The Third Heaven : Apocalypse of Kings

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The Third Heaven : Apocalypse of Kings Page 33

by Donovan Neal

  “For the love of God and country we fight! For Yeshua our King we fight! Advance!” He roared.

  And advance the Host did. For the remaining Horde was still a formidable force Because for every friend that fell the friend was transformed by Hell into a foe. Her numbers growing exponentially. The brief advantage the Host had gained now dissipating before their very eyes.

  And lo, for the angels that had left the other realms now with their leaving tore through space and time. And reality itself buckled under the weight of those denizens who had left their station to help Michael and his cause. For realities slowly merged and in the skies it could be seen that across all realms the outcome was war. For in struggles to control the rotation of stars; angels wrestled upon the edge of event horizons. Throughout the cosmos and in the space between dimensions, angels fought one another with sword and shield. And the Ophanim flew before the throng, whilst the Seraphim went before the Elohim in singing. Burning flames of music that set fire to all things that moved in opposition to God and His Christ. And the Ophanim seeing reality tear under their onslaught fought to close all entrances to alternate realities. And wheresoever there was an outcome that the Horde sought to hide. Eladrin and his kin moved to shut the door and destroy any path that might cause spillage of entry into the Kingdom of Heaven. For in alternate realities, Lucifer rode atop Hell, and in some realities; Michael could be seen riding atop the beast assaulting Heaven.

  The titanic struggles caused space to fold upon itself and stars dimmed as their caretakers unleashed wrath in brutal clashes of power; moons collided into planets and suns from differing realms now touched and obliterated other orbiting stars.

  Worlds collapsed before the onslaught of heavenly armies, and existence crumpled before the charge of celestial beings. And existence itself heaved and buckled to maintain the threads that held reality together.

  Jerahmeel looked at the vision in disbelief, while Gabriel cried out. “Limbus is down! The gates are open! Each of the realities is now following the Mists! My God Michael…what have we done?”

  Michael stood unmoved knowing that Lucifer was the true threat, and he fought with his brethren at his side and moved closer to the Maw of Hell of which Lucifer stood atop.

  Michael smashed through enemy troops. His seven bladed swords cutting through angelic warriors. Gabriel and Metatron had tried to stay with him but a group of redeemed were about to be overrun and they dove to assist. Jerahmeel was belted from the sky by a principality of old and struggled with Moses at his side to down the creature.

  The Apostles fought with the Seraphim to control the growing undead as Paul himself rode on the back of Eladrin to protect their flanks.

  Closer Michael came towards the mountain. Closer to the object of this wars genesis.


  Talus and Azaziel were all that now flew by his side. Each moving with swiftness as they all climbed higher into heaven’s atmosphere, ducking and weaving as they escaped the confines of the immediate aerial forces. They hugged the great mountain’s side flying as close as possible; ducking and weaving through falling rock and maggots that still poured like water from the sides of the mount.

  Lucifer observed their impending approach and when they could no longer be seen he closed his eyes and spoke in his mind.

  Sheol stop them.

  The mountain hearkened to her master. On the leeward side of the rocky beast: eyes upon rows of red eyes, opened to see Michael, Talus and Azaziel flying up the mountain side to reach its top.

  Jagged projections of stone then began to protrude from the mountain face and Michael and his two brethren began to dodge and weave as they flew through the newly made obstacle course.

  Azaziel looked down as he had just missed a protrusion, then returned his gaze upward when another immediately appeared and slammed into the angel’s face knocking him unconscious and he fell plummeting into the clouds below.

  “Azaziel!” screamed Michael. But the angel was unresponsive and descending rapidly. Metatron turned and flew to retrieve him and yelled, “Head to the top Michael and end this madness!” Both Metatron and Azaziel then disappeared under the clouds below.

  Michael could only hope for their safety and turned his face upwards and continued his flight. But Hell had anticipated him and instead of a small projection that protruded from her. A great wall now came forth from her sides. A ledge the size of a man’s playing field. Michael was moving too fast to stop. He gritted, his halo flared, and he disappeared in a flash of prismatic light.


