Depraved: A Dark Reverse Harem Romance (The Devil's Syndicate Book 5)

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Depraved: A Dark Reverse Harem Romance (The Devil's Syndicate Book 5) Page 8

by Sarah Bailey

  A couple of Colm’s men carried out Mac’s body whilst the man himself stared at me.

  “When you’re ready to go after Russo, count me in.”

  Then he gave me a nod and took his other men towards the direction of the main casino floor, no doubt to call off everyone else. The only thing I cared about now was securing my members and employees and getting the fuck out of here. My family needed to recuperate in peace without this shit.

  “Well, that was fucked up,” Xav said.

  “You’re telling me.” I turned to André. “Thank you for your help. Tell Viktor I appreciate it.”

  He gave me a nod and a slight smile before he turned to his men and spoke in Russian. They walked out a few minutes later.

  “Let’s get E home, eh?” I said to Xav, slapping him on the back.

  “Did you know Moran would shoot that idiot?”

  I shook my head.

  “I hoped he might finally do Mac in, but I didn’t know for sure. Colm is a cunt, but he’s a useful cunt.”

  “The fucker did a good job for once in his life.”

  We got back up to the top floor and nodded at Geoff when we entered the office. I turned to Xav before we moved further into the room.

  “Delete the footage… don’t want any evidence of that shit.”

  “You sure?”

  “I’m pretty fucking sure I don’t want anyone sniffing around here and asking questions. When this shit with Russo is over, we’re done, remember? The Syndicate needs to remain neutral ground.”

  Xav nodded and got Eric to get up from the desk chair so he could use the computer. Eric’s head had a plaster on it now and he looked tired. I nudged his shoulder with my own.

  “Going to get you back to our girl,” I murmured.

  “I hope she doesn’t cry when she sees this shit.” He pointed at his face. “I hate seeing her cry.”

  “Me too. You and Xav good?”

  He nodded, shrugging a little.

  “What can I say? I love him even though he’s a dick.”

  I grinned at his words.

  “No, he just thinks with his dick.”

  Eric snorted, rubbing his chin.

  “Like only all the time.”

  At least those two could get their rocks off with each other. The closest I’d got to anything was rubbing up against Ash last night whilst my hand had been buried between her legs and with Eric’s mouth latched to her tits. When she was better, there’d be zero hesitation on my part, but whilst she was still in pain, I didn’t want to hurt her any further. Patience was my only fucking friend right now and what a shit friend he was.

  “Right, done,” Xav said as he stood up. “Let’s get the fuck out of here. I, for one, am fucking tired.”

  “We good?” I asked Geoff.

  “Yeah, go ahead… I’ll handle the fallout with the staff.”

  I gave him a nod. It’s what I paid him the big bucks for.

  Xav, Eric and I walked out of the office. It was time we got home to our girl. She’d be worried about us. She needed us. And we fucking well needed her.

  Chapter 12

  The moment I heard the front door open, I was off the sofa and running towards the hallway. The first person through the door was Quinn and even though I was relieved to see him, I looked behind him as Eric and Xav walked in, the latter closing the door behind him. I skated around Quinn and reached Eric, spying his black eye and the plaster on his head. My heart cracked.

  “E…” I choked out, pressing my hands to his face gently and checking him over.

  His eyes softened and he wrapped a hand around the back of my head.

  “I’m okay… just tired.”

  Pulling me closer, he pressed my head against his chest and I let him hold me there, listening to his heartbeat. The rise and fall of his chest with each breath. The relief I felt was palpable.

  “Told you she’d be making sure you’re good,” Xav said.

  I pulled away and glared at him.

  “Am I not allowed to be worried about E and his well-being?”

  Xav gave me a wink and a grin before waving at the two of us.

  “You are… Go on, take him up to bed, we’ve got dinner and all that shit sorted.”

  I slid my fingers into Eric’s hand and he gave me a tired smile. Before we left, I gave Quinn a kiss on the cheek followed by Xav. Then I took Eric upstairs to his bed and got him sat down on the edge. He let me strip him down to his boxers without complaint, watching my face the whole time.

