Another Homecoming

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Another Homecoming Page 3

by Lexi Archer

  “Right,” I said, staring at the thing.

  It wasn’t even lit just yet, but I figured when it eventually went up the thing was going to be big enough that they could see it from space.

  Bigger than I would’ve imagined seemed to be a theme for the evening. The house attached to this party, a place that straddled the dividing line between the woods and the cornfield, was a lot more massive and modern than anything I would’ve expected to find all the way out here. Like we’re talking it wouldn’t have looked all that out of the ordinary if it was plopped down in some of the more affluent suburbs of the city we’d just left, though something told me building the thing out here had been a hell of a lot less expensive than it would’ve been in one of those suburbs.

  “Penny for your thoughts,” Stacy said, hitting me with an unreadable expression.

  “Sorry,” I said. “I was just looking at all the land they have out here and then thinking about that giant house. How much do you think something like that cost out here?”

  Stacy shrugged. “Really kind of depends. I’d say a few hundred thousand at least, but they probably got some help from family putting the thing together and all that. It’s hard to tell out here.”

  “Damn,” I said, thinking about our own apartment that was the equivalent of a large penthouse apartment. Sure it was a large penthouse apartment on the second floor of an ancient office building and it looked out over the town square of Mayberry, but still.

  There was something to be said for living out in the middle of nowhere where land and construction prices were a hell of a lot cheaper than they were in the big city.


  I wheeled around at that voice. Found myself staring at none other than Arnie. He rounded a car and saw me, then blinked a couple of times and grinned. He thrust his hand out.

  “How’s it going man?” he asked, grinning and glancing between the two of us and also seeming just a little nervous all of a sudden.

  I guess I could understand him feeling a little nervous. We’d only had that one night, after all. Things hadn’t been all that weird between us, but there was still the potential for things to get weird so I could understand him being a little awkward around us.

  “Going great,” I said, shaking his hand.

  I turned to Stacy, and realized there was something odd going on here. Something in the twinkle in her eyes that said she was thinking about something.

  “What’s going on babe?” I asked.

  She didn’t say anything. She arched an eyebrow at me and then took Arnie by the hand. Pulled him back around where he came from.

  “Um, what’s going on?” Arnie asked.

  “I’m doing a little something for my husband, is what’s going on,” she said, staring at me with the most intense pair of “fuck me” eyes I think I’d ever seen.

  They were made all the more intense because I had a pretty good idea that I wasn’t the guy she had any intention of fucking! It was still just a little weird thinking about my wife getting all lusty and slutty with other men, but the more I got used to it the more I thought that I could get used to this.

  She pulled Arnie to the back of the impromptu parking lot in the grass. Back into the shadows of the trees where we wouldn’t have to worry too much about someone seeing us.



  That didn’t stop me from glancing around to make sure we didn’t get caught, mind you. I’d taken everything Stacy said about small town life to heart, and the last thing I wanted was for her to get a reputation because of some of the fun she was having for me.

  I didn’t see anyone hiding though. It’s not like I thought anyone would be hiding out back here. What would be the point?

  “Here we go,” she said, pressing Arnie up against a tree.

  I glanced behind us and off towards the party. Off to where there was a dull glow starting to rise. I guess they decided they were going to go ahead and start the bonfire even though it wasn’t totally dark yet.

  Not that I cared about the fires going on over by the bonfire. I was more interested in the heat being generated by my wife and Arnie right in front of me, thank you very much. I licked my lips as she got down on her knees in front of him.

  She turned and looked up at me. I couldn’t be sure in the darkness, but I think she winked at me.

  “Don’t say I never did anything for you,” she said.

  “I never said that,” I said.

  “Of course you didn’t,” she said. “But I knew you were a little disappointed by me putting on the brakes, so here’s a little something to let you know I’m not pumping them as hard as you thought.”

  “Um, I’m still right here you know,” Arnie said.

  “Yeah, but do you give a fuck what we’re saying if you get to have your fun?” Stacy asked, glancing up at him as she unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out.

  “Good point,” he said.

  He didn’t say much else after that. No, his eyes rolled into the back of his head as her mouth slid down the length of his cock. My wife was one hell of an expert cocksucker, and she was showing off those skills in a big way tonight.

  One moment she had her lips around the edge of his cock, and the next she’d sank down to the back of her throat. Only instead of bobbing up and down on his cock like I might’ve expected she held herself there.

  Amazing. I’d seen her do this a couple of times. Using her throat muscles to do all the heavy lifting. It was something that was a little tough on her because she had to hold her breath the entire time she was doing it, and if the tears at the edge of her eyes were anything to go on it was taking its toll on her now.

  But she did it. She locked eyes with Arnie and stared as she kept his cock lodged in the back of her throat. Maybe she could see something there that I couldn’t. Maybe the more direct connection she had with him was something that let her know how close he was and whether or not she should come up for air.