  Lucifer was giddy for the chaos that was before him. For soon he would ride Hell itself into the mountain of God, destroying it and bringing his wrath to his Father who had cast him out.

  “Feed Sheol…,” He said aloud. “Experience the taste of celestial life as never before. FEED and grow FAT!!”

  A prismatic light appeared above his head and when Lucifer looked up Michael was falling upon him sword in hand to strike a death blow. Lucifer rolled back out of the way and Michael’s blade sunk deep in the craggy rock barely missing its mark.

  Lucifer lifted his hand upward and a great wall protruded between him and Michael.

  Michael's halo flared and he projected into the wall; smashing through it with sword raised to strike his brother down.

  Lucifer countered Michael’s downward stroke as the Sword of Malice immediately materialized in Lucifer’s hand, and he re-directed Michael’s blow. The two angels fought as swords connected and flashes of light burst upon their impact. Seven swords attacked Lucifer and the angel who was as fast as light evaded and or countered each blow. Each angel moved with speeds men nor angel had ever seen. With the power of the Ophanim Michael’s action were instantaneous, and Lucifer’s speed was such that light itself trailed to keep up.

  Two brothers.

  Two enemies.

  One goal.

  To cease the life of the other.

  Punches and kicks were blocked and plumes of ash and brimstone covered the battle, as the two engaged under the canopy of streams of volcanic lightning and ash. Each angel moving and countering the other in an Elomic waltz of angelic martial arts. Neither yielding, neither giving ground, each pressing their attack. Each facing off in what was understood would be a fatal and final clash.

  Celestial adrenalin pumped through Michael’s veins and he pushed Lucifer backward. Lucifer lighted his body and it shown like a star blinding his brother. But Michael was not unprepared. His swords rotated around his person repelling on their own any attack from the Enemy.

  Michael groped ahead of him blind. Listening in the midst of erupting volcanic rock and magma for signs of Lucifer’s movement.

  Lucifer stood aloft from him and spoke, “It is a pity you did not join me. For I see in the multiverse now splayed above us in the sky that there was a possible choice that led you to be atop this peak in defiance of El. Do you not see the choices of our lives now written for all to see? Behold the secrets El keeps…his apocalypse of kings. I know the Book of Life El has kept. I know what he reads. The vast eternity of choices we have all made. But you will not know the end of your story brother. You…will know oblivion.”

  And in the moment that Lucifer advanced to strike. Michael bent his ear down ward and could hear the familiar roar of Charon deep within the mountain. His halo flared and he vanished as Lucifer's blow hit the ground.

  Lucifer looked to his left and right waiting to be attacked but no attack came.

  The ground under his feet then heaved and Lucifer fell back on his hind. And before him a fissure raced and a rumbling was heard from under him. An explosion jettisoned rock and magma into the sky and without warning Charon burst through the Maw of Hell’s stygian mouth and carrion and the undead were expelled like volcanic debris and fell into the clouds below. The Angel of Death unfurled his leathery wings and his tentacles of iron flailed into the sky and reached to grab hold into the folds of Hell. And Charon’s stature was such that he matched H
ell’s mountainous size and Michael rode atop the angel: his sword pointed at Lucifer and Hell.

  Lucifer felt Charon latch on to the great mountain and the living prison of angels was lifted from the ground by the might of Charon and the whole of Heaven watched in dismay for all for a moment paused for the likes had never been seen.

  Charon then lifted the mountain over his head and turned and slammed the beast of living rock into the earth. Like giant kaiju from men’s stories the two titans roared. Hell and Charon charged one another and upon impact the blast was such that the shock wave made all to fall. Lucifer fell forward into the air and Michael too was lurched into the air toward his brother

  The two angels immediately reengaged and they fought twisting and turning as they plummeted between the giant swinging tentacles of Charon and the rocky protrusions that ejected from the body of Hell. Like plummeting meteors the two brothers fell from the sky. Grappling and wrestling, each vying for control. Mere specks of prismatic light against the backdrop of the twin creatures of creation that towered behind them.