  “I’m sorry I was reluctant to tell you I got hurt. I don’t like making you upset, Ash.”

  I stroked his face and smiled down at him.

  “It’s okay. I’m glad you’re home and safe.”

  I encouraged him to get in bed. He looked at me expectantly as I was about to pull the covers over him.

  “Aren’t you staying?”

  I bit my lip, hesitant for only a moment. Eric wanted me here so I’d give him exactly what he needed. Shucking my jeans and jumper, I crawled on top of him and pulled the covers over the both of us. He curled his arms around me as I rested my head against his chest, stroking my hair.

  “What happened with Julian?”

  His body stiffened below mine, but his hand didn’t still.

  “He tied me to a chair and sprouted a whole bunch of shit before hitting me in the face… but before he could do anything else, Xav and Quinn turned up. They subdued him and then here we are.”

  “Is that everything?”

  He let out a long sigh.

  “No, but I don’t want to talk about what he said. He’s sick in the head, that’s all you need to know.”

  I could imagine he’d said some horrible things to both Eric and Xav. I didn’t like the fact any of them had to deal with Julian. Especially not Xav. He didn’t need any more shit. At least we knew Julian was back where he belonged. The police had released a statement not long after he was re-arrested, which Rory and I had watched on the news.

  “Are you sure he didn’t hurt you anywhere else?”

  “I’m sure. My face fucking hurts, but otherwise, I’m good.”

  “Do you need me to get you anything?”

  His arm around me tightened.

  “No, I need you right here with me. That’s it.”

  I stroked his arm, running my fingers over his muscles. The past few hours had been incredibly stressful for all of us. What with Julian taking him and then the shit at the casino. Rory and I had watched the entire thing together. I’d been scared out of my mind over Quinn and Xav getting hurt, but it turned out I didn’t need to be worried about them at all. Quinn always managed to have something up his sleeve. He’d never let anything happen to any of us if he could help it. My strong, dominant man who led us into battle each and every time. Rory had assured me Quinn had it all under control even before they’d gone down to see Mac. I don’t know what I would have done if I’d been at home alone without him. Probably gone out of my mind with worry about my men.

  “I’m worried about Xav and the way he was when he realised Julian took you. He looked like he’d died on the inside.”

  “I’m worried too. He seemed to laugh a lot of this shit off, but Julian really got to him, you know?”

  “Maybe I should get him. He shouldn’t be alone.”

  “He’s got Quinn and Rory, plus he’ll make dinner and it’ll keep him distracted. I promise, hellcat, Xav needs time to process what happened. He’ll come find us when he’s ready.”

  It’d been the same way when Xav found out about Eric’s feelings towards him. He’d run off and dealt with his emotions on his own. Sometimes he needed us and sometimes he needed to work through it without anyone around. Eric knew Xav better than I did, so he knew when to leave Xav be. I trusted his judgement on this implicitly.

  “Okay,” I whispered, shifting a little on top of him to get more comfortable.

  He stopped strokin
g my hair, his other hand tightening around my waist. When I moved a little more, he let out a breath. I realised why a moment later when he thickened between my legs. Whilst he and Quinn had got me off last night, I’d not been able to reciprocate as my chest hurt. Today, it’d eased off a lot and the painkillers helped immensely, but I hadn’t mentioned it to the boys. And honestly? Being around my men and not being able to touch them intimately was frustrating as hell.

  So I continued to shift against him as his hand ran down my back and cupped my behind.

  “Ash,” he panted. “Stop.”

  I pushed myself up slightly and stared at him.


  I ground against his cock, making his eyes go wide.

  “You’re still hurt.”

  I leant down and captured his mouth so he’d stop talking. There was no hesitancy to kiss me back on his part. If anything, it made him drop all of his protestations. His hand tightened on my behind and his other hand drifted around my front and found my breast. His thumb ran over the nipple and he ground back against me.

  “Fuck, Ash,” he groaned against my lips. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, I’ve missed you.”

