Highlander Ever After

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Highlander Ever After Page 27

by Paula Quinn

  When had she become so wanton? She didn’t know this bold side of herself. She felt awakened and exhilarated, and it was because of him.

  “You are the first male I have ever invited here.” It was true. She’d kept things from William…secrets, like this place, and her love of the romantic. He had never been romantic, and the one time she brought it up to him, he laughed, amused.

  Her blood burned and made her nerves itch when Adam curled his mouth and bowed to her. “Thank ye, lass. I’ll return the gesture when we go home.”

  She tipped her head and laughed a little. “You expect me to climb a mountain?”

  “’Tis more like a tall hill,” he told her, his gaze searing over her throat. “But ’twill make ye stronger and more resilient.”

  “Stronger and more resilient for what?” she purred against him when he pulled her into his arms.

  “No’ what, love.” The sensual cadence of his voice flowed through her like molten lava. “Whom.”

  His lips touched hers and sent quivers down her spine, the backs of her knees. She fell, weak in his strong embrace, lost in his intoxicating kiss.

  They undressed each other with urgent fingers and fell into the pillows in a tangle of limbs and laughter.

  “I dreamed of you last night.”

  “Nae, lass,” he whispered across her ear, “that was real.”

  “Oh?” She rolled over on top of him and smiled. “Because I don’t remember doing this to you before.”

  She straddled him but quickly lost her nerve to impale herself on him. He laughed softly and pulled her down for a kiss.

  His body was warm and hard beneath her, his mouth masterful and teasing.

  Soon, she found her hips gyrating over the steely length of him. She knew in his arms there was nothing to fear. Trusting him allowed her to marvel at the masterpiece beneath her fingertips and compelled her to take her time enjoying him.

  They ran their hands over each other, curious, learning shapes and sensitive hollows. They kissed, sharing breath and quiet whispers of love.

  “Are ye ready fer me, my love?” he asked, spreading his hands down her back to her buttocks.

  “Yes, I’m ready,” she cried out, needing him closer, aching for more.

  His deft hands cupped her and spread her for him. He pushed against her opening and ground his jaw. At first, Sina wondered how she would do it again. He felt even bigger than last night. She’d been too bold to mount him. But the more he pushed, the deeper she drew him in.

  When he pushed his back up off the pillows, taking her with him, it felt as if he were going to burst through her.

  He moved, slow and deep, grinding his sinewy abdomen against her. With his hands cupped around her buttocks, he guided her over his thick shaft, impaling her deeper with each thrust.

  She cried out, holding on to him as waves of pleasure cascaded over her, sent her over the edge of oblivion. Her body tightened and pulsed around him. She trembled in his arms, riding him up and down until he tossed back his head and shot himself deep into her.

  They both collapsed into the pillows, with Sina spread out atop his chest.

  “You saved my father’s life,” she whispered after a little while. “He’s now in your debt. Do you think that is enough to keep you safe from his wrath?”

  “Nae, love,” he told her, pressing his mouth to the top of her head. “I think ye are enough.”

  She pushed up off him. “Me? What do you mean?”

  “I mean, he loves ye. He wants a chance to make ye happy.”

  “He told you that?”

  “He did.”

  Sina climbed off him and pulled one of the blankets over them. She rested beside him, pressing her cheek to his chest and tossing her leg over his.

  She’d shared many of her secrets up here with Poppy. But there were some things that even Poppy didn’t know.

  “He was not a terrible father,” she began, her voice husky with the weight of the telling. “I didn’t even know he was my father until I was ten years old. He visited me several times and even stayed here for a month every summer that I was here. He provided everything I needed to become a reputable lady-in-waiting. Everything but his name. I was not his daughter. I was his secret—and the shame it brought me has been one of my greatest burdens.”

  Adam gathered her closer, offering his strength and comfort.

  “My mother told me he is finally going to announce me.”

  “I’m glad, my love,” he whispered against her temple. “Ye will have what ye have always wanted.”

