Hidden Witness 3: Tony's Story: A Second Chance Mafia Romance (Tony & Nadine) (Hidden Witness Series Book 3)

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Hidden Witness 3: Tony's Story: A Second Chance Mafia Romance (Tony & Nadine) (Hidden Witness Series Book 3) Page 20

by Posey Parks

  Cruz assembled the basinet in my bedroom. Sitting in the spacious living room, I peeled back the heavy brown curtains with my Glock. Gio’s gray Suburban came to a halt in the circular drive.

  My bare feet padded across the floor toward the front door. Swinging the door open I smiled. “How are you Gio?”

  A wide grin filled his handsome dark features. “I’m doing. Come on give me a hug.”

  I fell into his hard frame. Tears threatened my eyelids. Gio forces all the Tony memories to the forefront of my brain. I pulled back. “Come in.” I brought a single finger to my lips. “Keep your voice down.”

  Gio closed the door behind himself, following me inside.

  “Why do I need to keep my voice down? Cruz better not be sleeping.”

  Cruz stepped into the open kitchen off the living room. “Of course I’m not sleep. The baby is sleeping.”

  Gio’s thick dark eyebrows wrinkled. “What the fuck are you talking about, Cruz? Whose baby?” he grimaced.

  Placing my hand against his arm, I stared into his blue eyes. “Mine.”

  Gio’s face turned white as a ghost. “Nadine, when did you have a baby?”

  “Last month.” I motioned my hand for Gio to follow me.

  Stepping into the quiet room, Chloe sat in a large leather chair in the corner reading a book.

  “Gio, this is Anthony’s nanny Chloe.”

  He gasped, taking two steps back, glaring at me. “I’m sorry Chloe.” He glanced at her stepping forward shaking her hand. “Nice to meet you. Can you give Nadine and I a minute, please?”

  “Sure.” Chloe exited the room, closing the door behind her.

  “Nadine, what the fuck are you doing?” he spit.

  “I am protecting Tony’s child from the Magarelli’s.”

  He plopped on the bed in his three piece navy suit, gripping his head. “You don’t hide shit like this from the Magarelli’s.”

  I folded my arms standing before him. “You do if Francine Magarelli said she doesn’t want her husband to know about my baby.”

  His forehead creased. “Why would she do that?”

  “She wants me to focus on medical school not worry about my son one day becoming a trained killer.” My eyebrow raised.

  “I see your point.”

  “Gio, Fran has ordered no one report this important information to Sergio. Can you keep our secret?”

  Roughly, he ran his hands over his gruff face. “Only if I don’t have to keep guarding you. My loyalty is to Sergio.”

  “I will let Fran, Sergio’s wife, know where your loyalty lies.”

  He waved his hand in the air. “Don’t do that Nadine.”

  “Listen, Fran will take the heat on this. She and I need to know we can trust you.”

  His dark brows darkened with anger. “On one condition, if you are ever asked if I knew about this baby, your answer better be no. I know Tony has a panic room here. You better say that is where you hid the nanny and baby while I guarded this house. Do I make myself clear Nadine?”


  “Now, let me see my best friend's son. Did Tony know about the baby?” Gio leaned over the bassinet.

  “Tony died right before I could tell him,” I sniffled.

  Gio pulled me close. “I’m sorry you have to do this without Tony.”

  “I hate he is not here. It hurts so bad.” I pushed back.

  I couldn’t fall apart. Too much is going on right now. “I will let you hold Anthony.”

  I grabbed the hand sanitizer from the diaper bag. “Here.”

  He poured a dab in the palm of his large hand.

  I tossed the small container aside, then placed my little bundle in Gio’s muscled arms. Anthony was swaddled and only stirred a little.

  “He is so tiny.” Gio smiled.

  “Anthony III. Wow.”

  Anthony flashed his baby blues for Gio.

  The pads of his fingers grazed the top of Anthony’s head. “Look at this head full of black hair and blue eyes. You and Tony did good. He would have been a proud father.” His lips curled upward.

  I nodded.

