One Thousand and Two Lies (Reapers of Beauty Book 2)

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One Thousand and Two Lies (Reapers of Beauty Book 2) Page 10

by Yumoyori Wilson

“Girl, we got you. Time to gain ten pounds in five hours. TO THE FOOD COURT!”

  “Food court? Please, let’s take her to that new restaurant and stuff her,” Minso suggested.

  “I feel like a turkey,” I mumbled and glanced at Silas who looked extremely pleased. The twins released me, and I moved to Silas to give him a tight hug.

  “You organized this?”

  “Kind of. Ace and Xander thought it would be a good idea. I called the twins to forward the message on to them and we set everything up,” Silas explained.

  “I don’t deserve you guys.”

  “You deserve every good thing that comes into your life, Xia,” Silas countered. I looked up at him and he grinned.

  “Go have fun. I’m going to go hack into few labs and gather some info. If I’m stuck doing work, I’ll send Dante to pick you up, all right? You have your phone and our numbers, right?”

  I nodded. “Yes. I can always Uber back?”

  Silas frowned and shook his head. “No. I don’t trust Uber as of now. Not until we figure things out. Dante will be around the area around eight. Just call or text him. If anything happens, call me or Ace. Xander may be working today, but Ace is home.”

  “All right. We’ll have a date maybe next week? When you’re off?” I asked, wanting to make sure he knew I meant for us to have our own date, just the two of us.

  He nodded and pressed his lips lightly on my forehead. “Moment I get a day off, you’re mine. Plus, I can just sneak into your room at night.”

  I giggled and gave him one last tight hug. “You’re the best, Silas.”

  “Keep being the amazing, loving individual you are, Xia. Maybe a tad early to say it, but love you,” he whispered.

  His confession increased my confidence, and I looked back to give him a broad smile. “I love you too, Silas.”

  There was something about his words that told me he meant what he said. He’d stayed and watched over me like Xander and Ace. He looked at me with love, and for him to put his needs aside and set this all up for me, it gave me enough confidence in this growing love between us.

  “Go enjoy your sister date.” He kissed me again and pulled out of our embrace.

  “Thank you, Silas,” I replied and waved.

  He waved back and nodded his head to the twins. “You two take care of her. Feed her lots of red velvet.”

  The twins giggled. “We got it. Bye Silas.”

  He nodded and with one more glance in my direction, he turned and headed out of the mall.

  Minsu and Minso walked to my side, hooking their arms around mine; Minsu positioned on my right while Minso stood on my left.

  “He LOVESSSSS you,” Minsu stressed.

  “More than love! Damn. You can see it in his eyes. Did you sense his magic? It’s all over Xia,” Minso added.

  “What with the whole magic thing?” I asked. “I know Minso mentioned the connection thing, but damn, like, I’m a little confused.”

  The twins both turned to look at me.

  “Who do you currently have a connection with?” Minsu asked.

  “Connection as in, their magic loves your magic, and you kinda feel overwhelmed and fully immersed in their energy,” Minso elaborated.

  “Yes. That,” I replied. “I felt it with Xander from the moment I met him, and I felt it with Silas, but goodness… Ace.”

  “You mean the mysterious hot guy that looks like a wrapped-up package in those tight fitted black clothes?” Minsu elaborated.

  Minso laughed. “Don’t forget that killer black aura around him. One look and people literally migrate in the other direction. Danger alert.”

  “Please, Xia LOVES danger. I bet he turned her on with a snap of his fingers.”

  “What happened?! Have you fucked him yet?” Minso asked.

  I blushed and shook my head. “Ugh. Let’s bring our focus back on his energy.”

  “Right,” Minso and Minsu said together.

  With a sigh, I continued. “He needs to keep his magic essentially ‘off’ when he’s around me,” I explained.

  “Off?” they spoke in unison again, then exchanged looks before Minso continued.

  “Have you gotten a chance to feel his magic?”

  “Once. It’s strong as fuck, and I essentially can’t think when he has it on.”

