The Grisly Grizzlies: Caleb (The Grizzly Bear Shifters of Redemption Creek Book 2)

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The Grisly Grizzlies: Caleb (The Grizzly Bear Shifters of Redemption Creek Book 2) Page 3

by Kim Fox

  She looks thrilled. “I was never allowed to have a job before,” she says with a grin. “It’s so hard. I’m constantly running, I’m covered in beer, and my arms are aching. I LOVE it!”

  I’m really happy for Jessie. She had a hard road growing up, and she’s finally heading in a good direction. Lachlan and she are perfect for each other. I know she still worries about her mob boss father coming to take her away, but we all have her back now. She doesn’t have to worry about a thing.

  “Caleb,” Logan says as he pops out of the crowd at our table. “Time to set up. We go on in ten.”

  “Oh, God,” Ronin says with a grimace. “Quick, Jessie. Get me ten more beers.”

  Logan narrows his eyes on him as the corner of his mouth curls up in a smile. “Why? So you can get white-girl wasted and dance on the table again?”

  Ronin shakes his head with a frown. “When have I ever done that except for that one time?”

  “Two times,” Tito says, holding up a peace sign.

  “You’re supposed to be on my side,” Ronin says, turning to his twin brother with a look of betrayal, “not on some one-star bounty hunter’s side.”

  “You’re a bounty hunter?” Jessie asks, looking at Logan in shock.

  “When there’s business,” Logan answers with a shrug. “The dragons are drying up all of my clientele with their strict rules. There’s hardly any crime anymore.”

  “That’s supposed to be a good thing,” Maximus says.

  “Not when your wallet depends on a constant stream of bad guys to catch, it isn’t,” Logan says.

  “Well, maybe Tito and Ronin will get arrested for public intoxication and you can bring them in,” Jessie says with a smile.

  Logan’s face lights up. “Now, that I would like.”

  I stand up and look around over the heads in the crowd for Abigail, hoping to see her gorgeous black hair and bright green eyes.

  “Crap,” I mumble under my breath when I don’t see her. She told me she wasn’t coming, but I was hoping anyway. I keep thinking of her and what that call was. I hope she’s okay. I would love to be by her side to help in any way I can, but she’s made it clear that she’s not interested.

  I put my arm on Logan’s shoulder and pull him away from the table. “Don’t get sucked into their rabbit hole of stupidity. It goes on forever.”

  “Have a good show,” Maximus says as I glance back at my crew. The others lift their beers and say the same.

  They love busting my balls, but I know they’re always hoping the best for me.

  Logan and I wind through the crowd to the stage where Jordy and Dane are setting up. Jordy is one of the firemen in the Redemption Creek Firehouse and Dane is one of the Forest Rangers.

  “Is she here tonight?” Logan whispers to me.

  He knows how much I like her. Mainly because I haven’t stopped talking about her for weeks. The whole town knows how much I like her.

  “Nah, man, she didn’t show.”

  He slaps my shoulder and sighs. “Well, there’s plenty of girls to choose from tonight. Look at those two blondes by the bar. They have our names written all over them.”

  I glance over at the bar and see two gorgeous girls that I’ve never seen before in town. They must be tourists on vacation for the weekend because they’re drinking pretty hard and looking like they’re in the mood to party.

  Too bad, I’m not.

  I’m bummed that Abigail is not going to show up, and even the embrace of a hot blonde with big tits isn’t sounding very comforting right now.

  “You can have them both,” I say with a shrug. “I’m just going to hang out with my friends tonight.”

  Logan jerks his head back. “Whoa. You really like this girl, don’t you? I mean really like this girl.”

  “Yeah, but she’s not interested. I’ve tried everything.”

  “I have to see this girl,” he says, shaking his head in disbelief. “I haven’t been down to the lake in forever. I’m going swimming tomorrow.”

  My grizzly bear lets out a low possessive growl that has Logan jumping back. His shocked face turns into a smile. “You really like this girl,” he says with a laugh. “And so does your bear.”

  He’s right. I do.

