Ice (Alien Breed 3 - English Edition)

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Ice (Alien Breed 3 - English Edition) Page 4

by Melody Adams

  "You have never ...?"

  She shook her head. Her breath came hard. She nervously bit her lower lip and my cock jerked again. Her innocence excited me. I’d never had anything that was pure. All I knew was training, killing and paid sex. This girl didn’t fit into my life.

  "Do you ... do you not want to kiss me?" She asked softly.

  I stared at her lips. Slowly, I lowered my head and touched her mouth with mine. Her lips were so soft. I let the tip my tongue slide over it and she opened for me, moaning softly. A growl rose in my chest. I pushed my tongue between her lips and tasted her carefully, then with all the wild passion that suddenly took possession of me. She returned my kiss. It was indescribable, but it was not enough. I wanted to loose myself in her. Satisfy the intense need that I felt. I let go of her lips and slid down. I wanted to taste more of her before I made her mine. First, I dedicated myself to her breasts. I sucked one of the hard tips into my mouth and she rose up to me, groaning. Her complacency was like an adrenaline rush for me. This was not pretended. She was not paid to have sex with me. It was intoxicating to see how she reacted to each of my touches and caresses. I wanted her to enjoy this as much as I did. Her soft moan pushed me to a point where it seemed harder and harder for me to stay in control and not just thrust into her like my inner beast demanded.


  Just from his kiss alone, I completely forgot why he was here. I had been attracted to this man in an enigmatic way from the beginning, but what his kiss, his touches woke in me, was beyond my imagination. As he slid lower and sucked one of my nipples into his mouth, I bucked to meet him. Lust, hot as molten lava, shot into my core and made my clit throb. He took my other breast in his mouth and I pressed my chest against him wantonly. I wanted him so much, more than I had ever wanted anything before. I couldn’t say why. There were reasons why I was still a virgin with my twenty-four years. I had never felt the need to go any further than a few harmless kisses with any of the men I had dated. Never before had I felt this burning desire. His hands reached for my open nightgown and tore the rest of the fabric that still covered me, leaving me bare and exposed to his gaze. I was vulnerable, at the mercy of this big, scary but wildly beautiful man.

  He growled at my chest, sending vibrating shivers through my body. No human made such sounds. He had to be an Alien Breed. I had felt his fangs when he kissed me. It was obvious. He wasn’t human. Not entirely, anyway. But it didn’t scare me. There was something between us. A pull that I couldn’t explain. He let go of my breasts; his lips burning a hot trail down to my navel and lower. I held my breath. I had never gone that far with a man. I didn’t know if I was eagerly awaiting or shying away from it. But as his hot breath touched my pussy, I felt a torrent of moisture between my thighs.

  "Mmmmm! Your scent," he growled. "I have to taste you. You drive me crazy."

  Then I felt his lips on my pussy. I moaned softly as his tongue pushed the swollen labia apart to explore me more thoroughly. His growling made my pussy vibrate. I felt weightless, flying higher and higher. My killer's tongue explored every inch of my femininity, feasting on my juices. I felt a finger penetrate me as his tongue teased my little pearl until I thought I was melting away with need. The pressure building inside of me became unbearable. I had to find release. Groaning, I urged my pussy against him. Then he took my clit between his lips while his finger found a spot inside of me that finally sent me over the edge. I cried out, and my whole body trembled beneath my lover/killer. White-hot ecstasy raced through my veins. It seemed to go on and on, until I finally came down from my glorious high, dazed and exhausted. My lover, slash killer, slid over me, and I felt his hardness at my entrance. Slowly, the thick tip pressed into me. I could feel my flesh fighting against the intruder, but he pushed slowly and relentlessly forward until my body had no choice but to let him in. I had my hands on his chest and could feel the damp sweat that covered his body. I knew he was holding back to give me a chance to get used to his enormous size. He looked down at me as he paused. Then he pushed and a sharp pain made me gasp. He stayed still and lowered his mouth to mine. His kiss distracted me from the pain in my lower regions until I felt him start to move again. The pain had passed and I focused on the unfamiliar feeling of being filled. I heard his heavy breathing; felt that he was still holding back for my sake. Every muscle in his massive body was tense. I put my hands around his neck and lifted myself to his careful thrusts.

  "More!" I encouraged him. He looked at me and I nodded in agreement.

  His thrusts became harder, faster. I looked up at his square face. My eyes had become accustomed to the darkness, although I could not see all the details. I still had not seen his eyes. The sight of his pleasure-filled face suddenly brought tears to my eyes and I cried out. I wished I could freeze this moment forever.

  "Do I hurt you?" He asked worriedly.

  "No," I whispered. "More! Fuck me hard! I need you!"

  He kissed me. Hard! I clung to him. My nails pressed deep into his back as he pushed harder and faster into me. He jerked his head up and bared his fangs as he continued to increase his pace. I was so close. Desperately, I wrapped my legs around his middle to take him deeper into me.