  “Well, damn. You connected to three hot guys,” Minsu mused. She patted my shoulder like I’d achieved something.

  “That’s not an achievement, and you don’t know that,” I argued.

  “Girl. When you were recovering, those three were glued to you. The only person I didn’t really see was Dante. Guess since he’s Xander’s bodyguard or whatever, he was always chilling outside of your hospital room when Xander visited,” Minso explained.

  “Yup. When Xander had to work, Silas and Ace would rotate and apparently that’s RARE for them,” Minsu revealed.

  “Rare?” I repeated.

  “You got those boys addicted to you, Xia. From what we heard from Elijah and Isaiah, the guys didn’t even hang out a lot together,” Minso divulged.

  We began to walk down the hall, the girls navigating me to the restaurant they were interested in while we continued our conversation.

  “I heard something along those lines, but they’re roommates and teammates. They have to be close,” I argued.

  Minsu shook her head.

  “Apparently, it was strictly business before. Sure, they got closer after one of their teammates had passed, but the twins told us that there was still a gap. When it came to missions for peace, they got the job done. But apparently, Silas would rather spend more time in front of his computer than make an appearance in broad daylight. As for Ace? Well, you never saw him unless you were a target and about to get your head sliced off.”

  “That bad?” I exclaimed, rather shocked by the explanation.

  They look like they get along so well now.

  “Yup. The twins asked us three times if Silas was really coming to the mall with you. They said the whole department was shocked when the team said they were taking a break. All of them are known to dive into work and not really focus on anything aside from that,” Minso elaborated.

  “Interesting,” I replied.

  Normally I would have done some type of background check on a love interest, but I felt so calm and safe around the guys, I hadn’t seen the need.

  “So… should I be concerned?”

  “Nah,” they replied together and continued. “We did background checks on all four of them. They’re clean.”

  “Overprotective,” I mumbled and they both laughed. I smiled and slipped my hands into each of theirs. “Sorry for avoiding you guys. I just needed time.”

  “We know, Xia.” Once again, they replied as one. This was why I loved them as family. They understood me. I didn’t need a ton of words or explanation after explanation to express how I felt. They knew I cared dearly for them, and even when I tried to push them away, they stayed.

  That really meant the world to me.

  “Now girl! Spill all the tea. Who you fuck first? Who still on the waiting list?” Minsu inquired.

  I groaned and elbowed her. “Not so loud! There are children right there.”

  “Who cares about the children! We’ve been dying to know!” Minso argued.

  We reached the restaurant entrance and I sighed. “I was just approved to be intimate again.”

  “And?!” The two pressed. I rolled my eyes and grinned.

  “Threesomes are fun.” I turned around and walked into the restaurant, excited to tell them all about Xander, Silas, and mysterious Ace. I still needed some time with Dante, but I figured we’d get some alone time on the ride home.

  I’ll learn about each of them and maybe we'll really make whatever this is official?

  “We can turn back and pick you up,”

  Minso and Minsu said in unison.

  I smiled at the thoughtful concern, my eyes scanning the crowded mall as people buzzed to get their last
bit of shopping done before the mall closed in fifteen minutes.

  No. I’ll be fine. I’m going to call Silas or Ace. Dante must have gotten caught up in work.

  “Totally shouldn’t defend him. He better have some sort of an excuse or we’re kicking his ass,” Minso argued.

  I smirked and glanced to my left.

  Please, no beating of my potential love interests. I can deal with him just fine. I don’t even know how he feels anyway.

  “Doesn’t make it right for him to stand you up!” Minsu argued.

  We don’t know that. I’ll ask him when I see him. For now, I’ll just call Ace. Silas is probably working.

  “All right. Give us an update when your home. Be safe,” Minso replied.

  I will. Love you guys. Thanks for the food, clothes, and love.

  “We always got you.”

  I know.

  With a sigh, I pulled out my phone, my eyes noticing the three men in black standing near one of the south exits of the mall.

  Hmm. This is going to be intriguing. Can’t make a scene though.

