The Third Heaven : Apocalypse of Kings

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The Third Heaven : Apocalypse of Kings Page 20

by Donovan Neal

  “The Withering has him. He is dead! Destroy his corpse quickly lest he contaminate us all!”

  Upon command the three angels unleashed fire upon the angel who was a descending fire himself. They flew towards him and when they did so the contaminated flesh of Zephon peeled away drifted from his person like a poisonous cloud of gaseous ash. Each angel drew back in fear; unwilling to touch the corpse of the contaminated angel.

  The streaking dead Zephon flew past the moon and hurtled to the planet below.

  Ashtaroth looked at the sight in terror. His mouth open wide as the fallen angel’s trajectory could neither be stopped nor changed.

  “NOOO!!!!” He screamed.

  But it was too late.

  Despite the attempts of his comrades; the contaminated flaming body of the celestial slammed into the skies of earth and tumbled from the sky into the heart of the Euphrates River.

  Men watched helplessly as there fell a great star from heaven, burning as like a lamp.

  The explosion rippled across the land and water lifted into the air some of which disintegrated into steam, and a fine mist settled over the impact area.

  And when it did the river was poisoned and its waters spread abroad as wildfire and portions of the angels disintegrating body fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; for a third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters because they were made poisonous to drink.

  And Zephon fulfilled his own prophecy to be as wormwood.

  Lucifer and Leto then cursed God, and those that had surrendered themselves to Satan did also.


  Azaziel stepped aside and when he did the stead holder for Argoth and the house of Grigori took his place: Cassiel. And Cassiel set the trumpet to his lips and when he did so the fourth angel sounded.

  Immediately, Eladrin and his people lifted themselves from the Aerie and each blazoned like lightning across the sky and ladders crisscrossed the whole of Heaven. And none had ever seen the sight on this wise before. For like streaking stars did the Ophanim fly hither and thither across the known universe. And their paths were of such number that that they left contrails across space such that the lines they left behind were as a great web in which ensnared all things. Eladrin then left the perch of Heaven and dove into the heart of Sol. And when he did so, so too did his people fall into the cores of stars and nebulae of all kind. And the multi-faced species of heaven turned their gears. These beings upon who moved galaxies and when they turned, they smote a third part of the sun, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part, and the night likewise.

  For there was nowhere where an Ophanim did not touch. No star not siphoned. For the Ophanim moved space and time and fed off the life of the stars themselves. And Michael marveled for it was if the Lord had reversed his works from the days of old when he spoke let there be Light.

  For now, with the blowing of the trumpet creation was dimmed by a third. And with its dimming Heaven was now so bright that someone could see it afar by men with the sight of telescopes. Men now had physical, visible evidence that a realm existed beyond that of space and time.

  A third heaven.

  The realm of God.


  Leto’s helicopter landed a mere 100 yards from the newly constructed Temple. The former place of the Dome on the Rock. He stepped off the chopper and made his way down the stairs. Ashtaroth followed with several of his governors and Ambassador Abadi. Lucifer stood invisible to men and waited for his son to step on the ground.

  “Look at them,” said Lucifer. “Stagnant in worship, stilled literally and figuratively against a wall. All in a vain attempt to draw near what was once the physical place where God once manifested his presence. Go to my son. Go to and destroy this symbol of El’s house. Go to and bring these worshipers of El to heel. Show them their error and bring the fear of both me and thee into their lives.”

  Leto looked back at one man that followed him. “Do you have my gift to present to the God of the people?”

  “Yes sir. Everything is as you have ordered.” The man nodded and several soldiers rolled out a large box with holes in it

  “Good.” The anti-Christ said. “Be sure to the ready when I call for it.”

  “Yes, sir.” Was the reply.

  Leto walked confidently into the new constructed court of the gentiles, and Ambassador Abadi followed him pleadingly. “Please, Lord Leto. Do not do this thing. All of Israel may well rise up in hatred against you. Surely you do not mean to provoke the ire of a whole nation?”

