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The Third Heaven : Apocalypse of Kings

Page 8

by Donovan Neal

  Marduk stepped back he gazed upon Lucifer with an incredulous stare. “You would have this abomination… this Clayborn handle the elements of our birth?”

  Lucifer was not hesitant to reply. “You know not the power that El has placed in his image. Now be about my business.”

  Marduk bowed slightly and turned to walk away in silence. Lucifer stopped him before leaving his presence and spoke. “Oh Marduk…”

  Marduk stopped; his back still to the King of Lies as he paused to listen before he left the room.

  Lucifer continued, “I will give you a word that has now been thrice spoken over me.”

  Marduk replied, “And what might that be?”

  Lucifer smiled. “What thou doest… do quickly.”

  Marduk nodded knowingly, smirked and looked over his shoulder and replied. “Rest assured it will be as you say.” And then the angel left the room.

  Ashtaroth waited until Marduk was gone and approached his master wringing his hands.

  “Forgiveness my king and please be not angry with your servant. But Lucifer surely you know this command will incite Marduk to war? Out of his own mouth, his words you have used to compel his rebellion. He has made it clear he will never see a human wield a God-stone.”

  Lucifer nodded, “Indeed. He will muster his forces. But it is of no cause as I have foreseen it. He has two of the great kings I have spied for some time. Two who I know will take up cause against me. The end draws nigh, and it is time my friend: time to clear the battlefield of El and I of the dross. Those that will resist my will not rise with me to see Heaven once more. Only those who are faithful may ascend. Marduk will gather those against me and confirm for me whom I must target for destruction: for I will tolerate no division in my house.

  Now go Ashtaroth and find me my son. Tell him I have a war for him to fight. It is time to demonstrate to all and to pursue the weapon that will give rise to El’s downfall and give my son the means to fight death itself.”

  Ashtaroth bowed as commanded and turned to leave. Lucifer smiled and returned to his self-ruminations; unaware that in another room and listening through electronic recording devices planted in his own chamber. Leto listened in fixated attention to the words just spoken; stroking his chin as he contemplated how to kill both God and the Devil.


  Leto walked into the conference room of the Vienna Palais Hansen Kempinski. He took his seat across from the various regional ambassadors of the world's powers. The twelve governors of the known world sat and began their meeting.

  “I have called this meeting of the G-12 to see how fares each region with your efforts of the terrorist threat that has plagued us. The last time we met I freely offered my solution to you all. However, some of you balked at my generosity, and have moved to solve our mutual dilemma independently of my gift. It has saddened me to hear this and disappointing; as I thought we were much closer friends. Your actions have dispelled that notion, and for this I thank you. It helps to not be under the illusion of cooperation. During this time of crisis when we are under the barrage of invasion from celestial powers and dealing domestically with threats to our economy it is comforting to know who stands with you and who does not. As in the past it is clear American stands alone.”

  The American ambassador objected. “Leto you could not possibly have expected us to agree to such a deal. Your solution would have given you exclusive commercial control over all financial transactions. You can hardly think such an option is reasonable?”

  Several of the ambassadors seated nodded in agreement. The ambassador from Japan spoke, “Leto would you blame us for seeking a solution other than the one offered first? Surely we must as representatives of our countries do due diligence and seek the approval of our government? You could not seriously have expected anything less?”

