Pure: A Paranormal Romance

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Pure: A Paranormal Romance Page 9

by D. L. McKinsey

  Not quickly enough, she let go of him, and they took a seat on the ugly couch. She waved her hands to dismiss all her human play toys from the room.

  “Now, what brings you all this way?” She purred, twirling a piece of her red hair between her fingers. Marcos could see the lust already sparking in her eyes, and he knew he had to ask fast.

  “I have some questions to ask you if that’ll be alright,” Marcos said, treading lightly.

  She moved closer and began rubbing her hand up his leg.

  “Yes, anything for you.” Cassandra responded with a smile.

  “What do you know about kinetic vampires?” Marcos asked, getting right to it. She halted her seductive movements and stared at him curiously. Marcos actually thought he saw a glimpse of the vampire she used to be in her black eyes.

  “I know what everyone else knows. They are extremely powerful and not a vampire existing has that kind of power anymore. Not even the King,” she said, her voice turning hard at the mention of the King that destroyed her life.

  “Yes, I know that, but is there anything else you remember?” Marcos probed.

  “Hmm…The power originated with the first vampire, our creator, and it’s a genetic power . Hence, the royals could never have that ability.” She explained.

  Marcos thought on that for a moment. Did that mean the girl was actually a descendent of the creator; the very first of their kind? That couldn’t be possible. As far as he knew, the creator had no children. Besides, the first King killed the creator, and if there was a child, he was sure the first King would have killed it too. Just like his son, the current ruler of vampires, the first King, was ruthless and power-hungry.

  “Why do you ask such questions?” Cassandra asked, diverting his attention back to her. She began stroking his leg again.

  Marcos knew the clock was ticking before her lust kicked into overdrive. And he wasn’t in the mood to have sex with her.

  “Just curious, is all.” He lied with ease. Marcos still felt it was in his best interest not to share his new little vamp with anyone else.

  “Well, you know, you could always ask Maximus. He probably remembers more about our history than I,” she said casually.

  Marcos knew that Cassandra was well aware of his hatred for his brother. The fact that she mentioned his name had Marcos’ blood boiling, and she knew it would. Marcos snapped. In a flash, he jumped her, grabbing her wrist and forcibly pinning them above her head as he straddled her.

  “Never speak his name to me!” Marcos yelled in her face.

  Cassandra simply threw her head back into the cushion, laughing. She found Marcos’ behavior quite amusing and somewhat arousing. She used her flexible legs to wrap them around him and flip them both over, so now she was straddling him.

  “Now, now, Marcos. Play nice. Wouldn’t want a repeat of our last time together,” she said tauntingly, reminding Marcos of what happened ninety eight years ago.

  Marcos had just created Talon and was teaching him about controlling hype when they ran into Cassandra at a pit in Paris. She instantly wanted the newly changed Talon, and Talon was too unstable to resist her. For two weeks, Talon and Cassandra fed and fucked like savage animals until that fateful day Talon had had enough. Cassandra couldn’t handle the rejection and went on a rampage to kill Talon. Luckily, Marcos came back to the hotel in time to stop her from doing just that. Marcos and Talon teamed up to fight her until, finally, Talon shot a round of platinum to her back. The shot knocked her out long enough for them to flee the city.

  “That was a long time ago, Cassandra,” Marcos said, tip-lipped, hating the fact he decided to travel here alone. But he knew that if he brought Talon, that would stir up more problems.

  “It was, but I never forget. Besides, I think it’s time you earned your forgiveness,” she said, ripping his shirt open.

  Damn it! Her lust had taken over. Marcos knew that without any backup, there was only one way he was getting out of here alive. Cassandra dragged her tongue slowly down his chest. Even though he couldn’t stand her, her seductions began to arouse him. Well, if he had to fuck her anyways, might as well do it his way. Marcos grabbed a fistful of her red hair, yanking her face up to his and crashing their lips together. She responded immediately by diving her tongue into his mouth. Marcos tore off her black robe, exposing her naked body. Cassandra moaned in delight when he took one of her erect nipples into his mouth. Marcos sucked harder before pushing her down on her back. She stared up at him with black lustful eyes, watching him slowly undo his pants.

