One Love - Two Hearts - Three Stories

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One Love - Two Hearts - Three Stories Page 25

by J Dawn King

  Darcy knew that, of all of those gathered on the boardwalk, it was their nieces and their children that were of most interest to the Gardiners. Over the past weeks both Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner had to have observed the marked attentions that Darcy was trying not to pay to Elizabeth. He was so inexperienced in the intricacies of coming to know and understand a woman that Darcy worried that he was blundering and offending instead of attracting and appealing. Seeing both Lady Olivia and Miss Elizabeth Bennet together helped Darcy to clearly see the lack of real maturity in one and the intrinsic value of the other.

  Lord Sternhaven cleared his throat, reached over, and pulled his daughter back to him, away from Bingley. Then he and his wife turned and walked away from the sea with the intention of removing Lady Olivia as far away from Charles Bingley as they could, while resolved to later call on Darcy in a vain endeavor to manipulate matters until an engagement was announced between him and their daughter. Only Mrs. Bennet commented at the rudeness of them not taking their leave, completely unaware of the events of the past few minutes - so intent was her interest in Colonel Fitzwilliam.

  Mrs. Gardiner saw the need to take her sister-in-law under control. “Sister, dear, I believe that you have spent too long in the sunshine and are in need of some refreshment.” Mrs. Gardiner remembered how strong the pull of attraction could be and knew that her nieces would need all the help they could get to understand these new feelings. Though it was her greatest desire to see Jane and Elizabeth favorably wed, having Mrs. Bennet in attendance would not help matters along. It would be like leaving a fly to hover over the soup.

  Before an argument could erupt, Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner stepped to either side of Mrs. Bennet and each grasped a hand of Lydia and Kitty Bennet. Mary followed along. Short goodbyes were said and the three ladies and three gentlemen were left standing on the boardwalk, wondering at all that had happened.

  Colonel Fitzwilliam offered his arm to Jane. Bingley offered his to Georgiana, and Darcy, with a feeling of tremendous relief, offered his to Elizabeth. Peace at last.


  It seemed only a few steps until the couples started to distance themselves from one another. Darcy and Elizabeth paused and observed Colonel Fitzwilliam and Jane as the couple stopped to watch a young man trying to help a boy get his kite up into the air. Richard and Jane were soon in pleasant conversation. Jane was clearly uncomfortable with confrontation and bad behavior such as they had witnessed from Caroline Bingley, Lord Sternhaven, and her own mother. Darcy knew that Richard had years of experience dealing with conflicts, both on the battlefield and off. Richard also had years of practice at drawing his reticent cousin into expressing his opinions and viewpoints and the colonel appeared to be using these skills with Miss Bennet. Unlike Darcy, who could be stern, Jane Bennet was all that was gracious. Her calm presence was in direct contrast to the images that Darcy knew crowded his cousin’s mind. Richard had shared with him the painful memories of loss, devastation, and violence that evidenced the horrors of warfare each time he had gone to France. For the first time in years, her peace seemed to feed his cousin’s soul. Richard looked contented and this pleased Darcy greatly.

  Darcy then turned his attention to his sister. He was so proud of her. His fear over Georgiana having her trust damaged by Wickham was proved unfounded as she smiled alongside Bingley at the clumsy ballet of the coastal seabirds hopping on the sand, ready to pounce on unsuspecting crustaceans. As he watched his sister, he was unaware he had reached over and put his hand over the top of Elizabeth’s fingers where they rested on his sleeve. He patted her hand and ran his thumb back and forth across her wrist. At her slight cough, he turned to her in surprise. He had not forgotten that she was there. He just had not realized how close he had drawn to her and the affectionate manner of his caress.

  Elizabeth’s cheeks were flushed from a combination of the sunshine and his attentions. Darcy easily recalled a conversation they had had only a few days before. Elizabeth had claimed that her courage rose with every effort to intimidate her. Darcy chuckled to himself as she raised her chin and looked directly at him, quirking an eyebrow as if to question his action and attitude.

