Mage and Mate

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Mage and Mate Page 22

by Taki Drake

  “I know, but I am also aware that we’ve only got a couple of days before that dinner party and there are too many tasks to do. Although you have Linie, I bet she could use some help.”

  “Yes, she could, but I don’t know anyone that would be more help than harm at this point. Do you?”

  Mary smiled, and although Ruth could see the shadows in her eyes, the reappearance of that joyful expression on her friends face sent a surge of hope through the Mage’s heart. Turning to the side, the Axlen woman motioned a careworn woman forward.

  “Ruth, I would like to make you known to Velitta Enjeli. She is a very talented seamstress who has been trying to establish her own dressmaking shop.”

  Ruth raised her eyebrows in question and encouraged Mary to continue. With a smile, Ruth’s friend said, “She is being blocked from the market by some of the other dressmakers. They undercut her prices and criticize her designs viciously. I think she would do well for you because she is not stuck in the same rut that the rest of the dressmakers appear to occupy. Perhaps, she and Linie could work together.”

  Jenna chimed in, saying, “I noticed that copycat act. All of their designs look the same. There is no way you would put up with something that looks like a tier of cakes around your body.”

  Ruth laughed and admitted, “You are right. And I have no objection to trying a new dressmaker.”

  Turning to the shy woman, Ruth asked her, “I have a formal dinner party in two days. Right now, all we have are pieces of a gown and an idea. I have a very talented young woman upstairs who has made great strides in designing that gown. If you’re willing, I will pay you to assist her. Afterward, we can see what has worked and what hasn’t. If both of you are happy with the collaboration, I will also hire you.”

  Barely able to look at the Mage, the young woman said, “I promise to do my best, my Lady.”

  Ruth asked Jenna, “Could you ask Linie to come down here and meet Velitta?” The bodyguard took off for the upper story at a rapid pace, returning quickly with the young designer.

  “Linie! I was worried when I heard what had happened. I went to stop by your room, but the doors are broken, and nobody was there.”

  “Oh, Velitta, it was horrible! They were going to kill Mary, and when I tried to defend her, Chraha’s bully boys were going to kill me too!”

  The two women hugged each other and started chattering. Ruth looked over at her bodyguards and said, “I guess they know each other. That makes this part of it easy, I hope they get along.”

  After a few moments, the two seamstresses turned to the mage, embarrassed. Linie broke into speech, saying, “Thank you so much for finding Velitta. She has been my best friend for years!”

  Ruth smiled and said, “I am so glad that you are friends. Hopefully, that will make it easier for you to work together.”

  Grabbing Velitta by the arm and dragging her toward the stairs, Linie called back over her shoulder, “we will get right to work, my Lady. I know we can create a dress that will make you proud.”

  The Mage responded, saying, “I am sure that we will put them all to shame.”

  << <> >>

  The two days had been frantic with work and miscellaneous errands. The two seamstresses, as well as Mary, had focused on making sure that Ruth’s apparel and appearance would be above reproach. Arani had slipped into a cooperative relationship with the two bodyguards that felt seamless. Having been a mercenary herself, the woman understood many of the issues that Ruth’s security had but was flexible enough to deal with the Mage herself.

  Getting her niece and nephew settled at Borachland Castle and organizing their belongings in a new suite of rooms had taken part of the first day. But with her mind relieved of worries about the two children, she threw herself wholeheartedly into tracking and facilitating the tasks that needed to be done.

  By the end of the first full day, Ruth did not know how she had survived without Arani. Even Pawlik mentioned how much help the woman was providing.

  The whole day before the party, Ruth concentrated on finishing touches. Her gown was exquisite, a distinctive design, unlike anything that this world had ever seen. As Linie and Velitta were doing the final fitting, a special courier dropped off a small package for the mage and Linie. When they opened it, they saw a short note and an embroidered fabric label that made Linie dissolve into tears.

