The Curious Swan

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The Curious Swan Page 10

by Kenzie Hart

  “I do.” She laughs, turning around in a full circle, taking in her outfit. “This must have been from Grandmother’s time with the archaeologist. Can you believe this has fared so well for so long?”

  “It is surprising,” Eddie comments. “I can’t believe your grandmother once wore this outfit.”

  “I just love seeing all the things she used to wear. Especially while I’m writing her recollections each day.”

  Klara walks across the room to a spot that is dotted with a few larger trunks resting on an unwinding rug. She shuffles through one, pulling out a blush dress. It has a thick cream lace collar and long sleeves with the matching lace around the cuffs.

  “This one is perfect,” Klara states excitedly, vaguely remembering trying on the dress a few years before. She moves back behind the screen.

  Eddie watches the screen as Klara throws the skirt and shirt up onto it, hanging over the top, and he takes a big gulp. The thought of Klara, naked, behind the screen has his head elsewhere. He wonders how soft the rest of her skin feels. The softness and curves she has in different places. He’s felt enough of her to know he’d do anything to feel more.

  “Well?” Klara says, posing in front of him. The dress hangs a little on her, but with the smile she wears, she looks stunning.

  “I think this is the one,” Eddie says, watching as Klara twirls in front of the mirror, making the ends of her dress fly up around her.

  “I agree. Now, you!”

  Eddie laughs, watching as Klara is already off, opening a new set of trunks in the opposite corner. Even with the lack of light and abundance of dust, Eddie sort of likes this place. It is secluded. Somewhere right under everyone’s noses but a place that apparently only Klara comes to.

  “Do you ever find it strange to live in such a big house?” Eddie can’t help himself but ask.

  Klara fishes an old tux from a trunk and turns, walking back toward Eddie. “Of course not. It’s what I grew up with. Plus, I have all the animals and Nana. Mrs. B is always around. If anything, sometimes, my days feel crowded with people.” She doesn’t enjoy dwelling on the time when her mother and father lived with her even though she remembers it fondly.

  Eddie can tell her answer is sincere, but it’s obvious she is leaving details out. Maybe, with time, she will let him in. Even with all the beauty, something haunts this house. Something haunts Klara. And he wishes he knew what it was.

  “Let’s get you into this tux and see what we think, okay?”

  Eddie walks behind the screen and strips down before pulling the pants up his legs. As he finishes the last button, Klara pops her head around the side, a wide smile on her face.

  “No need for modesty.” She giggles, taking in Eddie’s bare chest.

  His shoulders are broad and wide, bringing his torso in to form a V. His stomach is flat, and Klara notices a small line of blond hair just below his naval.

  Eddie loves the attention. He watches Klara’s eyes rake over his body, and even though her giggle sounds innocent, the intensity of her stare is anything but.

  “I thought you wanted to see me looking like a proper gentleman? Yet here you are, sneaking a peek at me before I can give you the full effect!” Eddie tries to keep his face straight, but his eyes twinkle.

  “Oh, you want to charm me?”

  “I thought you already found me charming?” Eddie counters.

  Klara lets out an easy laugh. Eddie throws on the white shirt and slides into the tuxedo jacket. It looks its age, but it doesn’t fit all too horribly. The best and worst part about the dinner jacket is that it is a very unattractive shade of puke green, which really makes it all the more fun.

  “Well?” Eddie says, stepping in front of Klara. He moves to the mirror and is instantly horrified. “I look bloody terrible!”

  “You look smashing,” Klara says sincerely. “And Grandmother will love it! Now, for accessories.” Klara moves to a table where a few hats and hairpins lie.

  She picks up two earrings. They’re scalloped flower clip-ons. She pushes them onto her ears and then grabs a pin, fixing part of her hair up. She reaches into her grandmother’s coin purse and finds her red lipstick. Finally, she walks to the mural-covered changing screen and takes her grandmother’s cream fur off the corner.