  Leto smiled, “Ah, I see the error in your thinking. You think you had a choice in the matter. I am sorry for the mistake on my part. Let me rephrase my solution as it was clear that I failed to communicate it clearly the first time in my presentation. You will cede sovereign control of your countries to the Commonwealth and myself in particular. Or you will find yourselves isolated in trade to your own destruction, or subject to possible military intervention due to your failure to unite during this clear time of global attack. Public opinion is on my side. Does not your own surveys shows that your countrymen are more concerned with the extraterrestrial attack against our kind than with the petty squabbles over territories we have fought over in the past? But it matters not, for though my offer still stands the terms have now been changed; as the time of my graciousness has expired. Therefore, what I offered once freely I now offer with a price. As you know the Commonwealth can no longer offer its protections to those that will not yield to our charter. If you desire the mark, then you must cede your sovereignty to the Commonwealth. As you can see those within our territories are prospering. Our system allows us to monitor all electronic transactions. Security is paramount in the commonwealth and we must assure ourselves that those that walk amongst are human. And are not our citizens free to move about, and those territories under our banner can still conduct their affairs with little resistance from Parliament. Our security pact is such that whoever dares fight against us knows to do so; invokes Article 3 of the charter requiring all member states to come to the aid of one.

  Some of you still cling to the artificial constructs of our forebears: Muslim against Jew; Capitalist against Communist. There can be no lasting peace with such old ideologies. Nor can humanity survive against this existential threat when such petty squabbles divide us. There are but a few Muslim states still holding out. But I ask the ambassador of Iran, and Syria to join your reasonable peers in Saudi Arabia, and Israel and suggest a trial membership for our Muslim allies. I will give you provisional approval to join the commonwealth for seven years. I will give your countries temporary access to the mark for your people. In return, you will cease all hostilities against Israel. There will be no more threats. No more incursions through third party proxies. Do this and you and your people will prosper. Defy the Commonwealth and suffer the fate of isolation and possible military involvement: particularly if we determine that you are allies to these beings against humanity.”

  The ambassadors of the United States rose to challenge Leto. “You want us to yield our sovereign rights to you! You should understand that my government is one hundred percent positive that this virus originated from you. Despite your efforts to hide it; we all know there are only so many in the world that has such technical prowess to unless such a computer virus at a world-wide level. We know that we did not do it. We also know the Chinese and Russians did not do it as we have intertwined our fates for decades. But you, you are an ambitious son of a bitch. And the CIA has determined that you are the reason we are in this mess. Only a madman would unleash the MARK virus into the world knowing doing so would set our entire planet back a generation. So no; my government will not yield to what you had hoped would be a clandestine attempt for world power. You should also know that I am authorized to let you know my government considers your Cyber-attack as a declaration of war.

  Leto rose from his seat and smiled. “Ambassador I take great offense at your words. My Cyber-attack on the US was not a declaration of war… this is.”

  Immediately Leto took the shard from his enclosed hand and revealed it for all to see. And spoke softly to the gleaming gem. “Destroy California.”

  Immediately an exploding wave of prismatic light flashed and filled the room, and the gleaming shard went dark and Leto returned the gem back within his breast pocket took his seat and spoke.

  “Ambassador, please turn on the television and turn the channel to CNN? I’m sure the news will be coming in shortly.”

  The delegate from the United States scrunched his head back in dismay at Leto’s audacity but did as requested, finding a remote; he pointed at the monitor on a wall and thumbed the channel selector until the Cable News Network show
ed on the screen. The initial broadcast seemed as normal as when he had left Washington to attend the summit. The Detroit Lions had just won the Superbowl, President Consuela had signed legislation authorizing the Space Forces first orbital weapons platform to fend off celestial threats. Suddenly a red ticker tape flashed on the bottom of the scream. Live images of a young woman adjusting her ear-piece and raising a microphone quickly interrupted debates over economic forecasts. Sirens, screams and black smoke wafted in the background.

  “We interrupt this broadcast to bring you live coverage on the ground from downtown San Francisco where a magnitude eight earthquake has been detected along the northern region of the San Andreas fault line. I repeat a magnitude eight earthquake has hit California only miles away from San Francisco! Reports are coming all across the state that fires are erupting all over northern and southern California, So far reports from Los Angeles County and San Bernardino are showing massive damage. Partial building collapses are all over the area. I can hear the screams of people… oh my God. Jim, Jim can you get a picture of this!”