  “I think I know what’s happening here,” he says with a smirk. “You can get any girl easily, except her.”

  “Geez, rub it in why don’t you?”

  “The reason you like her so much is because you can’t have her.”

  “No,” I say, shaking my head. “That’s not it.” How can I explain to him the way her face looks so perfect when an adorable smile breaks through the wall of hardness she puts up? How she makes me laugh, or how quick and smart she is? How that red bathing suit makes my heart go crazy and how the sun shines on her gorgeous black hair?

  I don’t know why I’m so taken with her, but I am. It’s like my body is drawn to her on another level. I just don’t get why she can’t see that? These emotions are too strong to be one-sided. Aren’t they?

  Jordy rushes over, looking pissed. “We’re supposed to go on in three minutes,” he says, glaring at his watch. “Our band is going to sound pretty shitty if it’s just me singing over the drums.”

  “So, we start late,” Logan says with a shrug. “That’s what Rock and Roll bands do. Guns n Roses once started a concert three hours late.”

  Jordy grabs our guitars and shoves them into our chests. “When we’re selling out huge stadiums you clowns can loaf around,” he says with a stern look. “But while we’re playing in places called The Slurry Fucking Rabbit, we start on time!”

  Logan laughs as our stressed-out singer storms away. “We have the most uncool singer in the history of Rock and Roll.”

  I look at him and grin. “That’s why we’re playing in places called The Slurry Fucking Rabbit.”

  We quickly set up and take our place on stage. The music stops and the place starts cheering as everyone turns to us. Even Tito and Ronin are clapping and hollering.

  There’s nothing I love more than standing on stage with a guitar in my hands. It feels like home.

  “We’re Predatone,” Jordy says, nodding to the crowd. “And this first song is called Hush.”

  Dane starts softly beating on the drums as I nod my head up and down, waiting for my cue. I’m scanning the room for the tenth time, looking between all the big shifters just in case she was hidden by all of the massive bodies and I missed her.

  My heart clenches when I don’t see her looking back at me.

  Jordy leans into the mic and starts singing in his raspy voice. “Hush, sexy baby, what have you heard?”

  He may be stressed-out, but that guy can sing.

  My eye darts to the door when it opens and my shoulders slump down when I see three girls racing in from the rain. The last one holds the door open and to my surprise, Abigail walks in.

  I’m standing on the stage and staring at her in awe, completely frozen.

  “Caleb,” Dane whispers from the drums behind me. “Caleb, what the fuck are you doing? Play!”


  I was so taken with her that I totally missed my cue. With a smile, I start playing along, keeping my eyes locked on her as she looks around with wide eyes. Her hair and rain-jacket are wet, and all I want to do is throw down my guitar, hop off the stage, and dry her off. But I think that Jordy would literally kill me if I did that.

  She slides her jacket off and I nearly collapse when I see the sexy red dress she’s wearing. It hugs her perfect body, showing off every delicious curve on her. Her cleavage is making me forget the song I’m playing, and I keep fucking up.

  Jordy turns to me with a confused glare before he turns back to the mic and starts the next verse. “Hush, pretty baby, I’ll always be true.”

  I know this song so well that I can play it in my sleep, but right now, I can’t focus on anything but that red dress.

  Abigail turns to the stage and her gorgeous green eyes lock on me. I’m not sure
if I smile at her or if my mouth is just hanging open like a dope, but she gives me the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen.

  She came.

  I can’t believe she came.

  All of a sudden, I feel ultra-awake as adrenaline and euphoria surge through me. I’m too excited to think straight as I watch her walk to the bar and order a drink.

  I want to quit the band and go talk to her. I want to grab the mic and serenade her.

  I want to live in this moment forever.

  She came!

  With a deep breath, I start playing the guitar again, this time playing better than I’ve ever played before. There are over a hundred people here, but I’m only playing for her.

  And for that sexy red dress.



  I’m glad I came. They’re good. He’s good.

  And fucking gorgeous.

  I can’t keep my eyes off him as he moves around on stage like a predator, handling the guitar like he’s making love to it.