  Finally Arnie sighed. His entire body released the tension that’d been held there, and I knew my wife must’ve been right. He was releasing himself inside her, and blowing his load straight down her throat.

  Finally it was over almost as quick as it had begun. It was quick, but that didn’t make the whole situation any less charged. No, there was something about my wife falling to her knees and taking a man down her throat like that so quickly and without much thought that made this that much more intense.

  She coughed a couple of times and spit into the grass. I couldn’t tell if any of his come was in there, but if there was then there must’ve been a lot. The rest of it, of course, was deep in my wife’s stomach since there was no way she could’ve sucked him off like that without getting some of it down in her belly.

  Not quite in her belly in the way that would’ve been the hottest, but what the fuck ever. It worked so I wasn’t complaining.

  “There we go,” she said, getting back to her feet and adjusting herself to make sure she wasn’t too mussed. Then she walked over and gave me a deep kiss.

  It took me by surprise. I could taste something just a touch salty on her lips, and it was weird knowing I was tasting the result of another man having his way with my wife. Still, I wasn’t going to knock it because my cock was still rock fucking hard thinking about what I’d just seen.

  From the way she pressed against me she could tell that I was still rock fucking hard thinking about everything she’d just done. I thought that maybe she was going to lose control and we’d have a little bit of husband and wife fun of our own, but then she was pulling away and taking me by the hand.

  “Come on,” she said. “We have a party to get to, and the night is only getting started.”

  I wasn’t sure if there was a promise in there or not, but after everything else that’d just happened I couldn’t wait to see what else was going down tonight!


  Nerdy Surprise

  “That’s Daisy Atkins over there,” Stacy said, nodding acro
ss the way. “She was really big in the FFA, as you might imagine from what she’s wearing today.”

  I’d imagine that most of the people standing around this bonfire had been big into the FFA once upon a time. I imagined most of them had probably fulfilled their destiny as well.

  Daisy was one of those girls that proved the farmers around here knew how to grow them. She was practically busting out of a flannel shirt that only covered her tits, and even then just barely. She was clearly proud of what the good Lord gave her, and didn’t mind showing it off to the world.

  Though she was getting some irritated looks from some of the other people standing around the bonfire. I didn’t mind though. And I figured considering everything my wife had just done she probably shouldn’t mind that I was having a little fun enjoying the view either.

  “What about that couple over there?” I asked.

  I pointed to a couple on the other end of the bonfire who kept shooting dirty looks our way. Stacy looked across the way and frowned when she got a good look at them.

  “That’s Rex Thompson and Jessica Simmons,” she said, the words sounding like they were four letters for all that I knew there were more in there. “I’ve heard she was his consolation prize after I dumped him, but I hadn’t realized just how much he’d let himself go since the last time I saw him.”

  I stared at the dude, my mouth hanging open. That was the dude who’d been the big man on campus? The huge star who was such a big deal around here back in the day? I had trouble believing it, and yet there he was standing with his massive beer gut spilling out of a threadbare letter jacket that looked like it’d definitely seen better days.

  I fought the urge to smile. After all, I was the stranger in a strange land here. The last thing I wanted was to do something silly like piss off the locals.

  Especially when those locals could turn on me at a moment’s notice. Yeah, I didn’t want to piss off my wife by pissing off her friends so I was going to play it cool.

  “Odd that he would continue to wear his letter jacket like that,” I said, glancing at them again. Though they only seemed to have eyes for Stacy. “Not to mention odd that he’d be glaring at you like that.”

  “Yeah, well he can eat his heart out,” Stacy said. “He’s looking at the one who got away. I’m sure he’s going to move onto you once he figures out who you are.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked, arching an eyebrow.

  “Simple,” she said. “You’re the one who gets to fuck me on the regular, which is something he’s only ever dreamed of.”

  “Wait a second,” I said. “You’re telling me you never fucked your old high school boyfriend?”

  Now there was a fucking revelation if there ever was one. The way Arnie talked about them I figured that’d been a done deal. Again we’d never gotten each other’s list, but still. Damn.

  Talk about years of pent up frustration there.

  “Okay then,” I said. “Mental note to keep an eye on that creeper.”

  “Definitely,” Stacy said, shivering just a little.

  It was a good reminder that for all that this fantasy was supposed to be fun, for all that I got turned on thinking about the people in her hometown who no doubt wanted to do unspeakable things to her while I watched, there was also another side of this. There were assholes out there who had no business being anywhere near my wife, thank you very much.

  We moved along the edge of the bonfire and Stacy came to a halt suddenly.

  “Holy shit,” she said.

  “What’s up?” I asked, immediately on the lookout for more trouble. I figured if it was anything like that other asshole then we could be in for some trouble.