  Eddie watches as Klara primps herself. She does it in a way that is so easy. She has fun with it. It isn’t a task; it is exciting. She turns, facing him.

  If anyone saw Klara in the street, they’d think she was mad. She is wearing a modest, old-fashioned dress with loads of lace. The fur and the earrings combined with the red lipstick are a lot to look at. But, in some odd way, she makes it work. She looks stunning, and Eddie thinks how lucky he is to be here with her.

  “You look lovely,” Eddie says, walking up and grabbing Klara’s cheeks in his hands. He places a sweet kiss on her lips. She smells like roses and musty clothing. It is a scent he will always remember and one he currently loves.

  She kisses him back and blushes when he pulls away. Her lipstick has transferred onto Eddie’s mouth, and she takes her finger to his lips, lightly brushing it away. The feeling of her hand on his mouth reminds her of the day before. The way Edward had looked at her. Her stomach tingles at the thought. She almost loves touching his lips with her finger as much as she does with her lips. They are plush under her hand, and Eddie closes his eyes, taking in the intimate moment. She can’t take her eyes off the light freckles dotting across his nose.

  “Come on, darling,” Eddie says dramatically, opening his eyes and placing a sweet kiss onto Klara’s cheek. “We can’t keep Grandmother waiting!”

  Klara wraps her arm through his, and together, they walk barefoot in tuxedo and fur down the stairs leading to the main floor.

  “Oh, my darlings,” Grandmother says to them as they approach. They find her outside, seated at a table fully set for tea. “Just look at you both.”

  Klara bounces in front of her grandmother and gives a long, slow twirl, so she can take in the full effect. Just seeing Grandmother’s eyes light up makes Klara’s insides warm.

  “You are a beautiful girl,” Cordelia says.

  And then she turns her attention to Edward. He is wearing her late-husband’s tuxedo, and while a little large, he looks charming in it.

  Eddie walks over and places a kiss on Grandmother’s hand. She sways slightly.

  “You, my dear boy, are a spitting image of my late husband, Rupert.”

  Eddie smiles at her reaction. The more he visits with Cordelia, the more she seems to warm up to him. And she seems like a tough cookie to crack. She’s part-aristocrat, part-bohemian, and part-crazy old lady. But she is still sharp as a nail, and he is never quite sure what mood she will receive him in.

  “I wasn’t sure if you would recognize the dress,” Klara admits, a tinge of rose on her cheeks. Her grandmother hardly ever notices when she wears her old things.

  Grandmother slips a flask out of her pocket, dumping a good amount into her teacup. She lightly twirls it with a spoon and then takes a slow sip.

  “I remember that dress quite well,” Cordelia replies, settling herself into her chair.

  The Kentwoods’ waiter comes outside, setting down a fresh teapot and a plate with assorted sandwiches. Klara pours both herself and Edward a cup.

  “Edward,” Cordelia starts.

  Eddie meets her gaze. He takes in her glasses and finds it slightly shocking that they don’t slip off right into her tea with how low they rest on her nose.

  “I’m not sure if Klara has informed you yet, but I am hosting a small gathering in two evenings. It is to be quite the intimate event, and we will be receiving friends from London and the countryside for the night. I would like to invite you to join us.”

  Klara smiles wide at her grandmother. When she first brought up the subject of inviting Edward, Cordelia didn’t give her an answer but said she would consider it. It is to be a gathering of around twenty or so of Grandmother’s friends.

She had thought up the idea one afternoon when they were writing her memoirs, and Grandmother had been telling Klara about the time just after she arrived back to England from abroad. She had hosted a party at this house, celebrating the fact that she would be returning home to run the estate.

  After they had recounted the events of the evening, some quite scandalous, Grandmother had decided she wanted to re-create the evening but with a 1920s twist. The next morning, she had sent for her event planner, and invitations had gone out the following week. While the party at the time had boasted more than seventy-five guests, many of the attendants had since passed, leaving the dinner to be set for twenty-four.

