Hannah's Holiday Wish (Home for Christmas Book 6)

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Hannah's Holiday Wish (Home for Christmas Book 6) Page 5

by Sophie Mays

  Rafferty let go of his thoughts of work and loneliness and sank into the peaceful moment. He might only have a limited amount of time to spend with Hannah and enjoy her presence. He might as well enjoy it.

  He glanced over at her. She was staring ahead of them with her nose wrinkled slightly. Rafferty knew it meant she was thinking carefully about something. He marveled that he could know what her facial expression meant when it had scarcely been more than an hour since he’d seen her face for the first time. He didn’t know if it said something about how expressive she was or about how attentive he was.

  “Okay,” Hannah said.

  He blinked at her.


  “Okay, let’s stay friends. I like you. You like me. We get along. And it’s the holidays,” Hannah said.

  Rafferty stopped to stare at her. She turned to him with a mischievous grin, and he knew she knew exactly how much she was throwing him for a loop. A smile bloomed on his face, and Rafferty tried to suppress his laughter, but didn’t quite manage.

  “It’s that simple, huh?”

  “It really is,” Hannah agreed. Then she frowned at him. “But don’t ever lie to me again.”

  Rafferty held his hands up in surrender. “I won’t. I promise, Hannah, I won’t lie to you again.”

  “Good,” she said with a smile. “C’mon. I’ll show you the best place to climb trees.”

  She held true to her word. They spent at least an hour in bare branches telling tales about their childhoods. Hannah assured him that Carson would give him a nickname within minutes of meeting him and have at least five more by the next day. Rafferty wondered aloud how many hours it would be before AJ got paint on him and Hannah laughed so hard she nearly fell out of the tree. She mentioned how Jake would hog at least a third of the desserts for himself, and Rafferty joked about how Rosalind wouldn’t have been any different because she had a sweet tooth the size of Texas.

  They continued talking and laughing as they walked back, enjoying each other’s company in prelude to a dinner with her family.


  Chapter 5

  The kitchen was warm and smelled absolutely delicious. Hannah guided Rafferty over to her mom immediately. She had already texted her family the situation and Mimi had made sure to warn everyone to be welcoming. Like AJ, she could hardly fathom a family that didn’t spend the holidays together, though, to each their own she supposed. Since Rafferty had chosen to join them, she was more than happy to take “the poor dear” under her wing and offer a holiday season brimming with love and good cheer.

  “Mama, this is Rafferty Winthrop,” Hannah said.

  Mimi smiled at Rafferty and pulled him into a warm hug. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, sweetheart,” she said, patting him on the back. “I’m guessing you’re the source of those delicious desserts in the fridge.”

  Rafferty offered a timid nod. Hannah hid a giggle behind her hand at how much he seemed like a shy little boy being overwhelmed by maternal kindness.

  “Well, thank you very much. I’m sure we’ll enjoy them after dinner” Mimi continued. She turned to her daughter. “I forgot to ask you earlier, Hannah. I thought your penpal’s name was Rosalind?”

  Rafferty stiffened. Hannah shrugged.

  “There was a mixup. Rosalind is Rafferty’s sister. He’s the one I’ve been talking to.”

  Mimi gave her a shrewd look. Hannah gave her a genuine smile in return.

  Mimi turned the look on Rafferty. His smile was more hesitant, but no less authentic.

  “Well, if everything’s cleared up then I guess there’s nothing to worry about. Dinner should be ready soon, sweetheart,” Mimi said.

  “Is there anything I can help with?” Rafferty asked.

  “Oh, look at you, just polite as can be,” Mimi gushed. “Not at all, sweetheart. You’re a guest so you can just sit there and look pretty. Keep me company while Hannah helps her brother set the table.”

  “Well, I have been told that sitting and looking pretty is one of my most practiced accomplishments,” Rafferty said with a cheeky smile.

  “By your sister, no doubt,” Mimi said. When Rafferty nodded, she laughed. “Siblings tease the same no matter where you go. I’m sure you two caused just as much trouble as my own kids.”

