lack of souls 137
research 137–8
testing 12–13, 64, 91, 137, 137–8, 138–9, 192
on mice 64, 91, 139–40, 192, 218
on rats 12–13, 139, 140, 218
tail suspension test 192–3, 195
ankylosing spondylitis 59
anorexia 72
anthropomorphism 140
anti-amyloid antibodies 211
anti-cytokine antibody infusions 181
anti-cytokine antibody trials 201
anti-cytokine drugs 62, 64–6, 67, 203
anti-depressant drugs 16, 18, 83–4, 93, 95, 157
boosting effects of adrenaline and noradrenaline 99–100
coupled to companion diagnostics 197–8
lack of major new treatments 102, 111
next generation 178
personalised 197, 198–9
Prozac see Prozac
see also iproniazid; SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors)
anti-inflammatory drugs 61–2, 187, 197
causality 203
clinical trials 187, 203–4
inflammatory biomarkers 204
negative results 204
positive results 204
effective treatment of depression 202
licensed for depression 187
reanalysing mental health data 202
safety risks 187
anti-TB drugs 90–1
anti-TNF antibodies 64–6, 201, 203
availability on NHS 66–7
improved patients’ health 67
global market 65 -6
success of 65, 67
testing on mice 64
see also Remicade
antibiotic drugs 90
antibodies 9, 17, 22, 33, 38, 39, 41
anti-amyloid 211
auto-antibodies 41, 56, 57, 59, 219
bad versus good 56–7
see also anti-TNF antibodies; auto-antibodies
antigens 22, 34, 38, 40
anxiety 66, 169, 213
aphasia 77
Apothecaries’ Company, garden 85
herbal remedies 85
imported plants 85
arterial macrophages 60
arteries 59–60
arthritis 44, 56, 58, 59, 61, 64, 147, 181
see also rheumatoid arthritis
aspirin 16, 187
side effects 187
Astra Zeneca 191
atherosclerosis 59–60
atherosclerotic arteries 152
Auden, WH 76
auricle 131
auto-antibodies 41, 56, 57, 59, 219
auto-immune disorders 56
auto-immunity 59, 60
auto-intoxication theory 216–17
auxiliary lymph nodes 31
Azoth (sword) 89
bacteria 22, 23, 24, 26, 28, 29
biological war with humans 36
common biochemical constitution of 37
LPS (lipopolysaccharide) 37, 39–40, 139, 140
rapid reproduction of 35
types of 36
bacterial fragments 40
BBB (blood-brain barrier) 9–10, 14, 124, 130, 140, 210
cellular bricks 126
permeability of 133
BCG vaccination 139–40
Behçet’s syndrome 59
bereavement 151, 152
counselling 151
bio-electronics 205–6
biology 17
biomarkers 107–11, 189, 198, 200–1
for Alzheimer’s disease 212
blood 205
CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) 109
glucose 107
haemoglobin 107
of inflammation in depressed patients 113–14
inflammatory 115–16, 152, 204
serotonin 108–10
see also case-control studies
biorhythms 79
biotech companies 178
bipolar disorder 162, 173, 184, 185, 215
black bile 69, 70
blockbuster drugs 61–6, 194, 195, 197–8, 211
blood 70
circulation of 48
blood-brain barrier (BBB) see BBB (blood-brain barrier)
blood clots 152
blood tests 107, 186, 198, 199, 220
MDD (major depressive disorder) 72
blood vessels 24, 48, 59, 126, 127, 152
bodily disease see physical disease
body fat 148
body-shaming culture 148
bone marrow 32, 33, 35
Botox injections 161
brain-scanning technologies 133–4
see also fMRI scans
brain, the 49–50, 51
Berlin wall 122–32
brain fog 44, 62
communication with immune system 128
defence of 126–7
detecting emotion 133–4
emotional brain network 134, 135, 136, 144, 163
endothelial cells 127
gaps between adjacent cells 127
Hering-Breuer reflex 128
immune privileged 126
and the immune system 9
inflammation of 127, 133–45
brain scanning 133–4
collateral damage 141
impact of inflammatory signals 133
scar tissue 140
plaques and tangles 208, 209
self-poisoning of 216–17
serotonin imbalance 1–2, 105–6, 109–10, 124
system of lymphatic vessels 127–8
see also BBB (blood-brain barrier); nerve cells; neuro-immunology; psychoanalysis; serotonin
Breuer, Josef 78
C elegans 166, 172
C-reactive protein (CRP) 115, 116, 117, 147, 148, 186, 204
and new drug development 200–1
Caenorhabditis elegans 105
cancer 6, 122
candidate drugs 63, 64, 104, 192, 193
carers 152
Cartesian dualism 10
blind spot 66–8, 177
Cartesian divide 54–5, 80, 83, 114, 179, 183
endurance of 52–3
errors in original form 52
God and science 53–4
influence in medicine 53
medical apartheid 183–5
mind and body 51, 52, 54–5
physical domain 45
pineal theory 51, 54
spiritual domain 45, 54
see also mind and body
Cartesian reflex 184
