The Riddle of the Jew's Success

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The Riddle of the Jew's Success Page 5

by Theodor Fritsch

  [Page 37] interferes with the economic life. He displays an utter disregard for others, and pursues, only and always, his private advantage. By the ruthless manipulation of this principle, he has become everywhere the destroyer of the economic life.

  He checks the even flow of development, creates “ corners”, produces artificial shortage and superfluity, and knows how to make profit out of both. Thus, in the economic life, he is nothing less than a disturber of the peace, a revolutionary and an anarchist.

  [Page 38]



  The International Connection and Secret League of the Hebrews.

  Amongst the various causes of the tremendous advance of the Jews, special emphasis must be laid upon one of the most important — the way in which they play into one another’s hands internationally. The Jewish success can be attributed, in a large measure, to the cooperation of many in conformity with a principle of unity.

  The House of Rothschild stands, before the eyes of all, as the most striking example of this, and is testimony at the same time to the avalanche-like growth of the property, which is strictly confined in Jewish ownership, and which plays the chief part in sucking dry the national prosperity, not only of entire Europe, but also of most other countries.

  1. The Rothschilds.

  The role of the great millionaires, who control the economic life of America, has been played in Europe, until quite recently, almost exclusively by the House of Rothschild with its five branches in Paris, London, Frankfort on the Main, Vienna and Naples.* The Rothschilds, however, can only be compared with the former, i.e., the American millionaires so far as their actual riches are concerned, and not with regard to their economic position.

  ---------------------* The founder of this house, with its world-wide connections, was Mayer Anselm (Amschel) Rothschild at Frankfort on the Main (1743-1812).

  He had five sons, of whom Anselm (1773—1855) took over the management of the Frankfort House, Salomon Mayer 1774 — 1855) that of the Vienna House, Nathan Mayer (1777 — 1836) that of the London House. Karl (1788-1855) that of the House at Naples, and Jacob (James) Rothschild (1792 — 1868) that of the Paris House.


  [Page 39] The money-princes of America are always striving to utilise their gigantic fortunes for the further economic development of their country; the Rothschilds, on the contrary, compose a cosmopolitan company, without any country of its own, devoted to the mere acquisition of money, and which lives solely from the “financing” of the productive power of others. And, in order to ply this business on as great and as safe a scale as possible, the House of Rothschild has devoted particular attention to that chronic want of money, which is displayed by the Governments of the various countries. For the last 50 years, scarcely a single national loan of any importance has been negotiated and concluded without the Rothschilds; they have their fingers on the pulse of every exchange, and no one knows better than they how to skim the cream off all important economic operations.

  If one was desirous of writing an appropriate description of the various influences, which the Rothschilds exercise on our economic life, and upon our politics, the material would fill volumes. In this case a mere indication must suffice, and reference must be made to other books. Even in Sombart’s work there is something on the subject. The so-called “Germanicus-Broschüren” (pamphlets) published during the years 1880-1888 by G. Richter at Frankfort on the Main, contain most instructive matter. Also F. v. Scherb:

  “Geschichte des Hauses Rothschild” (History of the House of Rothschild) Berlin 1892. “ Germanicus” is evidently a well-informed judge of all matters relating to the Exchanges, and particularly so of the Jewish fraternity of Frankfort, and he lays bare relentlessly the fraudulent machinations of the great Jewish firms. But although some of these pamphlets passed through several large editions the voice, which spoke, therein died away, completely unheard in authoritative circles, and has not led to the slightest proceeding against the systematic plundering of the people, which takes place on the Stock Exchanges — a proof of the terrible ban, which Jewry has already cast over our public life. Nothing which runs counter to Jewish interests can any longer obtain publicity.

  [Page 40] If Social Democracy were a genuine movement of the people, it would find, in this respect alone, its most urgent call to come to grips with the real robbers of the nation; but the genuine friend of the people learns to his astonishment, that the apparent representatives of the Proletariat extend their hands protectingly over the machinations of the Stock Exchange, and march, arm in arm, with the very men, who arrange how the people are to be deceived. With what notorious assiduity the leaders of the Proletariat have earned their title, “The Truncheon-Guard of the Jews”, can be learnt from the fact, which has never been challenged, that during all the incendiary destruction, which took place at the time of the Paris Commune in 1870, the only property, which remained completely unharmed, was that of Mr. Rothschild.

  Further material for the chapter on the Rothschilds and their companions is to be found in the writings of Otto Glagau: “Der Börsen-und Gründungsschwindel in Berlin” (The Stock Exchange and Establishment swindle in Berlin) and also “in Germany” (1877).

  Old Meyer Anselm (Amschel) Rothschild laid the foundation of his fortune in Frankfort on the Main, as is known, with the capital of the former Landgraf and later Kurfürst, William I of Hesse who, during the time of the Napoleonic wars (1806—1813), handed over the whole of his fortune, amounting to 12, or, according to other authorities, to 21 million thalers, and the whole of which had been acquired by the sale of soldiers to other powers, partly by his father, and partly by himself, to the Frankfort money-man at 2 per cent (some say, free of interest) for many years, in order to guard it from the hands of the enemy. As money is very scarce, and is in very great demand during times of war, the clever banker earned, not only 5 and 10 per cent interest, but even higher rates, by means of the royal treasure. And those, who held the purse-strings for the German Federation, were guilty of the criminal folly of entrusting the huge sums of money, paid by France, as war reparation, and which had been marked for the erection of fortresses for the protection of the Federation, to the Frankfort Jews, and in particular, to the House of Rothschild, at the rate of only 2 per cent for 20 years!