  I sat up and tugged off my t-shirt. I hadn’t started wearing bras again yet because of my injuries. He stared up at me with heat simmering in those green depths. He’d promised me it was only his face that hurt. He didn’t have bruises anywhere else I could see.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he told me as his hands curled around my thighs. “I love you, hellcat.”

  I smiled and shifted so I could pull off the rest of our clothes. I rested back against him, rubbing myself along his rock hard cock, coating him in my wetness.

  “Are you in pain?” he asked me, running his hands up and down my thighs.

  “A little, but I’m okay. Just stay there and let me do this… please. I can’t take it any longer. You’re all treating me like I’m a delicate little flower and I’m tired of it. I need this. Need you.”

  “You have me. Always.” His smile made my heart thump. “Just don’t tell the others I got to fuck you first.”

  I grinned as I rose up on my knees and reached between us.

  “Oh, you know we won’t be able to hide it from them.”

  He bit his lip as I sunk down on his length. His hands splayed out across my hips, banding around them like they were his anchor.

  “Fuck,” he ground out through gritted teeth. “Being in you is sweet fucking ecstasy.”

  I placed my hands on his chest, staring down at my beautiful man with chestnut hair and the most stunning green eyes I’d ever born witness to. Eric was the gentlest out of the four of them so to me, being with him first after my accident felt right. He wouldn’t push me to my limits. Not that I thought the others would do anything to hurt me, but I knew how they liked to fuck without restraint.

  I rose and fell on him at a leisurely pace, revelling in finally being able to have sex after going without since the crash.

  “I love you, E… so much.” Leaning down, I kissed his lips, nibbling at the bottom one. “You make me whole again.”

  He smiled, his hands leaving my hips. One curled into my hair as the other cupped my cheek.

  “You’re everything to me.”

  We kissed again. His hand fell from my hair to my breast, cupping it as his thumb swiped across my nipple. I moaned in his mouth, increasing my pace as my hands fell on the bed, keeping me steady. Pulling back, I rested my forehead against his, watching him as we drove each other higher. The way his mouth parted and the little exhales he made each time I took him deep inside me. Even though my chest burnt slightly, I didn’t care. Being with him like this made it all melt away. I need this. Need him so fucking much.

  “E,” I panted. “E… I need… I need you to fuck me.”

  He was gentle as he flipped us over. He didn’t lean over me, instead stayed on his knees and gripped my hips. I held the covers below us as he drove into me with sharp thrusts, sending me ever higher.

  “Like this?”

  “Yes… don’t stop, god, don’t stop.”

  His eyes were almost black as he gave it to me, making me mewl and cry out his name.

  “Touch yourself, Ash.”

  I complied immediately, my hand snaking between my legs. He watched me stroke myself into a frenzy, a deadly expression on his face. Eric was beautiful like this. He didn’t fuck me too hard, but it was enough to send me flying over the edge. I cried and whimpered as my body bucked.

  “Oh, sweet fuck.”

  The blissful feeling raked up my spine, splintering my soul whilst he put it back together with each thrust of his hips. I panted as I watched him throw back his head and grunt as he hammered into me.

  “Jesus, fuck…” he groaned, spilling inside me as his cock pulsed.

  Both of us collapsed on the bed next to each other, panting and gasping for breath. Our bodies were slick with sweat, but I don’t think either of us cared one bit.

  “Maybe I should get kidnapped more often.”

  “What?” I squeaked.

  “I quite like your interpretation of taking care of me afterwards.”

  I shoved him gently and shook my head.

  “Do not get kidnapped just so I’ll have sex with you.”

  I looked over to find him grinning.

  “No promises.”


  He grabbed me by the waist and hauled me on top of him, pulling me down so he could kiss me. I melted against him instantly. This man was so cheeky when he wanted to be, but I adored that about him.

  “No more kidnapping, hellcat.”

  “Good. I can’t go through that again and I don’t think Xav can either.”

  “What’s this about me?”

  Both of us turned our heads, finding Xav strolling in with a raised eyebrow.

