Hidden Witness 3: Tony's Story: A Second Chance Mafia Romance (Tony & Nadine) (Hidden Witness Series Book 3)

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Hidden Witness 3: Tony's Story: A Second Chance Mafia Romance (Tony & Nadine) (Hidden Witness Series Book 3) Page 27

by Posey Parks



  “I was ready Tony. I kept all of your weapons. Cruz protected Fran and I. Fran called Sergio. We needed him. We were outnumbered. Raffaele’s men had the house surrounded. Sergio and his men arrived. They were able to take out his men. I held my weapon on Raffaele, Sergio walked in. His first priority was Fran. After she was out of the house, Sergio and I went to work. Much like you and I did with Mannie. Once we were done handling the problem, I laid low in the safe house you set up for me in Philly.”

  I pulled her into my arms. “Shit, now I’m beginning to think leaving was never the best idea. We should have gone to war then. I never meant to put you in danger.”

  “Baby, you told me you were concerned about him, so I stayed ready.”

  I kissed the top of her head. “That’s my girl.”

  Nadine sat back. “Were you able to rescue her?”

  “Yes. And our thorn in our side is gone. We have to wipe out the entire family. Dillon was officially named the Don by our grandfather. He allowed me to walk away from the life.”

  Her eyes widened. “Really, just like that?”

  “Because I kept Dillon safe over the years, he said I did well.”

  She smiled, then her eyebrows rose. “Why are you going to war?”

  “Baby, you know I can’t leave Dillon high and dry.”

  “Right, I totally understand.”

  “We will be away for about two weeks, handling the problem. You won’t be able to contact me. You need to go straight to the safe house when your work day ends.”

  She shook her head. “I cannot do that. I have four surgeries over the next two weeks.”

  “Fuck Nadine! I have to keep you safe.”

  “I’ll carry my Glock and Cruz will protect me. This will be my last day working at the practice. I will only meet my patients for the appointment before surgery at the hospital.”

  She ran her hand over my beard. “We’ll be fine. Did anyone see you enter the building?”

  “No, I entered through the back door. I was wearing a cap low.” I patted my back pocket.

  “There’s a good chance no one will want me. It’s been fourteen years.” She winked.

  “Nadine, please take precautions.”

  “I promise, I will.”

  “Not so fast Nadine. Why did you shut down communication?”

  “Tony, me and you living in a bubble is one thing but adding children to the bubble wouldn’t have been safe. Due to the Magarelli protection, Cruz would have accompanied me to California. How would you and I see each other? To think you wanted me to bring Cruz back on full time. He would have found out about us, then what?”

  I rubbed my brow, grunting.

  “You can’t hide my children from me. That wasn’t the best course of action. I would have done what was best to keep you and them safe…even…if that meant staying away from you.”

  “Tony, I messed up. I didn’t know what to do. I had no one to ask for advice.”

  “If I had to wear prosthetics to see you, I would have. I knew there had to be a good reason you walked away.”

  “How long have you known you were pregnant?”

  She folded her arms. “Tony, I’m a Pediatrician. After running back and forth out of town, I knew something was off. I tested myself here in the office, then learned I was pregnant at the end of February. The first time we had sex I became pregnant.”

  I threw my hands in the air. “Nadine, I can’t believe you said nothing for three months.”

  “I’m happy you are back.” Her lips melted into mine.

  I didn’t say a word.

  She sat back. “I promise, I didn’t want to do this without you. I had to protect our babies. I need you to understand.”

  I stared into her eyes. “I love you Nadine. But I’m not going to roll over about the subject. We’ll revisit the topic when I return.”

  “I’m twenty weeks pregnant. When you return, I can schedule an appointment to find out the sex of the babies.”

  “I would like that.”

  I pulled her sweet lips into mine. I stood helping Nadine to her feet.

  “I want to meet your partners before I leave.”

  “Only three are in the office today. Follow me.”