  Through plummeting clouds they fell.

  Falling from mountain heights the angels battled as they tumbled in melee combat between the Host and all of Heaven that raged below. The earth quickly racing to embrace their descent.

  And lo, the angels smashed into the ground and the earth gave way and surrendered her displeasure in a flood surge of rock and fire. Bodies of angels, the undead and redeemed were cast aside like splash damage and when the smoke had cleared, Lucifer and Michael slowly rose. Each one coughing and taking in great gulps of air.

  Michael turned and a protrusion from Hell knocked the angel unconscious and sent him flying into the palace doors.

  The sky grew dark and all eyes in the vicinity turned to see that Charon had again gained control of Hell’s innards as his tentacles had dug deep within the mountain and he roared and the roar was such that even the clouds and wind was moved by his thunder.

  Many ran to evade what was Hell rock that fell from the sky. Hell moved and it raised the ground as it and Charon wrestled with one another. Charon shoved the great mountain to the precipice of the Cliffs of Argoth and the giant mountain teetered on the edge. The fringe of which collapsed and gave way buckling under the strain to hold the mountain. The beast that was Hell then plummeted, as thousands of the undead reached for Charon to hold him. But the momentum and collapse of the cliff face from under Hell was too much and Charon and the mountain fell into the Maelstrom. The giants still in battle as they disappeared into the black funnel of the abyss. Their echoed roars, undead and fiery maggots trailed them into the whirling darkness below.


  Yeshua tended to Argoth who had suffered as the agony of the choices of God the Father had been sealed up in him. Yeshua had penned the final selection of names into the Book of Life having seen all futures and all persons that ever would be. He signed the final entry and when he put his pen down. Argoth transformed back into his angelic form and collapsed into the Lord’s arms.

  “It is enough Lord,” said the angel. “Creation groans for the manifestation of the sons of God. The war…the greed…the pride…it is enough Lord. Let it end please. They…all those outside…all have made…their choices.” Argoth then blacked out and when he did the palace doors smashed open and Michael smashed into the ground unconscious and bounced on the crystal floor and slid into Yeshua’s feet and the seventh trumpet rested on the angels waist.

  The Lord touched his beloved son and scanned with his eyes to search for a pulse. The pulse was strong but the angel was bloodied and scrapped. His hand unfurled and the pommel of the Sword of Ophanim was still in his hand and the sword was quiet.

  Yeshua bent down and touched his most beloved of angels and spoke.

  “Rise my son, and be healed.”

  Waves of golden power flowed from Yeshua into Michael and he was immediately made whole. The scars disappeared and his strength returned to him.

  Michael alighted to his feet and stood next to the Lord. He bowed to his master and looked up at him and said. “We have done all that can be done to bar the flood of the enemy. But lest the spirit of the Lord raise up a standard against them; Heaven, mayhap Creation itself will be rendered. All shall perish my Lord lest you intervene.”

  The Lord rose to his feet and he looked at the Father God who sat in his throne. “We both know where Lucifer will go. The Abomination is but a ruse. If it be thy will. I will see to it.”

  The Father nodded, “Go and do what must be done.”

  El Pneuma floated and the ceiling and walls displayed the carnage of war just outside the palace. The members of the God head watched as Charon and Hell fought as they plummeted into the bottomless pit. The Mists and all the angels that had breached the gates of the nether realms battled. The Horde fought with the redeemed and everything that had breath was engaged in a titanic battle for control.

  The triune God sighed and El Pneuma ceased from his projection of all of reality and shrouded himself around Yeshua. Michael watched as Yeshua looked outside then waved his hand and immediately disappeared. Michael sprinted towards the palace doors to follow.


  Lucifer frantically walked into the still burning chamber of what remained of the Kiln.

