Mage and Mate

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Mage and Mate Page 19

by Taki Drake

  There was no feeling of motion, no sense of speed. Just the music and sphere as the harmony drove the magic, and the magic supported the melody. In the timeless space of two heartbeats, all of the passengers in Ruth’s sphere felt a song that left them aching when it ceased.

  The bubble around them shattered and amazed shouts startled all but the Mage. The two bodyguards fumbled for their weapons but stopped when they realized that they were in a large room and the weapons broker that they had seen on the comm-unit was approaching them with a broad smile on his face.

  “Mage Ruth, it is an honor to welcome you to our humble shop. Although we are not your main destination today, I hope we can soon have the pleasure of hosting you and some of your officers here in the fine city of Viltri, on Shofu Prime.”

  “Thank you, Victin. I appreciate the extra effort that you are expending to assist us. I don’t believe you have been introduced to some key people that are accompanying me. Even though we will not have as much time as either of us would like to spend, this trip can at least introduce you and some of your people to my key personnel.”

  What followed next was a whirlwind of introductions as Margot, Alan, and Jenna were introduced to two of Victin’s master weaponsmiths, Phaelie and Jamy. The six of them were soon chattering excitedly, with Ruth’s team being dragged from one display to another.

  Ruth watched them with an indulgent smile but didn’t feel needed or even comfortable inserting herself into the discussion. Instead, the Mage chatted with Linie about dress ideas and built an understanding of the young woman’s capabilities. For her part, the seamstress was far more comfortable with the Mage.

  The military types frightened her, and the Mage’s ability to discuss fashion set her at ease. It was only a short time before Ruth had pulled a sketchpad out of the bag she was carrying, and she and the young dressmaker were busy drawing out ideas and making lists.

  Jenna and Margot alternated keeping watch over their Mage. At one turnover point, Jenna asked her friend in a quiet voice, “Do you see how wary they all are when they look at Ruth? Both the weaponsmiths have a mini freak out every time she moves quickly. Victin is better, but I’ve caught him looking at her in awe a couple of times.”

  Moving her hand up to partially block any possible eavesdropping device, Margot replied, “That is why I make sure to be standing between her and them whenever possible. I really think she has frightened them terribly. At this point, they don’t have any idea what she can and can’t do. I don’t think they are our enemy, but I don’t totally trust them either.”

  “I wish we could’ve brought Hunter with us. He would’ve been the perfect addition to Ruth’s security detail.”

  “Not possible with current protocols. The Catog needs to be close to the children and other vulnerable targets until we return.”

  “I know, blast it.”

  << <> >>

  All of a sudden Ruth realized that she had forgotten something essential to any shopping trip. Turning in a bit of a panic to Margot, who was standing close to her at the time, the Mage asked, “I forgot to find out what I do about money! How could I have been so stupid?”

  Margot looked at her for a moment and then left, saying, “You do not need money. We will cover whatever you need, and the castle accounts will reimburse us.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea. I have no concept of how much I’m going to spend, but it’s going to be a lot.”

  Realizing that the Mage might have a point, the former Marine suggested the first thing that came to her mind, “Why don’t you call that Auditor guy, Rick? He could probably help you, even if it’s just telling you what to do.”

  “Great idea!” Suiting actions to words, Ruth pulled out her comm-unit and open a channel to the Auditors Guild. She was connected directly to Senior Auditor Rick who greeted her and asked her what he could do for her.

  The Mage explained her dilemma, saying that she wanted to do some heavy-duty shopping and didn’t know how financial settlement for purchases worked in the Alliance.

  To his credit, the Auditor did not laugh although Ruth’s swore that she saw a faint smile appear briefly on his face. In an entirely serious tone, the man asked, “do you need something that will enable you to buy a galaxy or something smaller?”

  The woman laughed as if he had made a joke but realized that the man seemed to be completely serious. Deciding to answer him in the same manner, the Mage informed him that she was on a massive buying trip for clothing, jewelry, and other luxury items.

