Fake Roommate

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Fake Roommate Page 16

by Rebel Hart

  I rolled over and looked at the other bed to make sure Devon hadn’t crawled over there and jumped. Devon was not there, but Sydney was, and she was staring right at me with a wide, dumb smile on her face.

  “Morning,” she greeted.

  I looked out the window, and the sun was, in fact, just rising on a new day. I had to have slept for over twelve hours. I didn’t really intend to fall asleep, but after Devon’s preview, my body left me with few other options.

  “Hi,” I said, quickly growing a dumb smile of my own.

  “It’s okay to admit you’re disappointed to see me instead of Devon,” Sydney said.

  “Where is he?” I asked.

  “You’ll find out soon enough.” She clapped her hands. “Come on. Get up. Get dressed. Pack a bag. You have three hours.”

  I shook my head. “What?”

  Sydney held up her hands. “You’re right. I’m sorry. You need to gush first.” She hopped out of her bed and crawled onto mine. She poked my nose. “What happened last night?”

  There was an excitement in her voice that I didn’t expect. It’d always been the other way around. I was always waiting for Sydney to gush about some guy that she was seeing. I would listen to Sydney’s stories about her romantic night with a guy and wonder if it was ever going to be me. There was no doubt she realized how infrequently the shoe was on the other foot. She wanted to give me my moment to do what she’d gotten to do dozens of times before.

  “I love you,” I said.

  Sydney smiled. “I know. I love you, too.” She tapped my legs a few times in rapid succession. “Come on. Tell me, tell me. I came down here to see if you’d murdered him or something, and you’re asleep in his arms, half-naked. Quite the jump from not knowing if you like him.”

  I smiled widely. “Well, we didn’t do everything yet, but he, uh…he went down on me.”

  Sydney’s eyes rolled back in her head. “Ugh. How did Devon and Henry find each other? They’re both so perfect.” She looked back at me. “Was it amazing?”

  I chuckled and could feel my face burning as I remembered. “It was…” I laughed, and Sydney started to laugh with me. “Yeah. That.”

  Sydney squealed. “And? I mean, what did he say? What did you say?”

  I rubbed my face, trying to rub away the embarrassment. “I kind of word-vomited on him. He told me that he liked me, and everything just came pouring out. I told him that I liked him, too, and that I’d just been running around after Kai because that’s what I was used to but that I started falling for him.” My whole body tingled with happiness. “He said he felt the same way, and then we made out a little. Then he stopped, and I was annoyed.”

  “He stopped! What? Is he made of steel?”

  “I know!” I yelped. “But he said that he wanted to do things right for me. Something really special.”

  Sydney puffed out her lips. “Aw.”

  “I know. I get it, but I kind of wanted to be like—”

  “Fuck all that shit and fuck me?” Sydney said.

  “Yes! I’ve been waiting for long enough!” I laughed. “He wouldn’t give in, though, but he said he’d give me a preview, and boy was it ever.”

  “That’s amazing. I’m so happy for you.”

  “I don’t really know when he’s planning to do the rest of it, though. I’m kind of impatient.”

  Sydney snickered. “Well, you shouldn’t have to wait too long.”

  I raised an eyebrow at her. and she winked. “Like I said before. Get up, get dressed, and pack an overnight bag because you have”—she peeked at her phone—“two hours and forty minutes.”

  My heart jumped up into my throat. “Wait. Really?”

  “Yeah! Hurry!” I did as I was told. I leaped out of bed and went to my dresser. I pulled open the drawers and snatched out different articles of clothing, and Sydney shook her head. “No, no, no. You know what? Go. I’ll pack your bag.”

  I didn’t argue. I went into the bathroom, and though I wanted to take the fastest shower I was capable of, if Sydney was suggesting what I thought she was, deep cleaning was important. I took my time, making sure all of me was well-washed, and then turned my attention to my hair. I washed and conditioned it a few times so that the natural waves would come out, and then I turned the water off, hastily wrapped a towel around myself, and skidded back into my room.

