The Peterkin papers

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The Peterkin papers Page 5

by Lucretia P. Hale


  ONE morning Mrs. Peterkin was feeling very tired, as she had beenhaving a great many things to think of, and she said to Mr. Peterkin, "Ibelieve I shall take a ride this morning!"

  And the little boys cried out, "Oh, may we go too?"

  Mrs. Peterkin said that Elizabeth Eliza and the little boys might go.

  So Mr. Peterkin had the horse put into the carryall, and he andAgamemnon went off to their business, and Solomon John to school; andMrs. Peterkin began to get ready for her ride.

  She had some currants she wanted to carry to old Mrs. Twomly, and somegooseberries for somebody else, and Elizabeth Eliza wanted to pick someflowers to take to the minister's wife, so it took them a long time toprepare.

  The little boys went out to pick the currants and the gooseberries, andElizabeth Eliza went out for her flowers, and Mrs. Peterkin put on hercape-bonnet, and in time they were all ready. The little boys were intheir india-rubber boots, and they got into the carriage.

  Elizabeth Eliza was to drive; so she sat on the front seat, and took upthe reins, and the horse started off merrily, and then suddenly stopped,and would not go any farther.

  Elizabeth Eliza shook the reins, and pulled them, and then she cluckedto the horse; and Mrs. Peterkin clucked; and the little boys whistledand shouted; but still the horse would not go.

  "We shall have to whip him," said Elizabeth Eliza.

  Now Mrs. Peterkin never liked to use the whip; but, as the horse wouldnot go, she said she would get out and turn her head the other way,while Elizabeth Eliza whipped the horse, and when he began to go shewould hurry and get in.

  So they tried this, but the horse would not stir.

  "Perhaps we have too heavy a load," said Mrs. Peterkin, as she got in.

  So they took out the currants and the gooseberries and the flowers, butstill the horse would not go.

  One of the neighbors, from the opposite house, looking out just then,called out to them to try the whip. There was a high wind, and theycould not hear exactly what she said.

  "I have tried the whip," said Elizabeth Eliza.

  "She says 'whips,' such as you eat," said one of the little boys.

  "We might make those," said Mrs. Peterkin, thoughtfully.

  "We have got plenty of cream," said Elizabeth Eliza.

  "Yes, let us have some whips," cried the little boys, getting out.

  And the opposite neighbor cried out something about whips; and the windwas very high.

  So they went into the kitchen, and whipped up the cream, and made somevery delicious whips; and the little boys tasted all round, and they allthought they were very nice.

  They carried some out to the horse, who swallowed it down very quickly.

  "That is just what he wanted," said Mrs. Peterkin; "now he willcertainly go!"

  So they all got into the carriage again, and put in the currants and thegooseberries and the flowers; and Elizabeth Eliza shook the reins, andthey all clucked; but still the horse would not go!

  "We must either give up our ride," said Mrs. Peterkin, mournfully, "orelse send over to the lady from Philadelphia, and see what she willsay."

  The little boys jumped out as quickly as they could; they were eager togo and ask the lady from Philadelphia. Elizabeth Eliza went with them,while her mother took the reins.

  They found that the lady from Philadelphia was very ill that day, andwas in her bed. But when she was told what the trouble was, she verykindly said they might draw up the curtain from the window at the footof the bed, and open the blinds, and she would see. Then she asked forher opera-glass, and looked through it, across the way, up the street,to Mrs. Peterkin's door.

  After she had looked through the glass, she laid it down, leaned herhead back against the pillow, for she was very tired, and then said,"Why don't you unchain the horse from the horse-post?"

  Elizabeth Eliza and the little boys looked at one another, and thenhurried back to the house and told their mother. The horse was untied,and they all went to ride.


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