The Third Heaven : Apocalypse of Kings

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The Third Heaven : Apocalypse of Kings Page 28

by Donovan Neal

  “Chancellor, the Jews, sir?” General Hagan asked again.

  Leto looked up from his maps of Heaven and spoke to his defense minister.

  “General give me the airwaves of the planet. Broadcast my image to all devices now. Wait… Is Henel James, the journalist in the camp?”

  “Yes sir. Per your orders.”

  “Bring him and the embedded news crew to document Earth’s defense.”

  General Hagan, spoke into his walkie talkie some orders to others. In minutes several soldiers escorted Henel James and several other reporters and news crews into the Chancellor’s tent.

  “Are we live general?”

  “We are green sir.” Replied General Hagan.

  Henel James and several of his news companions studied the Chancellor as he slowly covered up the maps of Heaven.

  Leto Alexander turned to the news camera crew and spoke. “It has come to my attention that many of the Jews of Israel have refused the MarkID. While I might forgive a sleight like this due to long-standing religious and superstitious traditions. What I will not forgive is subversion or more importantly treason.

  How can I see to the need of our planet, no… our very species when there are traitors among us who would collaborate with the enemy? With what right should a nation that tolerates such subterfuge exist? Why would we tolerate a people that would seek to rob humanity of its chance to be rid of those who have pupetteered the strings of our destiny?”

  All in the command tent remained quiet as all discerned that the Chancellor was speaking rhetorically.

  Leto looked at Henel James in the eye. The Beast’s eyes sharpened and his tone became angry. “You have not seen what I have seen Mr. James. No one who is watching this broadcast has. And if I have my way. You or your family never will. I want you to think of the loved ones you have lost. Those dear family and friends who have gone before you into eternity. Now imagine—imagine each trapped in a dark and fiery place and consumed alive. Why? To placate a race of non-humans who have shackled us that we may serve as food to a creature that never dies. Tell me citizens of the Earth. To what allegiance do we owe such a nation? And all this from a being who for millennia we have worshiped in ignorance and built towering edifices? I tell you I will fight this god that I might free us to grasp the future of our potential. A potential no longer manipulated by these—these aliens.

  Russia and China were wise in their programs to eliminate false ideas of God. Is it not clear where such erroneous beliefs have brought us as a people? The wars and divisions. The bloodshed and divisive politics. And look what it has brought us: once again to the doorsteps of war. Yet a war unlike those fought in prior centuries. In those skirmishes we gathered ourselves against ourselves. No, this time it is clear who fights against humanity. Clear about who have betrayed their own species. The Jews! Even now over a hundred thousand have been identified without the mark and have been discovered fleeing to Jordan. What should we make of such an action?

  “Who are these human cretins that they would dare align themselves against all of mankind? Are they even Human? Are they not suspect in their collusion to humanity’s demise? They refuse proof of our destroyed cities, waters and the plagues that have ravished us from beyond: refused to let go of this ancient belief and continue to protect and harbor those who would see us destroyed. Did I not restore to them their temple? Did we not stop war in the Middle East after decades of conflict? And now, now they leave us no choice but to once again raise our hand in collective punishment against a brother. Why? Because they continue to be in league with a species that means to destroy us. Is it not a crime to align, or partner with such a being? Is this not treason? A crime against humanity!? With such crimes against mankind there can be but one solution: a final solution! And though I have moved at great lengths to pursue peace, it is with sadness I am forced to decree as Chancellor that these Jews must be destroyed! Once more we must in distaste strike out at this evil. For we the leaders of our nations and dutifully burdened with the responsibility to our species. I understand that we have made through the United Nations the state of Israel. A nation we have made to our own hurt; but fear not, for what we have made: we can unmake.

  Therefore, arise and we shall destroy her and all her ilk. Let the name and treachery of Israel be wiped forever from the annals of mankind!”