  Leto smiled with a coy grin and replied. “Oh, come now Abadi. This is a time of celebration not suspicion. Come and let us go unto the house of the Lord.” Leto chuckled as he strolled into the court of women. His soldiers and entourage followed and surrounded him making sure to keep all bystanders out of his way. Some hissed at the man as he entered the steps to the inner chamber. A priest stood in his way barring his path and Leto smiled and said to him.

  “Have I not paid for this? Have I not given your people permission to build? And this is how you would repay my generosity? For who is more worthy? The house or he that builds the house? Would you deny my eyes the right to see what I in my generosity have allowed to be constructed?”

  The priest looked at the cowering Ambassador Abadi and then at Leto. Abadi’s head was turned down his eyes lowered, and he refused to look the priest into the eye.

  “You are the acknowledged leader of the world. You may even be the hand that God has used to erect our temple. But you are NOT a priest, and may not inter the holy of Holies. It is forbidden.”

  Leto nodded and protruded his lips. He pouted in disappointment and communicated as if he understood. “I see.”

  Leto turned to one of his armed guards and the man then grabbed the priest and moved him aside and shoved him against a wall.

  Spectators from the court looked onward, and many covered their mouths in disbelief, and fear. But none moved to interfere for all were afraid of the Beast.

  Leto then walked past the priest. “And he beckoned to Ambassador Abadi. “Come inside Ambassador. Do not be afraid. It is but a dimly lit room and nothing more. These approximations of your ancient relics bear us no harm.”

  Abadi followed as did a few of Leto’s personal guard.

  The Beast then stood within the most holy of holies in the temple. He viewed the altar of Incense. It's intoxicating aroma filled the room. While the Golden Lamp Stand and Table stood across from each other. They were beautiful in design and craftsmanship.

  And in the furthest northern point of the room: the Ark of the Covenant sat. But it was the mercy seat which stood above the ark that drew Leto’s eyes. He walked and his hand brushed lightly over the seal box that was the ark. He knew what was inside. He had gone to great lengths to pay for their contents. His looked upon the great lid that represented God’s presence. Where long ago El stated he would meet with his people. Leto eyed the pure gold cover. Eyed the two cherubims that stood at each end of the great seal their wings spread abroad.

  Leto harrumphed and nodded his head as if he had been given an epiphany. “Such a rudimentary communication device El. You see the wings Abadi? What you worship is naught but a rudimentary antenna.”

  Ambassador Abadi quivered where he stood. Quivered because he believed in this sacred place God would visit his people. Quivered because he knew what Leto did not… that he stood on Holy Ground.

  Leto turned to his guard. “Colonel. We must disrupt any attempt of communication by this being to the High Priest. Bring me my offering.”

  The colonel turned and twirled his fingers near his head to signal the other officers there.

  “Father I understand. I see how you once were atop the most powerful throne and rose to defy its rule. Rebelled to be free from the authority of the Mercy Seat.”

  Leto touched the golden
cherubims and studied them intently. The soldiers brought in the box with holes and opened it up. Inside was a tranquilized tusked boar. Leto motioned for them where to put and they hefted the animal upon the Altar of Incense.

  “Sergeant your knife.”

  Immediately one soldier removed his blade from its sheath and handed it over to Leto.

  The high priest who was physically restrained squirmed as he was held also at gun point and attempted to wave the Chancellor away. “You do not know what you are doing! You cannot profane this place!”

  Ambassador Abadi attempted to turn and leave but the guard at the door to the Holy of Holies lifted his rifle, and the Ambassador stopped in his tracks. Leto looked up from the boar asleep before him and spoke.

  “Abadi, I am so disappointed. And here I thought you were excited to see this temple dedicated? Indeed, this will be the place I choose to speak to my people. The same place this alien thought to manipulate our kind. From here will serve as an example that man is the ruler. Not God. Not some creature from beyond. If mankind is to worship anything he will worship the person among our lot who is most worthy: he will worship… me.”