  But was it? Perhaps years ago, even months…weeks. But was it all she ever wanted still? To be known by all as the king’s bastard? Or to be loved by Adam MacGregor?

  “Yes,” she said against the soft dusting of dark hair on his chest.

  “He knows my heart is lost to ye,” Adam told her, stroking her back. “He knows I can protect ye, and I will protect him.”

  “He thinks you are someone else.”

  He grew quiet for a moment. Sina listened to his breathing, as close as her own.

  “When the time comes,” he told her. “Ye must let him know ye love me, lass. That I make ye happy.”

  When the time comes…She didn’t want to think on it now. “I do love you, and you do make me happy.” She tilted her chin to kiss him. “I will tell him tonight if you wish it, but for right now, let’s enjoy this and each other. Tell me, who was your closest friend growing up? You told me a little about your childhood. Tell me more.”

  She loved listening to the musical lilt of his voice. The deep timbre of it covered her like an intimate caress.

  “I didna have time to form deeper friendships with any of my kin. There were always lessons to be learned. By the end of the day, I was too weary to play.”

  “It sounds very lonely,” she said, running her fingers over his chest.

  “’Twas. Until I ran into Goliath in the hall seven years ago. He was six weeks old. Edmund had taken him and his sisters for a walk through the castle. A few weeks after that, he wouldna leave my side. We became friends, partners in trooble, and he hasna left my side yet.”

  “He is a good boy,” she cooed at the black mound on the other side of the alcove.

  “He doesn’t respond to coaxing—” Adam stopped when his dog rose up and lumbered over to them.

  “Oh yes, he is! So good!” she said in a high-pitched, excited voice that excited Goliath, as well. He climbed over them with long, bony legs, causing them both to cry out at his weight. When he threw his furry body down on the blanket between them, belly up, they laughed and kissed his furry cheeks.

  Sina knew the new future she wanted with Adam. She wanted a family with him. She wanted to bear his children in Camlochlin and wake up to them jumping into her and Adam’s bed.

  She didn’t want her father or anyone else to get in the way.

  This time, she wouldn’t let anyone stop the plans she made for herself. She wouldn’t let her father or anyone else take her from Adam.

  Lady Catherine Newton peered around the corner to make certain no one saw her, and then slipped into Sina’s rooms. She wasn’t sure what she was looking for, but it was the best time to search, as she’d seen Sina leave the palace a short while ago. She didn’t know how long Sina would be gone, so she needed to be quick.

  She looked around. Roderick would be angry if he knew she was doing something so nefarious as snooping around someone else’s apartment. Especially Melusina de Arenburg’s. William worshipped her.

  Her poor cousin William, in prison because of her.

  Catherine had spent a good part of the morning with him at the prison—a horrible place, filled with miscreants and thieves. No place for a Standish. She’d waited with him until his father had arrived and William was released—banned from ever stepping foot in Kensington Palace again.

  Catherine had never seen her cousin so desolate. Yes, he choked the precious Miss de Arenburg. He was sorry. He’d wept over it while they w
aited. Of course he’d been angry when he learned his betrothed no longer loved him. He’d been blind with rage.

  Catherine thought about telling him what was going on while he was absent. How his dearest Sina flirted with Lord Hamilton, and how she was often caught staring at him since the day he carried her home and escorted her to dinner. But why discredit poor Lord Hamilton for falling for Melusina’s charms? She was clearly jealous of his affections toward Catherine and sought to keep him away. Well, Catherine would have him.

  Just the thought of being swept up in his arms, kissed by his perfectly carved lips, made her warm all over.

  After Catherine found a way to publicly disgrace the trollop, Lord Hamilton would want nothing to do with Sina and would be free to pursue the true gem.

  What was she looking for? There had to be something here she or William could use against Melusina. But where should she begin?