  “After this, we’re even.” Marcos told her seriously, stepping out of his dress slacks. She smiled, showing her fangs and licking her lips.

  “You wager a hard bargain. Better make it worth it.” Cassandra purred. Marcos felt his own eyes bleed black as he gave into the lust. He climbed on top of her, plunging hard into her core.

  She moaned loudly, enjoying every thrust of the last ride she would get from Marcos.



  We stood at the entrance of the pit named Exotic. The neon red sign flashed brightly in the dark. What the hell was so exotic about vampires getting drunk off of drunker humans? It sounded more disturbing than exotic. Talon shocked me by dressing with some class. He wore a gray button down dress shirt with black dress pants. He actually looked decent, and it was a nice change from his usual jeans and black leather jacket, but I wouldn’t tell him that.

  “Ready?” Talon asked, scanning my body for the hundredth time since we left the house. I had to admit, I looked good. The dress fit me like a glove and made me feel sexy. Talon also bought me strappy black heels that looked perfect with the dress. He may be an asshole, but the man had good taste. My long dark hair fell gracefully over my bare shoulders, and of course, I didn’t wear any make up. I didn’t need any. I swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded that I was ready. However, a part of me wasn’t. I was sure something bad was going to happen tonight.

  Just as I was taking a step towards the door, I felt a gentle tug on my wrist. I looked back at Seb as he held me in place.

  “Can I talk to you for a second?” Seb whispered as he looked at me intently. He hadn’t spoken a word since we rode the car. I was starting to think he was upset that I still agreed to go after I found out what a pit was.

  “Sure, what’s up?” I asked after he pulled me to the side, farther away from Talon who was talking to some vampires at the entrance.

  “Here, put these on,” Seb said, holding a small square box. I held the box in my hands, confused.

  “Contact lenses?”

  “Yes, to hide your colored eyes in case Talon is trying to highlight your differences to the other vampires.” Seb explained.

  Wow, he was so thoughtful. I didn’t even notice my eyes were so much different than the other vampires. I slipped in the black lenses. They burned a little, but after a few seconds, I could see fine.

  “Thanks,” I said, not really knowing what else to say.

  “They won’t last long. I can’t come into the pit since I’m not a participating human, but here’s a panic button. Just push this if you get into trouble and I’ll come get you,” Seb said, handing me a tiny square box with a red button.

  I looked at it curiously before putting it in my little black clutch. We stood there for a moment in awkward silence. Quickly, I embraced Seb in a hug. He didn’t hug me back, but he didn’t move away from me either. I didn’t know why I hugged him, but it felt right. Since I’d been here, he always kind of protected me. I didn’t understand it because he treated me like a red-headed step child most of the time. But, oh well, maybe he was just moody. Still, he at least deserved a hug for everything he’d done.

  I stepped back, not wanting to make him uncomfortable. Seb looked at me with something in his eyes I couldn’t read. Slowly, he reached down and took my hand, rubbing small circles with his thumb. The gentle movement sent desire throughout my body, making me crave him.

  “Hey! Hurry up!”
Talon yelled, interrupting the moment we were having.

  Seb dropped my hand quickly and put some distance between us. This was what I was talking about when I said Seb was moody. One minute, he showed signs of caring, the next he was distancing himself.

  I didn’t bother saying anything as I brushed by him and made my way back to the front of the club. Talon was waiting impatiently, tapping his foot. As soon as I was in front of him, he took my hand and led me into the pit.



  The inside was dark with lots of multicolored strobe lights flashing. The hall was lined with mirrors that shook slightly from the loud music. We entered the main room which was a glittering dance floor filled with drunken people grinding all over each other. There was a bar that circled half the room, and it was made of clear glass. The place looked really cool and edgy.

  Talon began to lead me up a set of spiral stairs.