  Nadine’s partners were relieved to learn her babies did have a father who is present in their life. Upon our introduction their eyes did widen a bit.

  I told them Nadine would fill them in on my coming back from the dead.

  After leaving Nadine, I drove through the streets of New Jersey pondering on my previous activities before moving away. Moving back to L.A. full time may not be an option. Dillon’s the Don now. On the plane ride home, I thought about asking Nadine to marry me. I wanted her to move to L.A. Yeah, I know she left me this time. What did I expect? I was dead. Her life was here in New Jersey.

  My plan was to persuade her to open the second practice in L.A. Then my mind began swirling. Pulling through the gate of my home I sat in the drive way deep in thought about Nadine’s past actions. I can’t believe she was never going to tell me about our children. I’ve always trusted Nadine.

  Looking back, I see the signs. Early mornings she ran the shower and the faucet in the master bathroom. The running water couldn’t mask the sound of her vomiting. Over the three months, I waited for her to tell me what was going on. After she received the ride from airport security, I asked if she was alright and she said she was just tired. Nadine was so fucking tired she slept the day away. Morning sickness and fatigue, signs of a woman carrying a child. Not just any child. A child with a Magarelli blood line. The lengths she went through to hide the twins. What else is she fucking hiding?

  After this two-week war is over, Sebastian will have to dig around in Nadine’s life. I need to get out in front of this. I have a bad feeling.

  I dialed Cruz’s number.

  Hey Cruz, it’s Tony.

  Tony, I can’t believe you are back!

  Yeah, we will have to catch up when I return.

  Sounds good.

  Listen, I’m sending one of our best men to assist you with guarding Nadine.

  Tony, that’s not necessary. I can manage.

  Cruz, this is my fucking woman!

  Tony you just returned from the dead and already Nadine is your woman again?

  I’m not going to argue with the man I left to protect my woman.

  Dead or alive, Nadine is mine! My fist met the steering wheel several times.

  Now I’m sending Franco to her practice to watch over her. If I come back and my woman isn’t breathing, I will slit your fucking throat! I roared.

  I can’t believe you Cruz. You of all people know what we are up against.

  I promise you Tony, Franco and I will take proper precautions to keep her safe.

  Good. I stated calmly.

  I disconnected the call.

  I needed to get my head in the game so I’ll be prepared to go to war.



  Tony stormed through the patient door of my practice. Chills ran up my spine and my heart stopped beating. I held his confused gaze until his eyes dropped to my belly. He held his composure until we were behind closed doors.

  He wasn’t the least bit mad about me having his child. He was upset I hid the truth. Our entire conversation my mind wandered to Anthony. Now that Tony has returned I can’t hide him any longer.

  Shit. His level of anger in reference to the time frame I hid the pregnancy told me our union was officially coming to an end soon. If I would have informed him in January about Anthony, we would be fine. Now, I’ve ruined my chances of ever being with Tony.

  My cell buzzed. I pressed the button bringing the phone to my ear.

  Hello Cruz.

  Nadine, we have a huge problem.

  What’s wrong?

  Tony called.

  My breath caught in my throat.

  He said he is sending Franco to
your practice to protect you. He threatened to kill me if anything happened to you.

  I ran my hand over my hair. Shit! Shit! Shit! Take Anthony and my family to your house.

  What?! He huffed.

  Please, Cruz! They will be safe in the bunker.

  Yes, fine it’s done. Oh, and Franco is a total control freak. He will insist you are moved to a safer location. Probably a safe house closer to the city.

  Thanks for the heads up. Goodbye.

  Cruz disconnected the call.

  A sharp pain shot through my back. “Ouch!” Massaging the pain, I fell face forward against my desk.

  Knock! Knock! “Dr. Barlow, is everything alright?”


  Laverne swung the door open, running to my aid. “Keep breathing! Don’t move. I will return with a wheel chair.”