  “Miss Elizabeth, I beg your pardon.” He could feel the heat rising on his cheeks as he released her hand and stepped slightly away from her. Darcy was somewhat flustered. Grown men of seven and twenty years do not blush! He waited for her response, but she looked at him in silence, much like he was wont to do. The silence stretched uncomfortably while Elizabeth unswervingly returned his gaze. Finally, her eyebrow lifted minimally and he realized that he had been outfoxed at his own game.

  “Miss Elizabeth.” Darcy started again and then immediately stopped. His failure to find the words to adequately explain his actions was acutely embarrassing. In his mortification, he missed the laugher lurking behind Elizabeth’s eyes and the smile forming on her lips. Darcy ran his hand through his hair and let out a slight growl. He prided himself on his ability to remain calm under any social situation. He knew his self-control, his aloofness, and his pride were legendary amongst his family, friends, and fellow club members. “Miss Elizabeth… “

  “Yes, I believe that we are both fairly confident that I am, indeed, Miss Elizabeth.”

  She could hold it in no longer and burst into laughter until Darcy felt obliged to provide the loan of his handkerchief to dry the tears that were trickling down Elizabeth’s cheeks. Darcy’s first instinct was to hold her face and wipe the moisture away in the same manner that he had done earlier to Georgiana. That would not do! He felt helpless and a bit offended in the face of her mirth. Nobody laughed at Fitzwilliam Darcy! Since when have I taken myself so seriously? However, heartfelt merriment in one tends to breed heartfelt merriment in others and he finally joined in, though not as vigorously as Elizabeth.

  “Mr. Darcy, I am the happiest creature in the world. Perhaps other people have said so before, but not one with such justice. I am happier even than Jane. She only smiles, I laugh.”

  Fitzwilliam Darcy was undone. This diminutive woman beside him was delightful and he then knew with confidence that he wanted her to be his wife.

  They both looked away to see that they had captured the attention of the rest of their party. Colonel Fitzwilliam had a knowing look, one that would require an explanation from Darcy before the night was done. Jane Bennet, indeed, had a slight smile on her face, happy to see her sister so joyful. Charles Bingley had never caught Darcy in a situation where Darcy was not in complete control and he was thrilled to see that it was at the hands of an eligible young woman. Georgiana Darcy’s smile was radiant. She had watched the friendship grow between her brother and her friend and had hoped it would blossom into the most permanent of relationships. Georgiana Darcy would love to welcome Elizabeth Bennet to Pemberley as her sister and her home’s new mistress.

  Darcy was not surprised at the scrutiny they were receiving from their friends and family. Could this situation be any worse? Now was the time to speak with Elizabeth. He wanted there to be no misunderstandings as to his intentions; except, he was not completely sure of what his intensions were. Making a decision, he turned towards Elizabeth and asked, “May we walk on?” As soon as she nodded her head they turned and walked away from the two other couples, distancing themselves until they could speak privately.

  Finally, Elizabeth decided to have mercy on the taciturn man beside her.

  “Mr. Darcy, it is obvious that you would like to tell me something and are having some difficulty.” She squeezed his arm where her hand had returned. “Please, just speak plainly. I will not judge and I will not attempt to guess what it might be that is weighing so heavily on your mind.”

  Darcy was unaware that the two other couples were still watching him and Elizabeth - closely. He was unaware of the squawk of the gulls, the children’s laughter from the beach, the soft chuckle of his cousin, Richard, and the smiles on everyone’s faces.

  “Miss Elizabeth, I feel the need to clarify my relationship
s with the Bingleys and the Sternhavens.” He gulped in air. “I have known the Bingleys since I met Charles at Cambridge several years ago. His amiable nature and honesty appealed to me and we have been the closest of friends. Bingley’s sister, Caroline, has made it very clear that she would welcome my attentions and the position of being mistress of my estates. This in no way reflects my own desires.”

  “My father introduced me to Lord Sternhaven when I was still a lad. Though they are of the same circles as my family, especially Colonel Fitzwilliam’s father, the Earl of Matlock, it was expected by Lord Sternhaven, but not my own father, that I would make a match with Lady Olivia. Again, this does not reflect my own desires.”

  Darcy was feeling a slight sense of relief to have this said. How to continue? Blast his awkward tongue! He felt the heaviness of beads of perspiration on his upper lip and his brow. He again ran his hand through his hair and then snapped it back by his side.