  She started at Sina’s writing table and prayed the proof wasn’t here, since her reading skills were basic at best, particularly bad when it came to someone’s personal writing. She found nothing that appeared important. She checked under cushions, behind paintings, on shelves, and inside Sina’s chest of drawers. She found a dried-up weed of some sort placed delicately beside Sina’s folded stockings. She shoved it into her pocket and hurried on to Sina’s wardrobe.

  She stopped when she saw an odd-looking striped shawl and thick petticoats. There were other gowns sewn in outdated fashion. She ran her fingers over a fold of lavender wool as fine as satin. She touched something stiff. It was a pocket. She put her hand inside and pulled forth a folded parchment. It was wrinkled and worn and had the form of a letter. Catherine studied it for a moment, trying to read the first few words.

  She thought she could make out William’s name and a few other words but nothing more. Why had Sina hidden it in her pocket? Catherine would let William decide when she met with him tonight.

  She heard a sound outside and quickly hurried from the rooms.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Adam stepped into the grand dining hall and spotted Sina standing with Miss Warwick and the Viscount of Nottingham beside the king’s grand table. No one sat until the king arrived and sat first.

  How was it possible that every time he saw her, she grew more beautiful to him? She dressed for dinner in a gold-and-black brocade gown with small hoops and yellow petticoats. Her golden locks were swept up high off her face in soft plaits pinned in pearls.

  Adam watched her, barely breathing as she smiled at something Miss Warwick said, flashing her dimple and enchanting the man standing next to her.

  Adam didn’t mind if Nottingham felt something for Sina. Any man would be a fool not to. As long as no one put a finger to her, there wouldn’t be a problem.

  “She seems happy despite everything that has happened.”

  Adam looked at Miss Berkham and returned her smile. “I think she is, though last eve was verra difficult fer her.”

  “If I wasn’t there, I would never have believed William could do such a thing to her,” she said, looping her arm through his. He noted Sina’s attention turning to them. Her smiled deepened as he escorted her friend into the hall.

  “I’m glad you were there to help her through it.” Miss Berkham grinned like a cat, slanting her eyes at him.

  “Aye.” He nodded, his eyes dancing off to the side. “So am I. But she is strong and brave. She will get over the loss of William in her own time.”

  “And with you at her side, I hope.”

  “Yer approval means much, my lady.”

  “Based on what you’ve proven so far,” she told him while she smiled at Sina coming toward them, “you have earned it.”

  “Lord Hamilton,” Sina greeted him and then kissed Miss Berkham’s cheek.

  “How are you feeling, dearest?” her friend asked, frowning at the bruise on Sina’s neck. “If I ever see that scoundrel again, I’ll rip out his eyes.”

  “If he shows up here,” Adam said, “ye willna have time to get to him before I do.”

  “I’m fine, you two,” she assured them. Her gaze flickered to Adam’s. “Better now.”

  He did his absolute best not to drag her into his arms. She filled his senses and made him want to carry her away from the crowd.

  “Poppy, Adam was specifically invited to dinner by the king.”

  “Ah, yes,” Miss Berkham said. “You’re a hero. I’m not surprised.”

  “’Tis Goliath who is the hero, no’ I,” he said as Miss Warwick and Nottingham approached. “Goliath gave me time to reach the boar by getting to it first. He was in much more danger than I. His belly was exposed to the boar’s kickin’ hooves, and the boar’s neck is tough to break.”

  “He’s quite a fascinating dog,” Nottingham remarked.

  “Aye.” Adam smiled proudly, happy that Goliath was finally getting the admiration he deserved. “He is.”

  The king finally arrived with his mistress, and his guests took their seats. Dinner was roasted boar and stuffed pheasant. Wine was sipped and toasts were made.

  After a little while, King George stood from his chair and raised his cup. He waited until everyone quieted down, which they did quickly.

  “Today, as most of you already know, while hunting deer, I was attacked by this fierce creature.” He pointed his cup at their dinner. “Fierce enough to take down my favored horse. It turned on me next, grunting and snorting, ready to ram its head and sharp teeth into me.”

  The king was telling it right. Adam smiled at Goliath, and then at Sina, who was watching him.