  I always thought that Caleb was sexy, but watching him up there on the stage, doing what he’s good at is making this bar feel even hotter than it is.

  He keeps looking at me, and every time he does, I can’t help but smile back at him.

  I take a sip of my cold beer, enjoying the song as I quickly look around. I’m overdressed. It’s all ranchers here in jeans and cowboy hats, and I’m all dressed up in a tight red dress. Even the waitress is wearing a white cowboy hat. She smiles at me as she passes.

  “We’re going to take a beer break now,” the singer says into the mic. He’s huge, just like Caleb and the other two band members on stage. Years of grueling physical work on ranches explains all of the muscles, but it doesn’t explain why most of the men in this town have to duck under the doorways whenever they walk into a room. “We’ll be back to play a few more songs in a bit.”

  My heart starts pounding nervously as Caleb puts down his guitar. I stand up straight, run my tongue over my teeth, and fix my dress as he jumps off the stage and rushes straight for me with an uncontrollable smile on his face.

  “You came,” he says, staring at me in disbelief.

  “I figured I owed you for leaving you out in the rain.”

  He laughs. “Yeah, I guess you did. What did you think?”

  “Pretty good, yoga boy,” I answer with a grin. “Pretty good.”

  His head jerks back like he suddenly remembered something. “Is everything okay at home?” he asks with a concerned face.

  “Yeah,” I lie as I nod my head a little too vigorously. “It was just a misunderstanding.”

  A misunderstanding that killed two of Frank’s cattle and got us kicked out of our home. But I don’t want to focus on any of that tonight. I just want to have some fun for a change.

  “Oh, that’s great,” he says, looking relieved. “I’ve been worried all day.”

  “You have?” I ask, looking at him curiously.

  “Of course.”

  We stare at each other for a long moment and my breath starts quickening under his smouldering gaze. I feel a flutter in my chest as he looks me up and down.

  “You look… incredible,” he says, making me blush.

  “I’m overdressed,” I answer, feeling self-conscious.

  He shakes his head. “No. You look perfect.”

  I have a strong urge to touch him, but I just squeeze my beer bottle instead.

  He’s looking pretty good himself with grey pants and a black t-shirt that make his muscular arms look huge. A little groan escapes from my throat as I glance at his wide chest and picture what it would feel like to rest my cheek on it.

  “It’s a fun bar,” I say, looking around. It’s the type of easy, relaxed place you come with friends for one drink, but then end up staying all night and stumbling home. The sound of cracking pool balls cut through the lively music that has some girls dancing by the stage, and I can’t help but move my head along to the beat. “I don’t know why I waited so long to come and get a drink.”

  “I’m glad you finally did,” he says, smiling at me. “I’ve been wanting to—”

  The guy who was playing bass in the band sneaks up behind Caleb and wraps his arm around his shoulder, cutting him off. He’s good looking with dark features and hair as black as mine.

  “So this must be the girl,” he says, smiling at me.

  My heart flutters at the way he said the girl. And it flutters even harder when I see how embarrassed Caleb looks.

  “This is Abigail,” Caleb answers, presenting me. “Abigail, this is my friend Logan.”

  “You must be the lifeguard,” Logan says, offering his hand. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  “Really?” I say, tilting my head as I shake his hand.

  Caleb’s cheeks turn red as I look at him.

  “A lot!” Logan says with a grin. “The entire town has heard a lot about you.”

  “Not that much,” Caleb quickly says, looking uncomfortable.

  “I’ll let you two lovebirds talk,” Logan says with a smirk on his face. “Just don’t distract him too much when we’re playing our next set. He forgot how to play guitar when you walked in through the door.”

  “Really?” I ask, trying not to smile as I look at Caleb.

  “Oh, yeah,” Logan says. “He completely forgot how to use his fingers.”

  “Look,” Caleb says as he raises his hand. “I remember how to use my fingers now.” I laugh as he raises his middle finger at his bandmate.

  Logan laughs and then turns to me. “It was nice meeting you, lifeguard.”