  I looked down at my bed. One of my smaller tote bags was packed, and on the bed was one of Sydney’s tight black dresses and a brand new bright red lace thong and a matching bra. I’d never worn such racy clothing in my entire life.

  “I’m not wearing this.”

  Sydney was dragging something from under her bed. “Yes, you are. It’s not for you. It’s for him. Think about how great he was to you last night.”

  Devon had been really good to me. Not just last night, but ever since I met him. He had no motivation to help me deal with Kai or give me advice. This whole experience with Sydney and Henry could have been so much worse if it hadn’t been for him. I owed him a lot.

  I lifted the bra. “It doesn’t look comfortable.”

  Sydney slammed a huge case down on her bed that looked like it could have contained sewing materials, beverages, or a dead body. “It’s not. That’s not the point. Just put it on. I bought it for you back when I could tell you liked Devon.”

  “I just told you that, like, a week ago.”

  Sydney looked at me and rolled her eyes. “I said when I could tell. I knew from that time he kissed you.” She flailed her hands. “We don’t have time for this. You took, like, an hour in the shower. Get dressed.”

  “I still have an hour. It’s not gonna take that long to get dressed.”

  Sydney opened the top of the case she’d pulled out, revealing an unreasonable amount of makeup. “No, but I still have to do your makeup and your hair.”

  “This is way too much.”

  Sydney scoffed and put her hands on my shoulders. “Nina. You’re about to lose your virginity. Forever. Do you know how I lost mine? To some kid whose last name I don’t even remember in the back of his car in a Wal-Mart parking lot. Do you know how much I wish I could have gotten all dressed up and done my hair and makeup? Let me live vicariously through you. You’ll be so much happier, looking back on it and knowing you didn’t look like a ragamuffin.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Fine.”

  “Good. Get dressed and sit down in your desk chair.”

  I followed directions and let Sydney spend my remaining time carefully painting on a face of makeup and doing my hair in pretty, natural beach waves. When she was done, I was glad I’d let her do it. She was right. I’d be happy to look back on this day and remember that I looked beautiful.

  She shoved a piece of paper into my hands. “Your note for Monica. She’s going to ask about your look. Ignore her and head down to the parking lot, do you understand?”


  She opened the dorm room door with a smile. “Then go.”

  I walked out of the room and down to Monica’s door. I knocked a couple of times, and the door flew open almost instantly. “Oh. Hey, Nina. Wow. You look fantastic. What’s the occasion?”

  I peeked down at the note and then back up at Monica. “Family wedding.” I handed her the note. “I’ll be spending the night in the hotel, but I’ll be back tomorrow.”

  Monica took the note and held up her phone. I couldn’t see what she was doing, but then I saw her comparing the note to something on her phone and figured she was comparing the signature on the note to the one on my paperwork.

  She looked back at me and smiled. “Okay. So. Who’s getting married that prompted you to look like this? Gonna distract from the bride, aren’t you?”

  “Maybe, but my ride’s here, so I gotta go. Bye.”

  Monica tried to say more, but I heeded Sydney’s warning and went right to the elevator. I took it down to the parking garage level, and when the door opened, Devon was standing there with a bouquet of roses in his hands.
His eyes widened, and I saw him take in a breath and hold it.

  I smiled. “Sydney did it.”

  He finally let out his breath. “Well, I’ll be sure to thank her.” He walked up to me and handed me the roses. “Hi.”


  Devon leaned down and kissed me. “Ready?”


  He smiled. “Let’s go.”

  My smile only got larger as I watched Presper disappear in the rearview mirror. Logan, Utah, wasn’t a horrible place to live, but most of the hotels were two or three-star, max. I wasn’t really picky about the place, but when Devon bypassed Logan altogether, I was happy. He drove us about an hour and a half away, and when he turned into one of those tall, gold-lined hotels I’d only seen on luxury travel channel shows, my jaw dropped.

  “Not here,” I said out loud.

  Devon chuckled. “Why not?”

  We parked and entered the splendid hotel, which had a glistening, white marble floor and tall, red velvet walls, and walked up to the check-in desk. Devon checked us into the hotel, and we walked hand in hand to an elevator that took us all the way up to the top floor. When it reached the floor, Devon pressed the button and had to wave our room key in front of the scanner in order to get the doors to open.