  "Please. Please! Oh God!" I yelled, then the climax came over me like a huge tidal wave and my pussy tightened rhythmically around his thick shaft.

  He growled, and then let out an animalistic roar and I felt his semen flood my tight passage. For a moment it occurred to me that I was not on any contraception, but what sense would it make to worry about that if I died anyway? My euphoria, triggered by the intense orgasm, dissolved into nothing and was displaced by a deep sadness. I wasn’t afraid of death, but the thought that the man who had given me such exquisite feelings would end my life was like a stone in my stomach.

  My killer had rolled off me and was breathing heavily next to me. I felt the need to cuddle up to him. To take advantage of the last minutes of my life, to fill it with something beautiful, but I did not dare. Hot tears ran down my cheeks as I listened to my wildly beating heart.


  Exhausted, I closed my eyes for a moment. It had almost killed me to go slow, but it had been worth every effort. I had never felt such ecstasy before. My heart was still racing and I was sweating from every pore of my body. I was happy for the first time in my life. The realization hit me like a blow. It was confusing. Suddenly all those feelings after I walked around without emotion for nearly thirty years. This girl had changed my life. Nothing would be the same as before. I would not be able to carry out this assignment, but that had been already clear to me before I got into her apartment. She had been in my head since our first meeting. But if I didn’t do the job, that meant I couldn’t go back to my old life, and that she was in danger. I had to do something to ensure her safety. I wouldn’t let anything happen to her.

  A barely audible sob next to me tore me from my thoughts. I turned my head and looked at her. Tears ran down her cheeks and I felt a stab in my heart. She was sad for some reason and I didn’t want her to cry. I didn’t have much experience in dealing with women. What could I do to make her feel better?

  "Hey!" I said softly and she turned her head to me. I reached out and brushed a tear from her cheek.

  "Did I hurt you?" I asked worriedly. "I know, I'm big and you're so petite ..."

  She shook her head.

  "No! You ... you did not hurt me."

  Relief filled me that at least I had not hurt her. But there was still the question of why she cried.

  "Why are you crying then? I'm afraid I'm not very familiar with female feelings. Or feelings at all. I have no feelings. I ... at least I did not have any, until ... "

  "You have no feelings?"

  I turned on my side to be able to look at her better.

  "I was trained from childhood not to feel emotions. They are ... hindering my task."

  "Oh my god!" She whispered. "That's awful! It ... it doesn’t sound like you've had a nice childhood. But who made yo
u a killer? Whom do you work for?"

  I sighed.

  "If I told you, it would only put you in more danger. I don’t know anything I could tell you anyway. I don’t know my boss personally. He calls himself X. But even if I knew more, I could not and would not tell you."

  "Would that even matter? I mean ... if ... if you'll kill me anyway?"

  I looked at her in confusion. She actually thought that I could still kill her after what we had just experienced together?

  "You think I'm a monster," I said softly.

  "No!" She protested vehemently, reaching out to grab my hand. "You are what you were made into. But you are not a monster. You have been gentle with me. But it's your job to kill me, is not it? If you fail, then ... What would happen to you then?"

  "I could never hurt you. You’ve changed something in me since ... since you confronted me so boldly when we met the first time. I could smell your fear but you came and talked to me anyway. Even before I got in here, I knew that I would fail my assignment. I’ve killed. Many times. But all my victims deserved it. They were sentenced to death and I carried out the execution. But you? You are not evil! You put your nose in things that are none of your business and that made you a threat. That's why X wants to have you killed. But I cannot do it. Not this time. You are not evil. I could never ..."

  "If you knew you couldn’t kill me, why did you even come?"

  "I don’t know, I ... I had to see you! I had no idea what was happening to me, but I ... I just had to come here. I wanted you! You confuse me! Those feelings! I do not understand any of this. If I look at you, then I have only one thought. That you are mine. MINE!"

  Her big, expressive eyes studied me, as she seemed to be thinking about my words. She seemed a little doubting, surprised but also relieved. She had actually believed that I would kill her. I remembered my first assessment of Miriam. That she was brave and would not whimper in the face of death like that coward Romanov had. She had shown courage, had given herself to me with a passion that still amazed me. My respect for her grew. She was really an unusual woman. There had been something about her from the first moment that had drawn me to her.

  "I'm not human," I confessed softly. This time, I didn’t see any surprise in her eyes.

  "I know!" She said. "I know what you are."

  Now it was my turn to look at her in disbelief. Until today I had no idea what I was. I only knew that I was some gene experiment, but I didn’t know anything specific.

  "Then you know more than me," I said bitterly.

  "You're an Alien Breed," she explained, sliding her hand over the scars on the back of my head.

  I was sure that her human eyes couldn’t see the scars in the darkness, but she must have noticed them before.

  "What's an Alien Breed?" I asked confused.

  "About ten years ago, a young intern brought something outrageous to the public. A research company the young woman worked for experimented with alien DNA-modified humans. Hybrids. Half human, half alien. The Alien Breeds were freed and given a colony on an Earth-like planet called Eden."