  With Hell tumbling into the Abyss and the body of Leto having suffered injury. Lucifer discarded his husk of a human shell and left the unconscious body of Leto to his fate on the battlefield. He was of no more use to Satan. Though the Nephilim was strong he was not pure blood, his flesh unable to cope with the strains Lucifer taxed on his host.

  Lucifer’s mind filled with thoughts of revenge. Clouded from battle, from the visions of seeing other realms, other options. Options where he did not rise up in rebellion. Options where he and Michael were on opposing sides and Lucifer was the defender of the faith. Options where he obeyed God and did not induce the fall of man.

  But only in but three dimensions did Lucifer see himself as the defender of El. In all others he was the instigator, the antagonist.

  A decision that always originated in the Kiln.

  So the injured angel made his way to the start of it all. The womb of angelic birth, and his choice to submit to God.

  Memories flooded him as he recalled the many times he had walked within the room with the Lord God. Often eying his master as El breathed into stones to create his kind. For, Lucifer was there at the beginning: there when El made each of the great angelic houses. There when his brethren were given life. For thousands of angelic years he had obeyed the Lord as his herald. Covered his throne, and was privy to see the creation of both celestial and terrestrial life.

  He eyed the remnants of the chamber, and even though it had been obliterated; Lucifer gambled. Believing with the eyes of faith that here in this chamber he could once more ascend to displace his God. To be released from the perceived yoke of the Almighty’s rule. Here he would grasp the unattainable and usurp his Father. Here he could achieve through the flesh what he could not obtain in the spirit.

  Here—he would finally be God.

  He stood in the midst of the ancient and now quiet chamber. The place where the prime-stone: the ultimate test of his kind once pulsed. He frowned as he viewed the destruction, the result of the interference of his brother to stop his advancement to become more than he was; and he spoke his displeasure into the air.

  “I am here El. Once more...I stand. Stand AGAIN in defiance to my lot. In defiance to my station. I am here El.”

  The echoes of his own voice and then silence returned his pronouncement.

  Satan eyed the chamber and with his patience expired, shouted into the air once more.

  “Show yourself!” Lucifer screamed in frustration. The Devil turned looking into the darkened twilight. He illuminated his body to see fully and spoke once more into the air.

  “I did not come all this way for nothing, did not sully mankind for nothing. Did not plan: all this time to be denied audience.
Even if I must provoke thee to anger yea even to the destruction of Creation itself. You will hear me father! You will NOT ignore your son!!” Lucifer raised his fists high into the air in anger and began to shed tears.

  A small wind could be felt against his cheeks and dust moved in the chamber. Tiny embers flickered against the wall. And the oceanic voice of the Lord spoke unto Satan in a quiet and still small voice, “Whence comest thou?”

  Satan replied, “Humph, you never change El. Nevertheless, I will play your game.” Lucifer changed his voice and replied in sarcastic tenor. “I am come from going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.”

  El then asked, “And for what cause do you show thyself before me? For it has been a long time. Who is this that stands before me in rebellion that I should not cast you out into utter darkness and the gnashing of teeth?”

  Lucifer looked but could not see a physical manifestation of God and replied. “At least do me the courtesy of showing yourself. Cease with this foolishness. For you know why I am here. I am here to claim what is mine.” Lucifer staggered even as he spoke; weakened from his battle with Michael. “To take by force if necessary what should have always been given. I would know the truth.”

  Lucifer waited for reply but nothing but the few dying kiln-stones that remained in the chamber sung melodiously in response. Flames suddenly erupted from the floor of the room and shot up to form a humanoid figure of light. The great being stood to the height of the ceiling and gleamed in prismatic brilliance. The Kiln stones themselves burst forth in singing, each made alive by the power of God’s presence.

  Lucifer took a step backward, and his instinct was to bow. To kneel in the presence of the Almighty. But pride caused him to resist: to resist the intuitive urge to worship. Lucifer withstood the impulse for he no longer stood in awe: no longer felt dwarfed by the God of the Universe. For he had tasted; if only for a moment, the power of God. And he refused to bow to give his father and Creator reverence.


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