It is, however, not only the honour and moral purity of German women, which are at stake; their physical health is likewise endangered. Whether it is that the peculiar nature of the Jew exhausts the female body to an unusual degree, or whether it is that physiological circumstances, connected with the act of circumcision, play some part — it is sufficient to state the fact, that women, who have been accustomed to have sexual intercourse with Jews, suffer from a variety of uterine disorders, and remain barren. Yes, one can go so far as to say: women, who have been accustomed to sexual intercourse with Jews, are lost to the other race. And, if enquiry is being made at the present moment to find out the causes of the decline in the birth-rate, there ought to be no delay in directing attention to the influence of this racial alien in our midst, who ruins the women, not only morally but physically, and who threatens, together with the widely-spread efforts to check conception, to become always more and more injurious to the community.
And it is not difficult to conclude from all this, that the Jewish race is the principal carrier of sexual disease amongst the other nations, which could not very well be otherwise, considering how unbridled their sensuality is. And even when he is afflicted with an infectious disorder, the Jew will still not place any restraint on his lust. One recalls the disclosures of young Jews, according to which, a fiendish kind of rapture is experienced by them in seducing — in spite of their diseased condition — what is, in all probability, still an innocent girl.
[Page 268] A terrible picture of such devilish cynicism was revealed in the course of a judicial proceeding in February 1904.
The trader, Julius Klippstein, married man and proprietor of a money lending business, which he carried on under the name of Jacob Weg, was brought up before a jury in the Law Courts at Munich. He was charged with perjury, and with incitement to perjury. Klippstein had attempted to induce the wife of a postman, who was under examination, on account of some other misdemeanour, and was one of his customers, to deny on oath the fact that Klippstein was, in the course of his business, in the habit of having immoral relations with her. Klippstein denied the fact. The woman, however, confessed eventually, in spite of the present of money, which had been promised to her. The examination of Klippstein now brought to light, that it was a regular part of the daily proceedings for him to make immodest proposals to the female customers. The State Attorney had found out no less than 35 women and girls, who had come to their ruin through Klippstein. They all appeared in court as witnesses. Their joint evidence furnished the material for a terrible history; some cases were little removed from rape. Klippstein proceeded to sell up the goods and chattels of certain women who resisted his advances. He only postponed execution, and granted a longer period for payment, when the women yielded to his wishes. These unfortunate beings consisted, for the most part, of the wives and daughters of workmen and small officials. As a consequence of his licentious mode of living, Klippstein suffered continuously from a revolting disorder, which he communicated, moreover, to the victims of his lust. His wife had been infected by him, and had had to undergo a severe operation; the cook in his own household, with whom he also had relations, suffered from the same disorder — and the same was the case with his seventeen year-old son, who had taken his father as a pattern. — Klippstein was sentenced to 1-1/3 years (!) imprisonment.
The social democratic “Münchener Post”, one of the few papers, which published this unheard-of history, as a public warning, stated also:
“During the retirement of the jury, the accused was busily muttering Hebrew prayers in his cell.” Various divorce proceedings are the further consequence of this case. — The “Deutsche Handels-Wacht” had also something to report concerning the personality of the accused:
“ Julius Klippstein had already been arrested and detained on a charge of rape, in his former domicile, Giessen, but had managed to secure an acquittal. After moving to Munich, he had carried on his business, scarcely for a year, when he entered into an ‘arrangement’ with his creditors, whereby the latter incurred a loss of 25,000 marks, and he then embarked on a fresh career of debauchery, which simply beggared description. ‘If you are nice to me’, he was wont to say to his female employees, ‘you will have a good time; but if not, I will make your life a hell.’”
[Page 269] “ A girl, employed at the counter, who had energetically resisted his advances, and had, on that account, been disgracefully abused by Klippstein, complained to the book-keeper of the business, who told him, straight to his face, that he ought to be locked up. This, however, did not trouble that man of honour in the least. His customers, both girls and women, were assailed in the same way as the servants of his household and the employees in his business, and he compelled many of them, as mentioned above, to yield to his wishes, by threatening to seize and sell up the last of their belongings. Some things, which happened, cannot even be hinted at.”
The paper adds: “ Naturally we shall at once be accused of unfairly suggesting that what is an isolated incident, is of general occurrence, but we feel ourselves compelled to say that the case of Klippstein is more or less typical of certain kinds of business.”
At the same time the “Hammer” made the following remarks: “ It would be mock modesty to forbid the public examination and discussion of such disquieting excrescences as these. A danger lurks in the gloom of concealment, the effects of which are inconceivable as regards their range and extent. Anyone, who has affection for his nation, must open his nation’s eyes to such horrors. The great, public press has taken no notice whatever of these unheard-of occurrences — not even that section, which is fond of stepping to the front as the special guardian of the national morality and rights, and which otherwise makes a huge fuss over every trifling scandal. A remarkable confusion of moral conceptions dominates our dear public. When some rough words are spoken to a few recruits, and an exceptional blockhead amongst them happens to get a smack on the head, all the newspapers work themselves up into a state of fury, and inflame public opinion for weeks with the ‘incident’, and the Reichstag occupies session after session with the discussion of like occurrences. But when it is a question of criminal acts of the basest description, and the honour and health of numerous women and girls are at stake, everything is enveloped in silence. Why did not Herr Bebel, who is so ready to play the part of a censor of morality in his book ‘The Woman’, discharge some of his moral wrath in this particular direction? — Are not the majority of the victims the wives and daughters of workmen and minor officials? — We should much like to have an answer to these questions.”