case-control studies
assumed categories of depressed or healthy 116
depression spectrum 116
higher blood levels of inflammatory markers 116
healthy people (controls) 115, 116, 117
MDD (cases) 115, 116
higher blood CRP levels 116, 117
increased blood cytokine levels 116
measurement of inflammatory biomarkers 115–16
study in Copenhagen 117
catecholamines 95, 100
causality 8, 11–12, 16, 118–21
anti-inflammatory drugs 203
interferon treatment 120–1
studies of cytokine levels
in children in South-West England (2014) 118–19
increased risk of depression 119
shorter timeframes of analysis 120
in UK civil servants 119
cells see nerve cells
Celsus 22, 26, 70–1
central nervous system see nervous system
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) 109
Chagas disease 160
Charing Cross Hospital 65
Chelsea Physic Garden 87
chemical drugs 85
chest disease 70
child abuse 153
chimney soot 122
cholesterol 59–60
chronic fatigue syndrome 176
cingulate cortex 134, 136
cirrhosis 120
clinics, holistic assessments 220
Clinton, P
resident Bill 17
Clostridium tetani 26, 28, 35, 38
co-morbid depression 147, 183, 198
cocaine 77, 79
cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) 73
cognitive bias 73
cognitive function 183
companion diagnostics 197–8
complement component 4 (C4) gene 217
consciousness 80, 82
consumption (later TB) 86
contagious disease 169–70, 172
counter-transference 80
Crick, Francis 16–17
CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) biomarkers 109
cytokines 10–11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 22, 23, 24, 57, 58, 115, 116
and anti-cytokines 62
in depressed patients 113–14
disabling drugs 63
inflammatory effects 62
receptors 30, 127, 128
secretion mechanism 30–1
Darwin, Charles 133, 134
causes of death, hypotheses 160
emotional facial expression 161
eyebrow angle 163
grief muscles 161
sadness 163
interest in insanity 160–1, 161–2
clinical data 162
marriage to cousin 162
natural selection and depression 162
physical and mental symptoms 159
reclusive lifestyle 160
stress of public speaking 160
see also natural selection
Darwin’s eclipse 165
debt 152
delusions 213
dementia 177, 207–8
see also Alzheimer’s disease
dementia praecox 215
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) see DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
depression 1
adrenaline and noradrenaline deficiency 100–1, 105
causes of 2
economic cost of 2–3
evolutionary theories of 167
facial expressions 161, 163
following heart attacks 60–1
heritability of 162–4, 165, 172–3
immunological treatment for 18
isolation and 74, 75
lack of major new treatments for 102, 111
life expectancy 2, 165
long-term medical conditions and 61
MDD (major depressive disorder) 71–2
“mindless” and “brainless” approaches 110–11
moderately effective treatments 3, 111
multiple causes of 196–7
overweight people and 148
personal failure and 73 -4, 75
serotonin deficiency theory 1–2, 105–6, 109–10, 124
silence around 2
stigma and 74–5, 83, 110, 156, 172, 183
survival value see genes
talking to family and friends 75
talking to trained experts 75, 83
targeting with specific treatments 197
“them” and “us” 110, 116
see also anti-depressant drugs; causality; genes; inflammation; melancholia
Descartes, René 10, 45–54, 110, 140
cogitation 46, 52
cogito ergo sum 46, 47
comparison of human and animal life 137–8
dreams 46
God 47, 48, 50
human body as machine 48, 49
independence 50–2
mathematics 47–8
mechanistic theory of body and soul 49, 50
physics 48
pineal gland 49, 50, 51
radical doubt 45–6, 47
reputation as modern scientist 46–7
soul, the 47, 49
location of 49–50, 51
Treatise of Man 51
views on animals 137
see also Cartesian dualism
Deter, Auguste 207, 208
diabetes mellitus 61, 107
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 5th edition (DSM-5) 71–2, 215
diclofenac 187
digestive enzymes 40
disability 111
divorce 151
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) 16–17, 22, 168, 170, 173, 217
doctors see physicians
dopamine 95, 99
Doyle, Conan 122
anti-cytokine 62, 64, 64–6, 67, 203
antibiotics 90
blockbusters 61–6, 194, 195, 197–8, 211
development path 104
mind-altering 84
new, development of 62–3
alternative methods 63
clinical trials 199–200
failure rate 65, 199