  “I would love to come,” Eddie says warmly, understanding the weight of the invitation. He is happy to be included in an intimate part of Klara’s life. Formal dinners and parties aren’t something he normally cares about, but if it’s important to Klara, it’s important to him.

  Klara grabs his hand under the table, giving it a squeeze.

  “How divine!” Klara excitedly lets out, unable to contain herself.

  Grandmother looks at her, pleased, and Klara wonders if the sparkle in her eyes is from pleasure or the spiked tea she has been gulping down.

  “It is a formal affair, so we will have a tuxedo brought in and tailored to fit you perfectly,” Grandmother says to Eddie before taking a bite out of a tea sandwich.

  “Thank you,” Eddie says, a little taken aback by her kindness. He didn’t think of the fact that he wouldn’t have anything to wear.

  “Now, tell me, how has your family business been going?”

  “Things have been good for my dad. I really am not too involved in it yet, but once I finish schooling, I will slowly take it over.”

  “Do you plan to expand it?” Grandmother asks with true interest.

  Even though he is young, Cordelia can see the drive in his eyes. He wants more for himself—or something different altogether.

  “Quite honestly, I don’t know. My father is happy with the way things are. He would be glad to get a few more jobs and hire a few more men, but that is the extent of what I think he wants.”

  “And what do you want?” Cordelia questions, curious as to what his answer will be.

  Eddie fumbles over his words, becoming slightly flushed at the rush of questions. “I want to please my father, of course. But I’m not sure if the family business is for me,” he says the second sentence much more quietly than the first. And, at the moment, what he really wants is a taste of Grandmother’s spiked tea.

  “I’m so pleased you will be able to come to Grandmother’s dinner party. I just adore parties,” Klara says, slowly dancing around Eddie, humming out a tune.

  “I think it will be fun,” Eddie replies. “What sorts of things happen at these dinners?” Eddie moves to sit on the black iron bench in the front of the Kentwood Estate, watching as Klara twirls around in the driveway.

  “Well, for starters, lots of champagne. My grandmother will greet everyone, and we will all toast to a wonderful night. At dinner, the conversations are normally quite acceptable, but after dinner, the scotch gets pulled out. And you know how Grandmother loves her scotch.” Klara giggles. “While the men move into the study for cigars, the women sit around a card table, smoking their long cigarettes and gossiping. Even at their age, they stay up well past midnight. Music plays, and all the women dress in long gowns. I can’t wait to see their 1920s-inspired looks.”

  “It sounds like quite the affair.”

  “Oh, it will be, to be sure. Grandmother told me about the original dinner that inspired the evening.”

  “And?” Eddie says, wanting her to continue.

  “Apparently, they danced the night away, and the party lasted well into dawn. One couple was found half-naked in the coat closet. Another couple caused quite the scandal. She was having an affair with her date's best mate but ended up slapping him in front of everyone when he whispered to her that he knew what she was up to. He walked away and danced the whole night with another woman who was attending the party. They got married shortly after.”

  Eddie raises his eyebrows. It all sounds so dramatic and somewhat childish. But nonetheless exciting.

  “Most of these people are in their eighties and nineties now, so I’m not sure things will be quite as eventful. Though Grandmother is sure to bring in some new additions, of course. But I have no doubt they will have some exciting stories to share.”

  Klara loves recounting the stories her grandmother has told her. Her life was filled with so much drama and excitement. She isn’t sure she would like that in her life, but it makes for the perfect story. And she had no doubt that her Grandmother’s memoirs will be a lovely book one day.

  “Sounds like it will be an entertaining night.” Eddie smiles at Klara.

  She looks beautiful, pacing back and forth in front of him, her hair floating around as she spins and moves.

  She finally stops and takes a seat beside him. “So, do you have to work this afternoon?” Klara questions as she takes in the warm air and fresh sunshine on her face.

  Eddie nods his head. “I think I’m going to meet Mattie after. We’re playing a late-night pick-up match to get ready for the game in a few days.”

  “That sounds lovely.” Klara smiles, thinking about her own afternoon.

