Forbidden Lord

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Forbidden Lord Page 8

by Victoria Pinder

  Her mother held up the small gold bird with diamonds as she said, “These are beautiful, but the real wish I want is for my daughter’s happiness.”

  “I’m good,” Miya said quickly.

  Rico wasn’t sure what to say. Christine opened another present and showed everyone her new rocking horse.

  Everyone clapped like it was also made of gold, which it wasn’t. It was just big enough for his daughter and plush so she’d not hurt herself.

  They drank more hot chocolate as Christine finished with her presents, but sitting next to Miya filled him with more warmth.

  Today was the first time in a long time where he was just relaxed and happy.

  When Christine had opened the last present, she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tighter than he’d expected.

  He hugged her back and said, “Buon Natale.”

  He wiped a tear from his eyes and glanced over at Miya.

  She’d made today wonderful.

  She dabbed her eyes like she was crying too, but then she bounced up. He let his daughter go as Miya said, “Rico and Christine and I are going to go build a snowman.”

  They were? He didn’t remember agreeing to that, but he nodded like that was the plan.

  Her mother stood and waved for Coral to join her as she said, “You three have fun. I’ll ensure we have all the trimmings for Christmas dinner.”

  They were guests. He widened his stance. “You don’t have to cook.”

  Her mother laughed as she put her new necklace on, and said, “I’m not. Your chef has a staff. I just want to be there to mention our favorites too.”

  Coral pointed to the door and said, “And I’m going to head home for a while, but I’ll see everyone for dinner.”

  Miya waved them off as she said, “Bye Coral. See you, Mom.” And a minute later it was just the three of them. She held out her hands as she said, “Are you ready Rico?”

  “Yes. Let’s go build this snowman of yours,” he said and took her hand.

  Christine held up her foot and showed off her slippers. He laughed and said, “After we dress. We all need shoes and jackets. Meet by the door.”

  Christine grabbed her new doll and ran off. He knew Marsha and her maid would be waiting to help her.

  He motioned for Miya to join him to go and get boots, too. But then Miya said “Thank you,” again, as she fingered her necklace.

  His own body grew hot as he stared down at her. Maybe Miya was everything he’d ever wanted. She shone with goodness and kindness. And without thinking he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her.

  Her lips tasted better than that sweet hot chocolate he’d just had. Her kiss was heavenly and he never wanted it to stop.

  Chapter 9

  Miya’s heart fluttered.

  It never fluttered.

  But since she’d been kissed by Rico, her entire body was aware and alive.

  And despite how many times she told herself the marriage was a business deal, it didn’t stop.

  In her room, she’d found a brand-new winter jacket, boots, and snow pants.

  They definitely hadn’t been squeezed into the bag she’d brought across the Atlantic. And the brand was Moncler, which she’d only ever seen featured on Fashion Week runways for ski gear. This was a step up from her usual North Face jacket, which she used to think was great.

  The jacket felt like butter around her arms.

  The boots seemed to be designed for her small feet and felt more like slippers, though they covered her everywhere.

  Now that she was a rich, titled lady, she’d get to wear labels she only knew from advertising studies.

  Maybe she’d get her career to the point where she only advertised the best of the best.

  Anything was possible here.

  Well, except maybe love. Her husband had already had that and wasn’t interested in trying again.

  As she finished dressing she heard a knock on the adjoining door.

  Rico must be waiting for her.

  A part of her brain buzzed that maybe the matchmaker had been right about him being her true love, but she shook that off.

  It was impossible. She opened the door, fully dressed for outside, and he reached out for her hand and said,

  “Are you ready to go get Christine?”

  “Yes,” she said and slipped into step next to him. Part of her had always assumed the richer a guy was, the less handsome he’d be. She’d based this theory on the countless CEOs she’d met in boardrooms around the U.S. But Rico had proved that wrong … just from how gracefully he walked beside her.

  As they descended the stairs, for one second she imagined this was her life, forever.

  Walking next to a man who could double for a Norse god.

  Christine was waiting for them. As they reached the bottom of the stairs, she pointed to her purple boots and said, “My boots have butterflies.”

  “They’re beautiful,” Miya said, and went down to hug the little girl.

  Her hair was in little blonde ringlets, making her even more adorable. Miya held her tight.

  As they headed out the door, Rico stalled in the frame and said, “It’s snowing again. Maybe we should stay inside.”

  She reached for his hand and tugged a little as she said, “Come. Maybe we’ll have time for a snowball fight.”

  His face wrinkled like he’d laugh as he said, “That’s so American.”

  She winked, and held Christine’s hand to guide her in making the snowman as she said, “Guess I’ll win, but first the snowman.”

  He followed behind them and asked, “How do we do that?”

  She made a small snowball and she imagined tossing it at Rico, but he’d probably get her back, hard. So she placed it on the ground and said, “Okay Christine, I’m going to need your help.” His daughter came closer and Miya showed her how to push the ball through the snow as she said, “Push.” They rolled it around to get the ball as big as possible. Soon it got too heavy, so she called out, “Rico, get in here.”