  It was almost nine at night and the mall was going to close in ten minutes. I waited and waited for Dante to call but received nothing. I didn’t bother calling, not wanting to rely on him if he wasn’t going to check in.

  He could have easily forgotten, but there was a stubborn spot in me that didn’t want to rely on him. Sure, I could have called and reminded him, but Silas did say twice that Dante would pick me up. Silas texted midway during my time with Minsu and Minju to check in and again assured me that Dante was going to pick me up.

  It wasn’t like he didn’t know the mall or didn’t have my number.

  Maybe I was testing if he really was interested or didn’t like me?

  It was a thought in the back of my mind, wondering if Dante was even attracted to me. He didn’t need to be a part of whatever was brewing between the others and me, but he should at least be open about it instead of doing the follow the leader move.

  If this was when I was fit and back to my usual self, I wouldn’t need to depend on anyone. I could handle a few guys in black outfits that concealed at least a few knives and other weapons.

  However, I wasn’t at that level to fight what I assumed would be ten or more men, and my magic was a little rusty in the fighting department as well.

  The twins were staying with Isaiah and Elijah, which was on the other side of town. They wouldn’t get here fast enough.

  Tapping the screen of my phone, I scrolled down to Ace’s contact and pressed the call button. He picked up on the first ring.

  “Why aren’t you home yet?” he inquired.

  “Hello to you too, Ace,” I teased, feeling a bit playful. He sounded worried about me, which was really cute.

  “Oh,” he replied. “Hi, Xia.”

  “To answer your question, Dante isn’t here.”

  “Why not?”

  “Don’t know. Maybe he got busy watching Xander.”

  “Xander’s home.”


  “Wasn’t he working?” I asked.

  “He was, but came home early. Think he and Dante got into an argument.”

  That explains it.

  “Well…Dante’s not here, and I think I’m in a jam.”

  Ace was quiet for a moment. “How many?”

  “I spot four, but my instinct tells me there's about ten of them. They’re crowded at the main exits, but I know the staff exit of the mall. Searched it up before we left.”

  “Good call.” He paused. “Do you know where the Cherryside Bar is?”

  “Yup. Not far from the mall.”

  “I’ll be there in five. If you have to fight, don’t hesitate. I’ll clean up whatever mess occurs,” Ace assured me. He sounded like he was running now; quick steps echoed in the background.

  “You don’t-”

  “I know what I want, Xia. I’ll be there in five. Don’t hesitate to kill if necessary,” Ace replied and hung up.

  I lowered the phone from my ear, staring blankly at the screen. I blushed, feeling the heat migrate to my cheeks.

  Wow… that was hot? Oh man, I’m weird as fuck.

  Taking a deep breath, I slid my phone securely into my front pocket and pulled out a hair tie. Tying up my hair in a messy bun, I stretched my arms up and gave one last glance at the men in black attire.

  They noticed my gaze, and I gave my best cocky smile, before turning around and slowly walking away. I knew they would slowly stalk me, but I was about to disappear and cause them to freak out.

  Something told me they weren’t here specifically for me, but I wasn’t going to be anyone's bait.

  Or find out why they wanted me to begin with.

  I shut down my magic and changed the way I stepped as I moved through the crowd with ease. My mentality had gone from average woman to Reaper, my focus on getting to the bar as fast as possible.

  I slipped through the STAFF ONLY door and darted into a sprint, thankful I’d worn runners and not heels. The moment I exited the building and into the chilled air of the night, I launched off the ground and pushed off the walls, moving from one side to the other until I was on the top of the roof.

  I crouched down and kept quiet, hiding my presence entirely. Within seconds, I heard footsteps.

  “Where the fuck did she go?”

  “I don’t fucking know! Find her. She’ll lead us to those boys.”

  “Boss, those guys don’t have the serum. I did background checks.”

  “I don’t give a shit! I’m not letting them go. Peace neutrality my ass. I bet those peacekeepers have the serum hidden in their labs, plotting how to use it against us. I’m not taking my chances. That mission cost me the best of my men! We’re only lucky Master Shu backed the fuck off, or we wouldn’t be breathing. Find her!”