  “Would you like to come?” Eddie asks nervously.

  It would be the first time his friends meet her. He told Mattie he is seeing someone but not to what extent. He doesn’t want to spoil the fun he has been having with her by having people question them. But he also wants her to be as much a part of his life as he is in hers.

  “Maybe as my girlfriend?” Eddie can’t believe the words as they come out of his mouth. He is normally charming and lighthearted around Klara, but his cheeks get rosy, and he drops his eyes, feeling nervous.

  “Your girlfriend?” Klara’s eyebrows furrow together.

  She’s never thought about being someone’s girlfriend before. Or the idea of having a boyfriend. But she supposes that they already have done most of the things boyfriends and girlfriends do. They see each other often. And she loves spending time with him. Not to mention, her ever-growing love of Edward’s lips. She smiles, noticing the blush spread across Edward’s cheeks. He is nervous, and she revels in the moments he is most vulnerable with her.

  “I would like that,” she says, leaning in, pressing her lips against his.

  His body relaxes into hers, and she can feel his mouth form into a smile, even as they kiss.

  “I’m glad,” Eddie says, pulling away. He can barely contain the emotions floating within him. He wants to shout at the top of his lungs and jump around; he feels so giddy, which is unusual for him.

  Klara takes his hand and presses her perfectly pink lips against his skin. Eddie watches as her eyes flutter shut.

  “You’re really making it hard for me to leave,” he says, pressing his lips against Klara’s cheek. The smell of roses engulfs him as he moves his lips farther down to her neck.

  Edward’s warm breath sends tingles across Klara’s skin, and she closes her eyes, enjoying the sensation. He moves his lips back up to hers, and after a few moments, Klara slightly parts her lips, brushing her tongue across his lip.

  Eddie stiffens a little, surprised. He has always been the one to deepen their kisses. He keeps kissing her, and slowly, Klara dips her tongue into his mouth, sending a spark through his body. He wraps his hands around her waist, pulling her closer to him.

  Klara feels intoxicated by their kisses and the feel of having Edward’s hands on her sides. She pulls back slightly, her face flushed. Their kissing has become so intimate—and on a bench in front of her home, no less!

  “You’re going to be late,” she says with a grin, bringing her bright eyes to meet his. “You know, you’re lucky you get to spend time with your father.”

  He’s never really thought about it in that way, but he supposes she is right. Though sometimes his father annoys hi
m, Eddie loves him, so he nods in agreement.

  “What are you doing this afternoon?” he asks, standing up and pulling his bike off the ground. He’s also surprised by how kindly she is talking of his father after how curt he was with her the day before.

  “Well, Grandmother will be taking an extra-long nap after the amount of scotch in her tea, so I am going to read out by the pond. I’m sure Foxglove will be floating around, and I just love to watch her.”

  “Sounds like a lovely afternoon,” he says, getting on his bike. “I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?”

  “Of course! The tailor comes at ten.” Klara smiles at him, placing a kiss on his cheek.

  Eddie nods and takes off down the drive, turning back to give her a wave. He can’t believe she actually agreed to be his girlfriend.


  Sitting in the living room, sunlight streams in from the window, and the room is filled with the sound of Klara’s laughter. Cordelia sees Klara chasing Nana through the yard, dipping back and forth through the garden, playing with her.

  Cordelia is pleased with the new development in Klara’s life, and she smiles to herself. Eddie is a kind boy, and she is interested to see how he will do at her dinner tonight. He looked quite dashing in the tuxedo the day before. Cordelia is contemplating the events to come the following day when in walks Charles Kentwood II, his usual gift for Cordelia in hand.

  Cordelia stands, walking toward the window, and sings out, “Klara, the macarons have arrived!”

  Klara’s heart stops when she hears Grandmother call to her. “Father’s here?” She drops the branch she was tossing around for Nana and runs toward the back door.

  “Mother,” Charles says, leaning against the doorframe. His designer suit fits nicely against his body, and his blue eyes lock on to Cordelia’s.


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