  “Little man, Uncle Gio will see you again soon.”

  I laughed, kissing Anthony’s tiny cheek. “You got Uncle Gio hook, line, and sinker,” I giggled.

  “Real cute. Cruz and I are going to walk the property.” He placed Anthony in my arms.

  “All right.”

  “Nadine, one more thing.”


  “Why did you shut Laina out?”

  “She doesn’t know about our life. This type of life.”

  “She does now. I made her aware of what I do.”

  “Oh so she means more to you than you let on. I thought it was only sexual. All those nights she moaned in the bed across from me.”

  His eyebrows rose and his face turned bright red.

  “Yeah, I’m sorry about that.” He ran his hand along the back of his neck.

  He sat on the bed. “After losing Tony I fell into a dark place. Tony was my best friend. Laina was the only woman I would let get close. In the beginning it was only sex. I told myself the more women I had in my life would drown out any feelings for Laina. Shit, I was wrong. Laina was a drug. I tried to leave her alone, but it was like I begin having withdrawals. I purposely took jobs out of town to stay away from her. The shit didn’t work. I either sent for her or the second I was back in town I was tangled up in the sheets with her.” He smirked.

  “I remember when Tony began dressing in T-shirts and jeans. I busted his balls about the change. He almost said my woman he changed it to Nadine said I should change up my style.”

  We laughed.

  “He was done. He fell for you so hard Nadine.”

  A tear slid down my cheek. “I’m happy you are here Gio.”

  He pinched his eyes, shaking his head. “Me too.” He stood to his feet. “Give Laina a call every now and then. Don’t mention Anthony but don’t shut her out ok?”

  “All right.”

  He kissed the top of my head and exited the room.

  I stared into my little man's eyes. “Mommy loves you.” I rocked him, smiling into his little face. “You are safe, Anthony. Your father would lose it if he knew you were in danger. He would never forgive himself.”

  Deep down I knew the main reason Tony didn’t want a family of his own. He would do anything to keep us safe. My man is still keeping us safe wherever he is, with all the wheels he set in motion.




  Working for Mr. Silverman isn’t half bad. I am the head bodyguard. I call all the shots. I decide who guards which celebrity. The most damage I’ve done in Tinsel town is break a nose or leg or two. If someone threatened a celebrity, we take care of the problem. Either pay them off or threaten their chances of ever working in Hollywood again. It all depends on the problem. And believe me none of these Barbie and Ken look a likes want that problem.

  Strolling into the lavish remodeled office, I grabbed a bottle of water out of the mini fridge. “Good morning, Mr. Silverman.”

  “Tony, my boy. Good morning to you too.” He patted my shoulder on his way to his desk.

  I sat in the white comfy leather chair in the middle of the spacious white office.

  His receptionist rolled a cart into the middle of the room.

  “Darma, place a breakfast tray on the coffee table for the guys. Place a fresh plate of fruit on my desk.”

  “Yes, Mr. Silverman.”

  “Tony, are you ever going to join me on the green for a round of golf?” He playfully motioned his arms through the air, like he was swinging a golf club.

  I chuckled. “Mr. Silverman, you know that is not my sport. If you are talking basketball, then maybe we can arrange something.”

  Mr. Silverman lit a fresh cigar. “One day Tony.” He pointed the cigar toward me. “I’ll get you on my private golf course.” He smiled bright.

  I smiled, tossing a strawberry into my mouth. I glanced at the door. Darma rolled the empty cart out the room.

  My eyes darted over to Mr. Silverman. “What time are the rest of the guys getting here?” I slid my white dress sleeve back, peering down at my Rolex.

  “They will be here soon. I wanted to bring you up to speed on our new customer.”

  I sat back all ears.

  “Our new clients are athletes.”

  I nodded. “Ok.”

  He leaned forward. “Their problems can be a little sticky to handle. Your approach might need to be more hands on.” He puffed his cigar.

  My eyebrows rose. “How sticky?”

  “Let’s say, a football player is accompanied by three women in route to his hotel room...”