  They slid aside, and the elevator let out right into the beautiful hotel suite. There was a king-sized bed centered against the wall to the left, and across from it, there was a massive hot tub sitting in front of a big, beautiful, wall-to-wall, ceiling-to-floor window that overlooked the beautiful Utah mountains with the late afternoon sun crawling toward them.

  The water in the hot tub, the bed, and the path leading up to the bed were all dotted with rose petals, and the room smelled of vanilla and honey.

  “Wow,” I said. “I’m sorry, it’s probably rude to ask, but how did you afford all of this? Are you not just a broke college student like me?”

  Devon kissed me on my forehead. “If I tell you the truth, you have to promise not to freak out.”


  Devon led me into the room, set down our bags in the closet near the entryway, and guided me over to the bed. He laid down across the comforter and pulled me down next to him. He ran his hand along my cheek.

  “I’ve been saving up money—a lot of it. I was supposed to be paying Henry back, but he wouldn’t take the money. Then, after I met you, he told me to take the money and use it to take you out, so here we are.”

  “Paying him back for what?”

  Devon took a deep breath before continuing. “Bail money. I got arrested when I was eighteen. I wasn’t running with the best crowd, and we got pulled over in a car full of guns and drugs. I was just this young, dumb kid. They all knew to run. I didn’t.”

  That truly shocked me. Devon just didn’t seem like that kind of guy. “You don’t seem like the type.”

  “I’m not, really. I guess it was a cry for help. I have a twin brother, and my parents favor him, like to the point of neglecting me, so I was searching for attention anywhere I could get it. Henry bailed me out, and instead of letting me repay him, he made me promise to come to college and make something of my life. His dad got my record sealed, so it wasn’t following me. He saved me.” Hearing the story gave me so much clarity on who Devon was. No wonder he was willing to do anything it took to let Henry and Sydney share a room. He just wanted to pay Henry back for his kindness. Devon’s hand slid down the curvature of my body. “I didn’t scare you off, did I?”

  I knew Devon—the real Devon. If attention was what he wanted, I’d show him plenty of it. “No. Thank you for telling me.”

  Devon smiled, pulled closer to me, and placed his lips on mine. I put my hands on the buttons of his shirt and immediately started to undo them. Devon laughed. “Not letting me wiggle out of it this time, are you?”

  “Nope.” I pulled the shirt from around his torso and blushed. I’d seen shirtless men before but never so close. Devon had a fit, defined upper body with carved out pecs and abs that looked good enough to eat. “Wow.”

  Devon laughed. “I’ve never had a girl say, ‘Wow,’ at me before.”

  “Glad I could be your first.”

  Devon kissed me. “You’re my first for a lot of things, Nina.”

  That made me happy. Maybe I wasn’t the first woman he’d ever slept with, but if I was the first one he ever felt serious about, that made me happy. He rolled until I was on my back, and he hovered over me. His hands slid up my thighs, pushing the dress up as he went. He noticed the underwear first and became immediately interested. He continued to push the dress up until he could force it over my head and pull it off.

  “Damn,” he hissed.

  He kissed my neck and down my chest, and when he got to my breasts, I inhaled and held my breath. He licked me over through the fabric of the bra, and my breath hitched. There were so many new sensations I hadn’t experienced before. They were overwhelming as he worked over each of my breasts carefully. He slid his way down to taste between my legs again. He’d done so much for me the night before, but there was something totally new at play. Now he didn’t have to hold back. Didn’t have to stop or wait until next time. This was it. I was giving everything to someone that I truly wanted.

  I couldn’t believe it.

  As much as I was enjoying Devon’s mouth traveling all over me, exploring all that there was to explore, I didn’t want to wait anymore.

  “Devon,” I whimpered, awash with pleasure.

  His head tilted up so he could look at me. “What, baby?”

  “I want it. I want you,” I begged. “Please.”

