College Threeway: A First Time Gay Romance (Bareback University)

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College Threeway: A First Time Gay Romance (Bareback University) Page 7

by Lovecox, Angel

  Well, he might get jealous about Geoff, but maybe not for the reason I had thought. He grinned

  “What?” Alex asked.

  “Nothing,” Leighton said lightly. “I was just thinking about cleaning, is all.”

  “I have an idea,” Geoff said. “I'll go get some cleaning supplies, then we can clean this afternoon. Sounds good?”

  Alex rolled his eyes but Leighton smiled. “Why not? Got nothing else planned. And Alex is right. This place is dirty.”

  Alex smiled. The affirmation that he was right seemed to cheer him up.

  “Let's all go,” Alex suggested.

  Leighton frowned. Then he thought about it. “Actually, good plan. At least that way we can split the bill for cleaning stuff.”

  “Yeah! And we can have lunch or something on the way,” Alex affirmed. Leighton glanced at the clock. It was almost midday. He noticed he was hungry. The tension must have been preying on him to the point that he hadn't noticed.

  Ten minutes later they were driving into town.

  Leighton felt the tension of having Alex beside him. Geoff was in the back, and he was aware of him leaning against the seat. He caught a glance between Alex and Geoff as they stopped.

  “Here we are.”

  Alex looked up at him, grinning.

  Leighton blinked. Alex looked for all the world like someone caught in a transgression: someone who knew exactly that they had been doing it and were quite pleased with the result. He gave him a bemused grin, then got out of the car.

  The shopping spree for cleaning-equipment was fast and efficient, and when they returned to the car, equipped with polish and dusters and cleaning-cloths and things they were laughing like kids at the start of a holiday.

  “How about something to eat?” Alex asked.

  They both looked at him and laughed.

  “You're always hungry,” Leighton observed.

  Alex pretended to glare, then laughed.

  They decided to stop at a new Italian eatery. The food was wonderful and they enjoyed the afternoon.

  “Wow, guys,” Leighton commented after a moment. “It's almost three p.m. How did we spend so long here?”

  Geoff blinked at him. They had had beer with the lunch, and Leighton found he was feeling a little disorientated when he stood up. He caught the smile on Alex's face and noticed that he did, too. He laughed. Geoff looked from one to the other and grinned, shaking his head. Then they all headed to the car.

  When they arrived in the room, brandishing cloths and dusters and singing a supporter's song at the top of their voices, they were shushed by one of the other lodgers. They looked at each other, surprised, and then, when Leighton had unlocked the door, they all collapsed in helpless giggles.

  Leighton was leaning against Alex and they were both laughing. Alex looked up at him and suddenly Leighton felt as if he were melting. He had to have sex, right this minute. Or the tension was going to overwhelm him.

  He looked at Alex, and noticed he was thinking the same thing. To Leighton's surprise, Geoff was standing beside him. He looked up at him. Alex looked at Geoff.

  Very deliberately, Alex reached across and ran a finger down Geoff's chest, from his collarbones to his sternum. Geoff closed his eyes. When he opened them, Alex was looking at him, eyebrow raised.

  Leighton watched with astonishment as the two kissed.

  Geoff looked slightly dazed when they broke the kiss. Then he looked up at Leighton, lips parted in a small expression that sent fire coursing through him. He couldn't resist. He leaned in and placed his lips on his. Soon they were kissing.

  To his surprise, Alex stood behind him while he did so. His arms wrapped round him and his fingers stroked him, making little patterns down his chest that made him feel as if his body were on fire.

  He broke the kiss, gasping, and looked from one to the other, feeling utterly confused.

  Geoff was smiling at him dazedly and Alex sighed.

  “In bed?” he asked.

  Geoff grinned.

  Leighton, feeling utterly, completely bemused, nodded.

  The three of them made their way over to the biggest of the three beds. There, they collapsed in a tangled mass of limbs, hands and jerky breathing.



  The room was a hazy place that lived to the sound of breathing and was full of hands and chests and legs.

