So Many Tears 2

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So Many Tears 2 Page 11

by Nicole Jackson


  “Kim, what?” she snapped.

  “It aint like that. Yall haven’t met her yet, because I’m still trying to feel her out. She just recently came back around, claiming that she’s clean. I didn’t want her meeting you and the kids if she was full of shit. I was taking my time. That’s it.”

  “Oh, okay, but Connie’s niece can meet her, huh? And yall go out to eat and shit? Seems to me that you do all types of shit that I don’t know about when I’m not around. Who the hell is Connie’s niece and why the fuck have I never heard of her before today?”

  He swallowed hard. “Kim, I know all types of people out here in these streets. Never have I thought to come home and run all the names by you. That life aint got nothing to do with you, so it never really mattered. That girl don’t matter.”

  Kim snarled. “That girl don’t matter? But she was just your people a second ago or did you forget?”

  “I mean, she’s Zoe’s cousin, but she hustles with me, and that’s pretty much the extent of our relationship.”

  “And that was just something that you never thought to mention to me?”

  “No. For what?” he opened his arms.

  “You know what, fuck this,” she grumbled, as she stomped around him, snatching the door open. “Cause clearly you don’t get it.”

  “Oh, so you just gon walk out on me, when I’m talking to you?” he fumed.

  “Yep. Go hit up Connie’s niece, seeing as how you fuck with her the long way. I mean, she done already met ya mama and whatnot. See if she got some conversation for ya disloyal ass.”

  Chapter 10

  Kim rode shotgun in Rashad’s Benz, with the kids in the backseat, which was a rarity these days. He was a man constantly on the move, however, since his hiccup with the Turkey Leg Hut situation, he’d been going out of his way to make time for her, often initiating family days on the whim. Therefore, today he’d insisted upon her and the kids getting dressed and taking a ride with him.

  Usually, a family day would consist of a kid friendly place, not too far from their home. So, Kim was surprised when Rashad traveled to the southwest side, especially once they pulled up on Spice Lane. At this point, he wasn’t really concerned with retaliation from old beefs. Of course, anything could always happen at any time, but that was behind him. No one associated with Cutter was talking about anything or posed any threat. Nonetheless, he’d been adamant about keeping Kim away from the area, although she’d grown up out there, just as he had. The way he saw it, she didn’t have many reasons to come back. Anya was out there on the north side with her, and none of her family lived directly in the area. Therefore, he kept her away from the jungle, eliminating at least one unnecessary headache. Yet and still, today, he’d pulled up on the scene with her.

  “What’s going on over here?” Kim questioned curiously, as he parked in the parking lot of a complex adjacent to the one they’d previously lived in.

  “Nothing, hold up,” he mumbled, as he dialed out on his cell. Placing his phone to his ear, he listened to the line ring.

  “Hello,” a voice answered on the other end.

  “Aye, step outside for a second.”

  “For what?”

  “Can you just do what I asked? Please?”


  “Bet.” He ended the call.

  Kim sat back, waiting to see how this would unfold. Glancing around, she concluded that the complex was rather rough. Little kids with stolen shopping carts ran through the complex, people were shooting dice on the sidewalk, and tennis shoe hustlers were out on the prowl, waiting on the next lick to stroll up the sidewalk. Still, it was no different from what they had been living in a few years ago. It wasn’t until that very moment had she realized how drastically their lives had changed. Even when she considered the townhouse they’d lived in; they’d come a long way. Looking back, she didn’t think that their situation was that bad, but now she was beginning to understand why Rashad felt so compelled to make the moves that he had. He’d wanted more, while she’d been content with merely existing. Comparing her now life to back then, she hadn’t been living, and it weirded her out that she was just now realizing that.

  “Rashad,” she turned to face him.

  “What’s up?” he glanced her way.

  “I don’t know when was the last time I told you this, but I appreciate you and everything you do for me. You know that, right?”

  He smirked, “You know, that was random as fuck, but that’s what’s up. I guess that’s what I love about your ass.” he leaned over and kissed her sweet lips.

