Love past 40 (BWWM Romance Book 1)

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Love past 40 (BWWM Romance Book 1) Page 13

by BWWM Club

  She nodded, stretching her neck, giving him access to that dark, smooth flesh. He couldn’t resist. He nipped, sucked, and bit, leaving marks all over. He licked a pathway up until he got to her lips, taking them in a brutal, punishing kiss. Her nails teased the skin of his back as she made her way down to his ass. “I love this ass.” She raised her hand and smacked it.

  He groaned and he felt a spurt of pre-come leak from his slit.

  Uh, he thought. That was unexpected.

  Chapter 12


  She raised her hand again and slapped that little white ass that she loved so much. He groaned, speeding up his thrusts until she squeezed his ass so hard as she came, shouting to the rooftops as her explosive orgasm worked her body over. “Yes!” she grunted, riding the waves of the high.

  “You’re so wet. I want to taste you.”

  But he didn’t move. Instead, she watched as his hand slid down her body. His fingertips grazed her skin like a feather and her hair stood from the sensual touch. On his way down, he plucked her nipple, swirled an uneven pattern over her torso, dipped into her navel, and then spread her vulva, the slickness letting his fingers glide between the folds. He circled her tight hole, teasing her for what was to come and slid two fingers in. Wet sounds filled the room as he pumped them in and out, taking his sweet time “I want to make sure they're coated.” He brushed the tip of his nose over hers, making it seem like he was about to kiss her.

  She huffed in frustration. She wanted that damn kiss.

  “Aw, what’s wrong?” he teased, like a bully.

  “Kiss me. I need you to kiss me.”

  He curled his fingers at just the right time. She clutched the sheets, arched her back, tossed her head onto the pillow and came again. She felt it this time. She laid there, gasping for air.

  Well, he wanted them coated, he got them coated, she thought.

  He brought his fingers to his mouth and he never took his eyes off her as he put them between his lips. It was like porn, watching him lick the essence off his fingers. His eyes rolled back, only showing the whites for a moment, before his tongue flicked out and he rolled each finger individually against his tongue, getting every single drop. “You taste so good,” he said, making her heart shiver from the words.

  Once she had her wits about her, she raised her hand again and slapped his ass. He growled. He actually growled and it made a gush of cream flow out of her.

  He raised his brow at her. “Oh, really? I felt that. Do you like that?” He lowered himself until his chest was flush with hers and he growled again.

  This time, she felt the rough timbers from his chest flow into hers. She swore she felt it in her bones. Her fingers dug into the thick flesh of his ass so hard she knew there would be bruises. She didn’t understand what the growl did, but it made her feel electrified and alive, claimed, like he'd stamped his possessiveness on her.

  “Fuck me.” The dirty words left her mouth before she could stop them. She was desperate. She needed to feel him inside her right now.

  He yanked her head back by her hair and she hissed from the sting in her scalp. “You want to get fucked?” he said, squeezing her breast until it was borderline painful, but again, she loved it.

  “Yes.” She stretched her neck toward him as far as it would go until her lips were a breath away. “Fuck. Me.”

  He growled against her lips but didn’t kiss them. Instead, he slapped her thigh, flipped her over onto her hands and knees. He kneed her legs apart and pushed her shoulders down until her head was on the bed. Her face was shoved into the mattress, making it difficult to breathe, so she turned it to the right. She was head down, ass up, and the man looking at her seemed like he was about to feast. She loved the hungry look in his eyes, something she hoped never went away.

  His hands rubbed the globes of her ass and she wiggled her ass, wanting him to do something, anything.



  He chuckled. “So eager.” His cock teased her folds, hitting her button.

  “Josh, please,” she begged, biting the pillow.

  “I love it when you beg.”

  She was about to ask again when his hands grabbed her hips and he slammed inside her in one long stroke. They both groaned. She loved the way he fit inside her. He stretched her to the max, filling all of her spaces. His fingers clutched her hips, gaining leverage, and he started a punishing rhythm. His balls swung, hitting her clit with every stroke.

  “Josh,” she whimpered as he drove into her with his thick cock.

  His hands moved to her ass, gripping the thick globes in a tight hold. “You feel so good. I’m not going to last. Touch yourself.”

  She did what she was told. Her fingers rubbed over her sensitive button, chasing her orgasm as he lost control. She pinched her clit, tugging it slightly. It was the last thing she needed to shove her face into the mattress and scream her orgasm. It was more intense in this position.

  “Ginger!” he shouted, slowing his thrusts as he came. He shoved in hard as the last spurt hit her walls, driving his seed in deep.

  He collapsed on top of her, kissing his way up her spine. His hand cupped her neck, keeping her in place for a moment. “I know sex isn’t the best moment to say this, but every time I'm inside you I have the urge to say I love you.”

  She gasped, not only from the tingles coursing through her body from his lips against the pathway of her spine, but from the three words she never thought she would hear another man say again.

  He pulled out of her and before she knew it, she felt the cool, damp cloth against her thighs, wiping up their mess. He lay down, spreading his arms open to welcome her in his embrace. She laid against him, feeling the warmth of his skin soaking into hers.

  “I love you too, you know,” she said, snuggling her head into the thick hair of his chest. She liked the way it tickled against her skin.

  “I know, but I love hearing it.”

  “How much time do we have?” she asked, yawning.

