Rainy Days (The Knight Brothers Book 1)

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Rainy Days (The Knight Brothers Book 1) Page 1

by C. M. Steele

  Rainy Days

  The Knight Brothers


  Copyrighted © 2017

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12


  Copyrighted © 2017

  Released © 2019

  All Rights Reserved

  No part of this book may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system without written expressed permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is purely coincidental.

  Cover design: C.M. Steele

  Cover Image: Shutterstock

  The use of actors, artists, movies, TV shows, and song titles/lyrics throughout this book are done so for storytelling purposes and should in no way be seen as advertisement. Trademark names are used in an editorial fashion with no intention of infringement of the respective owner’s trademark.

  This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or if it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return it to the seller and please purchase your own copy.

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior express, written consent of the author.

  This book is intended for mature adults only. Contains sexual content and language that may offend some. Suggested reading audience is 18 years or older. I consider this book as Adult Erotic Romance.

  This book was previously released in Fiona Davenport’s Kindle World with the same title.

  *Some names have changed, and new content has been added.

  Charlotte Cross:

  The world could knock you on your ass in a flash, and that happened to me at the hands of my parents. What I never expected was to meet someone who could make me feel like I was flying. Could I handle trusting him—surrendering myself to him? Well, maybe for a night.

  Ian Knight:

  I’d been searching for her for months. Now there she was, sitting across from me and looking fearful. And she should. She stole many things from me. One of which I hadn’t realize until this very moment. Charlotte was going to pay it all back, and restitution would last until death do us part.

  Chapter 1


  I tipped my chin up and looked at the church steeple with the large clock. It’s only ten, but this was the last two days of my vacation, and I want to make them count. This trip had been everything I’d ever hoped it would be. It had been a special all-inclusive trip to Europe ending in Italy. It’s been a two-week wonderfully enriching vacation. My mind and soul have been satisfied with every ounce of culture and history that we explored.

  When my parents told me that I could be a part of their getaway, I couldn’t believe it. I’ve never been allowed to go with them for anything fun. Truthfully, I’d always been something of a mistake for them. They never seemed to truly care for me, so this trip was magical for me. It was as if things were finally changing for the better between us.

  This morning my parents sent me to the farmer’s market in the center of the town plaza for a taste of the local treats. It was about a ten-minute walk from my hotel, so I took in the fresh air and historic buildings. The plaza buzzed with a large crowd, and no one seemed to be in a hurry. Romance permeated the air. Young couples aimlessly strolled through with looks of love while the older couples held hands and perused the stands.

  I stared at some of them wondering what it would be like to have someone that loved me. At my age, I should have dated a lot, but I haven’t. Stopping in front of a chocolate stand, I reached out and took a sample of dark chocolate that the seller offered. “Thank you. I mean grazie,” I said, smiling up at him.

  “American?” A grin appeared on his face and I wondered why. Did I look like an easy mark or did he have a fondness for us?


  “You are lovely, Bella.” I’m not sure if he’s really trying to sell me something or interested in my looks. His eyes linger at my breasts, and that’s all I need to know. I smile and walk off without purchasing a thing.

  It took me over two hours to pick out some fruits and snacks because I’d been distracted by everything around me. Nothing caught my attention more than a tall, handsome stranger who had no right looking that sexy and standing all alone. My body reacted like it never had before. The rapid rush through my veins scared me. I had to get away before I fell like the London Bridge.

  On my way out, I steal one more glance at him. He had dark brown hair like mine and a slight beard growing along his jaw. I couldn’t make out the color of his eyes, but his face was chiseled like a work of art—pure perfection. He seemed to be searching for me, or that was what I let my fantastic imagination roll with.

  Mentally chastising myself, I shook off the ridiculous idea.

  “Nah, he couldn’t be looking for me,” I muttered, walking back to the hotel berating myself for the silly fantasy.

  A bustling horde of incoming and leaving guests filled the hotel lobby. I maneuvered through them and walked down the hall to the room we were staying in, only to see the cleaning crew inside. “Excuse me, but did my parents ask for a turndown service?” I asked, setting my bags down on the table just inside the room.

  Scanning the room, I noticed all of their things were gone. “Signorina, your family checked out an hour ago. Go to the front desk. They left a message for you.”

  I stood there, looking confused. Why would they check out? Why would they send me on a grocery mission only to leave shortly thereafter? Shaking off the mental fog, I walked over to the front desk. I wonder if there was an emergency and I would be taken to them.

  The people at the front desk stared at me with a look I could only describe as sympathy. I didn’t like it. Suddenly an overwhelming feeling of fear came over me.

  “Hello, Claudia. Is there a message for me?” I asked the attendant at the desk.

