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Sugar Kisses

Page 20

by Addison Moore

  “There’s something I’ve been working on this week while you’ve been away.” I block the door with my body, just losing myself in her hazel eyes. Roxy is a star from heaven that God, himself, molded to life in the shape of this beautiful woman standing before me.

  “Oh?” She struggles to look over my shoulder as I let the door fall open behind me.

  “Close your eyes. I want you to see it all at once.”

  That tiny dimple in the corner of her mouth goes off. Roxy closes her eyes and lets me guide her all the way to the kitchen. She takes every step with the utmost caution as if I’m about to lead her off the ledge of a building.

  “I’ve got you, cupcake.” I press a kiss onto her cheek, and she melts into me.

  “You know my insides turn into water when you call me that.”

  “That’s why I do it.” I land another kiss just shy of her lips. “Plus, I mean it. You couldn’t be sweeter.”

  “You keep saying that, and you’re going to ruin my reputation.”

  “Give me an hour in the bedroom. I’ll make sure it’s trashed.”

  She slits an eye open and looks at me. “Just an hour?”


  Roxy takes in the sight and sucks in a lungful of air.

  “What is this?” She takes in the newly painted kitchen, the row of new appliances that line the wall where the table once sat. “The walls! They’re green with pink polka dots just like I wanted,” she marvels. She covers her mouth when she sees the sign painted on the wall behind the new row of standing ovens. “Sprinkles Cupcakes.” She bows her head into her hands and sobs.

  “Whoa.” I hook my arm around her and bring her in close. “Tell me those are happy tears.”

  She nods, wiping her face down with the back of her hand. “No one has ever done anything so nice for me.”

  “Yeah, well, you deserve it.” I point over to the counter where a very special gift I bought for her lies covered with a dishtowel.

  “What’s this?” She looks up at me from under her lashes.

  “Why don’t you do the honors and find out for yourself?”

  Roxy plucks the towel off and sucks in a breath.

  The mint green Kitchen Aid mixer stands strong and mighty, ready to churn whatever she might throw at it.

  “Cole!” She lands her arms around me and plants a wet one right over my lips. “It’s gorgeous.”

  “Is it the right color?”

  “Pistachio, the exact color I wanted. You’re a mind reader, you know that?”

  “It’s only one of my many superpowers.” I grind my hips into hers. “Besides I’ve been looking for a promising business to invest in, and I thought what better place than yours.”

  “You bought all this with your own money?”

  I swallow hard. “My dad left a little to Baya and me. I thought I should use my share wisely, and I think I did—I know I did.”

  “Cole.” She shakes her head. “I don’t know what to say. Thank you, for starters.”

  “Don’t thank me. I wanted to do this. You deserve it. I’ve never seen anyone so driven, so passionate about what they do. Come on.” I lead her toward the bedroom. “I’ve got one more surprise.”

  “I bet you do.” She cups me over the crotch and gives a squeeze.

  “Not quite that, but I like where you’re going.” I open the door to my old bedroom—her new office.

  “Are you serious?” She gapes around the room.

  The walls are painted the same cheery green as the kitchen with oversized dots bouncing around the room. A giant framed chalkboard sits on one side, reading Roxy’s To Do List…1. Kiss Cole Brighton.

  2. Make lots of cupcakes.

  There’s a white desk with a matching chair and a pale blue couch against the opposite wall for her to sit on while she trolls magazines for new ideas, or fucks me, whichever boosts her creativity best.

  I give a lewd grin.

  “You dirty dog.” She gives my earlobe a soft bite, and I moan with approval. “I absolutely love it.”

  “Good, because I’ve got one more thing to show you.”

  “No.” Her features smooth out at the idea.

  “Yes.” I lead her back out to the hall, to the scoreboard where Bryson and I marked our conquests like two morons who didn’t care about anyone else in the world but themselves. I pause and point up at my handiwork.

  “Where did it go?” Roxy runs her hand over the smoothed drywall.

  “I yanked it out and did my best to cover my tracks—put in new rounded corners, too. I may not get my deposit back, but I’m not too worried about it. I’m just glad it’s gone. I like the new marks on the place.” I nod over to the kitchen. “You make me a better person, Rox—move back in with me.”