  I smile back at him before he disappears into the crowd.

  “You’ve been talking about me?” I ask when it’s just the two of us again.

  It’s so adorable how he’s shifting around, looking all nervous and uncomfortable.

  “Not at all,” he says with a gulp. “I barely said a word.”

  “Hey, Caleb. Is this Abigail?” a guy asks as he pops out of the crowd. I jerk my head back when I see two of them. They’re identical twins.

  “Yeah,” the other one says, staring at me. “Are you the new lifeguard?”

  Caleb pushes them away with his thick arm and pulls me into a quiet corner of the bar.

  I lean against the wall and look up at him as I cross my arms. I’m trying to keep a hard look on my face, but it’s hard to hold back my smile with him squirming like this. He’s been talking about me to everyone. It’s so cute.

  “You’ve been talking about me?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

  “Maybe I talked about you a little bit,” he says as he runs his hand through his dirty blonde hair.

  Fuck, he’s so hot.

  “What did you say?”

  He takes a deep breath and looks down at me as he exhales slowly. “That the new lifeguard was the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen, and that no matter how many times I asked her out, she would always say no. I also might have said that I can’t stop thinking about her. That’s she’s constantly on my mind day and night.”

  “Really?” I say, feeling my cheeks curl up into a smile. “What else did you say?”

  “That she’s so much fun to be around, even when she’s telling me to get lost,” he says with a soft laugh that makes me lightheaded. “And that I would gladly sit in the cold rain for five hours just to spend ten minutes with her.”

  Now, I’m really glad I came. This guy could get any girl he wanted, and he’s fixated on me. I saw the way the beautiful girls in the crowd were watching him, but he didn’t even give them so much as a glance.

  He wouldn’t be so into me if he knew the kind of mess that Bryce and I are in, but it’s fun to indulge in this for a night.

  “This girl sounds pretty awesome,” I say, smiling at him.

  He nods. “She is. I’d just like to get to know her better.”

  “Buy her a drink and she might tell you whatever you want to know.”

  He grins as he waves the waitress in the white cowb
oy hat over.

  “What can I get you, Caleb?” she asks with a smile. She leans in and tries to subtly whisper, but I hear everything. “Is this the lifeguard?”

  “Abigail, this is my friend, Jessie,” Caleb says, introducing us. “Jessie, whatever she wants tonight, put it on my tab.”

  I’m about to protest, but then realize I spent my last seven bucks on the empty beer in my hand.

  “Nice to meet you,” she says, smiling as I shake her hand. “I’ve heard so much about you.”

  Caleb clears his throat and Jessie catches herself. “Curse of a small town,” she says, saving herself. “Not because Caleb is in love with you. Obviously.”

  I turn to my hot blushing admirer with a smirk on my face. “Obviously.”

  Jessie is cringing, realizing what she’s done. “What can I get you two to drink?” she asks, trying to change the subject.

  Caleb orders two beers and she quickly disappears into the crowd to get away from the awkward situation she created. It’s only awkward for them, I’m loving watching them squirm.

  We chat for awhile about his band and he tells me all about the music they play. They are really good, and although I don’t want him to leave, I’m excited to hear the rest of their set.

  “Are you from here?” I ask, suddenly interested in everything about him.

  “Not too far from here,” he says. “I’m from a nearby town called Colwood. I grew up on a farm over there.”

  He tells me all about his hardworking parents and his three sisters. When he asks about my family, I change the subject without really answering.

  “So, does this mean we can be friends now?” Caleb asks after Jessie comes back with the beers.

  “Are you still going to stalk me at work and obsess about me with everyone in the town?”

  He thinks for a minute and then nods. “Probably.”

  I laugh. “At least you’re honest. All right, yoga boy. We can be friends.”

  His eyebrow raises. “More than friends?”

  The tiny hairs on my arms raise as I shake my head. “Don’t push your luck.”

  “Come,” he says, holding out his hand. I can’t resist and slap my hand into his. He holds it tight. “I want you to meet my friends.”


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