  Geoff, finding himself lying beside Leighton for the second time in a few days, thought his world was completely perfect. His mouth was filled with his tongue, and his waist stroked by his hands. Or he thought it was him. He rolled over as they broke the kiss to find Alex was behind him.

  Alex moved forward then, his cock pressing against Geoff. Geoff gasped.

  Leighton leaned in and kissed him gently. Then his hands moved lower.

  Geoff sighed. He was already reaching for Leighton's cock, pinching it gently as he slid his hand inside his jeans. Leighton gasped. His eyes flew open.

  “Fast learning.”

  Geoff chuckled. “Good teacher.”

  They all laughed.

  “I also want to teach you,” Alex whispered. The fact that Geoff and Leighton were not strangers was not news to him, evidently.

  Geoff nodded. “I want to learn.”


  As Geoff reached into Leighton's jeans and took his cock in his hand, Alex moved in behind him. He was stroking his back, massaging it in a way that made Geoff feel as if he was turning into fluid. He could feel jolts of sensation running through his body, from his mouth, which was being bruised with kisses by Leighton, to his back where Alex touched.

  He could feel his body shuddering slowly, each soothing, pleasant stroke sending shivers through him. He had never felt like this before. Alex moved lower, massaging his lower back, straying to his butt.

  As he took a hold of Leighton, he felt him move so he could reach Alex. Leighton reached across Geoff and moved his hand to Alex's waist. Alex grinned. He changed position so Leighton could touch him. Then, even as Geoff felt Leighton harden, he heard Alex moan behind him.


  Geoff closed his eyes. Alex had reached around and was unfastening his fly. He felt his own cock straining to be released. When his jeans were pulled down he sighed in surprise. The air was cool on him and he tensed in waiting.

  Alex huffed a breath in his ear. “Relax,” he murmured.

  Geoff nodded. At that moment, he was far from relaxed. Aroused beyond anything he could imagine, yes. Tense, yes. Relaxed? Not even close.

  He felt Alex touch his lower back and then trace lower. He inhaled sharply. His touch had strayed to the very end of his spine, where his legs joined.



  Alex moved his fingers down the line between his butt cheeks. He could not believe how sensitive his skin was, how it sent a flood of nerve-signals to burst and fizzle in his brain as Alex touched him. Alex moved his fingers lower.

  Geoff held his breath. The fingers were stroking him, feather-light in touch, and every tiny, hesitating stroke moved down his nerves and made him shiver with need.

  Leighton, beside him, was breathing heavily and Geoff was dimly aware of the arm that lay across him, reaching to touch Alex. He could sense how he moved his hand, arousing him and at this moment he was too deeply involved in what was happening in his own body to think too hard.

  His own hand was full of Leighton. He was big now, his cock hard and full, so that making a circle between finger and thumb only just encircled him. He moved his hand up and down, stroking the soft, moist tip of Leighton's cock with his finger even as he moved his hand. He made little circles around the head, amazed by how soft it was, by the strange groove in the top that felt so slippery as his finger moved over it over and over and over.

  Leighton sighed. His cock jerked and bucked and Geoff realized, with some amazement, that Leighton was about to come. He wanted to bend and kiss him, but he was held in place by the arm a
cross his body and the hand holding from behind.

  Just as he felt Leighton groan and start to come, his own body was flooded with overwhelming sensation.

  Alex inserted a finger. He could not believe how good that felt. He pressed back, whimpering with need and Alex, laughing, thrust another finger alongside, opening him further. He moved his fingers, gently so as to cause pleasure not pain. Geoff honestly thought he would expire from sensory overload.

  He was making noises he did not think he could make, even as Leighton came, twitching and gasping, filling his hand with fluid, slippery and warm.

  He grinned. He caught the look of utter surprise on Leighton's face and that was almost as good as the feelings that flowed through him.

  As Leighton released Alex, he leaned forward and, very gently, thrust inside.

  Geoff cried out in surprise and then in wonder as Alex pulled back and thrust in deeper. He had half-expected pain, but what flooded into him and through him and carried him to some new place deep inside himself was pleasure unimagined.