  The young reporter pointed up and in front of her. The camera immediately panned and on live-tv. The CNN projected into the homes and offices around the world images of people jumping out of disintegrating buildings in attempts to escape from a collapsing hotel. Several fell to their deaths while some leaped only to be snagged by jutting debris on their way down: flailing bodies bounced off crumbling and falling concrete and steel. The camera swept back to the young woman, whose mouth was open in shock as she mentally processed the human carnage and devastation quickly erupting around her.

  “Carey?” said a voice. “We are still on the air, get it together!”

  The young woman quickly gained her professional composure, smoothed her blond hair back and continued to report.

  “Details are still coming in and are sketchy but there is an indication that some dams have experienced major structural damage. Our Los Angeles affiliates have completely gone dark, and we are getting reports that power, water, telephone service, gas and sewage lines have been critically damaged. Jim, can you pan behind me?”

  “Buildings across the downtown area from… wait… oh my God! OK, OK this is terrible! It’s confirmed that the Seven Oaks Dam has been severely damaged. If you live in the Sam Bernardino area, you are hereby ordered to evacuate. I repeat all San Bernardino residents and those along the Santa Anna River are ordered to evacuate immediately. Reports of widespread…”

  The television screen suddenly went black and the familiar static hiss of an interrupted channel was all that remained on the screen.

  The ambassador turned to Leto and fury erupted from his eyes. “You realize what will happen once word gets back to President Consuela that you are the source of this natural disaster! You have doomed us all. War Leto… war is coming to you!”

  Leto smirked. “Good, I am glad I have your attention. The arrogance of you Americans still amazes me. Now that I have spoken in a language you understand, ask yourself this question: if I am capable of this, what would happen if you launched your nuclear missiles and I spoke that they self-destruct while in flight above your own cities? Or perhaps I should destroy every MIRV in its silo now? Why not just move us towards the inevitable outcome we both know this will lead? Imagine ambassador. Imagine the nuclear explosions that would rock your country through my word alone? But the destruction of your nuclear arsenal is so mundane compared to the destructive power of nature herself don’t you think? I have so much desired to see the famous Yellowstone National Park. They say it to be of such great beauty. But did you know ambassador that beneath it is one of the planets super volcanoes? It would be a shame if it were to erupt.”

  The ambassador looked at Leto in rage and in horror. “You are a madman… insane. You will pay for this. Have you no idea how many people you have just killed? This act will not go unanswered!”

  Leto laughed then looked somberly upon the United States ambassador. “Leave and run to your country. It needs you. Tell President Consuela that she has 48 hours to comply with my terms. There will be no others. Or else she will be the President over what remains of your precious United States. Now go before I decide to send her precious ambassador’s head in a box.”

  Ambassador Jackson reached for his throat and looked at the rest of the G-12 delegation expecting some measure of support. But everyone’s eyes looked down when he scanned the room. Finally, the Sino delegate spoke. “Mr. Ambassador. Your people need you. With what you have witnessed will you knowingly allow them to be obliterated over pride?”

  The American ambassador did not reply to his peer and instead shuffled his papers into his briefcase and picked it up to leave. He looked with disdain over the group. “I will relay your ‘message’ to the President. God help us all if she decides to retaliate. Good day, gentlemen.”

  Leto looked upon the remaining delegates and spoke. “You all have seen what I can do. Do not be deceived. We cannot be divided whilst a threat threatens us as a species. I have a proposal that I hope will give us an advantage in defeating these creatures. But I will need you to set aside old ways of thinking. We must be one people if we are to survive.”

  The Persian delegation eyed Leto and laughed. “We have no love for the American’s let them lick their wounds. It is nothing but kifarah that they have now received such treatment after their arrogant handling of many of us. Nevertheless, you wish us to work with the Israeli dogs that have consistently killed our people. No…destroy Israel for us. Remove her as a nation that exists and then we will support your cause. You clearly have the ability to disable her nukes. She is a small country is not her erasure good for the whole when it is such a small country?”