  “Where are you going to be shopping, Lady Ruth. And how quickly?” Rick asked.

  “I will be shopping on New Vesta within the hour.”

  “If you give me a location where you will be in approximately an hour from now, I will have a representative of the local Auditors Guild meet you with a holographic authorization bracelet. That person will give you a quick tutorial on how to use the basic features so that you can feel free to shop.”

  “Thank you again, Senior Auditor Rick. I apologize for any inconvenience that I’ve caused you.”

  This time the smile lasted slightly longer and warmed up the man’s usually serious eyes. “It is actually no trouble whatsoever, Archmage. When you have some additional time, I would be happy to take you through some of the less visible capabilities of the device.”

  As Rick was speaking, Jenna had hurried over and asked Victin where the Guild representative should meet Ruth. The man had looked confused but gave her the name and address of the shop. The guard quickly returned and conveyed that information to the Mage and Auditor.

  Ruth thanked Rick once again and closed the comm channel, confident now that all of the critical pieces that she needed for an outrageous shopping spree were in place.

  Promising to do some additional shopping on the way back, Ruth requested that the weaponsmiths assembled any goods that they had that would address some needs she had identified in the last few weeks. When the two men looked interested, she gave them a rapid-fire list that included comm-unit’s that could be worn, especially those that would be flexible in add-ons and accessories. She also was interested in personal weapons such as daggers and anything they would suggest for her own arms.

  Thinking of the dangers that they had just survived, Ruth made it very clear that they wanted some passive and active shields for some of their at-risk personnel. When one of the smiths made a comment about people unable to protect themselves needing to stay out of conflicts, Ruth’s eyes flashed, and she corrected him sharply. “If the only arms that you deal in have to be wielded by professionals, then I’m obviously in the wrong place.”

  Shooting a sharp look at his weaponsmith, Victin said quickly, “You are not in the wrong place, and I apologize for the thoughtless comment from one of my employees. We have a wide range of the type of arms and devices that would benefit you, and I am absolutely positive that there will be a good assortment laid out when we come back.”

  Chapter 35 – Shopping Tsunami

  Theia, New Vesta

  Victin had cleared the room before Ruth started her transportation spell. All but the arms dealer had experienced the effects of the Mage’s dislocation of time and space. Ruth noticed that the second trip was easier for them to bear. There was less tension pouring off of them, and the calmness in their stance and relaxed conversation did a lot to reassure Victin.

  Once again, the AIs joined Ruth in her song of interstellar travel. This time, both Jenna and Margot realized that their AI partners were generating sounds. When a glance at the Mage showed that she was not upset, the women held their tongues but individually vowed to find out what the strange occurrence was all about.

  << <> >>

  “By the pickled mustache of the 23rd God! Victin, is that you?” A much younger version of Victin was plastered against one wall of the room, looking like he was ready to run in an instant.

  The weapons broker managed a shaky smile, and greeted the terrified man on the side of the large empty room
, saying, “Of course, it is. I told you that I would meet you here.”

  It took a while to calm the volatile young man down. It took even longer for him to be able to get anywhere close to Ruth. He was so frightened of the Mage that even her smiles made his teeth chatter and his hands shake.

  It was apparent to her that the younger man had not believed the description that Victin had supplied. It was also evident that he had no idea how to deal with her now.

  Once again, Alan proved that he had been a wise choice to include in the party. Directing Anthon’s attention to a discussion of weapons and other associated topics, the retired Marine commander kept their host from falling apart.

  Ruth and her party had not been in the branch store very long before there was a knock on the door. Victin walked over and pulled the door open, startling the young woman standing there. Stammering, she exclaimed, “Sir, I didn’t know that you are visiting. I’m sorry to interrupt you, but there’s a Senior Auditor from the Guild standing in the storeroom. He says he has a personal delivery for the Archmage. None of us know what that means.”