  “Where are we going?” I asked, yelling over the music even though he could hear me fine if I whispered.

  “The V.I.P section, of course.” Talon responded over his shoulder.

  The upstairs was even more modern and cool-looking. To the back was a small bar, and the rest of the floor was divided into rooms with different colored sofas inside. The walls of every section were clear glass. The room was a circular shape with the center opened to see the dancers below.

  Talon led me to one of the clear boxes with a number 5 on it―in red of course. I walked inside, noting a small flat screen TV playing a live feed of the dance floor. My eyes wandered to the section across from us. The section had a bed instead of a sofa, but that was not what I was currently gawking at. Two blonde female vampires were topless and were sucking the life out of the male in between them. He actually looked like he was enjoying it though. The vampires began to rub their chests against him and seductively licked the blood still dripping from his neck. I thought this should be grossing me out, but I was so hypnotized by it, I almost wanted to join. Talon pressed his chest against my back. I didn’t move; just continued to watch the vampires who were now practically having sex with each other.

  “Sexy, isn't it? Nothing our kind loves more than feeding and fucking,” he said with his lips close to my ear. As I watched the bloody scene before me, I began to wonder why I was so fascinated by it. Was I a monster? A few weeks ago, a sight like this would have had me puking, but now...

  “This is what we are. Vampires. It's time you live like one,” Talon said, whispering in my other ear. He stepped away from me, and I turned around to face him.

  “Why did you bring me here?” I asked. If he just wanted a fight, we could have taken care of that the same way we did the first time.

  “To show you who you are now.” He responded with a smirk.

  I wanted to say something, but words were lost to me at that moment. Was this who I was now?

  I turned back to the vampires across from us. At this point, sex was in full swing. One of the women was on top of the barely conscious man and the other was on his side, kissing him fiercely. Something must be wrong with me because I couldn't stop watching.

  Talon opened the door to our section. A man and a woman entered. They were both wobbling on their feet with glazed eyes. Obviously, they were drunk. Talon gleefully took the small brunette woman who was wearing a very short hot pink skirt and bra to the couch.

  “I chose him for you. I thought you would like his resemblance to Seb.” Talon stated, gauging my reaction.

  I checked out the man that could barely stand. His tall frame, messy brown hair, and green eyes made him very attractive. He did look like Seb. However, Seb was ten times better. Talon began sliding his hand up the girl’s skirt. She moaned when he took her on his lap and sank his fangs into her neck. I just stood there staring. It was hard to imagine things like this actually happening in the real world. It was as if, for the first time, my eyes were open, and I was seeing the world for what it was.

  A thud caught my attention. Down on the floor, the intoxicated guy was lying on his back. Wow, wasn’t this turning out to be a great night? I kneeled down to make sure he was okay. As I lifted his head, his eyes fluttered open and locked with mine.

  “God, you’re hot,” he said sloppily.

  A ghost of a smile crept on my lips from the compliment. Then he caught me off guard by crashing his lips to mine. My fangs reacted to the invasion, and before I could stop it, I bit his lip. The guy jerked back, holding his bleeding lip. But, it was too late. The taste of his alcohol-filled blood was like an explosion in my mouth. My hype assaulted me so hard, I knew I couldn’t fight it. I wanted to taste more of him. Like a rabid animal, I jumped on the poor man and crashed my lips back to his. He was squirming beneath me, but I didn’t care. All I knew was how good his blood tasted and how much I wanted more of it. I began sucking on his lip harder.

  “That’s it, doll face. Drink up.” I could hear Talon’s encouragement somewhere behind me. I ignored it and drank mouthfuls from this guy’s gaping lip.

  Suddenly, the room tilted. Was the room moving or was that my head? I stopped drinking as I sat up on the unconscious man’s chest. A huge dizzy spell came over me, and I had to hold my head to steady myself. What was happening to me? I tried to stand, but my limbs weren’t obeying me. I lost my balance and fell onto my stomach. Was I drunk? A foot kicked me over, and I now had two identical Talons peering over me with that damn smirk on their faces. If I knew which one was real, I would hit that one.