  The ambassador from the league of Arab nations smiled and thought he had backed Leto into a corner. But Leto answered in reply. “Israel shall not be destroyed. Not only shall she not be destroyed your people will keep her safe and will even allow and help her dismantle the Temple Mount that excavation crews may begin work unabated.”

  The ambassador was incredulous. “You are mad. The whole of Arabia will never see to such a thing. And you will have invoked the wrath of a third of the world’s people; and for what… this tiny Jewish state?”

  “Leto perhaps you should rethink this.” The ambassador from Pacifica commented. “We have Muslim people throughout all of our lands. If you openly support Israel and destroy the Temple Mount, there will be riots throughout the whole known world. We will not be able to contain the violence.”

  Leto nodded in understanding, “I would agree that under normal circumstances such would be a grave cause for concern. But I know the ambassadors will direct their people to calm and they will do so for several reasons. One a power source I need to complete the weapon to keep these celestial beings at bay is buried beneath the temple mount. It must be dug out. The people who revere such a site must be made to know that without it they can never see their departed ones again. Never have the chance to defeat these manipulators once and for all. You each must make your people understand what is at stake. Secondly, any nation that does not comply will be stripped of its Mark. Your economies and nations will plunge into darkness, no one will be able to buy or sell. Your way of life you have enjoyed will cease to exist. As you all know there is no computer system that the virus has not compromised. All efforts except the Mark have been fruitless. But if you wish to continue to abstain from joining the Commonwealth as the value of your nation’s economies plummet. Then you have my leave. But before you go, you have seen what I have done to the Americans. Imagine what I will do to any of you if you stand in my way. Unless between the lot of you there is the stomach to turn on the television and watch your own people chaff at my word? The Russian and Sino delegation have united under the Commonwealth. There is no army, no deterrent that can stop the combined might of the European, Russian and Chinese military. Combined with the power of just a shard of the God-stone any people or nation that will not capitulate will be consid
ered enemies to humanity, and will forfeit their right to rule. We are under siege gentleman. Under siege by an extraterrestrial threat that means to do us harm. I will not tolerate division while such a menace exists. So I will ask you ambassador Fayez. Will you join us? Or must I be forced to make an example of you as well?”

  Ambassador Fayez looked at the television coverage that continued to broadcast from America. He noted the devastation that already was wreaking havoc in California then said, “I will relay your terms back to my superiors. I will seek to convince them of the wisdom of your words.”

  Leto stood and when he did all the other ambassadors from each region stood as well. “You do that. For if not, let them know they too should be prepared for war.”

  Leto then turned and ushered himself from the room.

  Chapter Five

  Family Squabbles

  Michael took Lucifer at his word and with his royal guard went to find the man Leto Alexander where Lucifer said he would be: Brussels Belgium. The three angels flew over the headquarters of the Commonwealth of Europe. Here was the seat of power that influenced the affairs of all men. They guarded Michael as he approached, expecting to meet resistance from the Horde but finding none.

  “My prince surely this is a trap,” said one guard. “This is the most powerful man on the planet and yet no principality covers this region? No archons have we yet seen. How is such a thing possible?”

  Michael replied, “I know not. But I am sure the plan of our brother was not to lead us here for naught. I gather we will find what we seek and soon. I would have words with the Abomination—to spy what type of being it is: before I am forced to kill it.”

  The group landed in the Schuman roundabout in Brussels Belgium. Cars and all manner of vehicles buzzed passed them. Men and women briskly walked the streets: each heading towards their respective destinations. Cranes leaned from the tops of their accompanied skyscrapers jutting from the roofs of sprawling buildings. The honks, horns and the sounds of scooters lifted into the groups ears. The combined smell of exhaust fumes, waffles, beer, and human urine and flowers assaulted their nostrils. The cloudless sky was pleasant for the region.


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