  Devon twisted his head. “God, I don’t know what I’m gonna do with you.” He slid up until his face was above mine again. He set a hand on my cheek. “You sure?”

  He wasn’t teasing me. He wanted to be absolutely sure that I was certain.

  “Yes,” I said. “I want it to be you.”

  He kissed me. Hard. Passionately. Enough to take my breath away. When he lifted off of me, I let out a tiny squeak of dissatisfaction, and he laughed. “I have to get a condom.”

  “I know,” I chuckled. “Sorry.”

  Devon rolled off the bed, and I watched as he unbuttoned his pants and pulled them and his boxers down. My eyes widened at what came out.

  How on earth was I supposed to take all of that?

  My heart pounded in my chest. I wanted Devon more than I could stand, but I was instantly afraid. Devon grabbed a box of condoms and a small, clear bottle from his bag and then came back over to the bed. He must have noticed my shock and fear because he stopped moving instantly.

  “Nina? You okay?”

  “Yeah,” I said breathlessly. “Just um. You’re very…well endowed.”

  He laughed. “Yeah. It’s normally a good thing, but I can see how it would be nerve-wracking here.” He set the condoms and bottle down and laid next to me. “Are you sure it’s okay?”

  I was afraid—terrified, actually—but the way I felt about Devon was deep and real. I wanted him. It might hurt at first, but there had to be a reason people bragged about sex. I trusted Devon. “Yeah. I’m sure.”

  “Don’t worry.” He kissed me. “I’ll go slow, and I have lube. You say the word, and I’ll stop.”

  I took a deep breath. “Okay.”

  I watched as Devon slid on the condom and coated his length with the lube, and even I couldn’t deny that the sight, if a little scary, was delightful. He was so sexy, and as afraid as I was, I was twice as excited.

  He dropped some of the clear liquid onto his hand and pressed it to my waiting heat below. I sucked in a breath and held it, and Devon leaned down over me. “Just relax, okay?”

  I let my breath out. “Okay.”

  Devon kissed me, and I breathed into him as his fingers poked into me to spread the lube around. It was a strange feeling, but not unwelcome. I knew it wouldn’t compare to him, but there was an enjoyable burning at the base of my belly as his fingers moved around just insid
e of me. He pulled them out and positioned himself between my legs. He set the tip at my opening and grabbed my hand.

  He kissed the back of my hand and smiled down at me. “Squeeze if you need me to stop.”

  I nodded. “Okay.”

  With that, he slowly started to push himself in. I took a deep breath again. “Relax, Sadie,” Devon said, and I let it out. “Tensing will make it worse.”

  He kept going until he reached the part of me that had never been broken before. He continued to push, and the pain came. I squeezed his hand, and he stopped moving immediately. It bolstered my confidence, and I took in deep breaths while my body adjusted. I waited for the stinging to subside and then nodded, and he kept going. The process continued, starting and stopping until I almost wanted to give up.

  I took a deep breath when the latest round of pain was easing away. “Okay, you can keep going.”

  Devon smiled and kissed the tops of my fingers. “I’m all in, beautiful.”

  I opened my eyes, not really sure when I’d closed them, and looked up at Devon. “Really? That’s it?” I winced. “Sorry. That came out wrong. I just meant—”

  Devon started laughing. “I know. I know what you meant.”

  He dropped my hand and locked his hands in around my hips. He rocked forward slowly and then back. My body was still working its way through having something so large inside of me, but as the pain started to subside, my heart rate started to quicken. I started to twitch as he poked at something deep inside. At first, it was strange, but the more he did it, the better it felt. With each gentle stroke in and out, my walls gave way, and the searing heat turned from a burn to something like heated water.

  Devon was sweating, and I could tell he was holding back for my sake. I put a hand on top of his on my hip, and he looked into my eyes. “Are you okay? Do I need to stop?”

  “No,” I huffed out, though it was half a moan. “I want more.”

  Devon’s eyes flashed with a lust-filled excitement, similar to the way he’d looked at me when he walked in on me in the towel. He started to pick up the pace, and I tossed my head back and let out a loud moan. Devon joined in, letting out a pleased grunt of his own.


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