  Leto them lifted the knife and brought it under the neck of the sleeping animal and he took its edge and slit the swine’s throat.

  The hog immediately awoke, and it squealed in agony as blood poured from its neck as water and saturated the altar. A mist of crimson sprayed into Leto’s face and the creature kicked its legs and spasmodic attempts to escape. But Leto held the creature down until the entire of its life was spent. And the creature’s cries echoed from the temple into the courtyard.

  And Leto spoke with a voice that was otherworldly. A voice that many began to move back in fear.

  “Yahweh, El or whatever you give a name to yourself. Know I am Leto Alexander. Son of Lucifer Draco: Bleeder of God. I have come that ye might see death… and see it swiftly. Attend me Ashtaroth.”

  Ashtaroth immediately appeared, and he was beautiful to all those that looked upon him and he stood over Leto as if to protect him.

  Leto then stabbed the knife into the breast of the boar and he motioned to the guard to bring the high priest to him.

  The soldiers did so, and they slammed him down head first next to the bleeding out boar.

  Leto then spoke, “You will renounce worship to the alien and command your people to worship me as their god or you will be beheaded. Choose.”

  The high priest was quick to reply. “The Lord rebuke you. I will never bow to you.”

  Leto replied, “Of course you won’t. Thank you for that by the way. It will serve as a demonstration to others.” Leto then motioned to Ashtaroth behind him to come up front.

  “Ashtaroth be a good lad and give me his head.”

  There was a movement imperceptible to human eyes. A quickness that belied belief. The soldiers stepped back as the tall angel moved towards the High Priest. He then spoke to the human. “I derive great pleasure in the taking of your life servant of El. Know you will be but the first of many to follow.”

  Ashtaroth then with his own hands held the skull of the High Priest in his hands and lifted his head from his body ripping it away from his torso.

  Ambassador Abadi fell to his knees and threw up.

  Some men fainted with their guns in their hands.

  Leto then walked outside and Ashtaroth and a few soldiers followed until they all stood surrounding him. And Ashtaroth stood behind Leto with the High Priests head lifted high. And Leto had taken the Urim and Thurim; the breastplate from Hebrew lore and wore it for the people who were in attendance at the temple dedication to see.

  Many screamed, while others fainted. Others heaved at the bloody display before them.

  “I know that you think me brutal,” said Leto. “I am indeed a Beast. A beast in defense of humanity and our freedom to be ruled by only ourselves. I therefore command the abolition of all religion worldwide. All Christianity, all Judaism, all Islam. Any belief that advocates a belief in a supreme being I deem heretical to the self-interests of mankind. In the name of humanity I also decree the Vatican to be in rebellion to humanity. The Pope will bow and accept this decree. Or he will be killed in like manner as Rabbi Ephraim here. To test this loyalty. I require that all children of humanity bow when they hear the Pledge of Human Allegiance.

  If you accept me as your God you will live. But if not, no matter where you reside you will die at my command. For we will fight the celestials together. Or we will leave cowards behind to rot in the prison of death. A death where there will be no resurrection.”

  And Leto was recorded live by all media outlets as was the custom when following the chancellor. And each station had been given the music to air that denoted the Pledge of Human Allegiance. And there was silence in the temple's courtyard and suddenly over loud speakers the sound of cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, and all kinds of music echoed over the courtyard. And Leto raised his hands and then lowered them. And when he did his entourage knelled. Slowly like a human wave those in the crowd also knelled.

  Some however did not kneel. And Leto pointed his fingers, and the person fell down dead their head severed from their body. And the thing was televised and in every living room and bar. To every statehouse and whorehouse. All stopped and knelled, and those that did not were beheaded by members of the Hoard. For Leto had commanded that when the music was played all members of the Horde would note those who did not kneel and have them killed in this manner.