  The note said, Ladies, I so enjoyed collaborating with you on the design that I hope you won’t be offended by this label. Even though the majority of the gown concept belongs to the two of you, I thought I might lend my influence to your unveiling. I hope that you would send me pictures of the completed ensemble. If it is acceptable to you both, I will place that image in a prominent place in my studio. I’m sure it will engender a lot of discussion. I look forward to the next thing we create together. Affectionately, Master Richua Perre

  With trembling hands, Velitta carefully stitched the precious label into the edge of Ruth’s gown. The Mage was touched by the thoughtfulness of the gesture and amused by the way Velitta grabbed her friend by the elbow and forcefully told her, “You had better tell me what happened! This is amazing.”

  << <> >>

  It was time to leave for the party, and Ruth thought she was ready. Her gown fit perfectly, and Arani had done amazing things with the Mage’s hair. Slight touches of makeup enhanced Ruth’s eyes and lips, and a sweet perfume she had picked up on her trip made her feel like she was walking in a subtle cloud of flowers.

  Earlier in the day, Ruth had completed the imaginative packaging for the hostess gift. Deciding to take shameless advantage of her abilities, the Mage had cast a spell on the delicate tissues that encased the box of confections. When the ribbon was untied, or the package opened, butterflies would fly out surrounded by floating flowers. The illusion would last just a few seconds, but every time the box opened, it would repeat.

  With a wry smile, Ruth admitted to herself, I am not competitive. Nope. Vindictive, a little. Determined to not let them condescend to me, absolutely.

  Armored and armed, the Mage descended the staircase into the taproom. It did not surprise her at all that it was full. Everyone knew what was happening since neither Ruth nor Pawlik kept their concerns or strategies secret. What did surprise her was the silence that throttled the room as soon as she started down the staircase.

  There was not a sound made in the room, except for isolated gasps of air. Suddenly unsure of herself, Ruth looked around till she saw Pawlik. He stood spellbound, his eyes locked to hers, drawing her into the violet depths and surrounding her with his love.

  They were the only two moving, her gliding down the stairs and him walking over to take her hand. Never taking his eyes off of hers, he raised her hand up to his mouth and gently kissed her fingers.

  Still shrouded by a blanket of stunned silence, the Lord of Borachland escorted his Lady out to the waiting vehicle.

  Chapter 41 – Polite Society

  Harpor Townhome, Arkken Port

  Ruth and Pawlik rode in silence, contented with simply being together. Ruth was totally calm. All of the jitters that she had felt during the preparation, all of the anxiety had washed away. There is nothing more that she could do, nothing else to prepare.

  Their vehicle pulled up to the front of the impressive home with broad stairs and a pillared façade. Pawlik smiled at his Lady and said, “Showtime, my love. Are you ready?”

  The Mage laughed and answered, “Yes, I am. Although I admit to being curious as to what you would’ve done if I had answered ‘no.’”

  With a grin that made him look all of twelve years old, her Anchor answered, “We would run for the hills!”

  On the heels of that cheerful note, the Lord and Lady of Borachland exited the vehicle and headed up the stairs. Close behind them were Jenna and Gerian in pristine armor finished in the Borach House colors.

  << <> >>

  Ruth and Pawlik were the first to arrive. The nobleman greeted their host and hostess warmly before pla
cing a large hand on Ruth’s back and introducing her proudly. The woman burst into speech, exclaiming, “It is so nice to meet you, my dear. When we heard that Pawlik had finally found someone he cared enough about to bring to his home, Tenis and I were thrilled. I know his mother and father would have been pleased also.”

  The Mage could feel the warmth of the older woman’s greeting and the gentle acceptance of her relationship with Pawlik. Smiling, she responded, “Thank you, Lady Harpor. I am sorry that I never got to meet them.”

  “Please call me Sabina! There is no need to be formal with either Tenis or me.”

  “Thank you, and my name is Ruth.”

  “Come into the drawing-room. There is plenty of time to have a drink and a nice chat. I told the others to come at a later time so that I could possibly give you some pointers on who you’re going to meet and what to expect.”