  “I said you can’t go through him getting kidnapped again.”

  I didn’t even feel embarrassed about him finding us naked together. We both knew the boys would find out, regardless.

  Xav hopped onto the bed next to us and lay back against the headboard with his hands behind his head.

  “No, don’t get yourself fucking kidnapped again, E. I will kill you myself.”

  “That’s a bit harsh,” Eric said, stroking my hair and reaching a hand out of Xav who let him entwine their fingers together.

  “I told you she’d give you some sweet relief if you asked for it.”

  “Excuse me, what?” I interjected.

  “Ignore him,” Eric muttered. “He’s being Xav.”

  “He didn’t ask, I gave…”

  Xav winked at the two of us. The last time he’d found us in bed together hadn’t gone down very well, but this time, there was none of that awkwardness.

  “Man, I’m going to love seeing Quinn’s face when he realises he wasn’t first.”

  Eric grinned and I shook my head, sitting up and swatting Xav’s side.

  “Don’t start. E is gentle, unlike you and Quinn.”

  “Don’t forget wolf boy.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “Ror is in a different league to all of you. Don’t even try to outmatch him.”

  “Wouldn’t dream of it. Now, you need to convince him to join us all, then we can show you a good time.”

  I almost sighed. Having all of them at once would be hot, but I didn’t count on it happening.

  “You lot show me enough of a good time as it is. Now, if you excuse me for a moment, I’m sweaty and in need of a wash.”

  I slipped off Eric, but he got up with me, his hand on my lower back as he directed me into the bathroom.

  “Me too,” he threw over his shoulder at Xav who we could both hear laughing behind us.

  “Don’t be long, lovebirds. Dinner’s almost ready!”

  I wasn’t planning on a repeat of what we’d been doing before Xav came in, but the look in Eric’s ey
es as he pushed me in the shower was quite the opposite. It seemed once I’d given him the go-ahead I was ready for sex again, he was going to make up for lost time. And I didn’t have it in me to say otherwise. Not when being locked together with him gave me the sweetest damn high I’d had in days.

  “I love you,” he whispered in my ear as he had me up against the wall, my legs wrapped around his waist.

  “Love you too, E. Always.”

  Chapter 13

  When I woke up, I found myself squished between two very warm bodies. My arm was wrapped around Xav’s waist with Eric spooning me. The closer we all got with each other, the less the boys were bothered by our sleeping arrangements. It seemed they didn’t care who else was in the bed as long as they were with me or maybe we’d grown close enough, it was no longer a big deal.

  “Tesoro, wake up,” I whispered at Xav who was facing me.

  I rubbed his waist before stroking his hair. He grumbled and shifted, pressing closer to me. As much as I appreciated being with both of them, I was also too hot and wanted to get up to stretch out my sore muscles. Not to mention popping a few painkillers.

  “Xav, please.”

  I shook him this time. He cracked an eye open, his expression turning sour.

  “Shh, angel, I’m sleeping.”

  “Can you let me out?”

  He let out a huff and shifted back, giving me a little room to wriggle out of the bed. I had to shove Eric’s arm off me, but as he slept like the dead, he didn’t wake up. Hence why I’d bothered Xav in the first place. I kissed both of them on the cheek before I jumped off the end and went into the bathroom to deal with my pressing urge. When I came out, Xav was cuddling Eric.

  Those two are utterly adorable together.

  I shook my head and slipped out of the room, padding down to the kitchen where I’d left my painkillers. I stretched out after I’d taken them and wandered around the ground floor in search of Quinn, who was nowhere to be found.

  Is he not up yet?

  I went back upstairs and crept into Quinn’s room. He was laid out flat on his back, his face at complete peace. I took a minute to watch him, hesitant to disturb my slumbering king. Perhaps I’d go see if Rory was up yet instead. But no, I came to see Quinn and talk to him about our next move. I walked up to his bed and carefully pulled back to the covers, slipping in beside him. He didn’t even stir as I laid my head on the pillow next to him and stroked his shoulder with my fingertips.


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