  He was making incoherent gasps, pressing back even as Alex moved up, so that their bodies were joined in a motion that was timeless and wonderful and left him wanting more. And more. And more.

  He moaned. He could feel something building inside him. A wave of pleasure that was carrying him higher and higher and higher. He knew he was going to come soon. He closed his eyes, groaning and straining. Then he could contain it no more. The feeling closed over his head and he cried out in wonder and amazement. A second or so later, thrusting and shivering, Alex did the same.

  All three of them collapsed on the bed in a heap of tired wonderment. The air blowing through the window cooled their perspiration as they lay there, gasping in amazement, and slowly returned to awareness of themselves and their surroundings.

  Later, when they had recovered, they made love again. Geoff gave Leighton a blowjob and Leighton gave Alex a blowjob and Alex held Geoff in his hand.

  They tried out all the possibilities as the night wore on and it was only much later, when the room was dark and they were all dazed and grinning that Geoff remembered they had not eaten dinner and that, after all, the room was no cleaner than it had been originally.



  Alex sat on the wall near where the cars parked. He sat beside Leighton. They had just returned from the store.

  “This will be a feast,” Leighton said with a laugh.

  “Yeah,” Alex said quietly.

  It was evening, Sunday, and they had just gone out to buy takeout for dinner. The bag, from the Thai restaurant, was held loosely on Leighton's knee. Leighton was looking at the field, smiling to himself.

  Alex felt unaccountably frustrated. He was not sure why. He had so many incredible experiences to think about he should have felt content beyond what anyone could imagine. But instead he felt restless.

  Close by, Leighton was looking across the parking lot, watching the group who were playing some inventive game with a ball on the lawn opposite. Alex looked at him.

  The evening suited him, sending subtle light down his clean-cut profile. Even as he sat there, he felt a strange mix of longing and sadness and he was still not sure why. It was the same feeling that had been occupying him all day.

  “You okay to go?”

  They had stopped because Alex had said he felt ill. Alex shook his head.

  He bit his lip, suddenly coming to the knowledge of why he felt so stressed.

  It was Leighton.

  More specifically, it was Geoff and Leighton.

  The previous day, and the previous night especially, Alex had noticed the closeness between Leighton and Geoff. It was something that had sneaked into his awareness from the moment Geoff returned, actually. There was something different going on. It was as if Leighton wanted to be more friendly with Geoff, but was deliberately ignoring him. And, since that time, their own relationship had changed.

  When he had guessed, at last, about Geoff and Leighton, and what exactly happened the night they talked, the night Geoff decided to stay, he thought he accepted it. He thought he was fine with the idea that they had sex without telling him.

  Now, he was unsure of that.


  Alex stared at Leighton. He wanted to let him know how angry he really was, maybe say some sharp retort and walk away, but when he looked into those familiar pale eyes he couldn't say it.

  “I dunno,” Alex said, miserably.

  “What?” Leighton asked. Then he put his hand on his shoulder. Alex tensed. He wanted to shrug and make Leighton take his hand off, but he did not.

  Leighton turned to look at him. He was frowning.

  “It's Geoff. Isn't it?”

  Alex glared at him. He was more hurt than he was angry, but he did not want to show his hurt to Leighton. Not now. Anger suited him better.

  “What?” Leighton asked desperately.

  “You should have told me,” Alex said angrily. He stood.

  “Alex. Wait!”

  Leighton stood and followed him. Alex strode ahead, making for the bench that overlooked the lawn. Here, they were out of earshot of the people in the parking lot and on the paths. He sat down heavily. Leighton stood.

  “Please, Alex,” Leighton said. “I wanted you. I always did.”

  Alex squinted up at him, shading his eye from the evening setting. “Maybe,” he said crossly. “If you cared about me at all, if you weren't just using me, you should have told me the truth.”

  Leighton sighed. He sat down beside him. Alex moved sideways, as if wanting to move away. He knew it was petty but he couldn't help it. He looked up at Leighton who looked desperate.