  “I would love to hear a little bit about the people I’m going to meet. I have to admit that it is somewhat intimidating to be walking into such a group.”

  Sitting down with glasses of wine, the two women fell into an easy conversation. Sabina skillfully pulled information from Ruth as her background and origin of birth. Hearing that Ruth had never had to navigate within an aristocracy, the noblewoman frowned in concern.

  “Ruth, I’m afraid this is going to be very difficult for you. With only twenty duchies on Arkken, most of the nobles are…”

  “Stuffy and arrogant? Are those the words that you are looking for, my dear wife?”

  “Tenis, you are incorrigible and are going to give Ruth the wrong impression about us!”

  “That is highly unlikely. What my gentle wife is trying to tell you is that one of the reasons she wanted to start you out with small dinner was so you could see how catty and nasty the jostling for position can be. In a group this size and in our home, both of us can do some buffering for you.”

  “I assumed that was what you were doing and I realized immediately what sort of problem Pawlik and I would be facing. I am so grateful that this initial exposure will have a bit of a safety net.”

  “I will not tolerate any abusive of Ruth!” Pawlik looked incensed at the thought.

  Sabina placed a calming hand on his arm and said, “My dear, she is going to have to be able to stand in her own two feet because you will not always be with her. And you know how these events go. Some people will be nasty behind a veneer of polite behavior. Others will be straightforward in their like or dislike.”

  With a twinkle in her eye, Ruth asked Pawlik, “I hope you’re not saying that I can’t defend myself. Are you?”

  “No, but the idea of someone upsetting you makes my blood boil.”

  Reassuring her mate that she would be fine, the conversation among the four of them became general, and Ruth felt the last bit of tension release. At least Tenis and Sabina are friendly. However, I can’t think of one reason to deal with people if they’re going to be nasty. There too many other things to do to waste time on jerks.

  Two other couples came into the room and were introduced to Ruth. In general, the men were friendly while the women took careful notice of Ruth. In a flurry, the other four couples appeared one after another. Introductions were done, and the swirl of conversation began to flow from group to group.

  Jenna and Gerian were stationed against opposite walls in the room. Ruth intercepted several glances among the women that carried micro-expressions of disbelief. Finally one of them, a sharp face woman who been introduced as Duchess Aghar, commented to Ruth, “I suppose you’re the reason that those people are in the room with us. I suppose you didn’t know that it was inappropriate, but someone should have told you, that such behavior is not needed at the events held within a proper noble establishment.”

  Ruth calmly responded with a smile, saying, “I try very hard not to argue with my security detail. If I’m curious about why they’re doing something I ask. If I inquire, they will explain. However, for the most part, I let them do their job.”

  Frustrated by Ruth’s serene composure, the woman tried again, “You probably should get an etiquette coach since it’s obvious that you don’t know how to dress or behave in our circle. You will run the risk of being cut out if you don’t get up to speed quickly. None of us will tolerate plebian attitudes or actions.”

  A grim-looking older man that had been introduced as Baron de Sande was standing nearby and turned to offer his opinion. Ignoring Ruth except for a dismissive glance, he addressed himself to the Duchess, saying, “Ruda, you are so right. However, remember that Pawlik managed to convince his parents that he needed to go to that low-class military academy on Shofu Prime. I think he developed a low taste in companions while he was there.”

  “I agree that it doesn’t seem to have done him any good. Such exposure erodes the basis for his authority.” The woman turned to Ruth and smiled. To the Mage, expression looked more like a grimace. I wonder if she’s constipated. That might explain the nasty temper, but I think there is something more behind it. The direction of her thoughts amused Ruth, and the smile on her face was relaxed and broad.

  The fact that Ruth had not been disconcerted by the attacks further infuriated both the woman and man. The Baron began to lecture Ruth, crowding close to her and looming over her much shorter frame, “You of all people should take care. Dukes have the right of high and low justice, and you are unprotected and in his territory. If he loses control over his people, they will come after you. And if you cease to please him, he could easily make you disappear.”