for inflamed depression 199, 200
laboratory testing 63
personalised tests 199
repurposing 200
side effects 63
testing by robots 63, 64, 192
purpose of 84
on animals 12–13, 64, 91, 137, 137–8, 138–9, 192
on humans 193
on mice 64, 91, 139–40, 192, 218
on rats 12–13, 139, 140, 218
see also anti-depressant drugs; anti-inflammatory drugs; anti-TNF antibodies; iproniazid
dualism 10, 50
isolation of depression 75
mental domain 7–8
physical domain 7–8
see also Cartesian dualism; Descartes, René
dyspepsia 131
early humans 166–74, 175
ego, the 81
electron microscopes 98
electronic stimulators 132, 204–5
Eli Lilly 101, 104
clinical trials of SSRIs 101–2
LY110140 (later Prozac) 105
emotion 133–4
Darwin’s views on 161
emotional brain network 134, 135, 136, 144, 163
endothelial cells 21, 23, 124, 126
double agents 127
permeability of 127
enzymes 17
eugenics 165, 216
evolution, theory of 36
Charles Darwin 164
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck 164–5
natural selection 165
see also genes
evolutionary synthesis 159
Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, The (Darwin) 162
fatigue 66, 183
Feldmann, Marc 65
fight-or-flight response 153
Fliess, Wilhelm 78–9
fMRI scans 44, 72, 133–4, 144
detecting sadness 134
limitations of spatial resolution 136–7
research 13 -14
and vaccination tests 136
foam cells 60
Fortune magazine 102
French disease (later syphilis) 88
Freud, Sigmund 76–7
career path to psychiatry 77–8
ego, the 81
libido 80–2
psychic energy 79–80, 81
dynastic family 82
origins of 79–80, 82
relationship with William Fleiss 79
scientific background 77
synaptic connections between nerve cells 141
gastric acid 131
gastrointestinal disturbances 188
genes 159
Alzheimer’s disease and 212
ancestral 166–7
complement component 4 (C4) 217
control of the immune system 167, 174
heritability of 173
olfactomedin 4 174
studies on 173
naturally selected 166
for the nervous system 174
predicting infectious threats 170–1
randomly mutated 168
schizophrenia and 217
survival advantage of 166
tribes of early humans
attacks from rival tribes 169
contagious disease 169–70, 172
defence against i
nfection 167–9
infant mortality rate 167
infection 167
innate inflammatory responses 168, 170, 175
isolated patients 169, 170
loss of appetite 169
maternal death rate 167
sickness behaviour 168, 169, 170
survival 167, 169
temporary withdrawal from 168–9
see also natural selection
genetic inheritance 14–15, 164
genetic mutations 36, 159
genetics 17
germs see bacteria; viruses
glandular fever 176
GlaxoSmithKline 114, 191, 196
glucose 107
God 47, 48, 50
science and 53–4
gold 62
Golgi, Camillo 96, 98
grief 151
grief muscles 161
guilds 84–5
gut, the 35
bacterial antigens 188
infection and 28–9
leaky gut syndrome 188
lining of 29
macrophages and 29
olfactomedin 4 174
haemoglobin 107
hallucinations 213
Harvey, William 48, 122
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis 59
body and mind treatment 177
heart attacks 60–1, 151, 152
heart disease 61, 70
heart rate 78
Henry VIII 122
hepatitis 120
herbal remedies 85, 195
Hering-Breuer reflex 78, 128
Hering, Ewald 78
high-throughput screening 63
Hippocrates 69, 84
collapse of Hippocratic establishment 90
Hippocratic business model 87
Hippocratic medicine 70, 87
Hippocratic tradition 70, 71
HMS Beagle 160, 164
Hogarth, William 122
Holmes, Sherlock 122
Homo sapiens 36, 84, 105, 168, 172
homoeostasis 130
hormones 17, 22
human body 54
as machine 48, 49
scientific understanding of 53
structure of 53
human condition 137–8
human genome 17, 166, 173, 217
Humera 65
humours 69–70, 84
hydrazine 91
hypnosis 78
immune cells 21, 23, 28, 30, 32, 130, 137
see also macrophages
immune disorders 56
immune system 18
adaptive learning 38–9
anatomy of 32
and the brain 9
capacity for self-harm 56–7
communication and 29–35
defence of self 27
inflammation and 24–6
in winter 149
inflammatory responses 5–6
location 27–9
long-term memory
infections and vaccinations 153
threats to self 153
organs of 35
physiology of 33
rapid rebuttal function 35–9
response to infection and injury 5
stress and 152
white blood cells and antibodies 9
see also macrophages
immuno-psychiatry 14, 15, 18, 113, 114, 185
definition 9
see also case-control studies
immunology 6, 9, 20
The Inflamed Mind Page 21