  “Doesn’t sound sticky to me.” I snickered.

  He placed his hand out in front of him. “Oh, I’m not done.” He glared into my eyes. “You are not to leave him alone with the women. They will try to steal sperm and impregnant themselves with turkey basters.”

  I laughed, running my hand over my short black hair. I tried keeping my hair brown, but I recently changed my hair color back to its natural color. The gray contacts, I still wear.

  I pondered on his words. “It will be a challenge, but we can handle it.”

  “Good. Hire two more employees to assist you with our new clients.”

  “Sure thing.”

  Mr. Silverman peeled a banana. “The guys should arrive now. I will go over a few more scenarios to ensure you all are prepared.”

  Two hours had passed. My men asked too many questions. I needed a drink. I rarely drink on my lunch hour, but after listening to all the crazy shit we will have to endure I said to hell with it.

  Brooding over a glass of scotch, I scoured social media.

  Overnight shifts at the hospital are the worse. Nothing but drunk people and gang related gunshot victims frequent the emergency room. Cleaning up puke sucks!

  I laughed aloud, then smiled at Nadine’s comment. I could see her twisting that sexy dark chocolate face I love so much.

  The past five years, I developed a pattern in the way I live my life. The depression is over. I can’t go running back to my old life. Nadine and I are a sweet memory, I hold close to my heart. Twice a week for the last three years, sometimes three, I stalk Nadine on social media. I get a kick out of reading her comments. She doesn’t post too many pictures of herself. The pictures she posts reflect her attempt at happiness. The happiness I robbed from her.

  I can interpret every smile Nadine displayed. The natural smile when someone made her laugh. The ‘that’s not that funny’ smirk. And the ‘I’m trying to display I am full of life when really, I am a sad mess’. I figured that was the reason she didn’t post too many pictures of herself.

  I mourn my own death as does Nadine. The annual day of remembrance has become easier over the years. Three years ago, Nadine posted: Will I ever move on with my life? I try hard to let him go but I don’t know how.

  The last two years she didn’t post online that day. It saddened me, but I remember telling her to move on with her life. I figured she did.

  However, I can still see the sadness in her smile. I believe she moved on, but a small piece of her heart still beats for me. All of my heart still beats for Nadine. That will never change.

  A soft hand gripped my shoulder, bringing me back from my sweet memories. I turned my head, mustering a smile.

  “Tony, would you like another Scotch?” Annelise asked.

  “No-no, thank you.”

  Her elbows laid against the table. Her red lips curled upward and her blonde eyebrows raised. “Is there anything else I can do for you?” Her finger slid down the sleeve of my black suit jacket.

  I stared at her a moment longer. “Yeah, meet me in the men’s room in two minutes.”

  She bit her lower lip, then winked before stepping away.

  I disappeared into the empty men’s restroom first. Annelise entered after. I stood inside the first stall staring into her brown eyes as she turned the corner. Snatching her by the arm, I threw her up against the wall, then locked the stall door. Her face was one with the blue metal wall. Unzipping my pants, I retrieved the condom from my pocket, tossed the wrapper into the toilet, then slid the condom down my shaft.

  “This is what you want right?” I growled.

  “Yes, give me that big cock! I need it.”

  I pushed her black waitress uniform skirt over her hips, then snatched her panties down her thighs. Easing her back onto my cock, she released a deep moan from her throat. “Fuck me good and hard.”

  Holding her slender hips in my hands, I slammed into her pussy.

  Where did I go in my head? Nowhere. I tugged her blonde ponytail as I quickened my pace. “You like that?!”

  “Oh, yes!”

  My full weight dropped back against the stall wall pulling her pussy up and down my dick fast until I came. Breathing heavily, I pushed her forward, sliding the condom off my dick, flushing it down the toilet.

  “Tony, I didn’t cum this time.”

  “And that is my fault, how?” I said placing my cock back in its constraints.

  Pulling her panties over her ass, she leaned into me, running her pale finger over my lips. “You’re so fucking dark, controlling, and sexy. Next time, you will fuck me longer.” She pressed her puckered red lips against mine.