  He glanced at his watch. “Thirty minutes. Hey, I have a question.” He maneuvered them on their sides.

  She turned toward him to stare at his face. She loved his bright green eyes and his beard. It was sprinkled with grey, showing his age. She ran her fingers through it and he shut his eyes, a slight smile on his lips. “What did you want to talk about?” she reminded him.

  “I wanted to ask if you always planned on staying here? Or do you want to travel? What are some of your dreams?”

  She sighed, thinking about all the things she wanted to do. “Well, I’ve always wanted to see the world. I want to go to Greece and see Shipwreck Island. I want to go to Spain, Rome, Iceland, Scotland, Ireland, Australia, and Fiji. I want to go everywhere. I want to see everything. Oh, and Paris.”

  He chuckled. “Anywhere, else?”

  “Cuba. Brazil. Oh, Puerto Rico. Aruba! Um, that’s all I can think of right now. Wait, China, and Japan. Okay, now I’m done.”

  “You sure?” he laughed, throwing his arms over his eyes.

  “Maybe. I’ll make a list.” She slapped her hand over his chest.

  He gripped it with his hand and brought it to his mouth. “You do that.”

  His cellphone rang in his pants pocket and he groaned, sliding out of bed and bending over to pick up the phone. “It’s Garrett, I have to take it.”

  “I understand.” She stood and started to get dressed as Josh talked to his friend.

  He had the phone against his shoulder, dancing into his pants. “Right. Seriously? How did you do that already? No kidding? Wow. You are the best! You’re hired. You are hired forever!” Josh threw the phone on the bed, ran up to her and twirled her around in the air.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Remember how I re-opened your case?”

  “Yeah…” She lifted a brow.

  “Well, Garrett said he looked into the company after I texted him the infor
mation and they offered to settle. Other companies are coming forward too after he sent out a mass email to all of his lawyer friends, and their friends, and so on and so forth.”

  “Word of mouth?”

  “Yep. The company is closing. And you just got four million dollars.”

  She stared at him in disbelief, blinking, not saying a word.

  “Uh, Ginger?” He snapped his fingers in front of her. “I know. It’s shocking. I spoke to him earlier today. I didn’t think he would be able to get it done so fast. That was insane. They might go back on their word and we'll have to fight, we'll still have to go to trial. It will be a long process. But we did it. Garrett is sending more details. It’s just verbal, so it kind of means shit, but it’s something.”

  “You did it,” she said, blinking the tears away. “Thank you so much.” She threw her arms around him and cried, sobbing into his shirt as she thought about the relief she felt. All those years….whatever Garrett did really put a flame under their ass. “What do you think he said?”

  “I’m not really sure. I never witnessed him being a lawyer, so he must be cut throat, unless the company had a new person take over, like what happened at Hartline.”

  “I don’t care. I’m glad that it’s all coming to a close.”

  “Me too.” He pushed a piece of hair behind her ear.

  She jumped and ran toward the bedroom door, unlocking it. “I have to tell the boys. You think Heath will come tonight? I really need to tell him.”

  “I have a feeling he will.” Right as the words were out of his mouth, the front door jiggled and she ran to it, flinging it open.

  “Heath!” she screamed, pulling him into a hug. “I missed you.”

  “I’m sorry, Mama.”

  “It’s fine. It’s okay. I have news.”

  “Me too, before we get started. I failed out of med school and Josh hired me as his assistant. I start tomorrow.”

  “What?” Jamal shouted.

  “Uh?” Ginger blinked, confused. He'd always done so well in school.

  “I failed out of med school. I don’t want to do it. I don’t love it. And I don’t know what I want to do for the rest of my life, okay? Josh said he would help me figure it out. I don’t want a lecture, or pressure, or anything like that. I just want to figure out what my niche is.” Heath stood there with his hands in his pockets looking a bit frazzled and nervous.

  Ginger grabbed his hand and stared into his dark hazel eyes that resembled her own. “Listen to me, I wish you would have been honest with me from the beginning, but I understand. I’m not disappointed in you. I want you to figure out life. I want you to make mistakes, feel bad, but at the same time, feel great. I want you to fall in and out of love whether it’s for a career, a hobby, or a person. Don’t make yourself be a doctor, that’s not how great doctors are made. You have to have passion, and baby, doing what you love is much more satisfying than making a lot of money and being stressed out and unhappy. Not everyone figures out what they love so early in life like you brother. It’s okay to take your time. The finish line doesn’t have a deadline. Figure yourself out, and I’ll love you every step of the way.”

  “I love you, Mama. Thank you.” He pulled her into a big hug, and she laughed, patting his back.

  “What I want to know, is how you saw Josh, but you didn’t want to see me.” She put her hands on her hips, cocking her head to the side.

  He smiled, darting his eyes over to Josh. “I don’t know. I just needed someone to talk to so I went there. Glad, too. He gave me a job and helpful advice, just like you did.”

  A soft caress of Josh’s lips touched the top of her head. “I didn’t want you to worry.”

  She couldn’t believe how she'd lucked out with not just one love of her life, but two. And two beautiful sons. Sometimes life was bumpy, and Ginger had hit all the bumps life had to offer, it seemed. But like her son, she'd taken time away and figured herself out. She'd found passion again, found herself again, and now she had a second chance at love.

  She had a second chance at life.

  The end... but wait:

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