  Rafferty’s face lit up with mischief. “There may or may not be some fond memories of mayhem that the family speaks of only using official titles.”

  Confident that Rafferty was well on his way to charming her mother completely, Hannah made her way to the dining room to help her brother set the table. Carson had a handful of utensils and was setting them at each place. Cooper ran up to Hannah for scritches before dashing back to his master, nearly tripping him in the process.

  “C’mon, Coop, you gotta give me some room,” Carson complained. There was laughter in his voice, though, and Hannah knew he didn’t mind his dog being underfoot no matter how much he grumbled.

  Hannah started spreading out the glasses. Carson looked up at her.

  “Your surprise visitor talking to mama, Miss Wyatt?” he asked.

  “Yes, he is,” Hannah said, rolling her eyes.

  “You know there’s no way I’m calling him Rafferty, right?” Carson said more than asked.

  “I’m fully aware,” Hannah said, “And he already knows how you are with nicknames, so he’s not gonna be bothered none.”

  “Aw, you warned him about me?” Carson asked. “No matter what you said, it’s still not the same as the full Carson Spruce Wyatt Experience.”

  “Couldn’t warn him about that if I tried. It’s not something that can be put into words,” Hannah teased. Carson laughed and started setting out the plates. Hannah added, “It wasn’t really a warning. I was just talking about you. I’ve talked about all of you with him before, just like he’s talked about his family with me.”

  Admittedly, Hannah had heard a whole lot more about Rosalind than the elder Winthrops. She was sure there was love between Rafferty and his parents, it just wasn’t expressed with close, constant contact like the Wyatt clan. They met when they could and had a blast whenever they were together, but on the whole, the Winthrops were often physically distant from each other. More than once their messages, and Rafferty’s consistent eagerness for stories about Hannah’s family, had made her wonder whether he might not be a little bit lonely with traveling and working taking up most of his time.

  Either way, he was with them now. They would all delight in giving him the Wyatt Family Christmas Experience.

  “You two have really been talking that much? I thought it was more like a couple emails every few months,” Carson said. He was watching her with a considering expression.

  Hannah shrugged and said, “Earlier, he told me he was wondering how long it would take before AJ got paint on him.”

  Carson laughed again, but his eyes were on the doorway that led to the kitchen. Hannah knew him well enough to guess what he was thinking and she didn’t even bother trying to discourage him. Not that it would work anyway. Carson would just say that it was a big brother’s prerogative to threaten potential suitors, and if Rafferty really wasn’t a potential suitor at least he was warned either way.

  Rafferty was very handsome being so tall and with all that curly hair. His striking hazel eyes and charmingly crooked grin didn’t hurt things either. He admired her family’s land. He could take a joke as well as make one. He loved his family, and apparently kept promises to offer dessert in return for room and board. He might take practical jokes a little too far, but he had a good heart and a quick mind. Hannah wasn’t against Rafferty as a potential suitor, but she didn’t think that was where their relationship was headed. They had a nice solid friendship. Trying to introduce romance would only mess it up.

  Although, it would be very romantic if they fell in love. Straight out of one of the novels that were so dear to her heart.

  “We need more napkins, Cumulus,” Carson said. Hannah rolled her eyes at the nickname.

bsp; “Cumulus?”

  They both turned to Rafferty, who was standing in the doorway watching them with interest.

  “It’s the fluffy type of cloud,” Hannah said, “He calls me that when he thinks I’m daydreaming too much.”

  “Head in the clouds,” Rafferty said with a laugh. He walked to the table and held out a hand to her brother. “You must be Carson. I’m Rafferty.”

  Carson shook his hand firmly. He gave Rafferty a onceover. “You seem more like a Rafe,” he said.

  “I couldn’t agree more,” Rafferty replied without missing a beat. “I’ve always said the exact same myself.”

  Hannah stifled a snicker at Carson’s surprised expression. His eyes flicked in her direction and he shook his head.

  “Oh, right. I forgot Hannah warned you about me,” Carson said, amusement clear.

  “Not really a warning. She was just talking about you. She’s told me about all of you, and I’ve told her about my family too,” the newly christened Rafe explained.

