Eight Souls: The Caelum Academy Trilogy: Part TWO

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Eight Souls: The Caelum Academy Trilogy: Part TWO Page 25

by Akeroyd, Serena

  “A fucking tree?” I rasped and saw everyone else looked just as confused.

  The light pulsed for a handful of seconds, as though determined for us to remember it, and then it blinked out of existence. Her hands and arms, however, remained inked. As I peered down at them, I saw that each leaf was made up of a word. Tiny letters marked her in tongues, but I didn’t understand them, not a single word.

  After that, most of us just fell silent. We didn’t have a fucking clue what was going on, and there was no point in even trying to gather our thoughts when we were on borrowed time.

  Once we were on the boat, once Eve was away from Caelum, we’d be able to breathe easier, regroup, and then settle on our next step.

  But until then, all we could do was breathe and try to strengthen up with some sleep, which is what we did.

  When Samuel’s phone buzzed, I awoke, and knew most of the Pack did too. Nestor was awake at last, but Eve wasn’t. She was still slumped in my arms, and even though I’d enjoyed the armful, and had been surprised one of the others hadn’t tried to take her from me, I would have preferred she be awake.

  “Another forty minutes until sunset,” Samuel rasped, as he stared down at the screen of his cell.

  I peered out of the cave’s mouth and nodded my agreement with that. Purple and orange, pink and gold had morphed into one large patchwork quilt that was growing darker with every minute.

  Clambering to my feet meant passing Eve over to Reed, who held her to him like she was a living, breathing teddy bear. I let him, was grateful for how long I’d got to hold her—a thought I’d never imagined crossing my mind before today—and straightened with a groan.

  As the sun died, we headed outside. The purr of a dinghy made itself known to us, and as we stared out to sea, I saw a flick of a torch that guided our path.

  Within ten minutes, we were on board, Eve was in Eren’s arms this time, and I had my back to my brothers as I gazed out into the distance.

  Caelum was there, and the lights were blazing.

  They were alive.

  They were aware.

  And they were a danger to us.

  The haven, which had been inside that building, was no more—my life up until that point was no more.

  I turned my back on the past, literally and figuratively, then twisted so I could look at Eve. She’d finally begun to stir, almost as though she knew the danger was a little less imminent and she was safe to awaken.

  As her eyes flickered open, they snared mine like a hunter’s trap would snare a rabbit.

  Behind me was the past, and right ahead of me?

  The future.




  These past few weeks have been a whirlwind. This story came to me in a blast of inspiration, and while there are those of you who may be wondering why I’ve written it as a trilogy and not a super long standalone, the answer is…


  Oh, and organization.

  Those who’ve joined me in my Diva reader group will know that I’m not the most organized of people, and with this trilogy? I’ve had to be. Book one has been with the editor while book two was being written, and while book three was being written? Book one was with the proofreader and book two with the editor. LOL.

  It’s been manic.

  Even as I upload book one (sneakily,) book three is still being proofread.

  So, why didn’t I do it as one standalone?

  Because to undertaken this mammoth mission of having all books in the trilogy out, all 260,000 words of it, ready to release all three links to the public on the same day, I needed time, and doing it this way enabled me to do that.

  Yes, it’s been stressful, but do you know what? It’s been worth it. This story is so kickass, and Eve was just demanding for her tale to be told, so who was I to get in the way of that? :D

  And though this is what dedications are usually for, I have to thank Jessica Rousseau and Bri Bressman from Elemental Editing and Proofreading for their patience, dedication, and hard work. I know I’ve been a nightmare. LOL. And I apologize profusely, and thank you for being my sisters from other misters, accepting I’m crazy, and loving my work as much as you do.

  I can’t forget Adina, either. The Write Wrapping is my go to cover design company, and these covers are just banging!! She’s made the ‘write wrapping’ for these badass books, and I’m grateful because, as with Jess and Bri, she was working to an immense deadline.

  To Julia for the endless support, D for putting up with my mood swings, and, as always, to my mum and Trev for bringing joy to my days.

  Where would I be without any of you?



  Also by Serena Akeroyd

  I’d love to see you in my Diva reader’s group where you can find out all the gossip on new releases as and when they happen. You can join here: www.facebook.com/groups/SerenaAkeroydsDivas. Or, you can always PM or email me. I love to hear from you guys: [email protected].

  Until I see you there or you write me an email or PM, here are more of my books for you to read…

  The Caelum Academy

  Seven Wishes

  Eight Souls

  Nine Lives

  Naughty Nookie

  Sinfully Theirs

  Sinfully Mastered

  The Gods Are Back In Town

  Hotter than Hades

  The Sun Revolves Around Apollo

  Five Points, Hell’s Kitchen

  A Screwed Duet

  Screw You

  Screw Me

  Filthy Feckers

  Filthy Hot (COMING SOON)


  Queen of the Vamps

  Kingdom of Veronia

  Perry & Her Princes

  Her Highness, Princess Perry

  Long Live Queen Perry


  Charmed by Them

  Healed by Them

  Worshipped by Them

  Protected by Them

  Loved by Them






  Anchor Pride Series

  Claimed by Caden

  McKinnon’s Mate

  The Corsakis

  Three’s Never A Crowd

  Old Enough to Know Better

  The Federation

  A Menage Made on Madison

  La Belle sans La Bete Series

  Menage Material

  A Thoroughly Modern Menage

  Forever Theirs

  Secrets & Lies

  The TriAlpha Chronicles








  Los Lobos

  The Raw Touch

  The Salsang Chronicles (written with Helen Scott)

  Stained Egos

  Stained Hearts

  Stained Minds

  Stained Bonds




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