  Casting a fulminating glance at his hapless cousin, Victin replied, “That is not a problem, Marna. The gentleman is here to meet with our guest for the day, Mage Ruth. Please ask him if he could meet us in the conference room.”

  The girl disappeared, and the senior partner led the way to a tasteful conference room capable of holding twenty or more people. Ruth had seated herself only moments before a gentleman in the garb of the Auditors Guild entered. Walking directly to Ruth, the man nodded his head respectfully and introduced himself, “Greetings from the Auditors Guild, Archmage. I am Senior Auditor Stilor with your requested authentication gear.”

  Ruth gave him a friendly smile and said, “Thank you for your assistance, Senior Auditor Stilor.”

  In just a few moments, the Auditor had taken Ruth through the activation and use of the authentication device. He made it very clear that she was the only person who would be able to use it since it was uniquely keyed to her physical and mental imprint.

  The Mage was impressed and said so. For the second time in one day, Ruth had the bubbling satisfaction of being able to bring a smile to one of the Auditor’s faces. Standing, the man gave her a shallow bow of respect and quietly left.

  << <> >>

  Anthon had arranged for luxurious transportation for them, providing a hover shuttle with plenty of legroom. Alan’s chair posed a problem until a second vehicle was summoned, at which point Alan and Anthon decided to travel together, leaving the four women and Victin to ride in the upscale shuttle.

  As the shuttle slipped smoothly into traffic and headed for the fashion district, Victin turned to Ruth and began to apologize, “You have my profound apologies…”

  The Mage cut his apology off in midsentence, interrupting him to say, “Please don’t worry about it. I understand the difficulty in getting people to believe things they have not experienced. Hopefully, we can get past that and simply shop.”

  Relieved, the weapons dealer responded, “Thank you. I believe we have handled other potential problems so that nothing should inhibit your ability to buy what you would like.”

  The hair on the back of his neck rose up from the sheer savagery in the Mage’s smile.

  << <> >>

  For the rest of his life, his very long life, Victin would remember that smile. It was burned into his memory along with the sheer efficient rampage that Archmage Ruth Drakona conducted, laying waste to the fashion center of the premier Alliance world of New Vesta.

  Despite numerous requests for a more thorough description, all the poor man could articulate were snapshots of a tidal wave of exploration and acquisition. Starting at one end of the fashion district and working away methodically through the entire area, Ruth invaded stores and studios, boutiques and warehouses.

  Fabric, trims, and notions were swept into purchase piles and dispatched by their shuttle back to the Spiked Blade weapon shop. Ruth took no prisoners in her mission, exploding into the store with Linie, Jenna, and Margot spreading out to identify items of interest.

  After a few moments in the very first store, the Mage was trailed by first clerks and then the store manager. Quickly, the staff was organized to fetch and carry for the Mage, since any delay made her bypass the purchase. Looking at the purchase total, the store manager had paled, almost afraid to show Ruth the amount.

  The Mage had no reaction other than to wave her bracelet over the payment interface. The man’s expression had shown complete shock as the distinctive tone of validation rang, and Ruth had waived her thanks and charged back out the door.

  That pattern was set for the numerous stores that followed. At the second one, the manager greeted Ruth at the door and made sure that she had plenty of people following her. As the mage’s party left the store, Victin had looked in stunned amazement at the nearly denuded shelves of the gigantic shop. When he trailed the excited group of shoppers out the door, he saw that there were now three shuttles loading up the Mage’s acquisitions.

  Next time, I’m going to try to arrange for a finder’s fee. At this rate, it would be more than our whole year’s revenue.

  More fabrics, custom accents, even designer shops were invaded, looted, and left in the wake of a woman truly on a mission. Several times, Victin found himself thinking, I must make sure to never introduce my wife to this woman!