  “My horse was down,” the king continued. “I couldn’t outrun a wild boar. I watched it run toward me and fumbled for my pistol. Something big and black sped past my vision on long, powerful legs. It hit the boar with such force the creature went down. Thank God ’twas Lord Hamilton’s dog, Goliath. But even Goliath couldn’t kill the beast.”

  By now the sound of people’s breathing was the only thing to be heard in the hall. Everyone listened, fascinated by the tale.

  “I still don’t know whether Lord Hamilton was trying to save me or his dog, but I’m grateful he arrived and leaped right into the fray, killing the boar with a paltry knife.”

  The guests let out a collective sigh and began clapping. Sina smiled at him, but it faded when she saw that every woman at the long table was smiling at him too.

  “Tonight,” George shouted, “I honor Lord Hamilton and Goliath for saving the life of their king!”

  Cheering and toasts ensued until Adam rose from his seat and raised his cup to the king.

  “Fer as long as His Majesty holds true to his words, my loyalty and the fealty of my kin shall be his.”

  Adam knew he was taking a risk giving the king of Great Britain a condition to his loyalty. But he’d been bold from the beginning. He wouldn’t stop now when he had the king’s ear. He made promises for his kin as the chief’s heir. He would stand by them if George stood by his.

  He turned from the king to the faces sitting at the table. “I’ve heard many whispers about ‘savage Scots.’ They are all true. That’s why”—he turned back to George—“’tis wise to have them on yer side. They will win ye many battles.”

  “You bring up interesting points, Hamilton,” the king said, returning to his seat. “Let’s talk about this more over a game of chess later this eve.”

  Adam would rather spend his time with Sina, but this was a decisive moment in his relationship with the king. He might even tell him that he was a MacGregor tonight.

  Sina spoke up beside him. “I would also like a few moments of your time, Your Majesty.”

  “Of course, Miss de Arenburg,” the king granted. “Would one hour from now suit you?”

  She nodded and smiled to show her gratitude.

  Adam knew there was love between Sina and her father. He wanted it to flourish for Sina’s sake. Fathers were important. He’d grown up in a completely different environment, where fathers played a vital role in t
heir children’s lives. Sina hadn’t had that. But it wasn’t too late. He could put aside that her father had ordered her back, and that he hated the MacGregors without ever meeting one, and be grateful that this father wanted to make his daughter happy.

  “My lord?” Sina’s soft voice drew him away from his thoughts.

  He blinked and smiled openly at her. “Aye, lass?”

  She motioned toward Goliath with her delicate chin. Adam thought about kissing it before he turned to see his dog sitting near his chair, his eyes fastened on the king.

  “Come, Goliath!” The king tempted him with the full, roasted leg of the boar. Goliath wanted it, but he didn’t move.

  “Go on and get it,” Adam said and then called out when the dog took off, “Easily!”

  The king and others around the table marveled at such obedience. Adam couldn’t help but wonder when the king would leave the table so he could escape with Sina for a little while.

  When the king and his hostess finally did leave, Adam wasn’t the first one out of his seat.

  “Lord Hamilton!” A woman of mature years stood before his chair. She wore a black and dark blue mantua with matching skirts. Her silver hair was piled atop her head and pinned with pearls. Attached to her chubby fingers was a bonny lass of marriageable age with pale yellow curls falling over her temples.

  “I’m Lady Mordaunt,” the older woman said, “wife of Viscount Mordaunt, and this fair lady is my granddaughter, Miss Pratt.”

  Adam stood from his seat and bowed politely. He could almost feel the icy stillness of Sina’s gaze behind him. He smiled, thinking about her being possessive of him.

  “A pleasure, ladies. What can I do fer ye?”

  Lady Mordaunt snapped open her fan and smiled behind it. Her granddaughter peeked up from beneath her lashes and turned three shades darker.

  “We enjoyed hearing about how you saved the king,” Lady Mordaunt continued. “My husband and I would be honored to have you call on our granddaughter.”


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