  [Page 41] Thus, the House of Rothschild has utilised the millions, belonging to princes and states, to make a foundation for its own world-wide power, and to still further extend its usury amongst princes and peoples. It became the money-lender and the money-broker for the Governments of all the European states, and from then onwards exercised a fateful influence upon all political proceedings.* It is significant that Amschel Meyer Rothschild, the eldest son of the founder of the business, was present at the Vienna Conference in 1815, spoke on that occasion, and was altogether a personality of considerable importance. In 1845, Prince Metternich wrote to the French Ambassador in Paris:

  “ The House of Rothschild plays a far greater rôle at Frankfort than any foreign government, with the exception, perhaps, of the English. There are natural reasons for this, which one certainly cannot regard as good, and which, from a moral point of view, are still less satisfactory. Money is the great and final tribunal in France” etc.


  * This is best shown by the drastic speech of the old tribal mother Rothschild, when she said to her sons:

  “Don’t give the Princes any money, so that they will not be able to make war.”

  ----------The fine art of the Hebrew has always consisted in ascertaining, by means of espionage, the approaching shortage in goods and provisions, in buying up the same, and then, when they are urgently needed, only parting with them at a profiteer’s price. In times of war it is scarcely possible to satisfy the requirements of the army without the aid of the Jews, as they have already laid their hands on all available stores, and secured the same by deeds of purchase and payments on ac
count. That the House of Rothschild is quite at home in this underhand business, is proved by the following passage out of a letter from Nathan Rothschild, the third son of Meyer Amschel, to his friend, the politician Thomas Buxton:

  When I had established myself in London, the East India Company** sold gold to the amount of 800,000 pounds sterling. I bought it all, because I knew that the Duke of Wellington must have it; I had bought up a large number of his bills at a cheap rate.*** The Government sent for me, and declared that they must have the money. As soon as they had it, they did not know how to send it to Portugal. I undertook this as well, and sent the money across France. This was the best piece of business, which I have ever done.


  ** According to an article in the Quarterly Review, June to September 1848, page 127, reviewing a book called, “Memoirs of Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, Bart.,” the amount is given as 800,000 lbs. of Gold! As twenty Troy pounds of Standard Gold, i.e., 22 carat Gold, are coined into 934 sovereigns and one half-sovereign, the abovementioned amount of 43 800,000 lbs. would represent in minted gold the enormous sum of £37,380,000, that is to say if Troy Pounds and Standard Gold are meant in Buxton’s memoirs; if Avoirdupois Pounds and Fine Gold are intended, the minted value would be still larger — far over £40,000,000! It is incredible that Nathan Rothschild, or even the East India Company, had such an enormous amount of Gold at their disposal.

  The great probability is, that the actual amount of Gold, whether “standard” or “fine”, was represented, as Fritsch has stated, by a minted value of £800,000. (Translator’s note)

  *** Wellington, who was a spendthrift in private life, was first Lord of the Treasury from 1826-1830.


  [Page 42] And the members of this firm, which has become rich through countless, unclean, financial operations, have been ennobled (Amschel Meyer by the Emperor of Austria already in 1815), have been loaded with orders and decorations, and have been entrusted by princes and persons of rank with the management of their fortunes, and princes and persons of rank did not regard it as degrading to maintain relations with these wholesale usurers — yes, they sank almost to subserviency in their eagerness to help this descendant of a Frankfort Jew, who dealt in old clothes, and who had no other name than that of the house in which he lived, to play a more important part even than that assigned to kings and princes of the royal blood. And sprigs of the oldest and most illustrious nobility, who desired that everyone should know that their honour was a rare and costly possession, bent the knee before men, whose ancestor had adopted as his watchword; “My money is my honour”.*)


  * Mayer Amschel Rothschild writes as follows in a dunning letter to the agent of the Kurfürst Wilhelm II of Hesse: “He, who has my money, holds my honour, and my honour is my life; he, who does not pay me my money, takes my honour away from me.” The original letter was sold by auction by Rud. Lepke in Berlin.


  The increase in the wealth of the House of Rothschild is calculated as follows by the writer on political economy — Dr. Rud. Herm. Meyer — in the eighties:

  The Parisian Rothschild (II) died in 1875, and left 1000 million francs. One is entitled, therefore, to estimate the combined fortunes of the members of the House of Rothschild at 5000 million francs. The Rothschilds make more than 5 per cent interest. Let us reckon in the meantime, that this “Plus” is utilised for their maintenance, and that their capital only doubles itself every fifteen years. One is entitled to assume this, because it has actually increased more quickly since the founding of the House. If it had only doubled itself every 15 years, it would have amounted to:

  1875 5000 million Francs

  1860 2500 ...