  He called out, “On my way.”

  He joined them and all three pushed the huge snowball around as Christine screamed, “So heavy.”

  A small giggle escaped Miya as she said quickly, “Keep pushing.”

  Soon they’d finish the base. Once the ball grew bigger than the two-year-old, Christine said, “Wow! This is so big.”

  Now this was a base. Miya called out, “Not big enough.”

  Now Rico did most of the heavy labor, but they all pitched in as he said, “That’s what all the girls want.”

  Her mind raced back to what she’d just said and her face heated. She glanced at Christine who pushed with both hands as she said, “Rico, there are children present.”

  Rico winked at her and said, “I … Miya, that’s your mind in the gutter. We’re pushing … harder.”

  This time she let out her glee as she announced they were finished. Then they started on the second one.

  Christine’s face was contracted with effort as they made the snowball for the body. This one went faster and Miya glanced up as snow started to lightly fall again. She met the green eyes of her new husband as she said, “Rico?”

  He glanced down and her heart did that double take again as her lips remembered his kiss.

  “Yes?” he asked.

  A repeat wasn’t going to happen now. Her face heated as she said, “Put this ball on top of the other.”

  He picked up the ball and settled it onto the first one. As he finished he said, “Done.”

  Christine clapped.

  Miya picked up some snow and tossed it at him as she said, “I win.”

  As the snow connected to his cheek his lips thinned.

  His daughter covered her lips like she was in shock. Miya winked at her and took her hand as she said, “We have to create the head next.”

  Rico shook his head, but they quickly rolled the third snowball and topped off the snowman.

  The thunder inside her kept reverbera
ting until Christine asked, “What about the face?”

  She hadn’t thought to bring anything from the kitchen, and she glanced around for an alternative as she said, “We need …”

  But near the door there was a small plate with a carrot. She ran over and grabbed it, and as she returned she said, “Your staff is awesome. Pick Christine up so she can put in the carrot for a nose.”

  He followed her directions. Her exuberance was catching. As he put Christine down, he asked, “Now what?”

  There were trees along the path. She called out as she ran, “Find sticks.”

  He guided his daughter to the trees and Christine picked up a branch. She called out, “Perfect.”

  He picked up a second one and she circled back as she called out, “Get them up for the arms.”

  The three of them raced back to their snowman who quickly had some arms. As they finished, Christine asked, “Now?”

  She snapped her fingers. Teaching someone to do this was more fun than she’d imagined.

  “Stones,” she said.

  Rico led them near the patio and picked up a handful as he said, “Here, I have black stones.”

  “Classy,” she said. They were probably special, expensive stones, but so what? She pointed them back to their creation and said, “Yes. Let’s add them for the eyes and mouth.”

  As they finished, Rico knelt beside his daughter and asked, “What do you think, Christine?”

  She finished putting in the last stone for a smile as Christine said, “I think Miya is cute.”

  He hugged his daughter but beamed up at her as he said, “Me too. Let’s get inside.”

  Cute? It meant nothing of course. Her heart shouldn’t warm at the sound of that.

  The snow was getting thicker now. Not that she felt it. They ran inside, each holding one of Christine’s arms so she swung and laughed.

  As they closed the door, Christine asked, “Kitchen?”

  Her vocabulary was amazing. Miya knelt down and asked, “You want to see my mom?”

  “Yes.” Christine said.

  Rico nodded his head as he said, “Change first. Once you’re in dry, inside clothes we’ll go.”

  Christine skipped off like she’d never been so happy.

  Miya unzipped her jacket and asked, “Me too?”

  His green eyes seemed warm as he bumped into her side again and said, “You too, Miya. Dry clothes.”

  They returned as they had come down. Together. They were even in step as they made the stairs.

  As they reached the second level, she swallowed and asked, “So I was wondering … after dinner?”

  “Yes?” he asked as he guided her to her door.

  She lingered flirtatiously, which wasn’t something she’d thought she’d ever do, as she asked, “Can we sit by the fire again? I enjoyed last night.”

  The air smelled like male adrenaline and pine trees. Rico. He leaned against her doorframe and said, “Let’s do it.”

  Butterflies weren’t just in her stomach but all over her body. She took off her jacket to let out steam as she asked, “One more thing.”

  He glanced down at her and her lips tingled as he said, “Yes?”

  She dropped the jacket on the floor as she glanced higher and whispered, “I liked your kiss earlier, too.”

  Her eyes fluttered closed as he leaned closer. The thump in her chest grew more excited as his lips met hers.

  And then she held onto him, wishing this would never end.


  As the kiss ended, their foreheads met. He let out a small sigh and then stood taller as he said, “I’ve only kissed two women in my life, so it’s good to know I’ve improved.”

  How in the world was she so aware of him? She was herself, but this awake version of herself was like she’d transformed into a new, better version of herself.


  He threw his head back and his face turned red. “Let’s just say, the first time I kissed Linsey, I broke my braces.”

  She sucked on her bottom lip to stop her laughter. “That’s funny.”