  Gripping my belly, I shook my head through the breathing. It felt like the babies were stumping on my cervix trying to make their exit.

  I was in a wheelchair and down the hall on a monitor in seconds.

  One of the partnering doctors, Muller, rushed into the room checking for contractions.

  “I can’t have these babies now!” I cried.

  She gripped my hands, staring into my eyes. “You are right, you can’t. I think the stress of your children’s father returning from the dead is getting the best of you.”

  “Yes, you are right,” I breathed.

  “Relax. Breathe slow. We are going to stop these contractions.”

  I closed my eyes, clearing my head.

  “You can’t go back there!” I heard from the front office.

  “Dr. Barlow is expecting me! My name is Franco Lancione.” His eyes met mine from the door way.

  “I’m Doctor…Barlow.” His eyes widened. His cell phone was attached to his ear in a split second.

  I glanced at Dr. Mullens. “He can…stay.”

  My eyes were closing. “Diane, did you give me something?”

  “You need to relax. I gave you a light sedative. It will calm your nerv-.”

  I heard nothing else.


  Slowly my eyes opened and closed. Someone was holding my hand.


  “Am I dreaming?”

  Those magic lips kissed my hand. “No, baby, you aren’t.”

  Tears filled my eyes. “I’m so sorry I kept the secret.”

  He placed his hand over my lips. “Shush.” He turned to the door. “Franco, give us a minute.”

  I heard the door close.

  Tony gazed into my eyes. “Nadine, I need you to be strong for me. Please, I have to handle this situation for two weeks.”

  I gave him the once over. He was dressed in all black. Ready for war. His biceps bulged through the short-sleeve shirt.

  “I can’t lose you or the babies. I just got you back.” Tony placed his hand over his mouth clenching his eye lids shut. Sadness loomed me. I felt his pain.

  I ran my fingers through his hair. “Promise you will take care of me when you get back.”

  His beautiful glassy, crystal blue eyes popped open. He leaned over pressing his soft lips against mine. “I will baby. I promise.”

  As much as this moment broke him. This was not the time to show weakness while one of his men waited outside the door. He sat back down. “Franco will take you somewhere safe.”

  My eyes widened. “Tony, I have to deliver babies.”

  His face twisted turning red. “Nadine, one of your doctor associates needs to step up and help. You are going on bed rest until I return and that is fucking final!”

  If I decided not to comply, I’m sure Franco would lock me in a room and keep me sedated until Tony returned. I decided not to argue with my man. “Bed rest it is.”

  “And don’t you worry. Your old friend Dr. Zammitti will monitor you while I am away.” He ran his hand over my hair. “It’s time for me to leave.”

  I nodded. Fresh tears streamed down my cheeks. Tony grabbed a handful of tissue wiping my face clean. “I love you and our babies.”

  Tony leaned over kissing my stomach. My body shivered at the touch of his soft warm lips.

  He stood to his feet.

  “I love you too Tony. I will see you when you get back.”

  He kissed my lips again, then disappeared.


  Later that night, Cruz gave me a burner phone with a phone number preprogrammed inside. Franco was walking the grounds.

  “Make it quick Nadine.”

  “Cruz, I will.”

  I pressed the button on the phone, then the phone rang.

  My father answered.


  Hello Dad.

  What the hell is going on, Nadine?! I don’t appreciate being forced from my home! He huffed.

  He was pissed. He’s barely taken time off in all the years he’s worked at the plant.

  Where are you?

  I’m safe just like you all are. I didn’t want to tell you like this. I told you I had back-to-back surgeries during the month of May because I didn’t want you to see I am pregnant again.

  Nadine, you are an established doctor. It doesn’t matter if you are pregnant now.

  Even if Tony is the father? I asked in a high pitched voice like a school girl afraid of being chastised by her father.

  Nadine, please tell me you are not serious?! You know what I’m sure you are telling the truth. You would do anything for that monster.

  I hated my father’s perception of Tony.