  “Of course.” She wraps her arms around my neck. “But now that my office is in your bedroom where are you going to sleep?” She purses her strawberry red lips, just begging me to take a bite.

  “I was sort of hoping there was a vacancy in the spot next to you on your bed.”

  “I don’t know, let me check with Sally.” She glances down at her skintight dress. “You’re in luck, we’re feeling generous.”

  “Is that so?” I tilt into her. Roxy is hot as hell with her dark hair framing her pale skin. Those magenta highlights ignite around her like a flame. “Harry and I think maybe we should put together a little reunion.”

  “Rumor has it, you have a few boo boos that need kissing,” she purrs.

  “Lots and lots of boo boos.” I dip a kiss over her lips. “You know what I like best about us, cupcake?”

  “The fact our private parts have their own hit movie?”

  “That and the fact neither one of us has to feel alone ever again.” I assure her. “It’s you and me against the world.”

  “You think we can take ‘em?”

  “I know we can.”

  I wish I could call my dad up and tell him I found the one. But I have a feeling he already knows. It wouldn’t surprise me if he had a hand in landing me in an apartment with an oven to begin with. If I hadn’t met Bryson, if Baya hadn’t met Laney who introduced her to Roxy, it would have all ended a lot different, a lot more tragic as far as my dick and that scoreboard were concerned. The truth is, I needed Rox. And, in a strange way, it was because of my dad’s tragic death I found her. I was never too hot on Whitney Briggs until he passed away. And after that I was so concerned with keeping his memory alive—being him—I made sure I landed in the very school he once attended. In a strange way, he led me right to my soul mate—right to the girl I plan on spending the rest of my life with.

  Thanks Dad.

  You came through for me one more time.

  Roxy navigates me toward the bedroom. We tug at one another’s clothes as we struggle to pull each other in deeper, tighter, harder, faster.

  Roxy and I have what it takes to make it last. Love—a sense of humor—most of all, we have each other.

  “You ready, big boy?” Roxy’s eyes smolder into mine. “I think Sally is about to teach Harry a lesson or two.”

  I tilt my head to the side and bust out a grin that’s been dying to explode over my face since I laid eyes on her this afternoon. “Make it hurt, sweetheart.”

  “Oh, I plan to.” She takes a bite out of my ear, and I let out a roar.

  Roxy plunges her tongue into my mouth, and we begin a wild ride that I predict will last all night—all year—decades, if we’re careful.

  Nothing beats Roxy and her sugar kisses.

  Thank you for reading, Sugar Kisses. If you enjoyed this book, please consider leaving a review at your point of purchase.

  *Look for Whiskey Kisses (3:AM Kisses Book 4) Holt and Izzy’s story coming 2014.


  To my readers who constantly rock my world—big tackle hug thank yous for being so positive and friendly. I’m so glad to have met those I have and look forward to meeting more of you in the future.

  To Christina Kendl
er, I really couldn’t do this without you. Thank you for being so generous with your time and so darn good at what you’re doing!

  To Rachel Tsoumbakos, how do I ever thank you for your amazing superpowers? You are a word warrior, girl! I’m so thankful you lend your time to my books.

  To Sarah Freese, a million thank yous for carving out a space for me, time and time again. I can’t express how valuable you are and how appreciative I am for you to put up with me and my constant harassment. Ready for another book?

  And a big giant thank you to Regina Wamba and her gorgeous cover models—rawr! This cover is hawt. Great job all around!

  And finally to Him who sits on the throne—each day I smile with peace in my heart because I am forgiven. I owe you every breath. Thank you.

  About the Author

  Addison Moore is a New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author who writes contemporary and paranormal romance. Her work has been featured in Cosmopolitan Magazine. Previously she worked as a therapist on a locked psychiatric unit for nearly a decade. She resides on the West Coast with her husband, four wonderful children, and two dogs where she eats too much chocolate and stays up way too late. When she's not writing, she's reading.

  Feel free to visit her blog at:






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