  “That was easy,” Talon said, laughing. He straightened up and kicked me in the stomach. Fuck! He set me up. He must have drugged that guy or something. I used all my strength to roll over and crawl out of the section, but my heavy body slowed my escape. Damn, I didn’t feel this heavy when I was fat. Talon laughed again, enjoying his success. He kicked me in the back, causing my face to hit the ground hard.

  “You think I would allow you to humiliate me like that?!” he said, turning me over and punching me in the face. “You stupid bitch! I’m Talon!” He screamed in my face, punching me again before getting off of me. I laid on the ground, barely feeling anything. Somehow, I was going to make him pay for this… if he didn’t kill me first.

  He was pacing the room, ranting about how I “humiliated” him by almost killing him. Now, I wished I had finished the job. I turned my head to the side, almost screaming in delight at my little black clutch. Inside was the panic button from Seb. How I loved Seb’s ability to think ahead. If only I could get to it. I tried to focus on my body, forcing the drugs to leave my system, so I had a fighting chance against the lunatic in the room.

  His antics reminded me so much of Marcos. Argh! Both assholes needed to die.

  My head was still swimming, but my body started getting stronger. I didn’t move because I wanted Talon to think he had the upper hand. The cheater couldn’t even fight me fair. With the way he was talking, I knew I bruised that big ego of his with my ability. My vision cleared a little, and I thought I had enough strength to make a move.

  Acting quickly, I used the little bit of clarity I had and hurriedly snatched up my clutch. Not seeing any other option, I threw my body into the glass wall. Glass shattered all around me as I flipped over the rail and fell to the dance floor below. People screamed and scurried away. I landed like a cat and immediately inserted myself into the fleeing mob.

  Three huge bouncers grabbed me before I was close to the exit. I dropped my clutch and rapidly stomped on it. Please let me hit that panic button. I didn’t put up much of a struggle as the men dragged me back into the almost empty club. The alcohol or drugs still had me off, so I chose to save my last bits of energy.

  “Nice try,” Talon said, standing in the middle of the empty dance floor. The men holding me tossed me to the ground a few feet away from him. Judging from their scent, they were definitely vampires.

  “A girl has to take her chances,” I said, pulling tiny pieces of glass from my arm, still amazed at how the holes quickly healed once the glas
s were removed.

  “Now, I’m not going to kill you yet, but I will show you why you should fear me.” Talon spoke as he walked in slow circles.

  Queue the dramatic music.

  Damn, this bastard was so full of himself, I laughed out loud.

  “What’s so funny?” Talon asked, his voice filled with suppressed anger.

  “You are. You’re like one of those guys with a small cock that are always trying to do “big” things to prove themselves. Ha! No matter what you do, you’ll always have a small cock.” By the end of my sentence, Talon’s fist met my face yet again. It came so fast, I wouldn’t have been able to react quickly enough had I tried. I laughed some more, spitting blood from my mouth. At least I knew I touched a nerve. Man, being a vampire was making me crazy. A few weeks ago, I was crying like a baby. Now, I was openly taunting an unstable, deadly vampire. And I liked it.

  Talon’s loser buddies lifted me up, each taking an arm. Talon delivered blow after blow to my gut. The drunkenness wasn’t strong enough to mask the pain. He pulled his fist back to hit me in the face again, but suddenly, a loud crash sounded around us.

  Seb had driven the SUV right into the club. He jumped out of the car, looking pissed. I had never been so happy to see his handsome face. He surveyed the scene. I noticed his eyes blazed with rage when he looked at me. Before I could warn him they were vampires, he charged. Like a bat out of hell, he slammed his body into one of the vamps holding me. It caused a chain reaction, and all of us fell hard to the floor. Seb may be human, but he sure could fight. He threw the punches so fast and hard, the vamp didn’t have time to react. The vampire that wasn’t holding me went to jump in, but I wasn’t having that. I sprang up, launching myself onto his back.


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