  Dad, keep your voice down.

  Does he know about Anthony?

  Not yet, but when he returns he will.

  As much as I want to disagree, I won’t. I can’t talk to you anymore. I’ll go get Anthony.

  Anthony, my father called.

  “Yes, Grandpa?”

  “Your mother is on the phone.”

  Hello Mom!

  Hi, baby! I’m so sorry we have to be separated. I am in some trouble and in order to keep you all safe, we can’t have contact for two weeks. This is the last time you will hear from me just for a little while.

  Mom come on! What happened?

  Baby, for your safety I can’t tell you right now. I love you so much!

  He sighed. I love you too. Goodbye.

  It hurt my heart to know I wouldn’t be able to see or talk to my son for two whole weeks.

  I was an emotional wreck after three days of lying in bed per Dr. Zammitti’s orders. I strolled around the bullet proof compound all times of day and night. My rough, hard, brooding, sexy man loves me with all of his heart. The minute he mentioned the Magarelli’s were going to war I should have known I would also have to go to a safe house. I was carrying this man’s babies. On second thought, if I wasn’t carrying his children, he would have ensured my safety.

  Cruz and I barely said two words to each other that week. Franco didn’t need to know Cruz is like the brother I never had. He is over protective and overbearing much like his boss.

  The beginning of the last week, I laid in bed watching TV. It kept me occupied.

  “Nadine,” Cruz said knocking on the open door.

  “Come in and have a seat.”

  He sat bedside in the brown chair that matched the overall color scheme of the modern house.

  “Franco is walking the premises.” He motioned his hand in a circle.

  “When Tony was biting my head off he said you were his woman. Present tense. Not past tense. The day he came back you two picked up where you left off like fourteen years didn’t pass?” His gray eyes peered into mine.

  I hesitated then sighed. “No. I knew Tony wasn’t dead. He had to protect Dillon. His duties were always to the Magarelli’s first. I hated to hear him tell me he had to leave me. At the time I thought I might be….” My eyes darted around Cruz checking the door. I hoped Franco was outside.

  Cruz flashed a high-tech gadget in my face.

  It revealed Franco was still outside. I exhaled.

sp; “I wanted to speak to a doctor to be sure I was pregnant.”

  His eyebrows raised then scrounged together. “You cried when I told you he was dead and you cried at the funeral.”

  I sighed again. “To me, it was like he was dead. The man I love left, never to return. You have no idea what that was like. I loved that man with every ounce of my being. I understand I had sex with Nathan. I didn’t see Tony until I attended the medical conference this past January. We bumped into each other. He never planned to talk to me. His plan was to watch me from a distance.”

  He formed a T with his hands. “Time out, so you didn’t have a one-night stand with a doctor at the conference? It was Tony.”

  “Yes. I was upset with Tony once I learned he didn’t plan to talk to me. That short interaction between us made him so happy. I stormed off. After my presentation was over Tony was waiting in the hall. One thing led to another that night.” I rubbed my belly.

  “And here I am. Tony asked me to come back again and again. I never told him I was pregnant.”

  Cruz hand landed over his mouth.

  “I know. At the time, I didn’t foresee a future with him and our children. How was I going to tell you we were moving to California to live with my dead boyfriend?”

  Cruz chuckled.

  “I ended us. Imagine my surprise when he walked into my practice telling me he was able to come back to his life. Imagine the look on his face when he saw my belly. He was pissed at first but after we talked, he was ok.”

  Cruz scratched his head.

  I stretched my hand out. “I know what you are going to say. Why didn’t I tell him about his son? I don’t know why. I know I will have to tell him when he comes back.” I dropped my head in my hands. “He felt so betrayed to learn I kept the twins a secret. Imagine how he will feel when he learns about Anthony. It won’t be pretty. That’s how I ended up on bedrest. I became so stressed out worrying about him leaving me I placed my children in harm’s way.”


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