  “Yes, Sir!” Two pairs of footsteps faded, but I remained still.

  “You better tread carefully, Sir.”

  “Atlas. I don't want to deal with your bullshit tonight.”

  “I’m giving you advice. I don’t care if you take it or not. I’m not a part of this stupid power battle. That girl is under Master Shu’s protection.”

  “I’m not an idiot. I know that.”

  “Then use that thick skull of yours and tread carefully. If shit goes down, you’re the one who’s going to answer for it. Not me.”

  “Why don’t you go enjoy a cold swim instead of lecturing me, child.”

  A low chuckle reached my ears, and a sudden cold chill ran through me while a spike of magic hit me like a crashing wave.

  “If I wanted to get rid of you, I could. Don’t think I’m stupid, ‘Boss.’ My loyalty is elsewhere, so be warned. This child can fuck you up so fast. Now, why don’t you stop worrying about me and focus on catching your prey that is probably in an Uber heading onto the freeway? Take the free information.”

  The other male grumbled something under his breath, but I heard fading footsteps.

  “Should shove that info up his damn ass. Fucking snake.” The male whose voice continued to send ripples of energy through me mumbled his discontent.

  I felt something drop onto my hand, and I lowered my gaze to see the drop of blood.


  Lifting my hand to my nose, I caught the next droplets of blood and mentally cursed.

  Fuck. I need to go.

  Standing up, I had the intention of jumping to the next roof, but remained still while the world spun.

  Shit. Is this why Amy said no to high altitudes? This isn’t even high… I think?

  I took one step but cursed when my knees buckled. An arm hooked around me, stopping me from face planting on the edge of the rooftop. I lifted my hand up; a magic-infused dagger materialized in my grasp and the sharp edge of the blade stopped mere inches from the person’s neck.

  “I don’t think that’s a friendly way to say thank you.”

  “I don’t think it’s nice to save people without introducing yourself,” I countered

  “Can I at least take you to lower ground? If you feel like shit now, you’re going to feel worse in a moment,” he elaborated.

  “I don’t know if I can follow your advice when half of it sounds like you care, while the other half is more like a threat,” I replied, but I began to take in his words as my hand started to tremble.

  The male sighed and lowered me to the ground. I turned onto my back, my dagger ready to stab this newcomer in the face, but his eyes locked onto mine and I must have forgotten to breathe.

  Fuck… this guy is hot.

  Green eyes with hints of gold locked onto me. He was in uniform, looking like a typical ninja with the black bandage-like mask that covered everything but his stunning eyes that stared into my shocked ones. His hair was jet black, but I noticed the hint of green and blond in his ponytail.

  I couldn’t tell his height, but he was slim fit, reminding me of Xander’s build. What tugged at my heart the most was his magic power. He was clearly holding back, but there was enough magic burning between us to tell me this guy wasn’t normal.

  Please don’t tell me we’re connected? My magic is just delirious and horny! Can magic be horny? That’s a question I should have asked Minso.

  Trying to sit up, the world began to swirl, and I moaned weakly. The person caught me as I fell back and he sighed. “Are all Reapers stubborn?”

  “How the fuck does everyone know… I’m a damn Reaper?” I struggled to complain, a bit frustrated with my current situation. Here I was in a complete stranger's arms, whose magic was making me feel all weird, while I was enjoying the side effects of going against doctor’s orders.

  “I’ve encountered a few, but you’re the strongest so far. Fast reflexes, even when you’re a little wonky at the moment.”

  “I feel insulted,” I mumbled. “Warn me now. Do I have to prepare to kick your balls and run when we reach the ground, or are you neutral like you mentioned.”

  “Neutral, beautiful. In fact, your friend should be here soon, and I’d like to keep my head attached to my body.” He lifted me up.

  My head felt heavy, and I groaned, squeezing my eyes shut in hopes the spinning would stop.

  “Hang on.” The sudden descending movement made me nauseous. When we landed on the ground, he froze, and I felt a shift in the air. He sighed and cleared his throat.


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