  My gray eyes darkened, and a scowl took my face. “I told you before do not kiss my lips. If you do it again, we won’t fuck anymore.”

  She smiled, unlocking the door. “Ok.”

  “One sec.” I retrieved a fifty-dollar bill from my pocket. “This should cover lunch. See you later.” I walked out of the restroom.

  “Bye, Tony,” I heard from behind.

  I didn’t have sex with another woman until last year. I figured it wasn’t healthy to continue beating off to Nadine’s pictures. Sex wasn’t enjoyable like it was with Nadine. I have sex to feel the inside of a woman’s pussy, again.

  The only time I allow myself to enjoy sex is at the Bunny ranch in Vegas. I can fuck as much as I want with as many women as I want and not have to worry about a woman catching feelings. Annelise wants to fuck every time I see her. Sometimes the answer is no. I don’t need the headache. And after today, it will be awhile before I fuck her again.

  The Bunny ranch forced the memories of my uncle Mick to surface. The ranch was bigger than the brothel we used to frequent. He would have loved the ranch. Sex is just that sex going forward. Feelings aren’t an option. I’ve gone back to my old ways before Nadine, fucking women with no goal of an intimate connection. My heart could only love one woman, Nadine.

  I trusted her with my deep dark twisted life. She welcomed the sick shit with open arms. Finding a woman who holds a candle to Nadine is impossible. That’s why I left her everything. Whatever fuck face she marries Nadine knows he needs to sign a prenup. I left that money to take care of only her, not another man. My goal was to take care of Nadine’s every need. I feel good knowing my woman doesn’t have a lick of debt. I know because I keep track.

  Living on the west coast made me consider reaching out to my brother and sister. I need to hire two employees. Strolling down Wilshire Blvd, I glared at the tall sleek buildings in passing. I think I will take a little trip, see how my brother and sister are doing in Colorado.



  The pop music pulsated through my body. Sitting in a dark corner of club Motions, I held the neck of the dark amber bottle sipping the hoppy beer. Glancing around the club, I watched women dance in groups on the dance floor. Guys stood at the bar throwing back shots or sitting around the table with their buddies, checking out the women on the dance floor.

  I thought back when Nadine and I met. She and her friend danced before joining Gio and I in VIP. I smiled at that memory. I figured she didn’t want to join us immediately and appear too eager. Her joining me sooner, wouldn’t have both
ered me one bit. I wanted to be next to her. I desperately miss the taste and feel of her skin. Those eyes. Those fucking eyes did me in every time. I believe her eyes were the first to capture my heart before she said a word. The sheer memory of her cumming and the way her pussy squeezed my dick in the best possible way makes my cock twitch till this day.

  I needed to get out of my head and focus. I’m not working tonight. I’m waiting for the opportune time to talk to my brother and sister. Disguised in a dark full fake beard and wig, I wore a dark gray dress shirt, dark jeans, and black Prada loafers. Rarely, did I dress down. I felt relaxed tonight.

  I gawked upstairs at their VIP table closest to the balcony. Their detail was easy to scope out. The average person probably thinks the men are club security. My brother threw his head full of dark curls back laughing before taking a shot of liquor. Casually his tall stature glided through the crowded club. He was halted several times by beautiful women before reaching the men’s room.

  Walking with my head down, I entered the crowded men’s room. Loud chatter and laughter erupted throughout the bright bathroom. Peeking back at the door, I noticed Kirk’s detail scoping out every person in the restroom including me. I had to think fast. My brother stood at the urinal taking a piss. Stepping next to him I handled my business. “This is my first time at this club. Are there always so many beautiful women here?” I smiled, staring straight ahead.

  “Yeah. That’s the only reason I hang out here.” He glanced over at me. His lids hooded over his blue eyes. Making eye contact, his eyes widened.

  You can’t hide your appearance from your brother. Blood will always remember what you look like even in a disguise.

  “No,” I mouthed. I leaned in. “Can you shake your detail and meet me somewhere?”


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