  Carson was tempted to point out that Hannah had said the exact same thing, but they were all distracted by Cooper who was determined to sniff out any secrets about this newcomer. Rafferty laughed and bent down, offering his hand. Cooper snuffled for a few moments before licking Rafferty’s hand while his tail wagged enthusiastically behind him.

  “Well, Cooper likes him, so that’s a good sign,” a voice in the doorway said. “Not that there’s any reason to doubt Hannah’s judgment, but animals are so discerning, you know?”

  “Emma?” Rafferty guessed, still scratching Cooper behind the ears.

  “Firm handle on the names,” Emma added, beginning to smile. “Impressive.”

  “Are you really going to keep a running commentary on how well he’s doing?” Hannah asked with exasperation. They were acting like she was introducing a new boyfriend.

  “Accepted his nickname without question,” Carson added as if Hannah hadn’t spoken. He leaned against the table as he offered Emma his own observations. “Even made a joke out of it.”

  “Mama said he was as sweet and refreshing as a nice tall glass of iced tea,” Emma continued.

  Rafferty’s entire face scrunched up. It made everyone pause.

  “What’s wrong?” Hannah asked.

  “Nothing’s wrong,” Rafferty said a bit sheepishly. “It’s just iced tea is one of the stranger things you Americans consume.”

  The siblings blinked at him before bursting into laughter.

  “I can’t wait to see the face he makes when he actually tastes sweet tea,” Carson howled. “Can I take a picture?”

  “Ask Rafe,” Hannah said between giggles, retreating to find more napkins. Emma stepped into the room more fully in order to let her pass. She moved toward Rafferty and offered a hand.

  “Carson can be the only person to call you Rafe, if that’s what you’d prefer. And Hannah, I suppose,” Emma said.

  “I truly don’t mind,” Rafe said. “Do you all use the nicknames Carson generates?”

  “If the situation suits,” Emma said. “Though sometimes we refuse so as not to encourage his ego. He’s already declared himself Supreme Big Brother. Reinforcing humility is an uphill battle, of course, but we try our best.”

  “I’m Supreme Big Brother whether we have a guest or not, Lucky,” Carson said, grinning, “Thought you would have figured that out by now.

  “Lucky?” Rafe asked.

  “My middle name is Clover. So I’m a four-eyed clover,” she tapped the frame of her glasses, “Which makes me lucky.”

  Rafferty gaped at her, then at Carson. “That’s brilliant,” he said breathlessly. “Your mind must be an interesting place, Carson.”

  “At least someone understands my genius. I was severely underappreciated until you came along, Rafe,” Carson said.

  “My heart bleeds for your profound woes,” Rafferty said earnestly.

  Emma nearly collapsed from laughter, while Carson gave Rafferty an impressed look. “You must bicker with your sister a lot,” he said.

  “As soon as I message Rosalind, I’m going to tell her I’m gleefully blaming all my behavior on her and everyone believes me. She might be offended enough to fly down here and set the record straight,” Rafferty said.

  Carson snorted. “If you want your sister to come for Christmas, just ask her. And Hannah and my parents, but I doubt they’ll have any objection.”

  “Really?” Rafferty asked, surprise clear.

  “Family should be together during the holidays,” Carson said with a shrug.

  “He’s right,” Emma agreed. “I know your parents will be busy, but we wouldn’t mind at all if Rosalind joined us. If she’s anything like you, we’ll all get along and have a great deal of fun.”

  Rafferty couldn’t help how moved he felt by the easy acceptance this family had for him and anyone associated with him. They didn’t know him. Not like Hannah did. Still, they included him without question, joking and teasing like they’d all been friends for years. It was strange but wonderful, and Rafferty could never have expected such warmth from a group of people he’d never met before. He probably should have expected that Hannah’s family would be just as amazing as she was, especially considering the stories she always told about them.

  Hannah wandered in with the napkins, AJ following on her heels. The young woman smiled at him before glancing at her brother.

  “Rafe,” Carson said. AJ looked at Emma.

  “He says he doesn’t mind,” Emma said.