  “I can’t fucking believe it,” she said. “I mean I’ve seen the pictures online and everything, but…”

  She trained off. She was staring off at a crowd of people, but as I looked at them it was difficult to figure out exactly who the fuck she was looking at. We’re talking it was your typical crowd of country boys and girls, and none of them…

  Then he turned around, laughing and smiling and generally being the life of the party.

  “Holy shit,” I said. “So if Rex was the big football star and everything then who the fuck was that guy?”

  “Believe it or not,” she said. “Stan was the big nerd on campus.”

  “Bull. Fucking. Shit,” I said. “There’s no way a guy that confident was the big nerd on campus.”



  The guy was buff. Like it looked like he was no stranger to the inside of a gym, though come to think of it I was pretty sure I hadn’t seen him at Arnie’s gym. Which seemed a little odd considering his was the only gym in the area that I was aware of.

  “You have no idea,” she said. “That guy was the biggest dork all through school, but look at him now.”

  Color me intrigued. Because my wife was looking at this guy with even more interest than she’d looked at Arnie, and at the end she’d looked at Arnie with a hell of a lot of interest. Particularly when she was in the middle of sitting on his cock and riding him for everything he was worth.

  There was something different about the way she was looking at this dude though. There was something more primal, more intense, about the look she was giving him. Like she was thinking about what she’d do to him given half the opportunity.

  With Arnie it’d taken a bit of encouraging, but I could already tell that it wasn’t going to take much of anything to do the same with this dude.

  “So, um, if he was the big nerd then what the hell happened?” I asked.

  Stacy shrugged. “Not everyone is the same person they were in high school, y’know? I mean look at how much we’ve grown over the years and stuff.”

  “Yeah,” I said. “I guess there’s something to that.”

  Still, as I stared at the guy I couldn’t help but wonder about what the fuck had happened to bring him to this point where he was standing there with those broad shoulders and that muscular body. Sure he wore some glasses, but that was about the only thing that tipped off that he was a classically nerdy dude. That and he seemed to have on a Superman t-shirt under whatever button up he was wearing, but with the way everyone was into comic books these days that wasn’t all that out of the ordinary or even that dorky anymore.

  “So, uh, how did this guy feel about you when you were in school together?” I asked.

  I meant for the question to sound all innocent, but from the look my wife gave me she had a pretty good idea what I was getting at. I held my hands up defensively to let her know I totally didn’t mean it like that, but I think we both knew that I totally did mean it like that.

  She smiled a knowing smile and then tapped me on the shoulder.

  “He was the biggest dork in the school and I was the prettiest most popular girl in the school,” she said. “Let’s just say there were a lot of moments where he made it clear he was interested without working up the balls to let me know he was interested. Nothing creepy or anything like that. More sweet and misguided.”

  That had me even more interested than before. Interested to the point that there was a certain bit of my anatomy that was starting to stand up and take notice of this whole situation. It was the kind of fantasy scenario I could really get into, if you catch my drift.

  “I think we need to get an introduction to this dude,” I finally said.

  Stacy rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I figured you might say something like that.”

  A moment stretched out between us where I waited for her to get on with it. Finally she rolled her eyes.

  “Come on then,” she said. “If you’re going to be this way then I don’t know what the hell I’m going to do with you.”

  “Oh I could think of a few things you could do to me,” I said with a waggle of my eyebrows and a little kissyface at her for good measure.

  “I bet you could,” she said. “But you’re not going to get a chance to do any of that if you keep being a bad
boy like this.”

  I held my hands up defensively. “Fine! You win!”

  “Come on,” she said, rolling her eyes in defeat. “We’re going to go over and give you your introduction. Don’t blow your load in your pants or anything.”

  My cock twitched at that choice of language. My wife was being very interesting about running into this old friend of hers, and I couldn’t wait to see what happened when the old nerd met the girl of his dreams who ran off to the big city before making her less than triumphant return.



  “Nice to meet you,” Stan said, taking my hand in a firm grip as he shook it.

  The introductions had been quick enough. Stan had a pretty girl named Amy on his arm. She was a bit younger, but Stacy seemed ot know her. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised at that sort of thing these days. This was the kind of town where it felt like everybody knew everybody else, after all.

  “So you do accounting work?” Stan asked.

  “Something like that,” I said. “I did that in the city before they had some layoffs.”

  Stan frowned. “Yeah, I read about all that. Bad business with that VP embezzling all those funds.”

  “Bad business indeed,” I said. “Especially now that other firms won’t touch anyone who came from that company. Like that one asshole tainted all of us.”

  “Well it can’t be all bad!” Stan said, clapping me on the back. “You get to come out here and smell the fresh country air, after all.”

  He took a deep breath, and then grimaced.

  “Well at least it’s fresh as long as the wind isn’t blowing that hog farm this way. I swear. That thing is a few miles away and you can still get a whiff of it on a windy day.”


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