  She smiled. “No, it wasn’t random. Just being here and seeing where we come from, just reminded me of everything that you do for us.”

  He nodded. “Aye, I feel you, but yall was the ones who took me away from this shit, man. Don’t never forget that shit. I know I won’t.”

  “What you doing out here?”

  Both Kim and Rashad glanced to their left as someone stood at his window. Recognizing the voice, he slid down the glass.

  “What’s up?” he questioned

  Kass grinned. “Why you didn’t tell me that you were pulling up?”

  “Cause I’m on a different type of time today,” he responded.

  She peered into the truck, noticing the kids in the backseat, before her eyes traveled to Kim. “Oh, okay. Hey, how you doing, Kim, girl?”

  Kim slanted her head and waved politely. “Hi.”

  Judging by her response, Rashad knew that Kim wasn’t comfortable with Kass’ presence. “Aye, where Connie at?”

  Kass glanced around. “She should be coming downstairs. We about to head to Walmart, right quick.”

  Right after she made that statement, both Connie and Reeah emerged from the apartment, and sashayed across the parking lot. The two women wasted no time traveling over to the truck.

  “What’s going on, Rashad?” Connie questioned.

  “I brought some people to see yall,” he smiled.

  Connie gasped. “You finally brought Kim and the babies?”

  He nodded.

  Excitedly, Connie and Reeah raced around the truck, snatching Kim’s door open. They practically drug the poor girl out of the truck before hugging her, until she could hardly breathe. Kass stood back rolling her eyes, while looking Kim up and down. She was hoping that Kim had been photoshopping her pictures like several women online, but there was no such luck. She looked exactly like her pictures, if not better. Then the bitch had the nerve to have on skintight Seven Bermuda shorts, a camisole, along with Louie accessories. Even the shades sitting on top of her head were Louie, and Reeah accidentally knocked them down while she was hugging her like she was her long-lost daughter.

  “Okay, now let me see these babies,” Reeah announced, as she opened the back door. Instantly, her eyes watered, when the baby girl reached for her. “Oh my God, she’s so beautiful. Hi, baby.” She picked Reanah up. “I’m your granny.”

  Rashad stood back, saying nothing, digesting it all. Truthfully, he’d thought that he’d never live to see the day. In his heart he’d lost hope, but here his mama was, against all odds, holding his daughter.

  Kim leaned against the car, allowing her man to have his moment. She was truly happy for Rashad, because she knew that although he may have not verbally said it, he’d been hoping and praying for this day. Still, she was no fool, and knew that God’s work was not done here, so she knew to move with caution. She also vowed to get on her knees that night to pray for Rashad’s strength to deal with everything, regardless of the outcome, because she feared what disappointment could mean for him. And last, but certainly not least, she was going to pray for understanding, because she wanted to understand that Connie’s niece was just around for business purposes and she needed to remove the thoughts of smashing her head into the hard concrete.

  Laying across the bed shirtless, Rashad puffed on a blunt, relaxing. Today had been a good one, and he had no complaints. His family was good, an
d they’d come home to a huge feast that both Kay and Glenda had prepared for them. They’d all sat down together, eating until their hearts were content. Shortly after, Kay snatched the kids up, and headed off to bed, urging Rashad and Kim to have their alone time. So, he was just waiting for Kim to stop playing, take off those panties, and come hop on his dick.

  Wearing merely a small t-shirt and panties, Kim sat Indian style in the middle of the bed, pretending to be engrossed into her cell. She smiled at all their friends flexing on the Gram, running the streets, while Rashad spent his night looking upside her head.

  Tired of being ignored, he placed his blunt in an ashtray, and snatched her phone out of her hand.

  “Come here, man,” he insisted, grabbing her hand.

  She sucked her teeth. “Could you stop?”

  He sat up. “What the fuck? So, what you in your feelings about now, Kim?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Who said that I was in my feelings?”

  “It’s obvious. That’s the only time you aint throwing the pussy at a nigga when we’re in here by ourselves.”

  “Oh, so, otherwise, I just can’t keep my hands off you, huh?”

  “Nope.” He shook his head. “You can’t.”