  “Yes, Ms. Cross. Here it is.” I took a small folded piece of paper from her. My hands shook as I stepped outside and sat down on a stone bench. Even with the warm sun beating down, a cold shiver ran through me. The paper was crisp as if written quickly and not very long. What could it mean? I guessed it was no or never, so I open it and read.


  I paused, hating that she called me that. I’ve never liked it, and she knew it.

  We hate to do this to you, but life has been so burdensome for us. We’ve moved on without you because well…you’ve been that burden. I know it’s harsh, but we took you in when your parents died and needless to say, we never signed up to have kids. Oops, I suppose it’s a lousy time for that revelation, but you’re my brother’s kid. We wish you the best. I stuffed your passport in the small pocket of your bag. Good luck with life.


  Aunt Alli

  Stunned, I read it three more times, and it still made no sense. My parents weren’t my parents. They hated me. Well, that made sense. They weren’t very nice to me my entire life, but I never thought it was this.

  Hurt, anger, and an unbearable sadness rolled around inside of me. I took a deep calming breath, and I tucked it into my bag. A tear fell onto my luggage, so I brushed it away like they did my existence. Claudia came up to me, handing me a tissue.

  “I’m sorry for this. The hotel has another room available for you, completely complimentary,” she said softly, taking a seat. They must have read the letter as well. It wasn’t sealed or anything. “Your room will have your things in it. Here’s the key.”

  “Thank you,” I muttered with a lump in my throat. After a few more minutes, I stood with the key card, checking its number before going to the elevator. I had a lot to think about and no way to answer any of the questions in my mind.

  I entered the room to find my small duffle inside. Plopping onto the bed, I read the letter over again. There was a lot to digest in just the tiny paragraph. From the start of my life, I’d been lied to, manipulated, and despised. My real parents died before I was old enough to remember them. Greedily my aunt and uncle took me in to get money from the government. And now, in the middle of Europe, they abandoned me. My life had fallen apart in a matter of minutes. How was I going to make the pain go away?

  Lost in a world of despair, I cried myself to sleep, hoping to shed away all the pain at once. By the next morning, I put on my big girl panties and decided to live for what made me happy. I didn’t care what happened for the next twenty-four hours. After that, I’d deal with the reality of my situation.

  Chapter 2


  This trip just became the best working vacation of my life. And I hoped it was going to be getting a fuck of a lot better. Fate had come and granted me a second chance. I closed my eyes, opening them again in complete surprise as the girl from the market stood twenty feet in front of me. Groaning, I adjust the instant erection tenting my slacks.

  We were on the outskirts of the town at the sight of the ancient ruins of a battle-torn castle. The wind shifted and her long, dark hair blowing in the breeze, drove her scent toward my nose. I couldn’t calm my dick down, and I didn’t want to. I tried to find the one like my father had, and I found her. Tipping my head back outside, I didn’t spot another car. Having rented my own car for some privacy, I waited until the group drove away before I exited my rental. Shit, the tour left her here, fucking bastards.

  She must not have noticed the tour had picked up already. We were the only two people around. Could this be any more of a perfect twist of fate? It was time, I did something about this second chance.

  “Hello. Ciao,” I called out, but she didn’t hear me, so I tapped her shoulder, startling my mystery woman, making her lose her footing on the old stone floors. I caught her by the waist, stopping her from stumbling back and falling on the rocky surface.

  She pulled the earbuds out and then clasped her hand to her chest, frantically trying to calm down. Her music was pounding out of tiny buds; it’s no wonder she couldn’t hear me call out. Her chest heaved, causing her breasts to bounce. I did my best to not steal more than a fucking glance, but it was one painful mission. Who thought that I would ever be this hard up for a woman?

  I smiled down at her, thinking she was ten times sexier up close. I could feel the way her body tensed in my arms, but I couldn’t tell if it was good or bad. “Sorry, sweetheart, I didn’t mean to frighten you.” Reluctantly, I released my light hold on her body and clenched my hands tight to stop myself from touching her again.

  “It’s okay. I just got lost in thought.” She looked around the ruins, not seeing anyone else. Great, she spoke English. We were a world away from home, and her home seemed to be America just like mine.

  Her perfectly pouty lips turned into a frown while her brows knitted together in dismay. “Is the tour bus boarding?” She walked out of the little cove she’d been standing in, searching for anyone strolling about. The castle had very few remaining walls that could hide people behind, but I was confident we were alone.

  God, she had to be the most beautiful woman in the world. Her luscious long hair and bright eyes were things dreams were made of. I longed to run my hand through it, tightening my fingers around her locks, dragging her to me and then crushing her lips to mine. The rush of need shoots straight down, making my stomach flip and my cock swell. The insane urge to tie her to me intensified as every second passed.

  Taking a calming breath, I stepped behind her. “Sweetheart, I hate to break it to you, but the bus left two minutes ago.”