* * * [Page 270]
The traffic in girls.
The Hebrew has made almost a principle of degrading woman, both in illustration and text, as well as in speech and in action. He dominates the stage — and now the cinema as well — with his insolent lasciviousness; the shops, where the most shameless books and pictures are sold, are kept by Jews (mostly under a Christian pseudonym), who are also purveyors of the worst kind of appliances for preventing conception and procuring abortion. So it is scarcely to be wondered at that the profoundest disregard for mankind in general, and more especially for young unmarried women, as well as the degradation of commerce to its lowest conceivable plane, should proceed from the Jew. We refer to what is known as the “White Slave Traffic”, and in particular to the traffic in young girls. It denotes the most infamous degeneration of the business instinct: trade in living human flesh, sale of souls for the sake of foul profit. It was reserved for Hebrewdom to develop this vile business, systematically and on a grand scale, until it grew into a vast organisation, which embraces half the world.
In olden times the slave trade was already a Jewish speciality. Not without good reason did the eminent Polish painter Henryk Siemiradzki depict the two slave-dealers, in his celebrated picture of ancient Roman life: “The Vase or the Woman”, with unmistakably Hebraic features. Even in the Carlovingian time, the slave trade was preponderantly in the hands of the Jews.* Thus, in
conformity with the original state of affairs, the dealers in girls of the present day are, almost without exception, Jews: and this is admitted by the Jews themselves. On the occasion of a conference, which was held in London, during March 1910, protesting against the traffic in women, “The Jewish Chronicle” of April 2nd 1910, acknowledged that “the Jews in this particular sphere of activity far outnumbered all the other ‘dealers’”, and added;
“ the Jewish trafficker in women is the most terrible of all profiteers out of human vice; if the Jew could only be eliminated, the traffic in women would shrink, and would become comparatively insignificant.”
* See Dürr and Klett “Weltgeschichte” (History of the World II, page 56).
[Page 271] If avarice and greed for profit occasionally tempt the man of Aryan race to engage in businesses of a doubtful nature, and if his sensuality also calls for many a victim, it is improbable that a man of genuine Aryan race has ever descended to such cold-blooded commercialism and malicious subtlety as is required to carry on the “White Slave Traffic”; if such has been the case, it is an instance of moral abortion.* Only by means of the Talmudic perception, which regards all who are not Jews, as beasts (see page 57), and more particularly so the women who are not Jewish, is it possible to find an explanation for the coldblooded behaviour of the Hebrews towards women, whom they treat as if the latter were articles of merchandise. And, one is justified in asserting that the extent to which the Jew avails himself of cold calculation and cunning dissimulation, in order to entice young and unsuspecting girls into his trap, for the most part either by betrothing himself to them, or by promising them marriage or a good situation in order to induce them to run away from their parents’ home, and then, after “his passion has lost its novel force”, handing them over like ordinary merchandise to another, and surrendering them, beyond redemption, to ruin — would be practically impossible to parallel in the case of any man of Aryan descent (Compare the case of Ziffer on page 260).
As a Jew is always ready for the purpose, when it is a question of screening the pernicious activity of the Jew, so it is in this particular case also. All the exertions of “charitable women” and “social workers” on behalf of the miserable victims of the “White Slave Traffic” are rendered, for all practical purposes, null and void from the beginning, by the fact that Jews place themselves at the head of these organisations.
* One does not allow one’s self to be misled into regarding an unmitigated Hebrew as not being a Jew, merely because his name has a very genuine German sound. In the publication of the names of malefactors also, the Press is deceit itself. Every day it succeeds in “misprinting” an unmistakably jewish name so that it assumes the shape of a genuine German one.
[Page 272] In this way, every genuine investigation is held up.* For it is the aim and object of the Jews, always and everywhere, to weaken, emasculate, or to divert against those who are not Jews, any accusation, which might prejudice a Jew, until the gravest affair fades away into insignificance or is transformed into a comedy.
The literature upon this subject is copious enough to preclude any necessity here, of going into the more intimate details of this sorrowful business. One account alone, taken from actual life, is sufficiently eloquent to reveal all the ignominy of the conditions, and to provide testimony as to the long period throughout which this shameful trade has been carried on.
Otto Glogau’s “Kulturkämpfer” (Combatant for Culture) No. 3 of 1880, contains the following description of Rio de Janeiro (from the pen of a former German Consul):
“ Could anything well cause us deeper shame, when we visit the wonderful capital of Brazil, than to observe that German and Austrian girls compose one of the largest sections of the local prostitutes?