  Leto’s words were broadcast worldwide. His voice streamed through all levels of the Internet. And was teleprompted over the boards of the most obscure user groups, to the most illicit corners of the dark web. Television waves beamed the image of the beast into every home and the deep bass of his charismatic voice resounded across radio channels on all bands.

  Nowhere did his voice not echo; nor household unable to unsee or smother his message to the planets populace. His demand was more than anti-Semitism, more than a call for genocide. His voice was broadcast as a siren's call throughout the Earth, appealing to each one's patriotic and righteous duty to all mankind, to him. A cryptic call to action: to choose whom one would serve.

  And with the piping of the Anti-Christ’s words a chill settled throughout the world of men. An inner knowing that to move to destroy the Jewish homeland of Israel would move humankind further away from his position towards God. Nevertheless, men would not repent for no man dared to speak against the Beast. And though some in silent mutterings wavered at their leaders' words: all moved to obey. For fear also ruled the Earth. For Leto had evidenced from his rising from the dead that he had triumphed over Death itself. He evidenced though his military might, and by his demonstration that beings of spirit walked among men that he was true. For who was like unto the Beast? And who was able to make war with him? Thus men held back all remaining truth in unrighteousness and all the nations of the world submitted themselves to the Beast. For the leader of mankind, backed by the power of Satan himself: demanded all to obey.

  Thus, across the capitals of all nations, and through the governing branches and halls of international bodies: each nation galvanized itself to defend humanity against the perceived threat of Israel. Each mustered themselves for war. With a patriotism zealous for mankind, all nations and tongues spoke but one language across the length and breadth of the planet: that Israel must be destroyed. Each nation calling upon its citizens to brace for war. And with the commands of each nation's commander and chief; planes launched as birds of prey into the skies. Jet engines screamed to sprint pass the sound barrier as their contrails pointed like arrows towards their destination: Armageddon.

  Submarines lurked as a school of great white sharks on the hunt, each country’s deadly submersibles cavitated towards coordinates unknown, prepared to unleash their deadly payloads of SLBM’s. Aircraft battle groups were loosed over the seas as armed emissaries, ready to enforce the edict of the Beast. For alas, all nations gathered themselves to war. A planetary fulfilling of the book of Joel as the nations of men beat their plowshares into swords, and their pruning-hooks into spears. For across the entirety of the Earth, weapons of mass destruction were now aimed to annihilate one small nation that dared to defy the Beast and would not waver in its faith towards God.



  The squad car ride was a quiet one. Taken to the local jail Elizabeth noted several soldiers outside a two Hummer’s in the parking lot. The deputy pulled over next to the soldiers and both officers got out of the car and spoke to several of the armed men. Barbed wire fencing could be seen in the rear of the building and downcast people pressed up against the fencing, their fingers gripped the chain-linked fence yelling at the soldiers. Some shook the fence in anger, others sat dejected, while more spoke with one another. Some sang hymns.

  A deputy and an officer came over the rear of the squad car and he opened the door. The deputy un-cuffed her and when he did the soldier took a black hood and covered her head. Another set of cuffs replaced those that had just been removed and she felt shackles fasten themselves around her ankles

  She was then taken b
y her arm and led by a man. “Alright young lady move it.” She could feel others being shackled to her and heard the sounds of fences opening and people shoving wanting to get out.

  “I am American citizen!” one yelled. “You can’t do this! We have rights!”

  Elizabeth heard a gruff voice reply, “Tell it to the Chancellor.” He laughed and Elizabeth could hear one of the deputies that arrested her speak out loud, “Jim this ain’t right man. Not right at all. Some of these are just kids man. Kids!”

  “Where are you taking them?” A voice asked.

  “Over to the high school. These kids want to play stupid we’ll teach them some manners. Time to grow up boys and girls…time to frickin’ grow up.”

  Elizabeth was directed into a vehicle, she could hear the engine start and she sat next to several others. Some were crying.