  She spun back with her lovely hazel eyes staring at me in a panic. “Oh no, the town is like twenty miles from here,” she exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air in an exasperated move.

  Looking into her pretty eyes, I placed my hands on her slender shoulders that were barely covered by the light blouse. The touch, heading straight from my fingers to my balls. I wanted her now. Something told me that this was our moment, but first I tried to ease her fear, “Don’t worry about it. I can give you a ride back.” My dick throbbed painfully in my pants as I thought about her tight, lush body riding me until we both came.

  “I can’t just accept a ride from a stranger.” She pushed away from me, staring outside as if they were going to come back for her.

  “Why not? I’m Ian by the way.” I stuck out my hand, hoping she’d take it and not give me too much shit. We were in the middle of nowhere, in a country neither of us were from, so it wasn’t like she had anyone with her, or they wouldn’t have left without ensuring that she was on the bus.

  “I’m Charlotte,” she answered nervously stealing glances my way. A dawning came over her innocent face, and it triggered something in her, emboldening herself to question, “Did you follow me here?”

  I smirked because I’d wished I hadn’t lost her yesterday. It was one more day wasted. “No, it’s just a happy coincidence. What makes you think I did?” I wondered if she saw me in town or if she normally had stalkers. I’d deal with the latter if she did. No one would cause her any harm as long as I was around, and I planned to make that forever.

  “I saw you at the market yesterday.” Her admission only served to turn me on, but I wished she checked then. I would have carried her out of the damn plaza and back to my hotel to fill her with every drop of my cum.

  I move closer to her, closing the gap between us as I tilted my head and challenged, “And yet, you purposefully left knowing I was looking for you.”

  “You were? I didn’t know it was me you were looking for.” The sigh that escaped her lips gave her away. She wanted to be the one I was looking for. Fucking wish granted.

  “Yes, but I couldn’t find you. Now, this is what I call a happy coincidence. How old are you, Charlotte?”

  “I’m twenty.” Thankfully we were both legal because that would fucking kill me.

  “Good, I’m twenty-three. Now, do you want a ride back?” I asked, hoping to keep her in my sight. The thought of losing her again sent a pain soaring through my chest. Crazy and irrational as it seemed, I couldn’t shake the sensation that I’d met my forever.

  “I don’t know,” she murmured, ducking her chin. I saw the flush on her face before she looked away, attempting to fight the hunger shown in her eyes. The energy between us could power the world.

  “My sweet Charlotte, you’d rather walk twenty miles when it’s about to rain?” I offered, lowering my head to catch her attention and waiting for her answer.

  She moved toward the side of the wall, throwing her head back and looking up at the sky. “No, but,” she started to say as a few drops of rain fell, interrupting her excuse for me.

  “But nothing. There are no more tours for the day, and a storm is coming. See, if I wanted to do something to you, which I really do, I could do it here.” I stalked closer, pressing both of my hands on the opposite sides
of her arms, trapping her between me and the wall.

  “What…what do you want to do?” she stammered, her eyes widened and lips parted. No ounce of fear in her shaking voice. No, she only had lust choking her words.

  “I want to press you up against this wall and kiss you,” I murmured, leaning in.

  “You better take your chance before the rain picks up,” she panted, pressing her palms on my chest. Our lips connected softly, a tentative taste.

  It wasn’t enough.

  Instinctively, I crushed my mouth down on hers, slipping an arm around her waist and pulling her hips flush on my leg just as the sky roared with rolling thunder. The rain poured down, but we were sheltered enough in the ruins to keep from getting drenched.

  Although, the rain wouldn’t stop the driving need to consume her. The feel of her pussy dragging on my thigh as I kissed her sent a primal urge to fuck every drop of cum deep into her eager womb until she was mine forever.

  Her hands slid upward into my hair, pulling softly as her hips roll, riding my thigh. The need to claim shot through my veins.

  My mouth made its way to her chin, jaw, then to her slender neck. Arching her back and tilting her head to the side, she gave me access to her rapid pulse.

  She tugged on my hair, pulling my head up and kissing me. I growled, nipping on her mouth before slipping my tongue inside. Grasping her hips, I ground her pussy on my leg, causing her to moan and shake. I wanted her here and now. Fuck if I knew what I should do. My head is spinning as the blood leaves my brain, going to straight to the baby maker. The desire to love her in the rain became more than I could take. My hand slipped between us, cupping her pussy through her clothes. Damn, she was soaked.

  "I want you, more than I can explain," I confessed,

  Her eyes widened with a hint of panic before she smiled and confessed, "I want you, too." I clasped her hand in mine and tugged her inside to the only spot that had shelter from the rain. Hurriedly, I removed her top while she reached for my belt. I took my button up shirt off then pulled back so I could set it down as a makeshift blanket. This wasn’t the place to lose my virginity, but there was no way I could wait. I hope the ground isn’t too rough.


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