  Ruth laughed in his face, a cascade of crystal notes. As the skin on his face reddened in rage, the Mage answered him, saying, “Pawlik is an honorable man. I don’t worry about rejection or about others losing respect for me. I have my own power and a whole group of people who are sworn to me.”

  The man recoiled from Ruth, saying in disgust, “No woman should have power. You aren’t suited for handling it.”

  Just then Sabina’s butler came into the room and announced the dinner was served. As people moved into the dining room, Pawlik asked Ruth in a low undertone, “Are you doing all right?”

  “Yes, dear. Please don’t worry about me. I am managing to navigate the interesting minefield and did not think these people realize that I have other things to worry about than their petty squabbles.”

  Pawlik touched her hand as it lay on his forearm, his expression easing. Ruth was looking forward to dinner, willing to be amused by the strange, covert confrontations that the noblewoman thought belonged in general conversation.

  << <> >>

  Dinner was certainly interesting, Ruth thought to herself as she followed her hostess into the Ladies’ Study. It had been filled with multiple levels of conversation, some intriguing and others more like sniper fire. The women across from her spent most of their time trying to make her feel uncomfortable. They filled the silence with talk about the entertainment events they were going to and the wondrous things they had done.

  Ruth simply wasn’t interested in what they were talking about. Instead, her mind was filled with the renovation at the castle and concerns about her grandchildren, sons, and daughters-in-law. It was very apparent that her disinterest was frustrating her attackers. Instead of wasting time with them, the Mage devoted most of her attention to the gentlemen on either side of her.

  The man seated directly on her right was Zaks Strazdins, Duke of Buchetia. He was the eldest man there, white-haired and slightly stooped. Ruth thought he was delightful. After all of the formality displayed up to that point, his friendly conversation and interesting viewpoints were a relief.

  He and Ruth had a delightful discussion about flowers. Ruth had been a gardener for many years and had experimented with creating her own hybrids. When Zaks found out about her interest, he grew extremely animated. It was almost a wrench when the dinner was over, and the men and women went to separate rooms. Darn it! The conversation was just getting to some exciting topics. I wonder if Pawlik likes Zaks and if we can invite
him and his wife over some time?

  The man who had been seated on her left was Earl Tozhets, or Bertold as he asked her to call him. He and Pawlik had been at the Alliance Military Academy together and had kept in touch since then. It was apparent to Ruth that there was a straightforward, honest affection between the two of them.

  As the ladies began to settle on chairs and couches, Sabina invited Ruth to sit with her. The older woman smiled openly at the Mage and murmured, “I hope that you’re having a good time, my dear. Tenis and I are so pleased that you and Pawlik could be here.”

  A whisper, meant to be heard came from behind Ruth’s back, “Of course, she’s here. No one else would invite her, so she doesn’t have any other options.”

  Ignoring the ill-bred comment, Ruth thanked her hostess with a smile and said, “I have to thank you for the invitation. We’ve been so busy since we came back to Arkken that the first purely social break that we’ve had. There is so much to do that I’ve been running from dawn to dusk.”

  Tipping her head sideways, Sabina asked, “What sort of projects have you been working on?”

  Ruth laughed and answered, “Many more than you would think. We are renovating one of the towers in the castle, and building up the infrastructure at the spaceport. There will be another auction soon, and Pawlik wants to hold a hiring fair for more spacers.”

  There was a shock silence as the women in the room tried to absorb what the Mage had just said. The youngest woman, barely the age to be considered an adult, asked in wondering tones, “Auction? I thought Lord Pawlik already held an auction for the prize ships that he won escaping from the Insectoids.”

  Serenely Ruth responded, “Actually, that was only a small number of the ships that we brought back. Another group of them will be auctioned off next, and we will repeat that after we have had time to evaluate whether we want to keep the craft or not.”

  “Oh, I didn’t realize there were more. That must be very exciting.”

  “Exciting and terrifying, but it needs to be done.”


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