  “Shut up back there.” Look if you pledge allegiance this will be over soon. And if not. Well it will be over soon. So look at the bright side. It will be over soon.”

  Several of the men laughed.

  Elizabeth could see enough from the light penetrating the hood that she was in one of the Humvees. At least three other prisoners were tied to her and several soldiers were in the vehicle as well.

  She could smell the passing of gas and worse. And her captors could smell it too.

  “Are you shitting me?”

  “No.” A soldier laughed. “He’s shitting him!” Several of the men burst out in hilarious laughter.

  “Just hurry up man, we ain’t got all day.” A voice said.

  She thought about her foster mom and if she was OK. A wave of regret and remorse flooded her. She hadn’t’ been the best kid in the world. Always arguing. Always pressing the limits. But Ms. Sanders kept on pressing her. Elizabeth just thought again that she hoped she was OK. After a drive of about ten minutes the vehicle stopped. Elizabeth could hear doors open and slam shut and the door near her suddenly opened.

  An arm grabbed her and she was led head covered and shackled with shoved and pushed to keep moving forward. She tripped and almost immediately felt the pain of a shoe in her abdomen. She grimaced as her abs began to spasm while a gloved hand lifted her up to her feet and forcibly moved her forward.

  Darkness was all she could see but she felt the chains around her ankles and knew that someone else was tied to her. Knew by the tugging as she walked and constant wails that came from a female voice not far from her in the distance.

  “Please!” the voice begged. “This must be some mistake. I mean I’m not a Christian. I don’t even know why I am up here. I believe in the Chancellor, I really do! Please don’t do this… let me go, please. Someone you must listen to me! My mom and dad are wealthy...they will pay… just let me go!”

  “Shut up!” Elizabeth heard a voice say and then the sound of a loud slap. Presumably from one of the soldiers on the face of the whimpering girl.

  “Why don’t you leave her alone?” A male voice cried out. “You see she’s scared. Let her be.”

  Elizabeth turned her head as if doing so would somehow help her attenuate her hearing better.

  “Well, look at this fellas, we’ve got a brave one here! What is she to you? Perhaps we should take her aside to have some fun with her later?”

  Chuckles and laughter was all that Elizabeth heard until she heard the gunshot.

  Screams echoed in Elizabeth’s ears and she immediately jumped at the sound of gunfire. She could feel the tensing of her chains and knew someone she was connected to had been executed. Her heart raced and a male voice spoke.

  “Anyone else wants to say something out of turn? You just got your boyfriend over there killed. Now say something again and I’ll save you for last.”

  Elizabeth heard no reply. But could hear crying and whimpering and pleas for mercy.

  “Get that fella up and put the body in the truck.”

  She heard the sound of the unshackling of chains, presumably that of her now dead fellow prisoner, then movement and the sounds of something heavy being dragged away over the top of the ground.

  “Every one of ya’s stand up straight. Here we go!”

  Suddenly the hood over her face was gone and sunlight beamed into her eyes. She winked as her vision slowly adjusted and she noted that off in the distance a crowd of onlookers watched from football stands.

  A student general assembly. They are going to kill us in front a student general assembly on the freaking football field.

  Elizabeth could see that both Principle McFarland and Counselor Davis stood near the stands looking at her and those who she was shackled to. She looked to her left and right. Twelve students she counted. A mix of boys and girls. She kept quiet, but finding herself getting more and more angry that the government would do something like this to her.

  One of the soldiers then lifted his hands and took a megaphone and began to speak. “These perpetrators have been found accused of collaborating with the enemy and have failed to publicly demonstrate fealty to our government nor take the Pledge of Humanity. Because the Chancellor is benevolent and because human capital is so precious in these difficult times. Each of the accused will be asked to affirm their allegiance and denounce any other faith allegiance.

  So you students understand the serious of this crime please tell us; what is the punishment for a crime against humanity?”