  She smirked despite herself. “Whatever.”

  “Uh huh, now talk to me. What’s the problem?”

  “Okay,” she nodded, while repositioning herself. “Why you never mentioned Connie’s niece before?”

  Rashad grimaced. “Is you serious, right now? I thought we already discussed this?”

  She tilted her head sideways. “No, actually, you gave me a answer, but I’m not satisfied with it.”

  “I mean, what else do you want me to say?”

  She cut her eyes at him, while pursing her lips.

  “What? Why you looking at me like that?”

  “I don’t like you dealing with her.” She folded her arms underneath her breasts, as she sassily twisted her neck.

  His scowl deepened. “Kim, what am I supposed to do about that? Come on, now.”

  She dramatically fluttered her lashes. “I expect you to respect my feelings. I’m sitting here telling you my issue, and you should be telling me how you’re gonna fix it.”

  Taking a deep breath, he fought to keep his composure. The last thing he wanted to do was blow up on her. That definitely would send the wrong message. “Kim, if this was about some personal shit, then your every wish would be my command. It’s always your world. You know that. But this is business, baby. I get money with Kass.”

  “Kass, huh?” she snarled. “That’s the bitch’s name?”

  “Yeah, it is,” he exhaled.

  She lifted her chin. “Yet, you don’t think that it’s weird that you never bothered telling me that? It’s like you go out of your way for me not to know anything about her. Even when she was standing right in my face, and clearly knew my name, you still didn’t bother introducing us. You must think that I’m fucking crazy?”

  “Wait, what?”

  “Nigga, you heard me,” she spat. “It’s about business, but that hoe knows all about me, though. Where they do that at? Then I aint like her tone, before she realized that I was in the truck with you. She sounded like she was ready to drop to her knees and suck your dick!”

  “The fuck?” Rashad found himself chuckling. “Aye, you really losing it. How the fuck did she sound like she wanted to suck my dick, man?”

  “Oh, so, you think this shit is funny, huh?” she nodded with her bottom lip poked out. “Okay. We’ll see who’s laughing when it’s all said and done. Cause when you play silly games you win dumb prizes.”

  He dropped his smile. “The fuck is that supposed to mean?”

  “It means that if I can’t trust you around that bitch, then you aint gon be able to trust me when you leave this house.”

  Rashad’s stomach churned. “Oh, that’s how you wanna play it?”

  “I don’t know. Ask yourself that same question,” she shot back.

  He rubbed his goatee, as he contemplated. “Ion know, Kim.”

  She squinted. “You don’t know what?”

  “I don’t know if it’s safe for you to play them type of games. You sure you wanna play with ya life like that?”

  “Play with my life?” a chill shot up her spine.

  “Hell, yeah.” He nodded. “Cause we in this shit deep.” He flipped his forearm over and studied her name that was tatted in ink. “And you think that I’ma just let you play with my feelings? Huh? You think that’s how it’s gon rock?”

  “And you think that I’ma let you play with mine?” she bucked her eyes. “You got me fucked up! Like I said, if you gon be around that bitch, then you better keep both eyes open. Cause the trust is gone over here, home boy.” She tried to crawl out of bed, but he snatched her foot, dragging her back across the bed.

  “Nah, you got me fucked up,” he rebutted, as he straddled her.

  “Rashad, move,” she whined, while squirming underneath him. “I’m not in the mood.”

  He kissed her lips. “Did I ask you what you were in the mood for?”

  “Stooop,” her lips curled, when she felt him removing her panties.

  “Shut up,” he commanded, as he unleashed his hard-on. Holding himself, while positioning himself between her legs, he rubbed against her wetness. “Look at you, talking all this shit, but this pussy is leaking. Why you fronting like you’on want me to fuck the shit out of you? Huh?”

  “Cause I don’t,” she lied.

  He pushed inside of her. “Then why was this so easy?”

  “Cause,” Kim breathed. “She wants you. Not me.”

  Chuckling, he bit her bottom lip. “I think the both of yall do.”

  “No uh,” she denied, while wrapping her arms around his neck.