  I shook my head in disbelief. Could I really be part alien? Why did they create these hybrids? And why had I not been at this research company, along with the others? As far as I could remember, I had always been in the hands of my mentor. X had changed the caregivers a few times over the years, but X had always been constant in my life.

  "It seems that they have operated on your skull to cover up your true identity," said Miriam, stroking my scars. "The Alien Breed’s heads are more pointy at the back. Can you remember about it?"

  "I had several operations," I replied thoughtfully. "But I was told that I had a tumor that needed to be removed. That's why I get the drugs every morning."

  "How long have you been in this ... job?" She wanted to know.

  "I had my first assignment when I was fifteen. Sometimes I have nothing to do for months. Before I got the current orders, I didn’t have a single convict for nearly a year."


  "The people I kill are condemned for their crimes. I carry out the executions!"

  "They used you. These people you killed may have committed crimes, but your boss has no authority to sentence or condemn a person to death. Only a court can do that!"

  I took this information in. My whole life I had been taught how important my job was, how right it was to eliminate those people to protect decent people. Was Miriam right? Had I been I used?

  "What's your name?"

  I looked at her and hesitated. My name was nothing that I could be proud of. If what she said was true, then ...

  "Don’t you have a name?" She asked when I did not answer.

  "Yes, I ... I have a name" I replied.

  "And? Can’t you tell me?"

  "Ice!" I said, waiting for horror or aversion to show on her face, but she smiled.

  "It suits you."

  "You don’t find the name disgusting? Or terrifying?"

  "Why should I?"

  "I got the name because I'm cold! Because I have no feelings!"

  She smiled again and stroked my cheek. I enjoyed her tender hands on me.

  "But you have feelings!" She argued. "You are not a monster, Ice. I believe that you are a wonderful man. I rarely judge a person wrong."

  "But I'm not human!" I said bitterly.

  "For me that makes no difference!"

  I pulled her close and hugged her tightly. We were silent for a while and I enjoyed holding her in my arms. We needed to find a way to make sure she was safe, but right now I didn’t want to think of anything unpleasant.

  "How did you get in here?" She suddenly asked, straightening up to look down at me. "There were eight officers left to guard me after receiving your rose with the card."

  I frowned. What was she talking about?

  "Rose? Card?"

  "Yes. Today a delivery arrived for me in the office. A long-stemmed rose with a card that said: We have a rendezvous!"

  I sat up abruptly and felt my adrenaline level rise. If she really got such a delivery, there was only one explanation: X had set Player on her!

  "I did not send you the rose!" I said, clenching my fists. "Damn it! Get up and get dressed! We have to get out of here! Immediately! There were no policemen, Miriam! X must have made sure that they have been withdrawn. He has connections everywhere with the police! And the rose ... Player must have sent it to you. He is the most dangerous of us. I will fight to protect you, if need be, but Player is strong. There is a risk that I cannot overpower him and then you would be defenseless. We have to get of the grid. Do you have any idea where we could go?"

  "I have a friend who can help us," she said, amazingly calm, but I saw the fear in her eyes.

  I cursed silently. I had to make sure that Player didn’t get his hands on her. He would torture her for hours before he would allow her to die. Just the thought of it caused me a most unwelcome sense of panic. I never panicked! Damn it! In one thing, X had been right! Feelings were a hindrance! I could barely think past the worry.

  We both jumped out of bed and started dressing.

  Chapter 3


  My heart was racing like crazy! The news that it had not been Ice that sent me the rose, but another killer, who was obviously even more dangerous, and the realization that the officers who watched over me were gone, had left me feeling lethargic. I was sick with fear, but I tried not to let it show when I dressed hastily. I turned on the bedside lamp and glanced over at Ice, who was about to get dressed. He looked up and our eyes met. He stood too far away from the light for me to see his eyes. I finally wanted to know what they looked like.

  "I have never seen your eyes," I said softly.

  A painful expression appeared on his face. He turned away, grabbed his sunglasses and put them on.

  "Not a pretty sight," he mumbled.

  I circled the bed and walked towards him. He turned his broad back to me. I put my hands on his arm and he flinched.
  "Turn around!" I asked softly.

  "We are in a hurry! Pack the most important things together!"

  "If we are in such a hurry, then do not resist. I will not pack until I have seen your eyes!"

  He growled, but he turned and took off his glasses. I stared into the most unusual and beautiful eyes I had ever seen. His pupils were red and a red rim framed the pale blue irises. I put my hands to his cheeks and tiptoed to kiss him. His hands gripped my waist and he returned my kiss. A growl rose from his chest. Then he broke away from me and looked at me.

  "We don’t have time for that now," he said harshly.

  I smiled.

  "I know."

  I turned away to pack a few things.

  "My eyes!" His voice came from behind me. "You do not find them ... frightening?"

  I turned to him.

  "I think they are beautiful!"

  A smile lit up his features.

  "Hurry up!"

  "Already finished. I just have to call a friend quickly."


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