  “Awesome,” AJ said. She turned to Rafferty. “Hannah says you’re counting the hours until I get paint on you.”

  “I’m told the number won’t get that high,” Rafferty said with a laugh. “I don’t mind though. Hannah indicated how much land you all have. I expected to be wandering around outside often, so all my clothes are okay to be stained.”

  “Came prepared to be stained with paint and otherwise dirtied up by the outdoors,” Emma said. Carson and AJ nodded seriously, while Hannah sighed dramatically and Rafferty chuckled.

  “I hope y’all are done setting the table and not just standing around teasing poor Rafe to death,” Mimi called from the kitchen. The Wyatts grinned as Rafferty looked surprised and then shy about being called “poor Rafe.”

  They chatted more, making sure all the places were set by the time Mimi came in with the first dish. Emma and AJ disappeared into the kitchen to help bring the food to the table. Everything smelled delicious and Rafferty made sure to say so.

  “Just wait until you taste it,” Hannah said with a smile. Rafferty grinned back and made sure to claim the chair next to hers. Before he could take a seat, the last two members of the family walked into the dining room. Their eyes landed on Rafferty immediately. The man he assumed to be Hannah’s father moved forward first.

  “Boone Wyatt,” he said, offering a hand.

  “Rafferty Winthrop,” Rafferty said, shaking firmly. “Though, Carson has already dubbed me Rafe.”

  “He said he doesn’t mind,” Carson said immediately, before his father could more than glance at him. Boone nodded at that and moved to his seat at the head of the table.

  Jake stepped forward and held out a hand. “Hey, man, I’m Jake.”

  “The youngest is the tallest,” Rafferty said, amused, “I’m sure Carson loves that.”

  “I’m keeping him,” Jake declared immediately.

  “He’s my friend, Jake,” Hannah said, “You can’t just claim him like that.”

  “Says who?” Jake asked, smirking at his sister.

  “Says me!” she said. Her indignance was only half-feigned.

  Rafferty was torn between amusement and embarrassment when it seemed like the siblings were actually going to get into an argument over him.

  “Stop being annoying, Twin,” AJ said. She pulled him over to where she’d decided to sit and shoved him into the chair next to hers. Jake laughed, and Hannah relaxed. Everyone else moved to take seats around the table.

er was filled with conversation and laughter. Everyone complimented Rafferty on the desserts he’d brought. Mimi wouldn’t let him help clean up after, though Rafferty offered at least twice. After talking for a little while longer, everyone headed to bed. Hannah asked if Rafferty wanted her to walk him back, but he said he wouldn’t want her walking back to the main house in the dark. She laughed at him, but didn’t argue. Rafferty went back to the guest quarters and fell asleep musing about how wonderful his first day on the Wyatt Ranch had turned out to be.


  Chapter 6

  The next morning, Hannah woke up with a text from AJ waiting on her phone. She opened it to be faced with a picture of Rafferty. He seemed to be crooning to Jasmine, one of their mares.

  The text said: Found Rafe in the stables. Guess he’s still on London time. I think Jas is already in love with him.

  It was an adorable picture. Hannah emailed it to Rafferty without thinking. She made a mental note to ask him for his phone number, absently wondering why they’d never exchanged numbers before this point. Emails just made more sense before they’d actually met in person, she supposed.

  Hannah rushed through her morning routine, hoping her sister and friend would still be in the stables by the time she got there. Maybe they could all go for an early morning ride. When she got downstairs, her mother called out to her.

  “Sweetheart, I think Rafe and AJ are in the stable. Can you go tell them breakfast is ready?” Mimi called from the kitchen.

  “Yes, Mama!” Hannah called back. She headed out the door.

  Halfway to the stables, her attention was caught by someone calling her name. Hannah turned to see Rafferty and AJ trotting up to her. They both dismounted when they were close enough to her. AJ immediately hugged her sister.

  “Good morning!” she said brightly.

  “Good morning,” Hannah responded, dropping a kiss on her head.

  She glanced up to see Rafferty looking a bit wistful. Refusing to overthink it, Hannah pulled him into a hug too. He went still with surprise, but it was only a moment before he hugged her back.


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