  “Yeah, right,” he smiled, before shoving his tongue down her throat.

  Passionately, Rashad pumped in and out of her, as she scratched his back. Soon, he’d holstered her legs over his shoulders, while burying every inch of himself into her. Kim was soaking wet and it wasn’t long before he had her pussy farting. Unwittingly, she crisscrossed her feet around his neck, as his balls slapped against her ass.

  Losing control, they caused the bed to bang against the wall, creating a loud ruckus. Gritting his teeth, Rashad aggressively pinned her legs against her breasts, while pounding into her.

  “Umm, yesssss,” she purred, while licking her lips. “Damn, baby,” she bit her bottom lip, as she removed her own shirt.

  Reaching out, he cuffed a bouncing boob, before squeezing. For his efforts, Kim tightened her walls around him. “Aye, you better stop that. You know exactly what you doing. If anybody tapping out tonight, it’s finna be you.”

  She rolled her hips. “You sure about that?”

  He pulled out of her, causing her to gasp.


  Lowering his head, he eased between her legs. Using his fingers, he pushed her lips apart, before wrapping his lips around her pearl. Kim swayed her hips, as he sucked away.

  “Oh my God,” she inhaled, while arching her back.

  Linguistically, Rashad brought her to ecstasy. Kim’s body flopped around on their mattress, while it violently shook. She gripped the top of his head, attempting to slow his pace to no avail.

  “Wait, bae,” she helplessly panted.

  Ignoring her, he went in for the kill, as she uncontrollably quivered.


  Nastily, he lapped up her juices, while her body fell limp. Soon, all could be heard was his loud slurps. Kim’s eyes rolled into the back of her head, as the reason she was mad at him escaped her mind. He had her right where he wanted her, and planned to fuck any doubts right out of her head that night.

  Chapter 11

  “When your wrist like this, you don't check the forecast. Every day it's gon' rain, yeah. Made a brick through a brick, I ain't whip up shit. This pure cocaine, yeah. From the streets, but I got a little sense. But I had
to go coupe, no brain, coupe no brain. I ain't worried 'bout you, I'ma do what I do. And I do my thing, do my thing—" Lil’ Baby pumped from the speakers of Rashad’s Rover.

  Gripping the steering wheel of his vehicle, he was relieved the see that he’d entered Houston’s city limits. He’d just driven back from Austin, after hitting up a few colleges, dropping off a few loads.

  Yawning and rubbing his hands together, Bogus glanced around. The sun was shining brightly, and he was ready to get into something, after sleeping most of the drive.

  “Uh, I can’t wait to get out of here and stretch my legs,” Kass mumbled from the backseat.

  Bogus glanced over his shoulder. “Tell me about it. Then this nigga wouldn’t stop for nothing. Straight tripping with himself.”

  Rashad sucked his teeth, as he remained focused on the road. “Yeah, whatever. Spoken just like two muthafuckas who got to sleep the whole way here. I been pushing this bitch, trying to get home. I’m trying to lay it down for a few.”

  Bogus shook his head. “Yeah, right, nigga. That’s you, stressing, trying to keep a happy home. I keep telling you that you gon drive yourself crazy. With the kind of money you dropping out, Kim should have some understanding by now. Money calls.”

  “Trying to tell ya,” Kass co-signed.

  “Aye, I keep telling yall to get up out of mine. I got this. Besides, Kim aint tripping like that. I’m just tired my damn self,” Rashad claimed.

  “Yeah, right,” Kass rolled her eyes.

  Bogus chuckled. “You know Kim be on your ass, nigga. Aint no need to front for us. We know what it is.”

  It was pointless for Rashad to go back and forth with them. They were going to believe what they wanted, at this point. Over time, they’d developed a routine. At least once a week, they’d make a run to a few colleges, and supply some students, who’d push their weed and pills. Linking with Taz had proven to be a power move, as business had elevated to a new level. Of course, along with the hustle came less time at home and more time in the streets, which spelled out more time together for them. They were the money-getting trio, and were somewhat all familiar with each other’s personal business.


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