  Elizabeth knew that to interrupt his thoughts would not be a kindness; however, she felt the need to bring the poor man relief. She had examined her feelings closely and knew Darcy to be a man that she could admire and respect. He was not a man to incite fear. He protected and cherished those he loved.

  Elizabeth also appreciated that Darcy was allowing her to see him while vulnerable and imagined that few were allowed to glimpse him in such a state. It took a strong man to show what might be perceived as a weakness to him, even if it was unintentionally done.

  Putting her other hand on his arm, encircling it in tight possession, color high on her cheeks, she bluntly stated, “Mr. Darcy, I am relieved that your desires were not for either Miss Bingley or Lady Olivia.”

  Excitement mixed with a brief respite and the breath rushed out of him. Turning, Darcy faced Elizabeth and lifting his hands, he took her own into his trembling grasp. It was not trepidation nor was it embarrassment. It was sincere appreciation for her consideration of his feelings. The tender care he had witnessed her giving Georgiana was now transmitted to him alone. He gloried in it as Elizabeth stood in front of him, gazing directly into his eyes.

  Bending his right knee, he knelt before her. Unheard was Jane Bennet’s gasp as she brought her gloved hand to her mouth. Unseen were the jaws dropping on both Colonel Fitzwilliam and Charles Bingley. Unknown was the absolute joy radiating from Georgiana Darcy as she watched her dream coming true.

  Darcy cleared his throat; twice. “Miss Elizabeth Bennet, in these few weeks we have been in company I can safely say that you are the one woman of my acquaintance to claim my heart. It beats for no other. I have longed for a trusted friend; a companion to grow old with that will bring joy to my lonely existence. Your beauty eclipses all others and your kindness draws me to you as none has ever drawn me before. I envision decades of time spent in intelligent discussion with you at my side.”

  She smiled to herself at his last statement. If that was all that he could envision, Elizabeth realized that he had much to experience having a Bennet in the household. Intelligent discussion would not be the order of the day. Lively discussion, yes.

  He inhaled deeply and looked up at the woman before him with love shining in his eyes. Never had he met a woman so worthy. He laughed quietly at himself. Nothing would hold him back from stating his intent. Reticent Darcy was reticent no more!

  “At this time, I ask for your agreement to a courtship, to come to know one another better. My intentions are honorable and it is my hope, indeed it is my dream, that the courtship be successful and you join me at Pemberley as my wife.”

  Elizabeth had never heard such winsome words from Darcy. That this man, of high station with tremendous responsibilities, felt that she could be the companion of his future life filled her heart with immense joy. With no hesitation, she accepted his offer of courtship.

  “Yes, Mr. Darcy, I welcome your courtship.” Her face radiated joy as Darcy responded by rising and bowing over her hands, kissing the backs of both. Elizabeth felt a tingle run the length of her arm and warmth fill her face.

  The two witnessing couples rushed to congratulate Darcy and Elizabeth. Jane gave Elizabeth a tight embrace while Georgiana squeezed the air out of her as she jumped up and down, squealing in her ear. She gave her brother the same treatment after he shook hands with his cousin and Bingley.

  Colonel Fitzwilliam and Bingley were in awe at the strength of emotions so publicly shown by Darcy. Fitzwilliam Darcy, the most private man that they knew, loved a young lady so deeply that he set aside his own strictures to grab at the chance of happiness. Both men were insanely jealous.

  Eventually, the couples separated as they had done before and walked back to the Bennet’s for Darcy to beg for the privilege of courting Mr. Bennet’s favorite daughter. He only hoped it went as well as his offer to Elizabeth.

  Elizabeth, Jane, and Bingley did not recognize the family crest on the carriage parked in front of the Darcy’s house; however, the Darcys and Colonel Fitzwilliam immediately knew who had come to call. Lady Catherine de Bourgh.


  Darcy and the colonel were confident that Lady Catherine would be furious at Darcy holding Elizabeth in affection and resolved to protect her from their aunt’s fury. It was quickly decided that Darcy would escort Elizabeth and Georgiana to the Bennet home while Colonel Fitzwilliam would face Lady Catherine’s initial ire alone. The colonel wished he had his sword at his side, not that he wanted to skewer his aunt, but because it might serve as a deterrent. It was the colonel’s hope that she would feel the threat of the possibility of him lopping off her unrestrained tongue. It was a dream unfulfilled.