  1845 1250 ...

  1830 625 ...

  1815 312 ...

  1800 156 ...

  It may be pointed out, however, that old Rothschild had no fortune whatever to speak of in the year 1800. One is therefore entitled to assume, that if a remedy is not to be found by means of anti-capitalistic, truly economic legislation, the fortune of the Rothschilds will continue to double itself every 15 years.

  With this fact in view, one is quite in order in asking what relation does the income of the remainder of humanity bear towards it. The kingdom of Saxony is one of the richest and most prosperous of the German states. In the year 1876 the income, which had been assessed for income-tax, of 2-3/4 million inhabitants, amounted to 459 francs a head, and in 1877 to only 430 francs a head. The fifteen per cent income derived from the present fortune of the Rothschilds is therefore as large as the combined incomes of 581,400 Saxon citizens in the year 1877. If one assumes, that the average income throughout Europe always remained the same as that of the Saxons in the year 1877, and, bearing in mind the fact that the income of the Rothschilds doubles itself every fifteen years, one arrives at the following result:

  The fortune of the Rothschilds amounted, in the year 1875, to 5000 million francs; the income out of this was as great as the combined income of 589,000 ordinary individuals; in 1890 the fortune of the Rothschilds amounted to 10,000 million francs; the income out of this was equal to the combined incomes of 1,150,000 ordinary individuals; in 1905 the fortune would amount to 20,000 million francs providing an income, from which 2,320,000 human beings — half the population of the kingdom of Saxony in the year 1905 — would have to live. In the year 1920, the fortune will have swollen to 40,000 million francs; in the year 1965 the fortune will amount to no less than 320,000 million francs, providing an income equal to the sum of the incomes, upon which 37,120,000 human beings must exist.

  [Page 44] Thus writes Rud. Meyer. This survey, even if it can lay no claim to absolute accuracy, shows nevertheless, in a very instructive manner, how a great mass of capital, which is constantly increasing by means of compound interest, grows after the manner of an avalanche, and, like a sponge, sucks up the whole economic life. For these huge accumulations of property do not, of course, consist of real money, but simply of the debts and obligations of others; their growth, therefore, indicates a progressive indebtedness of the productive and owning classes, and also of the countries themselves.

  The success of the House of Rothschild is entirely attributable to the fact that the firm possessed simultaneously an establishment in each of the five most important countries in Europe, and maintained, by means of their representatives at these establishments, a constant service of news, relating to all political and economic circumstances, which was utilised to exercise active influence in every direction. The five great banking houses, which all worked on exactly the same lines, and played into one another’s hands, formed, whenever a crisis arrived, a united power, opposed to which the governments of countries were but little better than powerless.

  2. The “playing into one another’s hands”, and secret understanding of the Hebrews.

  This particular instance is not necessary to demonstrate how valuable organised collaboration is to business interests. The superiority of the Jewish organisation over individual activity is apparent in countless cases of everyday life — from the buying of rags, and the operations of the auction-room hyenas, to cattle-dealing and traffic in stockexchange shares. The Hebrew, however, is already quite capable, as an individual alone, of out-stripping all sound and honest competitors in the business arena; not only does his innate and trained sense of business give him the advantage, but, before everything else, he is enabled to do this by particular tactics and by the unscrupulousness of his procedure.

  [Page 45] And, granted that the Hebrew possesses an eminent talent for commerce, and all kinds of remarkable characteristics, which enable him to force the average German business-man out of the saddle, these powers increase until they become absolutely irresistible when several cooperate to exert them in the same direction.

  The German business-man, as a rule, stands as a single individual, opposed to all the rest; he endeavours to advance his business
by his own power and ability, and nowadays it is quite the exception for him to receive any special help or advancement from relatives or friends. With the Hebrews it is quite different. The strong “holding-together” of this foreign national element is a world-wide historical fact. One hears them extolled in all quarters, because they stand by one another and support themselves. That is certainly a praiseworthy characteristic, and, as such, may appear worthy of imitation.

  In the case of the Jews, this “ holding-together” does not arise from unalloyed mutual goodwill; it is rather a duty of life, created by tradition, and indispensable for this people. The Hebrew recognises the fact that, owing to his peculiar behaviour, and to his peculiar designs, which are hostile to the rest of humanity, he would be powerless in the world as a separate individual. The co-operation of kindred powers, in the same direction, appears to him as necessary law of life.

  It is solely due to the fact that many of his kind — either by agreement or impelled by the common instinct — incessantly oppose the established regulations of the honest and productive nations, that that kind of dissoluteness, and that kind of confusion are produced in the social structure, which are essential to the prosperity of the Hebrews.

  For this reason no one finds “ holding together” so necessary as the Jews. In all their business, whether it be as agent or middleman in the country, or as wholesale merchant or stockbroker in the towns, the Hebrews are organised everywhere in bands or gangs.

  [Page 46] Even in the domain of theft where, until a few decades ago, they were considerably more active than at the present moment, they had developed theft by gangs, until it could almost be regarded as an art.* Each one had a separate part to play. For instance, there were the “scout”, who had to “provide” the opportunity, the “Schmiere-Steher”


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