  Thus at that time, when all the people heard the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, and all kinds of music, all the people, the nations, and the languages, fell down and worshiped the televised image of Chancellor Leto.

  The world watched as Leto pronounced and elevated Ambassador Abadi of Israel as his new Co-regent and honored with the title of Bishop of the Holy See. The supreme religious ruler who would see that all religions acknowledge him as its supreme teacher and Leto as its God.

  But two men sat on cushions against the old western wall of the temple. Two who were recorded by the reporter Henel James a man of Jewish descent who feigned knelling and survived.

  Two men when the music stopped cried aloud for all to hear.

  “Have ye not heard when ye see the abomination of desolation to run to the mountains! Be off with you! For soon the Lord comes!”

  And from the moment those Jews who had not bowed the knee yet somehow lived they gathered what they could carry and fled to the great city of Petra to escape from Chancellor Leto. To escape the Abomination of Desolation.


  Elizabeth ran through the wooded trails and stopped to catch her breath by resting on a log. She reached into her back pocket and pulled out her phone. It was filled with news notifications coming in from all across the world.

  CNN: Chancellor Alexander declares himself God.

  Fox News: New world wide pledge of human allegiance to be sung at all sporting events.

  MSNBC: Emergency responders overwhelmed from planet wide earth quakes: millions believed dead.

  Google News: Bishop Abadi to visit Vatican City and formerly transition the city from Catholicism to Humanism.

  Yahoo News: Pope Clement is scheduled to agree to the signing of the Humanism Declaration of Faith.

  NPR: Drones spot Israeli Jews fleeing to Petra.

  BBC: Chancellor declares Israeli Prime Minister Aharon in breach of the Shehvah Treaty: war appears imminent.

  CBS News: Alien sympathizers: Enoch and Elijah are still at large. Last seen in the company of an Israeli reporter Henel James. All are considered dangerous and citizens are warned to not approach them. Government sources have reason to believe the two men are responsible for the drought in the Middle East.

  The worlds gone crazy.

  I didn’t knell. Why am I still alive?

  Oh God what am I supposed to do now?

  Her head pounded from the stress of it all. The trees bustled overhead and the cool air felt good against
her cheeks. She stood from the log and hoisted her backpack over her shoulders. She took another look down at her phone and saw the time. It was 2:35pm school had just let out and the time would mark another headline in the world’s news rooms as a bright light like a star shown from the sky. Elizabeth Foley looked up to see that an alien whisked across the sky. He was dressed in the brightest white she had ever seen and he declared a message that shook her to her core. A message that she once heard preached in church when she was a visitor. A message that made more sense to her now.

  “Repent and believe the gospel for the Kingdom of God is at hand!”


  Yeshua then turned to Gabriel and looked upon the prince of house Malakim and commanded him on this wise. “Go forth and preach unto them that dwell within the earth. Go to my son. Go to every nation; embark to every kindred and tongue. Proclaim to all people and declare for those that have ears to hear I am still Savior. But to those that would refuse to worship him that hath made heaven and earth, the seas and all that lie therein. Let them know son… that I am coming.”

  The head of house Malakim nodded his head in understanding and slammed his staff into the ground and was gone. Michael and his brethren followed the trail of twinkling light that raced after Gabriel and when they looked up, they saw Gabriel upon his steed and he had already formed a ladder. And the fastest of all angelic kind was on his way to earth. An angel: the first of his kind to declare the wondrous gospel to the world of men.

  * * *

  Bishop of Humanity Mahmod Abadi laid down his pen and approached his microphone and spoke for the entire crowd to hear. “It is done! By the power invested in me by his imminence we stand before you. Pope Clement and I. Two towers of faith in the planet that has now become one! One voice to declare to the entire world that Leto Alexander. Our beloved ruler and the tip of the spear to fight these celestials. That he is God! Let us now rejoice in worship and recite our confession of faith!”


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