  Mr. Bennet easily recognized the urgency in Darcy and gave his ready consent to the courtship. It took little time to announce the attachment to the family, and then return to the confrontation next door. He heard his aunt’s raised voice before he reached the footpath between the two homes. Stiffening his spine, Darcy renewed his resolve that his aunt would have no control over him or his future prospects. In all of his history, she never had.

  The attending footman opened the door and Darcy found that the colonel and Lady Catherine had not made it to the drawing room. They circled one another like two wrestlers in a ring, each seeking their own advantage while scrutinizing their opponent for any perceived weaknesses.

  In the Bennet household, Elizabeth had to calm Georgiana. It was apparent that this aunt of whom she spoke was an unwelcome visitor to Ramsgate. The more that Georgiana seemed to relax, the more anxious Elizabeth became until she left Georgiana in Jane’s capable hands and walked out into the garden that separated the two houses.

  The windows had been left open to allow the ocean breezes to refresh both houses so she was able to clearly hear the heated tone of Darcy’s aunt. When they walked from the entryway into the drawing room, the words came easily to Elizabeth’s ear. Knowing that other households in the neighborhood had their windows open as well, Elizabeth resolved to act in the best interest of the man she held in the highest esteem.

  Going back through the house to let her father know her destination, she walked to the door of Darcy’s home and knocked. The butler was reluctant to allow Elizabeth entrance as she was an unescorted lady with whom he was barely acquainted. However, Elizabeth was not to be dissuaded. Stepping around him she headed toward the source of the racket. A footman standing outside the drawing room, pretending not to listen, opened the door to the room at just one look.

  Both Darcy and Colonel Fitzwilliam were taken aback at the sight of the petite woman who marched to Darcy’s side and took his extended hand in hers. Such an action caught Lady Catherine mid-sentence and the shock at such forward behavior temporarily suspended her speech.

  “Mr. Darcy, you may be unaware that the windows are open and your privacy is threatened by the loudness of the voices uttered in this room.” Ignoring Lady Catherine completely, she looked at Darcy standing so close to her side, waiting for any direction that he might give. He said nothing. Elizabeth felt a squeeze to her hand and
saw a slight smile on his lips. She smiled radiantly in return.

  Darcy knew how to act. He raised their hands that were still joined together and kissed the back of Elizabeth’s hand. He knew this would inspire a blazing anger in his aunt and he was not disappointed.

  “Well, I never!” Lady Catherine finally huffed, giving a loud croak of indignation and turning away. “And this is the sort of conduct that my niece is exposed to! I had arrived at my brother’s home shortly after Richard announced he was hurrying to Ramsgate to rescue Georgiana. I knew it was my place as your closest living relative to assist you in whatever recovery was necessary. Instead, I find no Georgiana in this house; only her!” She pointed her finger accusingly at Elizabeth.

  To Darcy and Elizabeth, Lady Catherine sounded like a mosquito buzzing around the room searching for a target.

  Darcy kept his eyes focused on Elizabeth. “Did you come to slay the dragon, Elizabeth?” He whispered softly to her.

  It was the first time that he had uttered her given name in her hearing. Elizabeth responded by stepping even closer to Darcy’s side and speaking so all would have no doubt of her words. “Yes, my love.”

  Not a breath was heard as they all reacted to Elizabeth’s endearment. Though he had earlier made his intentions perfectly clear, they were not yet engaged to be married. That did not stop him from reacting in the only way his heart moved him. Darcy lowered his head and kissed her – his lips gently greeting her own.

  Colonel Fitzwilliam chuckled and looked at his aunt. Her face had gone pale, her mouth had dropped open, and he could see the resignation in her face. Seeing her nephew, Fitzwilliam Darcy, flout good manners in such a fashion meant that he was lost to Anne forever. Had it been her other nephew? There still would have been hope. Manners had never been Richard’s strong suit. “Come, Aunt Catherine. I believe neither of us are needed nor wanted here.”


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