  He leaned against the door frame as he took off his own jacket and said, “I broke hers too.”

  She shook her head as she said, “I’m sure you were mortified.”

  He bobbed his head as he said, “She laughed too.”

  He headed inside her room but opened the adjoining door to toss his jacket in. She followed and said, “The first boy who kissed me was Mark. It was wet and sloppy, worse than a dog’s kiss, but it was his first time too.”

  He knelt down to untie his boots as he said, “Poor guy.”

  She sat on her side of the door and did the same while she said, “Well, we all start from scratch.”

  In her thick thermal socks, she stood again and realized they had a matching set.

  Would her life now match his in small details like that? She hugged her waist, but then, as he towered over her, he asked, “Have you thought about what our lives might be like … together now?”

  Oh, he had no idea. Her imagination went to R in the middle of the day, not that she’d ever even acknowledge that. She backtracked into her room and grabbed her tablet as she said, “I made a list, actually.”

  “You did?” He glanced down at what she pulled up for him to see.

  She held up the Excel sheet where she had calculated her time, as she said, “The first night, before our wedding. I was planning my work and needed to write down what was in that contract.”

  He pushed her tablet back down to her as he said, “I don’t mean contractually.”

  Fair. She ignored the zip in her vein as she held her tablet to her chest and asked, “You meant … together, like you and me?”

  He nodded. “Yes.”

  She glanced down at his snow pants as she said, “I started to imagine that, too, but I don’t want to impose. We made a deal.”

  He reached out and brushed his hand against her cheek as he said, “You’re seriously the sweetest woman I’ve ever met. And I’m starting to imagine … us, too.”

  But he’d said he wasn’t interested in love. And there was no way she’d ever top a genius, even if she was a ghost. It was clear he’d already found his true love, so the matchmaking she’d paid money for couldn’t be right. Even if a zap raced through her spine as she said, “We’ll talk about that … tonight then.”

  She took off the snow pants, revealing her leggings underneath. He did the same, though he wore the black pajama pants he’d worn for Christmas morning.


  If he asked her inside his room now … she’d go. Her recklessness when it came to falling hard for a guy edged her toward him when she knew she shouldn’t. She held the frame of the door and looked at him as she asked, “Yes?”

  She stilled when he asked, “Why did you come to Avce? Was it really just a job posting?”

  Part of her wished that matchmaking email was true, but she’d not tell him about it. It didn’t matter to him, and she was heading to heartbreak city if she didn’t just keep her attraction to him purely physical.

  Her heart didn’t need to get involved.

  She lowered her gaze to avoid his stare as she said, “I knew I’d not find anything in New York over the holidays, and I wanted to figure out my next move without my mother. So I combined a small vacation for myself with the application.”

  He came closer and took her hand as he said, “You wanted her here, though.”

  “I still love my mom, despite how she judges my life privately.” Everything had changed in a second. The sparks between them couldn’t just be one-sided. Hopefully he felt them too. She met his green eyes. “Once you asked me what I wanted … I knew the answer. And you’re helping me make my dreams come true, Rico.”

  He lowered his head as he said, “Part of me wishes I had dreams.”

  Her eyes watered for him as she placed her hand on his chest and realized he must also feel the same zap inside him. “You must have dreams.”

/>   Once, he must have. But he’d lost track of any goal a long time ago. He held her as he said, “I … I want to kiss you again before dinner.”

  So much for caution. She puckered her lips as she moved her chin higher. He was so tall, and her arm traced his muscular shoulder as she said, “Daring. I like this.”

  And then his lips captured hers again.

  She was in heaven, and had lost all thought.

  To be with Rico would be total magic.

  She was already in the clouds.

  As the kiss ended, he held her tight and she had goosebumps everywhere as he said, “I wish we could just forget dinner.”

  Yes, she knew this was just because they were physically attracted to each other. And lust was all this was, not love. And any other day she’d have agreed. She had always been a sucker in her search for romance, and her crush wasn’t something to let grow. But she licked her lips and held him tight as she said, “It’s … our family that’s down there.”

  He nodded and then reached for his shoes as he said, “Then we better get going.”

  True. She held up her hand and headed into her closet. She had a fabulous green dress hanging there, and she called out as she changed, “One second.”

  As she came out, she saw he was now in black slacks and a green sweater too.

  Her mother would be impressed. He tossed his phone on his bed and returned to her room. “I’ll have staff ensure we have the wine ready for after.”

  She held out her hand for them to head out, together. He took the lead as she said, “And the fire. I really like your fireplace.”

  He opened her door for her as they headed out again. “On it.”

  For the first time in her life she felt complete. What if this was now her life forever? Rico seemed so perfect. Except for the fact his heart was unavailable.

  Chapter 10

  The dining room had a fire going in the fireplace that crackled.

  Rico’s body was aware of the world, and every second had a singe that awoke him as he headed into the room where people were laughing.

  He’d never had a Christmas so sweet before now.

  The woman on his arm was the reason, and he walked her into a room where the love her family had for her radiated in every face.


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