Whole streets are occupied by them, and from open windows, in the most shameless fashion, they endeavour, in their native tongue, to entice passing men to visit them, and even in the numerous pleasure-resorts of the same city, one is pestered with their importunities.”
* Here is an instance, which is worth mentioning as significant of women’s work in this direction. There is an association in Munich, presided over by Princess Sulkowska, and called “The German League for combating the traffic in women.” The committee includes, in addition to several other titled ladies, three men as well, the publisher of the society’s organ — “The Human Market”, and two Jews — the General Superintendent, D. Possart, and Oscar Tietz, proprietor of a great shop or “stores”. The secretary, who acts also as editor, signs himself Robert Heymann, and makes the third Jew. A printed slip had already been attached to the first number, intimating in a significant manner, that a change in the editorial had become necessary, because the contents of the first number ‘had not been all that was desired.’ Whoever reads the same, will find it
incomprehensible, generally speaking, that wishes have been met: it is piquantly dished-up pot-pourri, in which the experienced reader can at once detect the purpose to prevent, at all hazards, any exposure of Jews.
[Page 273]
“ The majority of them are very young, and it can be proved that they have not emigrated of their own accord, in order to earn money in a foreign country, in this unclean fashion, but are the unfortunate victims of Jewish procurers and procuresses, who have carried on an undisguised traffic in German girls to Rio for several years.*
At last this assumed such dimensions, and operated so alarmingly upon the already very feeble morality of the Brasilian capital, that the local government was forced finally to interfere, and to order the deportation of the Jewish procurers, who posed, for the most part, as dealers in jewelry and precious metals, but whose principal source of income was the traffic in women.
In Rio de Janeiro, in the month of December, the following persons were “moved on.” Markus Shomer. Moritz Silbermann, Markus Weinbach, Tebel Silbermann, Moses Silberstein, Moritz Eisenberg, Johann Freund, Adolf Bernstein, Tobias Saphir, Hermann Ficheler, Gerson Baum, Markus Schwarz, Hermann Beitel, Markus Freeman, Samuel Auster, Karl Bukowitz and Abraham Robins. — They drove in carriages to the place of embarkation, and engaged first-class cabins on the steamer “Equator”, which was to take them to Buenos Ayres; they were enabled to travel in this style out of the iniquitous profits which they had pocketed in Rio. However, on arrival in Buenos Aires, the unclean company were disagreeably surprised to find that the police had boarded the vessel, and had protested against their landing, in consequence of which action these “uncles” will again make old Europe joyous with their presence.
According to the newspapers of Rio de Janeiro later on, twentythree Jews, who had been convicted of traffic in girls, were again ordered to leave the country, and simultaneously their unfortunate victims were relieved by the authorities of any obligation with regard to repayment of any pecuniary advances, which had been made to them by the Jews, for the purpose of paying their passages and other inevitable expenses, a measure, which enabled the women to withdraw themselves from the dens of vice, if — which, however, is much to be doubted — public compassion would smooth their future path, and charitable souls would interest themselves in the fallen. — But, praiseworthy as the measures taken by the Brasilian Government undoubtedly are, the evil is far from being extirpated, and will soon break out again in a new form.
* To such an extent is this traffic a Jewish speciality, that the brothelkeepers are officially and openly spoken of as “os caftens”, (Andree: “National History of the Jews”, “Volkskunde der Juden” page 253.) In New York matters have reached such a pitch that the brothelbusiness has been converted into a Trust! At the head of this “Trust” is a Jew called Goldberg (still another “Dutchman”). See “The Hammer” No. 267 (August 1913)
[Page 274] “ Complete suppression is only possible, if the procurers are attacked here in Germany and Austria, where they obtain their supplies. In order to ascertain their names, it would be necessary for the German police to communicate with the authorities at Rio de Janeiro, so that the latter could institute an official examination of the unfortunate creatures, who have become the prey of the vilest form of greed. — But, enough of this miserable business, which compels many of our countrymen in Brasil to blush with shame, and makes it the bounden duty of the German press to call upon the proper authorities to intervene.”
The following notice, taken from the “ Tägliche Rundschau” of the 24th July 1913, will serve as proof that these conditions, in still more recent times, have not altered but have, if anything, grown worse.
“ Abduction of 4,000 girls. The Russian (i.e., Jewish: author) ‘White Slave’ trafficker, Jakubowitsch, who was arrested the day before yesterday in Hamburg, is regarded as the businessprincipal of the entire trade in women, which is carried on in the east of Europe. Several thousand cases alone have been brought home to him. According to reliable statistics, more than 4,000 girls have been passed through German ports, for this purpose, during several years.”
Although a “ League for combating the ‘White Slave traffic’” has been instituted, although severer measures have been ordained by the Government, although every year a few procurers and procuresses are arrested — who are always and exclusively Jews — the hateful business still flourishes, to the shame of “moral” Europe, and as an infamous reminder of the feebleness of will, sickly tolerance, and last, but not least, of the uncontrolled dread of the Jews, which possess the majority of our “cultured” men and women, up to the highest circles, and which sap any collective effort at its inception.*
* “Our consideration for the Jew is carried to an
The Riddle of the Jew's Success Page 31