  It was not just for herself that the Mage was shopping. Anything the other women liked was added. Anything suitable for children or men, home decor, or miscellaneous items of interest were sent to the purchase pile.

  It would not have been so frightening if Ruth had chosen to be selective about her purchases. Instead, if a textile or other item was of interest, the Mage simply bought the entire available stock. No cutting, no detailed selection, the speed of her choices was terrifying.

  By this point, Victin was on overload. He had lost track of the number of shops, and he didn’t even know what time it was. It felt like it had been days, but according to his comm-unit, it had been less than two hours. Feeling shell-shocked, the man wasn’t sure how much more he could handle.

  Chapter 36 – Fashion Tidal Wave

  Theia, New Vesta

  It wasn’t just the weapons dealer that was overwhelmed. Somewhere near the end of the first hour of shopping, Ruth received a message from Arturis. The Tegral’s tone was amused as he said, << Mage, you’re going to have to make a choice pretty soon. Both Alan and Anthon are about to go into shock. They started out being amused about the shopping, but then rapidly move past that to the stage of ‘Oh my God! How much longer will this go on?’ Right after the last store, both of them started chugging shots every time they came back to the vehicle. >>

  << You said I had a choice, Arturis. What are they? >>

  << Since neither of the two men is willing to admit that they cannot keep up with the group, you can let this go until they are so drunk that they can’t walk. Or, you can come up with a reason that will allow them to save their pride and return to the shop, and wait for you. >>

  Ruth smiled so broadly that Jenna cocked her head in question, but a brief shake of the Mage’s head prevented her from asking out loud. << Perhaps I can ask them to return to the shop and make sure that our purchases routed there are placed neatly for transport. Without oversight, we will have to delay our departure, providing that we actually stop shopping. >>

  << Ruth, that is brilliant! It gets them out of what is a very stressful situation but lets them still be productive. Do you want me to tell them? >>

  << No, I will call and discuss it with Alan. Thank you very much for telling me, though. I should have remembered how frazzled males get on a shopping trip. >>

  Jenna was still regarding Ruth with a quizzical look. Her expression transformed with understanding as the Mage opened a channel on her comm-unit to the Major. Her call was answered immediately, and Ruth could see the slightly wild-eyed look in the man’s eyes, as Alan asked, “Mage Rut
h, what can I do for you?”

  “I hope it won’t upset you too much, Alan, but it occurred to me that all of the things we are sending back to the Spiked Blade need to be organized for transport. It means you will have to abandon our shopping trip, I believe that we need someone providing oversight as the items come in. Would it upset you too much to return to the shop and take on that responsibility?”

  Carefully concealing her amusement, Ruth watched as Alan’s face lit up with hope. Schooling his expression into a dispassionate mask, the Major answered her, asking, “Will that short your security detail too much? If you could discuss that with Jenna and Margot and they do not have a significant objection, then I certainly would be willing to return to the shop with Anthon. Between the two of us, I’m sure we can do that efficiently.”

  Glancing around, Ruth saw amused approval on the women’s faces. Once again stifling her mirth, the Mage faced her comm-unit screen and said, “Both of them are fine with your taking point on the shop end. If we have any problems, they will immediately let you know. However, Victin is a great backup to their efforts, and he will still be with us. Thank you for doing this, I really appreciate it.”

  << Beautifully done, Ruth. The two men here feel like they have dodged a bullet, and their tension is already easing. Have fun, and don’t torture poor Victin too much. >>

  The Mage jumped back into an animated discussion with the other women. She steadfastly tried to ignore the look of hopeless longing splashed all over Victin’s face. It was time for another store, she had effectively unlimited money, and she was ready to buy.

  Finally, Ruth slowed down a little. In one of the designer studios, the Mage and the very young girl traveling with her had taken the time for a cup of tea and a long discussion with an elderly-looking man. The Mage pulled out the sketchpad that she and the young girl had been using in their conversations and showed the stoop-shouldered elder some of their sketches.


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