  “Alex,” he sighed. “I didn't mean to lie. I really, really didn't. I didn't tell you because...I guess I felt like it was an accident and I didn't want a stupid mistake ruining things.”

  “A mistake.” Alex said flatly.

  “Yes!” Leighton spread his hands, clearly struggling to explain. “He was there, and he was sad, and I felt bad. I wanted to do something about it and...that happened.”

  Alex laughed harshly. “A funny way to say sorry for freaking someone out.”

  Leighton sighed. “I didn't mean to do what I did. It just sort of...happened.” He ran a hand through his hair. He looked miserable, his handsome face lined with sadness and care. “Can I ask you to understand? Forgive me?”

  Alex sighed. His breath all came out in a long rush. “I can forgive you,” he said.

  The look of relief on Leighton's face touched him deeply.

  He took his hand and they sat together a while, more a gesture of friendship than it was a gesture of anything.

  After a moment, Alex sighed.

  “I guess it's not you I was mad with. Not just you, anyhow.”


  “I was mad at Geoff, too,” Alex confessed.

  “What?” Leighton stared at him. “Geoff? How..?”

  “Because I wanted him first,” Alex said. He looked away so that he heard when Leighton drew in a breath but did not see the confusion on that good-looking face.


  “I wanted Geoff first. Before we...knew each other,” Alex said. “You and I, that is.” He laughed. “He was different. Not like anyone I ever met. A nerdy guy, but brave. I admired him. A part of me wanted to be like him. And, yes. I knew it was a first for him. I wanted to be the one to show him something new.”

  Leighton stared at him. “Really? But...Oh, man. I am so, so sorry.”

  Leighton covered his face in his hands. Alex immediately felt contrite. He had not meant to upset Leighton. The person he was angry with, more than anyone was Alex Morgan. His own self.

  He chuckled. “I dunno why I'm telling you this stuff,” he said lightly. “I mean, it doesn't matter, does it? We're all together. I've been with Geoff, now, and with you. We're all pretty...well-acquainted now.” He gave a harsh chuckle and Leighton joined in. But his sounded genuine.

sp; “I guess so,” he said. He sounded a little sad. His hands were on either side of his head, fingers at his brow. He looked stressed.

  “What?” Alex inquired.

  Leighton turned toward him. “I don't know. I guess I...just imagined we were a couple. You and I. I have never felt so...couple...with anyone. I don't know the words,” he said, laughing. “I just know that I wanted to have, like, a relationship with you. I thought that was what we had. But now I find out you wanted Geoff. Before you even thought about me. That you into something you weren't sure about from the beginning. I feel bad.” He looked at Alex, eye frowning and confused.

  Alex laughed. “No! Leighton, come on, man.” He tousled the pale-brown hair and Leighton smiled at him. “It wasn't like that. You didn't force me into anything. I liked it. I wanted you. I like you. Really do.” He looked into Leighton's eyes, trying to convince him of the fact. Leighton smiled a little sadly.

  “Thanks,” he said.

  Alex felt his jaw stiffen. “Thanks! Shit, man, you don't need to say thank you. Of course I like you! You and I have something special. Something different. Something I like as much. I just guess I needed to tell you. I felt betrayed.”

  Leighton sighed. He smiled at Alex. He rested his hand on his shoulder and this time Alex let him.

  “I guess I really messed up,” Leighton laughed. He looked sad. “Couldn't have done worse if I tried, right?”

  Alex turned and faced him. Put both hands on him and drew him around so he looked in his eyes. “Couldn't be wronger,” he said firmly. Leighton laughed and tried to turn but Alex held him stiffly. “I mean it, Leighton,” he said firmly. “You matter to me. You didn't do anything. We have...what we have. Geoff and I, well, have something else. Like you and Geoff.” When he said it, it didn't hurt. At least not like it had. Which surprised him greatly.

  He looked into Leighton's eyes and Leighton gave him a soft smile. Alex felt his heart move and was surprised by the depth of feeling he had for Leighton.

  “Shit, man, mean a lot to me,” he said gently. Leighton smiled. He put a hand on Alex and Alex leaned forward so that he was in a firm embrace.


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