  “DEATH!” the students from the bleachers shouted.

  “Do we support a god other than Humanity?” said the soldier.

  “NOOO!!” The cry came back from the students. Boos and hisses emanated from the crowd. Principle McFarland could be seen trying to calm the crowd down.

  The soldier continued. “Now these students think they are better than you! Think they know better than the collective will of our leaders. Some here have even been accused of being CHRISTIANS!”

  More hisses and boos, came from the raucous crowd of students and their feet stomped on the bleachers and made them shake.

  The soldier raised his hand to quiet the crowd and turned to another soldier with a gun. “Go make ready.”

  Several soldiers stepped back ten paces lined up opposite of those on the firing line and made ready their weapons.

  “Now,” said the head soldier. “I’m only going to ask you this once. Answer correctly and you can go home today and be with your family. Answer incorrectly and well I have a truck waiting over there to dump your body later. Understood?”

  Several of the teens nodded their heads, some spoke aloud, “Yes sir.”

  One peed his pants as he looked at the soldiers and students in the bleachers burst out in laughter pointing fingers and mocking him.

  The soldier started with him first. “You look like you’re scared son. But there is no reason to be afraid. The father loves you and doesn’t want to see any of his children’s potential wasted. So let me ask you. Do you love the father?”

  The young man replied wimpishly, “Yes… yes I do. I’m so grateful for what he’s done to protect us from these attackers.”

  The soldier smiled, “That’s a good answer boy, now are you a Christian or have faith in a god other than Chancellor Leto?”

  “No sir not at all. I’m agnostic. I’m not sure if there even is a god.”

  “Really?” said the soldier. “What an intriguing answer.”

  The soldier backed away and spoke to the firing squad.

  “Kill him.”

  The men fired their weapons and several rounds of bullets sunk deep into the pelted body of the young man, who immediately fell over limp and collapsed to the ground.

  Elizabeth jumped and several students next to her screamed.

  Some students from the stands gasped, others screamed, but most cheered. Excited at the display. Overall Elizabeth watched as the student section roared and hooted and hollered. “Get that traitor out of here!” yelled one.”

  A soldier then grabbed the body and dragged it away for all to see.

  Ms. Davis raised her fingers to the kid
s to silence them.

  The head soldier then went over to another prisoner. It was Audrey of the Jefferson sisters. She immediately recited the Human pledge of allegiance when he came to her. I am not a Christian; I love his Imminence. He is the only god I serve.”

  The soldier smiled, so willing to please he said. “He rubbed his hand over her cheek and gently brushed his thumb over her lips. Would you do anything to serve him?” He grinned at her.

  She returned his smile reluctantly. “I would do anything… yes.”

  He smiled at her. “See!” he said looking at the rest of the students on the platform. “Now that wasn’t hard now was it?” He then turned and whispered to her, “I will have you show your faithfulness personally later.”

  He then turned to his sergeant and commanded, “She’s good... let her go.”

  The soldier came and unshackled her and escorted her to the student assembly when the guard spoke. “No...take her to my truck. She can wait for me there. I will process her later.”

  The soldier smiled, “I’m sure there will be a lot of paperwork to fill out.”

  He shoved her forward and escorted her to a Humvee off in the distance. Another soldier took his place and the main interrogator stepped up to a young man. And looked him up and down and pulled out a Bible and spoke to him. “So it seems you had a lot to say earlier. So let me ask you a question….is this Bible yours? Now if it’s a mistake because I understand that these things happen. We can let you go home. You should know I didn’t appreciate your attitude earlier. And I’m sure you would like to go home? So let’s make this simple. Are you a Christian boy? Do you believe in a god other than Leto?”

  The young man looked at the jeering student section that still hooted and hollered. Some apparently hoping to see another execution so they can stream it to Instagram or one of the other social media sites. Sites that were quickly filling with public executions. Public displays of violence that had gone viral as much as creative baby reveals.


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