reach audiences with his popular Jack Noble series.

  Living in central Virginia with his wife, the youngest of his three daughters, and their three dogs, L.T. enjoys staring out his window at the trees and mountains while he should be writing, as well as reading, hiking, running, and playing with gadgets. See what he’s up to at

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